• Non ci sono risultati.

6 Conclusions

Causal inference in time series settings is a challenging task, partly because a simple associ-ation may be easily mistaken for a causal nexus and partly due to serial dependence, which brings additional difficulties during the estimation process. Moreover, in a panel setting where a treatment assigned to some units affects the others (a situation known as “interference”), inferring a causal effect is particularly demanding.

Having its roots in the potential outcomes framework, we believe that the RCM can aid the estimation of causal effects in such settings. Indeed, the RCM allows the construction of “what if” scenarios and sets the theoretical foundations underneath the attribution of the uncovered effect to a specific intervention. In particular, in this research we analyzed three situations that researchers and practitioners commonly encounter in a time series analysis: i) a single intervention occurring simultaneously on multiple non-interfering series; ii) multiple time series subject to a simultaneous treatment that, due to cross-unit interactions, may affect other series that were not intervened on; iii) multiple interventions on a single time series.

We first introduced a common causal framework building the theoretical foundations for a causal analysis under the RCM; we then defined new classes of causal estimands in each of the three settings and we proposed to estimate them using two novel methodologies: C-ARIMA and CausalMBSTS. The C-ARIMA approach can successfully estimate the effect of an intervention on a single time series as well as on multiple non-interfering series. Indeed, with a simulation study we showed that it performs well compared to a standard intervention analysis method in a situation where the effect takes the form of a fixed change in the level of the outcome; it also outperforms the latter when the effects are irregular and time-varying. Instead, CausalMBSTS can estimate the heterogeneous causal effect of an intervention in a panel setting where the time series interact with one another. Based on multivariate Bayesian models, it is a flexible methodology that allows to model the dependence structure between the time series in a very natural way, whilst enabling variable selection (via the addition of a spike-and-slab prior) and validation (by posterior predictive checks). Finally, we showed how to extend the C-ARIMA approach for the estimation of the heterogeneous causal effects of multiple interventions occurring on a single time series. We also applied the proposed C-ARIMA and CausalMBSTS approaches to evaluate the effect of a permanent price reduction introduced by a supermarket chain in Italy on a selected subset of store brands. Then, we used C-ARIMA in a multi-intervention setting to investigate the impact of the first two regulated Bitcoin futures on Bitcoin volatility and daily transaction volumes.

This research brings both methodological and empirical contributions, introducing two novel approaches to infer causal effects in complex time series settings and showing that the proposed methodologies can be employed in several fields of research, including marketing and finance.

We also believe that this research provides several advances to the existing inferential methods

under the RCM. Indeed, recent extensions of the RCM to observational panel studies (i.e., synthetic control methods) mostly focus on a situation where the time series do not interact with one another and they also involve inferential tools that are not usually employed in stan-dard time series analysis. Conversely, the C-ARIMA approach allows the estimation of causal effects under the RCM with standard tools that are extensively used by econometricians and practitioners in many fields. Furthermore, with CausalMBSTS we extended synthetic control methods to a setting with interference and, to foster the adoption of this method by a broad range of researchers, we also released an R package that handles both the definition and the estimation of the multivariate model. By making causal inference tools accessible to a vast audience, we hope we can facilitate the understanding of causal relationships and, in turn, decision making based on solid foundations.



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A.1 Additional tables

Tables 13 and 14report the results of the estimated C-ARIMA models in the pre-intervention period for, respectively, store and competitor brands.

Tables 15 and 16 report the estimated marginal effect as defined in (19) and the estimated conditional effect ˆτ¯t((1, 1), (0, 1)). Tables17and18display the results of the trend and seasonal model estimated using a set of covariates with, respectively, the price difference and the price ratio.

Table19shows the results of alternative C-ARIMA models fitted on the Garman-Klass volatility proxy without regressors. Finally, Table 20reports the Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients and the Spearman’s rho of the covariates included in the Bitcoin application.


Table13:Storebrands.Estimatedcoefficientsand(standarderrorsinparentheses)oftheC-ARIMAmodelsfittedtothe11storebrands inthepre-interventionperiod.Thedependentvariableisthedailysalescountsofeachproductinlogscale. Dependentvariable: Item1Item2Item3Item4Item5Item6Item7Item8Item9Item10Item11 φ10.863∗∗∗0.865∗∗∗0.833∗∗∗0.496∗∗∗0.867∗∗∗0.890∗∗∗0.828∗∗∗0.949∗∗∗0.839∗∗∗0.364∗∗∗0.951∗∗∗ (0.035)(0.037)(0.047)(0.053)(0.037)(0.032)(0.042)(0.034)(0.050)(0.053)(0.039) φ20.221∗∗∗0.177∗∗ (0.052)(0.055) φ30.216∗∗∗ (0.054) θ10.323∗∗∗0.340∗∗∗0.348∗∗∗0.251∗∗0.458∗∗∗0.1910.509∗∗∗0.476∗∗∗0.841∗∗∗ (0.065)(0.074)(0.086)(0.082)(0.063)(0.080)(0.076)(0.085)(0.072) θ20.212∗∗ (0.074) Φ10.1200.1130.203∗∗∗0.260∗∗∗0.235∗∗∗0.234∗∗∗0.240∗∗∗0.1240.774∗∗∗0.688∗∗∗ (0.056)(0.057)(0.055)(0.053)(0.056)(0.057)(0.059)(0.059)(0.204)(0.146) Θ10.181∗∗0.682∗∗0.503∗∗ (0.058)(0.231)(0.172) c7.131∗∗∗6.767∗∗∗6.995∗∗∗7.912∗∗∗7.113∗∗∗6.535∗∗∗7.740∗∗∗7.800∗∗∗6.876∗∗∗6.312∗∗∗6.711∗∗∗ (0.167)(0.167)(0.159)(0.152)(0.072)(0.107)(0.099)(0.063)(0.025)(0.110)(0.044) price1.721∗∗∗1.441∗∗∗1.656∗∗∗2.218∗∗∗1.433∗∗∗1.841∗∗∗1.423∗∗∗2.316∗∗∗1.727∗∗∗2.118∗∗∗1.175∗∗∗ (0.356)(0.355)(0.339)(0.288)(0.287)(0.304)(0.281)(0.116)(0.117)(0.176)(0.177) hol0.176∗∗∗0.165∗∗∗0.168∗∗∗0.160∗∗∗0.174∗∗∗0.162∗∗∗0.162∗∗∗0.164∗∗∗0.163∗∗∗0.0760.208∗∗∗ (0.033)(0.033)(0.034)(0.029)(0.027)(0.033)(0.027)(0.023)(0.026)(0.035)(0.028) Dec.Sun0.323∗∗∗0.369∗∗∗0.306∗∗∗0.292∗∗∗0.379∗∗∗0.411∗∗∗0.367∗∗∗0.327∗∗∗0.390∗∗∗0.1910.374∗∗∗ (0.063)(0.062)(0.069)(0.063)(0.056)(0.067)(0.054)(0.053)(0.051)(0.075)(0.072) Sat0.265∗∗∗0.243∗∗∗0.248∗∗∗0.276∗∗∗0.293∗∗∗0.277∗∗∗0.292∗∗∗0.223∗∗∗0.214∗∗∗0.135∗∗∗0.162∗∗∗ (0.024)(0.024)(0.028)(0.026)(0.022)(0.026)(0.021)(0.021)(0.020)(0.035)(0.036) Sun1.291∗∗∗1.355∗∗∗1.321∗∗∗1.213∗∗∗1.140∗∗∗1.261∗∗∗1.173∗∗∗1.203∗∗∗1.291∗∗∗1.398∗∗∗1.514∗∗∗ (0.028)(0.027)(0.031)(0.029)(0.026)(0.029)(0.025)(0.025)(0.022)(0.037)(0.036) Mon0.135∗∗∗0.188∗∗∗0.163∗∗∗0.175∗∗∗0.0100.0620.0370.093∗∗∗0.123∗∗∗0.139∗∗∗0.222∗∗∗ (0.028)(0.028)(0.032)(0.030)(0.026)(0.029)(0.026)(0.025)(0.022)(0.035)(0.036) Tue0.225∗∗∗0.263∗∗∗0.271∗∗∗0.251∗∗∗0.170∗∗∗0.233∗∗∗0.207∗∗∗0.200∗∗∗0.226∗∗∗0.229∗∗∗0.305∗∗∗ (0.028)(0.028)(0.032)(0.030)(0.026)(0.029)(0.026)(0.025)(0.022)(0.035)(0.036) Wed0.247∗∗∗0.250∗∗∗0.266∗∗∗0.271∗∗∗0.209∗∗∗0.243∗∗∗0.232∗∗∗0.249∗∗∗0.266∗∗∗0.262∗∗∗0.312∗∗∗ (0.027)(0.027)(0.030)(0.028)(0.025)(0.028)(0.025)(0.025)(0.021)(0.037)(0.036) Thr0.218∗∗∗0.218∗∗∗0.207∗∗∗0.239∗∗∗0.201∗∗∗0.211∗∗∗0.210∗∗∗0.234∗∗∗0.230∗∗∗0.249∗∗∗0.258∗∗∗ (0.024)(0.024)(0.028)(0.026)(0.022)(0.026)(0.021)(0.021)(0.020)(0.035)(0.036) Observations386386386386386386386386386386386 σ20.0220.0220.0220.0170.0140.0220.0140.0110.0130.0270.017 AkaikeInf.Crit.-355.744-358.769-352.505-453.681-519.897-366.579-539.814-620.166-577.969-282.397-460.103 Note:·p<0.1;p<0.05;∗∗p<0.01;∗∗∗p<0.001

Table14:Competitorbrands.Estimatedcoefficientsand(standarderrorsinparentheses)oftheC-ARIMAmodelsfittedtothe10 competitorbrandsinthepre-interventionperiod.Thedependentvariableisthedailysalescountsofeachproductinlogscale. Dependentvariable: Item1Item2Item3Item4Item5Item6Item7Item8Item9Item10 φ10.442∗∗∗0.959∗∗∗0.949∗∗∗0.0900.876∗∗∗0.973∗∗∗1.800∗∗∗0.939∗∗∗0.855∗∗∗0.786∗∗∗ (0.026)(0.014)(0.016)(0.043)(0.053)(0.157)(0.088)(0.028)(0.034)(0.083) φ20.349∗∗∗0.850∗∗∗0.161∗∗0.0750.821∗∗∗ (0.026)(0.038)(0.054)(0.130)(0.081) φ30.915∗∗∗ (0.023) θ11.402∗∗∗0.940∗∗∗0.408∗∗0.768∗∗∗0.566∗∗∗0.239∗∗∗0.514∗∗∗ (0.013)(0.047)(0.142)(0.109)(0.068)(0.068)(0.120) θ21.000∗∗∗0.117. (0.014)(0.070) Φ10.1080.907∗∗∗0.224∗∗∗0.162∗∗0.852∗∗∗0.281∗∗∗ (0.054)(0.030)(0.054)(0.053)(0.088)(0.053) Θ11.000∗∗∗0.779∗∗∗ (0.021)(0.103) c8.292∗∗∗7.862∗∗∗7.828∗∗∗8.335∗∗∗8.873∗∗∗8.380∗∗∗10.189∗∗∗7.029∗∗∗6.773∗∗∗6.327∗∗∗ (0.299)(0.297)(0.150)(0.162)(0.137)(0.127)(0.292)(0.048)(0.050)(0.108) price2.459∗∗∗2.350∗∗∗2.074∗∗∗2.193∗∗∗2.210∗∗∗2.257∗∗∗3.742∗∗∗1.490∗∗∗1.308∗∗∗2.499∗∗∗ (0.163)(0.124)(0.135)(0.130)(0.139)(0.121)(0.286)(0.089)(0.127)(0.220) hol0.1450.161∗∗∗0.0990.154∗∗∗0.107∗∗0.155∗∗∗0.1380.178∗∗∗0.131∗∗∗0.165∗∗∗ (0.059)(0.044)(0.048)(0.045)(0.033)(0.029)(0.062)(0.025)(0.029)(0.038) Dec.Sun0.411∗∗∗0.538∗∗∗0.446∗∗∗0.515∗∗∗0.431∗∗∗0.379∗∗∗0.363∗∗∗0.413∗∗∗0.338∗∗∗0.437∗∗∗ (0.093)(0.076)(0.068)(0.085)(0.057)(0.056)(0.095)(0.046)(0.063)(0.069) Sat0.323∗∗∗0.262∗∗∗0.272∗∗∗0.244∗∗∗0.322∗∗∗0.357∗∗∗0.315∗∗∗0.216∗∗∗0.263∗∗∗0.215∗∗∗ (0.036)(0.030)(0.013)(0.034)(0.024)(0.027)(0.037)(0.018)(0.025)(0.027) Sun0.984∗∗∗1.143∗∗∗1.083∗∗∗1.351∗∗∗1.011∗∗∗0.992∗∗∗1.057∗∗∗1.303∗∗∗1.288∗∗∗1.303∗∗∗ (0.047)(0.039)(0.018)(0.045)(0.034)(0.031)(0.050)(0.020)(0.030)(0.029) Mon0.1060.182∗∗∗0.172∗∗∗0.199∗∗∗0.0500.085∗∗0.0170.117∗∗∗0.119∗∗∗0.119∗∗∗ (0.051)(0.042)(0.018)(0.048)(0.037)(0.032)(0.054)(0.020)(0.031)(0.029) Tue0.254∗∗∗0.240∗∗∗0.266∗∗∗0.267∗∗∗0.206∗∗∗0.241∗∗∗0.166∗∗0.208∗∗∗0.231∗∗∗0.229∗∗∗ (0.051)(0.042)(0.018)(0.048)(0.037)(0.032)(0.054)(0.020)(0.031)(0.029) Wed0.237∗∗∗0.222∗∗∗0.284∗∗∗0.285∗∗∗0.197∗∗∗0.254∗∗∗0.218∗∗∗0.237∗∗∗0.242∗∗∗0.270∗∗∗ (0.046)(0.039)(0.016)(0.044)(0.033)(0.030)(0.049)(0.020)(0.029)(0.028) Thr0.208∗∗∗0.182∗∗∗0.220∗∗∗0.237∗∗∗0.187∗∗∗0.232∗∗∗0.200∗∗∗0.196∗∗∗0.219∗∗∗0.234∗∗∗ (0.036)(0.030)(0.012)(0.034)(0.024)(0.027)(0.037)(0.018)(0.025)(0.027) Observations386386385386386386386386386386 σ20.0800.0460.0490.0440.0210.0170.0940.0130.0170.027 AkaikeInf.Crit.150.457-66.040-33.990-85.448-372.686-451.392207.605-575.002-449.421-281.026 Note:·p<0.1;p<0.05;∗∗p<0.01;∗∗∗p<0.001


Table 15: Posterior mean and 95% credible intervals of the temporal average mean marginal causal effect of the new price policy on the ten store brands computed at three time horizons. In this table, ˆ¯

τt stands for the mean marginal effect ˆτ¯t(s, 4). There is evidence of a causal effect when the credible intervals do not include zero.

Time horizon:

1 month 3 months 6 months


τt 2.5% 97.5% ˆ¯τt 2.5% 97.5% ˆ¯τt 2.5% 97.5%

1 3.53 −12.27 19.33 2.39 −21.98 26.88 3.55 −32.92 39.98

2 3.55 −7.39 14.51 2.51 −15.09 19.39 3.34 −22.05 29.27

3 4.02 −7.00 16.14 2.71 −15.91 20.70 3.97 −24.13 31.25

4 24.06 2.07 49.43 11.58 −26.51 50.12 12.22 −46.22 68.82

5 1.98 −24.69 28.29 3.73 −40.92 48.08 5.74 −60.05 73.52

6 4.85 −7.97 17.53 5.94 −14.73 26.51 6.78 −24.61 38.53

7 39.19 0.04 77.11 17.33 −40.86 76.01 14.84 −74.46 102.94

8 12.67 −14.32 39.30 11.71 −34.58 54.99 8.63 −57.56 73.01

9 20.46 −9.44 50.67 8.19 −39.87 57.46 6.44 −65.70 82.99

10 6.26 0.52 11.98 4.86 −4.22 14.22 2.72 −11.39 16.84

Table 16: Posterior mean and 95% credible intervals of the temporal average conditional causal effect of the new price policy on the ten store brands computed at three time horizons. In this table, ˆ¯

τt stands for the conditional effect ˆτ¯t((1, 1), (0, 1)). There is evidence of a causal effect when the credible intervals do not include zero.

Time horizon:

1 month 3 months 6 months


τt 2.5% 97.5% τˆ¯t 2.5% 97.5% ˆ¯τt 2.5% 97.5%

(1) s 0.09 −0.14 0.39 0.11 −0.14 0.38 0.12 −0.12 0.37

c −0.34 −1.68 0.75 −0.63 −1.64 0.78 −0.78 −1.55 0.64

(2) s 0.08 −0.12 0.30 0.10 −0.14 0.31 0.11 −0.10 0.29

c −0.30 −0.86 0.34 −0.54 −0.93 0.34 −0.65 −0.74 0.24

(3) s 0.11 −0.15 0.36 0.12 −0.12 0.36 0.11 −0.09 0.35

c −0.22 −0.79 0.67 −0.37 −0.94 0.58 −0.21 −0.74 0.23

(4) s 0.28 −0.97 1.50 0.50 −0.92 1.62 0.71 −0.47 4.17

c −1.04 −3.92 2.64 −2.13 −4.18 2.36 −3.22 −19.10 1.11

(5) s −0.15 −2.69 4.01 −0.12 −7.83 1.30 −0.27 −23.15 1.39

c −0.08 −2.48 2.53 −0.08 −2.73 2.67 −0.07 −2.23 3.66

(6) s 0.17 −0.28 0.57 0.12 −0.31 0.67 −0.02 −0.27 0.55

c −0.34 −1.62 0.84 −0.31 −1.90 0.73 −0.29 −1.50 0.70

(7) s 0.20 −1.16 1.60 0.21 −1.14 1.62 0.20 −1.15 1.63

c −1.09 −21.89 18.58 −1.46 −21.83 18.40 −1.26 −22.02 18.63

(8) s 0.12 −2.75 2.79 0.09 −4.46 4.22 0.18 −6.69 7.86

c −0.02 −12.99 14.38 0.15 −19.31 23.83 −0.31 −39.60 32.96

(9) s 0.64 −42.52 43.54 1.00 −70.38 78.18 0.81 −106.58 119.18

c −0.29 −45.17 44.19 −0.25 −74.86 72.15 0.28 −112.62 115.76

(10) s 0.09 −2.76 3.08 0.08 −5.16 4.39 0.13 −7.60 7.00

c 0.04 −5.83 6.93 0.07 −8.62 10.90 −0.02 −17.00 16.37

Table 17: Temporal average general causal effects of the new price policy on the ten store (s) -competitor (c) pairs computed at three time horizons. In this table, ˆ¯τt stands for the general effect ˆ¯

τt((1, 0), (0, 0)) and the results are obtained including in the set of covariates the difference in price between the store and competitor brand prior to the intervention (in the post-intervention period the difference in price is computed from the prior price).

1 month 3 months 6 months


τt 2.5% 97.5% ˆ¯τt 2.5% 97.5% τˆ¯t 2.5% 97.5%

(1) s 7.86 -22.72 39.39 6.01 -44.36 54.53 8.69 -62.66 81.65

c 24.76 -101.23 154.16 18.14 -189.20 223.43 7.94 -299.89 322.01

(2) s 6.32 -15.06 27.87 4.64 -27.51 36.56 5.78 -43.30 55.55

c 14.36 -65.53 97.56 8.08 -129.50 142.40 -1.55 -206.59 198.41

(3) s 7.74 -15.37 31.07 5.76 -32.76 40.91 8.98 -45.53 64.71

c 17.60 -60.32 98.08 12.58 -116.06 142.92 6.48 -182.11 198.27 (4) s 47.39 0.94 96.95 23.29 -49.15 104.14 24.21 -88.64 136.26 c 31.44 -74.80 140.15 23.04 -156.67 205.96 14.52 -259.18 280.48 (5) s 4.51 -46.29 57.07 8.11 -75.41 91.55 13.40 -108.70 136.45 c 48.56 -55.74 160.97 18.78 -155.55 199.51 11.59 -255.06 276.53 (6) s 10.05 -14.63 35.36 12.24 -28.79 54.40 14.69 -45.35 76.51 c 25.66 -39.05 92.53 7.03 -101.58 117.02 5.53 -159.96 167.62 (7) s 80.83 6.45 158.56 38.12 -82.24 154.90 34.47 -137.44 209.06 c 184.75 -216.88 596.71 106.78 -553.29 757.07 92.10 -904.77 1086.75 (8) s 25.29 -25.76 77.12 23.02 -62.62 103.02 14.70 -111.95 135.90

c 15.27 -14.96 45.95 5.17 -44.71 53.87 3.01 -68.34 73.61

(9) s 41.09 -8.93 89.23 16.95 -61.21 99.53 13.91 -102.74 132.98 c 18.71 -30.61 71.21 2.68 -77.27 80.47 3.93 -114.88 122.98

(10) s 12.16 1.06 23.02 9.42 -8.54 26.50 5.12 -21.80 32.30

c -0.21 -8.89 8.87 1.64 -13.12 17.01 3.64 -17.52 24.97

Table 18: Temporal average general causal effects of the new price policy on the ten store (s) -competitor (c) pairs computed at three time horizons. In this table, ˆ¯τt stands for the general effect ˆ¯

τt((1, 0), (0, 0)) and the results are obtained including in the set of covariates the price ratio between the store and competitor brand prior to the intervention (in the post-intervention period the ratio is computed from the prior price).

1 month 3 months 6 months


τt 2.5% 97.5% ˆ¯τt 2.5% 97.5% ˆ¯τt 2.5% 97.5%

(1) s 7.86 -23.99 40.25 5.57 -43.61 56.18 7.60 -65.59 81.24

c 24.24 -103.31 149.08 18.24 -190.07 236.58 9.94 -302.70 321.87

(2) s 6.29 -15.08 27.85 4.58 -28.01 36.62 5.78 -43.58 55.33

c 14.43 -65.19 97.88 8.04 -129.58 142.52 -1.94 -206.72 198.81

(3) s 7.69 -15.61 31.11 5.69 -33.02 41.00 8.94 -45.58 65.00

c 17.67 -60.31 98.22 12.55 -116.11 142.85 6.40 -182.21 198.30 (4) s 47.59 -1.43 95.37 23.49 -52.91 99.97 26.11 -85.00 143.55 c 30.86 -76.21 142.37 21.79 -156.22 203.90 12.56 -247.89 285.21 (5) s 4.93 -45.95 56.46 8.44 -74.91 93.47 13.63 -107.63 138.26 c 48.63 -58.86 160.54 18.78 -161.04 203.72 11.66 -267.79 280.47

(6) s 9.89 -14.74 34.85 12.05 -29.01 54.04 14.37 -46.42 75.06

c 25.76 -38.76 92.99 7.05 -100.67 117.62 5.59 -155.74 167.47 (7) s 80.67 1.53 161.11 36.73 -84.22 156.80 31.45 -150.41 207.70 c 183.01 -222.65 583.47 108.84 -559.14 799.66 102.14 -892.35 1113.15 (8) s 23.54 -28.05 73.80 22.06 -59.32 103.49 14.64 -113.07 140.54

c 14.98 -15.50 44.80 4.46 -44.03 53.53 2.35 -69.75 75.51

(9) s 41.00 -7.02 87.54 16.93 -64.31 97.09 14.35 -106.63 136.62 c 18.68 -32.60 69.15 2.66 -82.03 83.46 4.81 -113.13 120.65

(10) s 12.50 1.45 23.71 9.62 -9.64 27.65 5.07 -23.35 31.58

c -0.11 -9.77 9.72 1.72 -13.10 16.31 3.77 -18.52 25.31

Table 19: Estimated coefficients (standard errors in parentheses) of alternative C-ARIMA models fitted on Garman-Klass volatility proxy (in log scale) up to the day before each intervention. In this table, ˆτ(m) indicates the estimated contemporaneous effect of each announcement; ˆτ is the average¯ contemporaneous effect; ˆ¯τ(CBOE) is the temporal average pointwise effect of the CBOE future; and, ˆ¯

τt(CM E) is the temporal average pointwise effect of the CME futures at 1-week, 2-weeks and 3-weeks horizons (indicated with t = 7, t = 14 and t = 21).

Dependent variable:

Ann.1 Ann.2 Ann.3 Ann.4 CBOE CME

φ1 1.223∗∗∗ 1.214∗∗∗ 1.224∗∗∗ 1.222∗∗∗ 1.223∗∗∗ 1.214∗∗∗

(0.059) (0.057) (0.056) (0.056) (0.059) (0.057)

φ2 −0.256∗∗∗ −0.246∗∗∗ −0.254∗∗∗ −0.252∗∗∗ −0.256∗∗∗ −0.246∗∗∗

(0.051) (0.049) (0.048) (0.049) (0.051) (0.049)

θ1 −0.776∗∗∗ −0.774∗∗∗ −0.783∗∗∗ −0.781∗∗∗ −0.776∗∗∗ −0.774∗∗∗

(0.047) (0.045) (0.044) (0.044) (0.047) (0.045)

c −3.804∗∗∗ −3.769∗∗∗ −3.745∗∗∗ −3.742∗∗∗ −3.804∗∗∗ −3.769∗∗∗

(0.100) (0.099) (0.102) (0.102) (0.100) (0.099)


τ(m) −0.52 −0.05 0.43 −0.32

(0.51) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50)


τ −0.11

(0.25) ˆ¯

τ(CBOE) −0.24

(0.38) ˆ¯

τt=7(CM E) 0.80∗∗

(0.38) ˆ¯

τt=14(CM E) 0.78∗∗

(0.37) ˆ¯

τt=21CM E 0.71


Observations 1,153 1,243 1,274 1,277 1,153 1,243

σ2 0.257 0.252 0.254 0.255 0.257 0.252

Akaike Inf. Crit. 1,710.446 1,820.362 1,877.940 1,883.982 1,710.446 1,820.362

Note: ·p<0.1;p<0.05;∗∗p<0.01;∗∗∗p<0.001

Table20:Pearson’slinearcorrelationcoefficient(uppertriangular)andSpearman’srho(lowertriangular)betweenGarman-Klassvolatility(GK)andthe covariatesincludedintheanalysis,computedintheperiodbeforethefirstintervention. GKeurusdvolmxwovolmxefvolshcvoleurusdmxwomxefshcm1inflationgdpmidratehashtot.btchalv GK0.06-0.04- eurusdvol0.040.470.430.350.03-0.03-0.05-0.02-0.030.01-0.000.05-0.04-0.07-0.16 mxwovol-0.060.440.670.270.02-0.10-0.11-0.07-0.03-0.04-0.000.04-0.04-0.06-0.28 mxefvol-0.050.410.630.370.00-0.07-0.09-0.08-0.00-0.02-0.050.06-0.02-0.01-0.22 shcvol0.020.370.300.39-0.03-0.05-0.09-0.120.02-0.01-0.04-0.03-0.010.04-0.55 eurusd0. mxwo0.04-0.01-0.10-0.04- mxef0.02-0.02-0.08-0.06-0.09-0.040.520.36-0.02- shc0.000.01-0.03-0.01-0.04- m1-0.01-0.04- inflation0.000.00-0.01-0.04- gdp0.000.000.00-0.05-0.05-0.08- midrate0. hash0.02-0.03-0.02-0.01-0.02-0.01-0.000.00-0.04-0.030.01-0.01-0.080.08-0.00 tot.btc-0.00-0.06-0.07- halv-0.01-0.20-0.32-0.25-0.580.040.030.08-0.04-0.020.02-0.010.05-0.010.03

Documenti correlati