• Non ci sono risultati.

Embedding of the observables in the Atiyah algebroid . 145

3.3 Transitive multisymplectic group actions on spheres

4.1.2 Embedding of the observables in the Atiyah algebroid . 145

manifold (prequantizable in some sense), taken together with the corresponding Poisson algebra of observables (C(M), {·, ·}), a Hilbert C-vector space H, taken together with the algebra of self-adjoint operators on H.

If one understands states of a classical mechanical system as points on a (finite dimensional) manifold M, the corresponding "quantum" states will be vectors of an (infinite dimensional) complex vector spaces H with unitary norm. The keypoint is the linearity of H. This property provides a framework making possible to encompass the phenomenon of "superposition of states". In particular, given ϕ ∈ H, the vectors eϕrepresents the same "physical state" for any λ ∈ R.

Once this point is clear, the reason why we have named "prequantization" the act of associating a S1-bundle P over M should begin to emerge. Intuitively, a S1 bundle over M is the attachment of a 1-dimensional circle to any classical state p ∈ M. On the other hand, it is well-known that S1 is diffeomorphic to the unitary circle in the complex plane C, i.e. the Lie group U(1). Hence points in P can be seen as classical states taken together with a certain phase factor e∈C.

Nevertheless, being P a generic smooth manifold, is not yet the sought linear space. According to the (KKS) procedure, the prequantum Hilbert space is represented by a certain subclass of complex-valued smooth function over P. Furthermore, being possible to regard vector fields on P as derivations C(P ) → C(P ), the images of the morphism given in equation (4.4) can be seen as prequantum versions of the classical observables of C(M), hence the name "prequantization map"4. We do not insist here on further details and we refer the interested reader to the fundamental manuals of geometric quantization [Bry93] and [Woo97]. We only stress that what we loosely described here are quantization schemes for ordinary, i.e. point-like, mechanical systems.

The mathematical foundation of quantization procedures for ∞-dimensional mechanical systems, i.e. field theories, is still largely incomplete.

Lemma 4.1.13 says that AP fits in a short exact sequence of Lie algebroids

0 R AP T M 0

where R denotes the trivial rank-1 bundle5 over M (a bundle of Abelian Lie algebras, with the constant section 1 mapping to E ∈ Γ(AP)) and the second map is the anchor. A principal connection θ on P provides a linear splitting of the above short exact sequence.

Lemma 4.1.23 (T M ⊕ R is isomorphic to AP). Let be π : P → M a S1 -principal bundle. Consider a connection 1-form θ. There is an isomorphism of vector bundles

σθ: T M ⊕ R AP


 vHθ+ c · E


where the superscript Hθ denotes the horizontal lift on vectors and E is the fundamental vector field of the generator 1 in the Lie algebra of S1.

Remark 4.1.24 (Recovering the standard ω-twisted Lie algebroid). Considering the inverse of the isomorphism σθ introduced in lemma 4.1.23, one can pull back the Lie algebroid structure from AP to T M ⊕ R. As a result, we obtain the Lie algebroid (T M ⊕ R)ω, with anchor map given by the first projection onto T M and Lie bracket on sections given by:

X f




:= σθ−1


X f

 , σθY



=  [X, Y ]

X(g) − Y (f) + ιXιYω

 . To prove the last equality, observe that

[XHθ+ (πf)E, YHθ+ (πg)E] =

= [XHθ, YHθ] + [(πf)E, YHθ] + [XHθ,(πg)E] +

(([(πf(()E, (π((g()E] =(

= [XHθ, YHθ] +((f(()[E, Y((H(θ] +((g(()[XH((θ, E(] + (−LYf) + LXg)) E =

= [XHθ, YHθ] + π(X(g) − Y (f)) E

where the first cancellation occurs because E is vertical and πf and πg are constant along the fibres, and the second one follows from π([XHθ, E]) = θ([XHθ, E]) = 0. The claim is proved by noticing that

[XHθ, YHθ] = [X, Y ]Hθ + πXιYω)E

5This is usually denoted asRM, we are employing a short-hand notation here.


θ([XHθ, YHθ] = LXιYθ − ιYιXd θ + ιYdιXθ =

= − ιYιXπω=

= − π(−ιYιXω) and

π[XHθ, YHθ] = [X, Y ] .

The upshot is that σθ is a Lie algebroid isomorphism (T M ⊕ R)ω= AP between the standard ω-twisted Lie algebroid (see example 4.1.7) and the Atiyah algebroid of the S1-principal bundle.

Finally, noticing that Q(P, θ) ⊂ X(P )S1 = Γ(AP), we conclude that the sought embedding (see equation 4.1) can be obtained by composing6 Preqθ and σ−1θ . Proposition 4.1.25 (The Poisson algebra embeds into the sections of (T M ⊕ R)ω). Let be (M, ω) a prequantizable symplectic manifold.Consider the ω-twisted standard Lie algebroid (T M ⊕ R)ω. The Lie algebra morphism Ψ obtained by the composition of the maps introduced in lemmas 4.1.20, 4.1.19 and 4.1.23, i.e. the map obtained from the following diagram

C(M)ω Γ(T M ⊕ R)ω

Q(P, θ) Γ(AP)

Pr eqθ




is the Lie algebra embedding (4.1) appearing in the introduction.

Namely one has:

Ψ: C(M)ω Γ(T M ⊕ R)ω

f Xf


 , (4.6)

where Xf denotes the Hamiltonian vector field pertaining to f . For the rest of this section, we will simply denote Ψ as

σθ−1◦Preqθ: C(M)ωΓ(T M ⊕ R)ω.

Remark 4.1.26 (Independence from the choice of prequantization). We point out that the above expression (4.6) is a Lie algebra embedding even when ω does not satisfy the integrality condition. Furthermore, it does not depend on the connection θ implied by the prequantization procedure.

6We will tend, with a slight abuse of notation, to regard the map Preqθ introduced in equation (4.4) as a morphism C(M )ω→ X(P )S1.

4.1.3 Commutativity after twisting

In this subsection we show, by geometric arguments, the commutativity of the diagram (4.2) from the introduction.

Assume we have an action of a Lie group G on M, and denote by v : g → X(M) the corresponding infinitesimal action (a Lie algebra morphism). Assume the existence of an equivariant moment map

J: M → g.

This means that J satisfies ιvxω = −d(J(x)) (i.e. vx = XJ(x)) and that J: g → C(M)ω is a Lie algebra morphism7 (see reminder 2.4.5 in chapter 2).

Therefore, diagram (4.5) is extended to

C(M)ω Q(P, θ)

g X(M)


X π


J (4.7)

In particular, we obtain a Lie algebra morphism L0:= Preqθ◦J: g Q(P, θ)

x vxHθ + ((πJ)(x)) · E , (4.8) lifting the infinitesimal action in the sense of the commutativity of the following diagram in the category of Lie algebras

Q(P, θ)

g X(M)



L0 .

Twisting by an invariant one-form

Notice that the difference between any two connection 1-forms on the circle bundle π : P → M is basic, i.e. is the pullback of a 1-form on M.

Now we take α ∈ Ω1(M)G and use it to twist some of the above data, keeping

7This is equivalent to infinitesimal equivariance, i.e. LvyJ(x) = J([y, x]).

the G-action fixed: ω + dα is an invariant symplectic form on M (assuming it is non-degenerate), with moment map Jα determined by8

Jα: g C(M)ω+dα

x 7→ J(x) + ιvxα

. (4.9)

Furthermore, a prequantization of the symplectic manifold (M, ω + dα) is given by the same circle bundle P but with connection θ + πα.

We can repeat the procedure outlined above (see in particular equation (4.8)), obtaining a Lie algebra morphism Lα: g → Q(P, θ+πα) lifting the infinitesimal action. Since α is G-invariant, any lift to P of a generator vx preserves πα, hence we can view both L0 and Lαas maps

g→ Q(P, θ) ∩ Q(P, θ + πα)

which are Lie algebra morphisms lifting the infinitesimal action. There are “few”

such Lie algebra morphisms. (They are in bijection with moment maps for (M, ω), by diagram (4.7); if H1(g) = 0 then the moment map is unique [CdS01,

Theorem 26.5].) Hence the following is not a surprise.

Proposition 4.1.27. The Lie algebra morphisms L0 and Lα coincide.

Proof. Fix x ∈ g and write fx:= J(x). We have to show that L0(x) = Lα(x), i.e.

vxHθ+ (πfx) · E = vHxθ+π∗ α+ π(fx+ ιvxα) · E .

We do so decomposing T P as HθRE. Since both the left-hand side and the right-hand side π-project to the same vector field (namely vx), we have to check that we obtain the same function applying θ to both vector fields. This is indeed the case, since applying θ to the vector field on the right we obtain

π(fx+ ιvxα) − (πα)(vxHθ+π∗ α) = πfx.

We can also repeat the construction of §4.1.2 using the connection θ + πα, yielding a Lie algebroid isomorphism

σθ+πα: (T M ⊕ R)ω+dα= AP.

8Indeed it can be checked easily that ιvx(ω+dα) = −d(J(x)+ιvxα) using the G-invariance of α (expressed as Lvxα = 0 for all x ∈ g).

The composition (σθ+πα)−1◦ σθ reads

τα: (T M ⊕ R)ω (T M ⊕ R)ω+dα

vc  v

c+ ιvα


and is often referred to as gauge transformation.


We end up with the following commutative diagram

C(M)ω Γ(T M ⊕ R)ω

g X(P )S1

C(M)ω+dα Γ(T M ⊕ R)ω+d α




J σ−1θ

σ−1θ+π∗ α Preqθ+π∗ α

where the left square commutes by proposition 4.1.27 and the right one by the very definition of τα (see equation (4.10)).

As we emphasized in remark 4.1.26, the composition σ−1θ ◦Preqθ: C(M)ωΓ(T M ⊕ R)ω does not depend on θ. Hence, after removing X(P )S1 from the above diagram, we obtain a commutative diagram that makes no reference to the prequantization bundle P :

C(M)ω Γ(T M ⊕ R)ω


C(M)ω+dα Γ(T M ⊕ R)ω+dα τα J



Remark 4.1.28. For a given α, in general, there is no linear map C(M)ωC(M)ω+dα making the left part of diagram (4.11) commute. Indeed such a map exists if, and only if, for all f ∈ C(M) we have

Xfω= Xf +ιω+dα


where Xgν denotes the Hamiltonian vector field pertaining to the function g with respect to the symplectic form ν. The latter is equivalent to say that LXω

fα= 0. This explains why it is necessary to consider moment maps for a α-preserving action.

Remark 4.1.29. Diagram (4.11) commutes for any symplectic form ω, even for those that do not satisfy the integrality condition and therefore do not admit a prequantization bundle. This is immediate using the explicit expressions for the maps involved in eq. (4.6), (4.9) and (4.10). The discussion of this subsection – in particular proposition 4.1.27 – provides a geometric argument for the commutativity of diagram (4.11) in the integral case.

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