• Non ci sono risultati.

Users are allowed to change their password. Moreover, HR manager are allowed to change users password: this is required initially since there is no other method for password recovery planned in the short term: when such methods are implemented in a future version, this functionality may be removed, although leaving users the possibility to change their own password, obviously.

The change is performed with the system account to eliminate the risk of a malicious user obtaining the password and gaining direct access to the LDAP server and updating the password, effectively bypassing any second factor of authentication if set up in the SSO server.

When users are changing their own password, even if they are HR managers, the previous password is asked and used to perform a bind operation: if the bind succeeds, the password is updated. This was done to minimize the the time between the last password check and the password change, eliminating the risk of an attacker finding a signed-in account and changing the password.

It was possible to evaluate the time passed since last authentication and ask the SSO server to authenticate the user again, however that would not minimize the time as much as submitting the old and new password in the same HTML form,

4 – User management application

and would require to store the new password somewhere in plaintext while the authentication redirects are happening. That is: if the user submits the form and the authentication is deemed too old, the server has to store the new password, redirect user to authentication and then when the user returns, recover the new password and perform the update. The plaintext password cannot be kept in memory only as the PHP script terminates when the user is redirected to the SSO server and another script is started when the user returns and accesses a page: it can be stored in a PHP session, which ultimately ends in an unencrypted file on the server disk. It could be deleted as soon as the operation is completed, which may take a few seconds, but it cannot be securely wiped.

The redirect to SSO has to be performed when the new password is submitted, not when loading that page, or a malicious user that finds a computer with an account logged in, even if a long time has passed and that would trigger Crauto to redirect to the SSO server for authentication, may send a request directly to that page, bypassing any authentication. This can be done for example with the developer tools that are available in any modern browser.

For these reasons, the approach of asking for the old password was chosen: the old password is only ever stored in memory, it is used only to bind with the LDAP server to check that is valid and discarded as soon as the script ends. The new password is only sent to the server inside a LDAP replace operation over a secure TLS connection.

The plaintext of the new password would need to pass through Crauto in any case since it has to perform the update, even with the previously mentioned SSO authentication mechanism. Even letting the SSO server perform the password update would still allow Crauto to view the plaintext of the new password, unless the SSO server APIs are called from a client-side script running in the user browser.

However, for security considerations of letting users access that kind of API, see section 4.4.

Chapter 5


The objective of setting up a SSO system that supports both SAML2 and OpenID Connect has been reached.

The onboarding process, that lead to the decision to implement the SSO system, has been greatly improved: with a centralized accounts database and user registration form, a large number of manual steps have been eliminated. Moreover, with a true SSO solution rather than simple centralized authentication with LDAP, the usability and overall security of the system should be improved.

Some work is still needed to integrate Pasta into Crauto and to integrate the Tele-gram bot into the process, however this is outside the scope of this document and SSO in general.

The system also needs to be deployed into production and more applications need to be connected. Deployment is planned for the short term, since minimal modi-fications are required to convert the Ansible playbooks from the development en-vironment to production enen-vironment. Applications will be gradually connected once this is done, phasing out all the local user databases.

In the medium term, one important feature that will be configured and enabled will be two-factor authentication with OTP. In the long term, adaptive authentication and step-up authentication will be considered to again enhance the usability and security of the SSO system.

While designing the directory and developing the user management was a straight-forward process, selecting a LDAP server and a SSO server was a far less linear process, which is to be expected when selecting and integrating OTS software com-ponents. In particular, both the SSO software that have been tested have advan-tages and disadvanadvan-tages that were discovered while testing them and it is not even clear which one will be the better one for the described use case.

5 – Conclusions

Another important result has been the creation of Ansible roles to manage 389DS:

while they are only a part of the full SSO system, it is planned to maintain them indefinitely by providing bug fixes and possibly new features, for the benefit of the open source community in general.

The decision to split the LDAP and SSO server and decouple them as much as possible was ultimately useful, allowing to change the SSO server without significant modifications to the rest of the system, both during this part of development and possibly in the future if another SSO server is chosen.

Automation tools, namely Vagrant and Ansible, were also very important in reduc-ing the overall effort to test different aspects of the system and different configura-tions and in quickly bringing the system back to a clean and known working state when needed. Their usefulness should not be underestimated when integrating OTS software products, due to these advantages.


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