• Non ci sono risultati.

SO 2 Differences*

3.3.4 Equilibrium considerations

In order to better quantify the effect of sulphur the experimental values of the proportionality constant for steam reforming (3.8) and water gas shift (3.9) reactions were calculated, according to the definitions:



Those values were compared (Figure 12 a-b) to the corresponding equilibrium constants KSR and KWGS calculated at the temperature at the exit of the catalytic honeycomb.

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Figure 12: Values of the proportionality constant for steam reforming (a) and water gas shift (b) reactions calculated at the exit temperature from Rh-P/LA and Rh/LA honeycomb catalysts during methane CPO under S-free operation and in the presence of SO2 added to the feed (2-58 ppm).

Continuous lines represent the corresponding equilibrium constants for each reaction at P=1.1atm.

For both catalysts the WGS reaction was equilibrated under S-free feed conditions; however the Kexp,SR /KSR ratio was in the range 0.4 - 0.5, confirming that methane steam reforming was kinetically limited, which was expected also considering the heat losses from the CPO reactor whose thermal efficiency was estimated at ca. 80% - 85% [59].

As already discussed, sulphur addition progressively inhibited methane steam reforming without completely stopping it, as shown by the continuous decrease in the Kexp,SR values which followed the opposite trend of the equilibrium constant and collapsed in a single line for the two catalysts because the temperature increase was indeed caused by the inhibition of the steam reforming.

However P doping significantly enhanced the S tolerance of the Rh-P catalyst as shown by its higher Kexp,SR at each S level. The WGS reaction was also partially inhibited by sulphur on both Rh-based catalysts [6,60], although the detrimental effect was markedly lower than for steam reforming, and smaller for Rh-P/LA as demonstrated by the closer approach to the equilibrium curve in Figure 12b.

A rough and preliminary estimate of the impact of sulphur on the rate of methane steam reforming over the two catalysts was attempted through the inclusion of an “activity coefficient” in the kinetic expression as suggested by [57], assuming that sulphur only caused a reduction in the number of active sites (unchanged activation energy). The activity coefficient corresponds to the ratio of the pre-exponential factors in the SR kinetic constants with and without sulphur and was estimated by the measured drop in methane conversion, taking into account the variation in the average temperature of the catalyst (second part of the reactor). The correction factor for the approach to equilibrium was neglected at least for the case with S-addition in agreement with results of Figure 12a.

Tout, °C

650 700 750 800 850 900 950

K WGS exp

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5

Tout, °C

650 700 750 800 850 900 950

K SR exp,atm2

0,01 0,1 1 10 100

1000 S-free



9ppm b)

58ppm S-free




Rh2P Rh

- 79 -

The CPO reactor was schematically simplified as the series of two reactors: in the first one oxidation reactions proceed under external mass transfer regime and consume all of the molecular oxygen and some methane to form both partial and total oxidation products; in the second part unconverted methane and water react together via steam reforming producing some more syngas [4,56]. In fact it was shown that steam reforming spreads all over the CPO reactor due to the zero concentration of oxygen on the surface of Rh based catalysts which works under external mass transfer limitation [58].

Figure 13: Schematization of CPO reactor.

For the purpose of this calculation, the inhibiting effect of sulphur on methane conversion was assumed to be limited to the second steam reforming reactor. In fact Bitch–Larsen et al. [4]

demonstrated by detailed spatial profiles within a Rh-Ce/γ-Al2O3 foam catalyst during methane CPO that the length of the first oxidation zone was not affected by the presence of sulphur in the feed, and the conversion of methane at the exit of this zone, constantly remained around 45%. For the SR reaction rate it was assumed a first order dependence on methane concentration, neglecting any other dependency apart from the approach to equilibrium:

[mol/(g s)] (3.10)



[Nm3/(g s)] (3.11)

[kJ/mol] [57]


[atm2] (3.13)

[mol/Nm3] (3.14)

Under the experimental conditions explored the steam reforming reaction was always far away from equilibrium when sulphur was added to the feed to the CPO reactor with each of the two catalysts (Figure 14). For S free conditions at the end of the CPO reactor was roughly


zone Steam Reforming zone CH4,O2


xoxCH4 O2=0


- 80 -

0.8 with both catalysts; thus, in order to calculate the apparent kinetic constant , was averaged between inlet (=1) and outlet conditions of the steam reforming zone and set at a constant value of 0.9.

Figure 14: Thermodynamic driving force for methane steam reforming reaction calculated for Rh-P/LA and Rh/LA catalyst from steady state compositions and temperature of the effluent gas from the CPO reactor as a function of the S concentration in the feed.

Assuming an ideal isothermal PFR reactor in which methane is only consumed by steam reforming the apparent average kinetic constant for the SR reaction can be expressed in terms of methane conversion ( , both under S-free conditions:



And with sulphur added to the feed :


) ̅


where W is the mass of catalyst in the SR reactor, Q is the gas flow rate, superscript ox and S denote respectively conditions at the exit of the first oxidation reactor (inlet of steam reforming zone) and the presence of sulphur in the feed. As already pointed out, were set according to literature data obtained during the CPO in air at CH4/O2=2 with a Rh based foam catalyst [4].

Also the amount of catalyst in the steam reforming reactor zone and the gas flow rate are unaffected from the presence of sulphur.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60




S, ppm


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Thus the ratio of the apparent kinetic constants ̅ ⁄ ̅ with or without sulphur added to the feed was calculated for each of the two catalyst from the above equations (3.15) and (3.16) at each sulphur concentration (2–58 ppm) by considering the methane conversion values experimentally measured at the exit of the CPO reactors. Assuming the activation energy of SR reaction is unchanged by sulphur poisoning, an “activity coefficient” due to the inhibiting effect of sulphur can be defined as the ratio of the pre-exponential factors in the Arrhenius expression for the apparent kinetic constant of SR:





̅ ̅


(3.17) where ̅ represents an average temperature in the SR reactor, which was simply estimated as the mean of the experimental values measured in the second portion of the catalytic monoliths (centre and exit, respectively at 5mm and 10 mm from the inlet):


[K] (3.18)

Figure 15: Activity coefficient accounting for S poisoning of the steam reforming reaction over RhP/LA and Rh/LA honeycomb catalysts as a function of S level in the feed during methane CPO (CH4/O2=2 in air).

The activity coefficient values followed similar trends for the two catalysts (Figure 15), decreasing markedly for the initial addition of few ppm of S to the feed, and then approaching a saturation value at the highest S level. In particular for the Rh-P/LA catalyst the activity coefficient was estimated in the range from 0.4 to 0.1, being as much as 2 times higher than for the reference Rh/LA catalyst. Those results reflect the higher tolerance of P-promoted Rh towards strong sulphur

S, ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

activity coefficient SR

0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

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chemisorption, which in turn resulted in a higher residual active metal surface (Table 3). In fact activity coefficients suggest that the drop in the rate of methane steam reforming is mainly connected to the loss of those active sites capable of strongly chemisorb CO rather than on the total exposed metal sites [52].

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