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Convology in PuffBot

6.2 Convology

6.2.1 Convology in PuffBot

The main goal of PuffBot is to perform a real-time inference of the UserSta-tus through a set of Questions. Since multi-turn conversation are hard to handle, in order to make possible to track different session simultaneously, the concept of Dialog were exploited, each of them identified by Convology

6 – Use case

Figure 6.6: A hierarchical view of Convology.

with a unique identifier. In this way a fast and easy data retrieval is possi-ble during reasoning time. When PuffBot detects a known intent, an Intent instance is created inside the knowledge base, which triggers the reasoner to decide the next DialogAction to perform. For example, a possible action is to ask a further question to the user, in order to better understand, with higher accuracy, the UserStatus. Once PuffBot classifies the status of the user with a certain confidence, the reasoner triggers the dispatch of an ad-vice to the user, consisting in a status summary. This adad-vice is typically an instance of the Feedback concept.

Figure (6.7) briefly describes an example of the reasoning process with Convology. The red circles represents the detection of UserEvent con-cepts triggered by the user answers. Each UserEvent is then linked to the correspondent Intent recognized by the Natural Language Understand-ing module (which is not part of Convology). The link (green arrows) be-tween an UserEvent and and Intent is the hasRelevantIntent property of the UserEvent. The tables in the right part of the image represents the User-Status which are LowRisk, MediumRisk and HighRisk. Each UserStatus is characterized by a series of symptomps, defined by domain experts. Each detected Intent is related to a particular symptom through the activate ob-ject property. Finally the SPARQL-based reasoner starts and tries to infer the status of the user. If the information are not enough, the reasoner tries to infer the next DialogAction to continue the conversation.

6 – Use case

Figure 6.7: Reasoning example in Convology.

Chapter 7


In this work, it is proposed an overview of the major Deep Learning tech-niques in modern Natural Language Processing. Recurrent Neural Net-works are going, by now, to be replaced by attention based models like Transformer. New models like BERT start a new era of Transfer Learn-ing comparable to the one Computer Vision had in the past 5 years. This new trend opens different scenarios where voice search technologies will re-place most of today textual searches. To empowering this new technology, a great breakthrough in the field of Natural Language Understanding has to be done. The scenario taken into consideration in this work is the one involving a multi-turn conversational paradigm. Such paradigm consists in a simulation of a real conversation between humans, where different utter-ances can be exchanged in order to fulfill a desired goal. Such paradigm is not trivial to handle because it requires to solve a lot of open questions for the understanding field. For instance the coreference resolution have to be done easily, together with the carry of the dialogue context through the conversation.

To analyze this paradigm from a more practical perspective, some approxi-mations of the real world were done. The entire conversation was divided in subsections called sessions. Each session is characterized by a single intent to be fulfilled through a single action on a knowledge base, a structured representations for data which enables dialogue tracking, fast data retrieval and reasoning processes. Then a model to classify these sessions was pro-posed. MTSI-BERT is a joint model, based on BERT, for intent and action classification within a dialogue session and end-of-session detection. Such model have reached very good results on KVRET dataset, a dataset con-taining some dialogues between a driver and an integrated car assistant.

Thus providing a fertile soil for further studies. Finally an use case was de-scribed. PuffBot is a chatbot for helping and monitoring asthma suffering

7 – Conclusions

children. It is based on a multi-turn scenario and it has a knowledge base for saving all the status information about the patient, in order to infer its emergency code and support him accordingly. A little prototype and an architecture proposal to make it work on Telegram have been made.

This work was only the starting point for my studies in this new and exciting area. Future studies will cover other aspects of Natural Language Under-standing field. MTSI-BERT can be improved by integrating, together with the other already studied tasks, the Name Entity Recognition, actually per-formed via spaCy. Many open questions are still opened for which this work did not have the presumption to answer. This work not focused on the way to correctly formulate a response for the user. The session classification was done by assuming correct agent response. Anyway wrong agent replies will affect the way this model performs and could lead to unwanted sys-tem behaviour. The agent reply must not only be grammatically correct, but it needs to be also semantically coherent. A way to generate a natural language text given some constraints (e.g. the knowledge base features ex-tracted after the reasoning process) has already to be studied. A dialogue tracker system has also to be implemented. Another core problem in such scenario is to find a way, for the agent, to carry on the conversation dynam-ically if some information is still missing. This maybe could be the most important module to design.

A lot of work still have to be done, in order to allow Conversational AI to handle goal-oriented multi-turn conversations, anyway, as always, the best has yet to come.


Artifial Neural Networks A family of architectures consisting in several logistic regression that works as a chain. They are inspired by human neurons behaviours..

Artificial Intelligence A family of techniques aim to simulate human in-telligence to produce smarter algorithm..

BERT A huge stack of Transformer encoders trained on MLM and next sentence prediction tasks by Google AI. It produces contextual em-bedding task and it is used for fine-tuning tasks..

Deep Learning A family of machine learning algorithm raised in the last years. They are based on deep neural network architectures. These architecture can reach even more than 100 layers and requires great computational resources..

Encoder-Decoder A deep learning architecture for sequence-to-sequence composed by two fundamental modules. The encoder encodes the source sequence at a more abstract way. The decoder produces the target sequence starting from the representation produced by the en-coder..

Language Model A NLP task aiming at predicting the next word in a sequence, given all the preceding ones..

Machine Learning A types of algorithms belonging to AI family which aim is to allow machines to learn a task, without explicit programming them..

Machine Neural Translation The task of translating a sentence from a source language to a target one by exploiting neural network tech-niques..

Masked Language Model A variant of LM whose aim is to predict a word inside a sequence taking in consideration both the right and the left context..

n-gram An n-gram is a contiguous and ordered sequence of n items from a bigger sample of text..

Natural Language Understanding An NLP task whose aim is to make


machines able to understand human language..

NLP Natural Language Processing is a field of AI aiming to give to ma-chines the ability to work with human language..

Recurrent Neural Networks A family of neural networks architectures aiming to model time sequences. They exploit both the current input and the previous history..

Sequence-to-Sequence The task of associating a sequence of objects to another sequence of objects. An example could the machine transla-tion..

Transformer A encoder-decoder architecture based on attention mecha-nisms, without any recurrent unit. It was originally introduced for translation tasks..


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