• Non ci sono risultati.


Nel documento policy process and the role of donors” (pagine 140-199)

officials, but representative of all stakeholders involved in the implementation of a new policy should participate since its inception (Andrews et al., 2015).

Indeed, unless those supposed to implement and to be affected by a new policy are involved in its formulation, the implementation phase will inevitably be confronted with misunderstanding and obstacles ultimately hampering its success (Boario and Gabusi, 2020).

Third, in light of the considerations of Kelsall et al. (2013) about the likelihoods of developmental outcomes to materialise even in neo-patrimonial contexts, if effective institutions, capable of smartly allocating rents for development purposes are established, the Ethiopian experience might have something to offer to other African countries in their path towards structural transformation. In particular, the strengthening or creation of specialised autonomous bureaucratic bodies, coupled with a bottom-up and inclusive approach to industrial policy design and implementation could make a difference in African countries’ agro-industrialisation processes.

A first example, related to our case study is the extension of the mandate of the Ethiopian Investment Commission to the management of incentives for investors in industrial parks (Whitfield and Zalk, 2020). A second example is the constitution of Regional Industrial Parks Development Corporations, which know better the local realities than the Federal IPDC, and while accountable to regional authorities, enjoy a high marge de manœuvre with respect to operational choices, such as the selection of investors and the negotiation of PPP agreements.

Fourth, promoting economic development and structural transformation means encouraging the growth of value added across several sectors of the economy. The complexity of this task is mirrored in the multifaceted nature of adding-values sectors and activities, which requires the integration of different skill caches and expertise. Economic development thus requires holistic and context specific thinking and relies on a wide array of thoroughly intertwined complementary policy interventions.

As for the case under analysis, it can be said that notwithstanding the change of pace and direction recently undertaken in the implementation of the IAIPs, it is recommended that the Federal Ethiopian government devise a more holistic policy mix: in particular, encompassing all the challenges at all levels related to the creation of adding value activities in sectors such as crop and livestock production, services and agro-processing and accounting for their specific features in the Ethiopian context. In this view, new policy interventions should receive adequate consideration, such as the improvement of the business climate in the agricultural sector, the reform of the agricultural extension system, the coordination between trade and industrial development policies, the design of institutional mechanisms that can better link industries with the pastoralist system of production.

For this to happen, “it is important to identify those institutions and departments dealing with industrial policy design and implementation at all levels of government, i.e. in charge of translating the challenges and priorities into specific tools and targets for intervention” (Ferrannini et al., 2020, p.11) and to involve a broader arrear of actors, such as farmers’

representatives, leaders of pastoral communities, representatives of foreign and domestic investors in a comprehensive multi-stakeholder approach.

Fifth, the process of structural change of the economy associated to high-productivity sectors growth is interrelated with fundamental shifts in living standards, working conditions, employment creation across communities, cities, regions and the nation as a whole (Di Tommaso et al., 2020). In other words, the structure of societies underlying an economy changes as the economy changes. Therefore, successful industrial policy and government intervention on production and industrial dynamics upgrade must be able to acknowledge and “mitigate the potential ecological, economic and social threats to system sustainability that could characterize the process of structural change” (Ferrannini et al., 2020, p.8). As for the specific case of Ethiopia, more attention should be paid in the future to social issues such as decent job conditions, housing and access to utilities and other public services, gender mainstreaming and provision of security for the workforce living around the parks (especially for women). These issues have been entering the policy dialogue in the last year, achieving these results however will require a strong dialogue at grassroot level, further compounding the need for a multi-stakeholder approach.

Sixth, the political events during these last troubled years seem to confirm several insights from the literature on the democratisation process in Africa and on state building in Ethiopia.

As Tronvoll (2020) pointed out, political reforms in Ethiopia have happened very fast and without the right checks and balances in place. In particular, formerly exiled politicians with ethnic divisive agendas have been able to exploit the new political freedom in the absence of adequate control mechanisms: during the last three years political mobilisation around ethnic identity has been on the rise and the country has experienced a recrudescence of ethnic violence (BBC, 2019a; Foreign Policy, 2019a; Foreign Policy 2019c;Al Jazeera, 2020a; Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre web site, 2020). All this reminds us the considerations of van de Walle (2001, 2007) and Poulton (2014) about the potential of democratic reforms in developing countries. Indeed, both authors argued that democratisation in ethnically divided and economically weak contexts are more likely to spur, at least in the short term, political mobilisation around ethnic identity rather than around programmatic lines. Furthermore, both authors recognised that, whilst democratisation should gradually change the dynamics of policymaking,

genuine pro-poor policies tend to emerge only slowly. Other authors, such as Leonard et al. (2010) and Khan (2005) argued that only significant changes in the structure of the society and the economy can bring about the change from clientelism to programmatic politics. Thus, while the reform process in the direction of more political freedom is per se valuable, we should be cautious about its results in the short term.

Another stream of literature, contends that state building in Ethiopia has been characterised by a slow process of conquest and assimilation of the southern, eastern and western parts of the country (encompassing the actual regions of Oromia, SNNPR, Sidama, Somali, Gambella and Benishangul-Gumuz) by the Amhara speaking elite of the northern highlands (Hassen, 1994; Zewde, 2001; Marcus, 2002; Markakis, 2011). This literature highlights as well the centralistic features of the Ethiopian Empire and the Derg regime and contrast them with the federal settlement brought by the EPRDF coalition (Fontrier, 2012). However, Markakis (2011) in his seminal book, “Ethiopia: The Last Two Frontiers”, has pointed at two unsolved political problems in the Ethiopian polity, even under the EPRDF federal settlement: respectively the low integration of the Oromo community (the biggest in the country) in the national policymaking process (the first frontier) and the lack of understanding by the highland elites of the lowland realities (encompassing the pastoral areas of Oromia, Somali, Gambella, Benishangul-Gumuz and SNNPR) (the second frontier).

The national - regional debate is considered by some analysists (Foreign Policy, 2020i; World Politics Review, 2020; Al Jazeera, 2020d) at the centre of the political frictions between the new PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed and its Prosperity Party, which tend to utilise a national discourse, and political parties such as the OLF and the TPLF, which have instead a strong regional agenda. In our view, finding the right balance between national and regional powers and the right institutional mechanisms for integrating previously neglected communities is probably a pre-condition for effective democratic reforms in the country.

Finally, while assessing the impact of the new economic reforms is a premature exercise, some preliminary considerations can be made.

The Ethiopian “Home Grown Economic Reform Programme” is well aligned to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund recommendations over the last decade for improving the country’s economic performance. In particular, the emphasis on the role of the private sector, the movement towards a more flexible exchange rate system, the opening of the telecommunication sector and the financial deepening are all part of the reform package. However, similarly to the case of the political reforms, the economic transformation is happening without a clear timeline and there is still no clear framework with milestones, indicators and targets to track the

reform process and its impact. Moreover, a structured dialogue with the private sector as the driving force of the economy has not yet emerged, thus weakening a key principle of the reforms.

Here, once again and at a larger scale, more efforts are needed in order to involve all relevant stakeholders in a truly participatory policy process.


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