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Final Remarks

Nel documento FEDERICO II (pagine 86-100)

N. Change factors in Public Sector

2.7 Final Remarks

This chapter has focused on one of the most debated topics in organizational studies, namely, the relationship between technologies, individuals and organizational structure.

The first part of the chapter provided a brief theoretical study of the problems of the relationship between technology and individuals to identify the elements which might be taken into consideration when considering the organizational perspective in imagining the dissemination of effective digitalization practices in public and private organizations.

Smart Working in Public


Flexible time

(e.g. flextime; self-rostering;

flexible yearly hours)

Digitalization (ICT devices; software)

Flexible workplace (e.g. mobile working; co-working spaces; virtual team)

87 The phenomenon of digitalization in organizations has created the conditions in which, in recent decades, new organizational structures could be developed that combine the use of innovative technologies with the desire on the part of individuals to find new ways of working in the organizations to which they belonged, ways involving greater operational responsibility and, at the same time, more significant benefits in work-life balance (Barnes, 2012, Cordella et al. 2010; Hazlett and Hill, 2003).

Based on these assumptions, the second part of this chapter described new organizational methods, such as teleworking and, recently, Smart Working. The diffusion of experimentation in Smart Working represents not only an essential laboratory of organizational innovation but the opportunity to develop a new cultural perspective, one which focusses not on legal and budgetary constraints but on people in the context of public administrations (Tiraboschi, 2017).

In the final part of this chapter, we analysed the constituent elements of a Smart Working organizational model, and, from this analysis, it emerged that an organizational and performance modality is much more present in private organizations than in public organizations. This gap is also found in a review of the literature.

Many studies analyse the benefits and critical aspects of Smart Working and the role of management in private organizations, but the implications and the role of management in the adoption of this model in the public sector are still unknown.

The role of the public manager is significant because acting in Smart Working means distrusting the traditional constraints related to place and time, leaving people more autonomy in defining the working methods in the light of greater responsibility on the results.

88 The work's autonomy, which therefore coincides with empowerment, enhancement of talents, and trust within its offices.

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Nel documento FEDERICO II (pagine 86-100)