• Non ci sono risultati.


3.8 a nalysis of cases

68.Baum M. It’s all about places, people and having a vision. In: Baum M, Christiaanse K. (eds.) City as Loft: Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Development. Zurich:

gta Verlag, ETH Zurich;

2012. p. 355-365.

the identity of the historic center of Favara that once was in a high degree of deterioration and abandonment.

Reflecting on the economic factors, the cases analyzed present a variety of conditions regarding the financing of the project. Some of these received economic support from the public sector and the type of proposed uses varies from the cultural sector, as in the case of ExFadda and CAOS, to the corporate and entrepreneurship sector, as in the case of Factory Grisú. Others are the result of initiatives and economic support from private companies that opted for ventures from the cultural sector, such as Farm Cultural Park, the corporate sector, such as Toolbox coworking, and even a mixture between both sectors, as in the case of Officine Zero.

Many of these projects have been able to achieve the financial stability of their operations, such as in Toolbox, Factory Grisù and Farm Cultural Park; while the others are still in process or are in difficulties to be economically sustainable. Sustainability that does not depend specifically on the type of new uses that have been proposed but on the type of administration and promotion that has been given to the project.

Finally reflecting on the spatial and architectural qualities, it could understood that at the urban level, the projects are generally located in places not far from the city center and have relatively good connections with the city’s road system. At the architectural level, the projects have great differences in circulation, geometry, structure and even in the organization of space. These differences are partly because not all the buildings analyzed belong to the same typology. Some are industrial, with wide and open spaces where the structural system also allows a free organization of activities, as in the case of Toolbox and Officine Zero. Others, despite being buildings built for industry, have a very rigid arrangement of spaces and a structural system that does not allow major changes and transformations, as in the case of CAOS and Exfadda. In the same way, there is also the case of an institutional building like Factory Grisù, in which the spaces, circulation and structure were designed to respond specifically or the requirements of certain use in the past, and for which now It represents a greater effort to be adapted to new uses. And finally there is the type of residential building that was never intended to be otherwise, and in which it becomes almost impossible to physically transform the space.

However, despite all these limitations, all these projects achieved creatively and through a greater or lesser intervention of the existing buildings that the spaces were adapted to meet the proposed objectives. Besides, each project and the proposed new uses are the result of a conscious analysis of the particular conditions of the places where they are located, as well as the needs and interests of its inhabitants. Therefore, regarding adaptive reuse projects, economic, social and architectural factors are fundamental to the success of these types of processes.

Chapter two notes

7. Baum M. City as Loft. In: Baum M, Christiaanse K. (eds.)City as Loft: Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Development. Zurich: gta Verlag, ETH Zurich; 2012. p. 8-13.

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68.Baum M. It’s all about places, people and having a vision. In: Baum M, Christiaanse K. (eds.)City as Loft: Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Development.

Zurich: gta Verlag, ETH Zurich; 2012. p. 355-365.

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