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Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in sera from colectomised ulcerative colitis patients and its relation to the presence of pouchitis.


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Gut 1996; 38:894-898


cytoplasmic antibodies




colectomised ulcerative

colitis patients and








M Esteve,J Mallolas,JKlaassen, A Abad-Lacruz, FGonzalez-Huix, ECabre, FFernandez-Bafiares, X Bertran, E Condom, J Marti-Rague, M AGassull

Departmentof Gastroenterology, Hospital Universitari 'Germans Trias i Pujol', Badalona, Catalonia, Spain MEsteve JMallolas JKlaassen ECabre FFemrndez-Bafiares XBertran M AGassull Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital de Sant Llorenq,Viladecans, Catalonia, Spain AAbad-Lacruz Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital 'Josep Trueta', Girona, Catalonia, Spain FGonzalez-Huix Departmentof Pathology,Ciutat Sanitaria Universitaria deBellvitge, L'Hospitalet, Catalonia, Spain ECondom Departmentof Surgery,Ciutat Sanitaria Universitaria deBellvitge, L'Hospitalet, Catalonia,Spain J Marti-Rague Correspondenceto: DrM AGassull,Hospital

Universitari 'Germans Triasi Pujol', CarreteradelCanyet

s/n,08916Badalona,Spain. Acceptedforpublication

13 December1995


Background-Fewstudies have evaluated

the influence of colectomy on

anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)

positivity in ulcerative colitis (UC). In small series ofpatients it has been

sug-gestedthat ANCApositivityin UCmight

bepredictivefordevelopment ofpouchitis



assess theprevalence ofANCA

inUC patients treatedby colectomy anda Brooke's ileostomy(UC-BI)orilealpouch

anal anastomosis (UC-IPAA), and the

relation between the presence ofANCA,

the type ofsurgery, and the presence of



colec-tomy (32 with UC-BI and 31 with

UC-IPAA), 54UC,and24controls.

Methods-Sampleswere obtainedatleast

two years after colectomy. ANCA were

detected by indirect immunofluorescent assay.

Results-There were no differences between patients with





and between patients

with UC







However, ANCA preva-lence significantly decreases in the whole group ofoperated patients (38-0%)

com-pared with non-operated UC (p=0.044). Conclusions-Theprevalenceof ANCA in

operated patients was significantly lower than innon-operated UC, suggestingthat it mightbe related eitherto the presence

of inflamed or diseased tissue. ANCA

persistence is not related to the surgical procedure and itshould not be used as a marker forpredictingthe developmentof


(Gut 1996;38:894-898)

Keywords: ulcerative colitis,proctocolectomy,ileal pouch anal anastomosis,antineutrophil cytoplasmic


Ulcerative colitis (UC) and associated condi-tions suchasprimarysclerosing cholangitisare

some of the diseases in which antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) have been

described.1-3 UC associated ANCA

(UC-ANCA) most commonly show an immuno-fluorescenceperinuclearpattern. Althoughnot

universally accepted,3 cytoplasmic and mixed ANCA


have been described associ-atedto


On theotherhand,becausethe

antigenic specificity of UC-ANCA is


3 910theyarereferredto asatypical ANCAorx-ANCA bysomeauthors.1-3

Few studies have specifically evaluated the influenceofcolectomyonANCA positivity in


711-4 As well as only dealing with a small series ofpatients,noneof them includes

a large number of cases with Brooke's

ileostomy,whicharethe onlyonesthatmaybe

considered absolutely free of disease. On the otherhand, all these seriesreport ahigh preva-lence of ANCA in patients with pouchitis


711-13 Based on the results of thesestudies it has beensuggestedthatANCA assessmentinUCmaybeuseful in predicting the development of pouchitis in patients undergoingIPAA.2

Theaims of this studywere (a) toassessthe prevalence of ANCA in UC patients treated withcolectomy and eitheraBrooke'sileostomy or ileal pouch anal anastomosis, and (b) to determine the relation between thepresence of ANCA, thetypeofsurgeryperformed, and the presenceofpouchitis.



Ulcerativecolitispatients treated withcolectomy One hundred and forty eight patients with a

diagnosis of UC have had a colectomy since 1973 in three of four hospitals takingpart in thestudy. The diagnosishad been established

by the Lennard-Jones clinicopathological


Patientswithahistoryof indetermi-nate colitis were excluded from the study. Based onthe information available, 92 of114

patients livinginCatalonia (31 895


could becontactedbyphoneandaskedtoparticipate

inthe study. Sixty three of them agreedto be included.ThirtytwohadaBrooke'sileostomy

(UC-BI) (15 male, 17female;43 years (range: 23-76)) and 31 hadanilealpouchanal anasto-mosis (UC-ANCA) (18 male, 13 female; 34 years (range: 24-61)). Thetechnique of IPAA includedmucosectomyofthe anorectal stump in five patients, whereas a staple ileal pouch analanastomosiswasperformedinthe remain-ingcases. In allpatients atwo loop J reservoir


Disease controls

Fifty four UC patients who had not had an



Antineutrophil cytoplasmicantibodies inserafrom colectomisedulcerativecolitispatientsand its relationtothepresenceofpouchitis

TABLEI Clinical characteristics of the ulcerative colitis patients Patients Activity Inactive 21 Mild 21 Moderate 11 Severe 1 Extent Proctitis 16

Leftsided colitis 28

Pancolitis 10 Extraintestinalmanifestations 5 Treatment No treatment 12* Salicylates 37 Corticosteroids 8 Azathioprine 7 Corticosteroid refractory 13

*First episode. Time elapsed from diagnosis:4months (0-25).

19-74)), living in Catalonia, attending the

'Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol'

were included in the study. The diagnostic

criteriawerethesame asabove.

Healthy controls

Twenty four volunteers, living in the same geographical area (11 male, 13female;43years

(range: 23-72)) actedas ahealthycontrols.


In all patients a complete clinical assessment wasperformed at the time of blood sampling

for ANCA detection. In non-operated UC

patients this included: activity and extent of the disease, current treatment, time from

diagnosis, extraintestinal manifestations, and outcome. The activity of the disease was assessed by means of the Truelove index.16

Table I shows the clinical characteristics of the non-operated UC patients. The assess-mentofUCpatients treated withacolectomy

included: time from diagnosis and surgery,

TABLE I Pouchitis diseaseactivityindex(PDAI)1415

Criteria Score

Clinical Stoolfrequency:

Usualpostoperative stoolfrequency 0 1-2Stools/day>postoperativeusual 1 3Ormorestools/day>postoperative usual 2


Noneorrare 0

Presentdaily 1

Faecal urgencyorabdominal cramps:

None 0 Occasional 1 Usual 2 Fever(temperature >37.8°C: Absent 0 Present 1 Endoscopicinflammation Oedema 1 Granularity 1 Friability 1

Lossofvascularpattern 1

Mucous exudate 1

Ulceration 1

Acutehistological inflammation

Polymorphonuclear leucocyteinfiltration:

Mild 1

Moderate+cryptabscess 2

Severe+cryptabscess 3 Ulceration per low power field(mean):

<25% 1

25-50% 2

>50% 3

extraintestinal manifestations, previous and currenttreatment, andpostoperativeoutcome.

Eight patients

with UC-BI were


UC-IPAA that had failed. Theprimaryreason

forpouchexcisionwaschronicpouchitis resis-tant to medical treatmentin twopatients and fistula and

pelvic sepsis

in sixpatients.Four of the secondgroup also had chronic continuous


None of thesepatients had

indeter-minate or Crohn's colitis. In UC-IPAA

patients, the degree of pouch inflammation

was assessed by means of the modified

Moskowitzindex17 18(TableII).Pouchitiswas defined as a score equal or greater than 7. Eleven of 31 UC-IPAA patients fulfilled this criterionatthetime ofinclusion.

Previous history of confirmed pouchitis

was also recorded. Four of 11 patients with

pouchitisatthetime ofinclusion hadhistoryof chronic continuous pouchitis resistant to medical treatment. Table III shows clinical data of UCpatients treated witha


Some UC-IPAA patients were taking more

than one drug. None of thepatients included hadprimarysclerosingcholangitis.

ANTINEUTROPHIL ANTIBODIES DETECTION Serumwasobtained of allpatientsand controls. Inoperated patients, sampleswere obtained at least two years after colectomy. ANCA were detectedusinganindirectimmunofluorescence microscopy detection method. Commercially

available slides containing cytospin smears of

human ethanol fixed neutrophils (INOVA

Diagnostic, SanDiego, CA) were used as sub-strate. Diluted serum samples in phosphate

buffered saline (PBS) were incubated on the slides for 30minutes. Afterwashing in PBS, the slides were incubated again for 30 minutes with fluorescein conjugated rabbit

immuno-globulins to human immunoglobulin G

(DAKO, Copenhagen, Denmark) at a pre-determined optimal dilution of 1/100 in PBS. Slides were washed in PBS twice, mounted in

glycerol, and read immediately under fluores-cence microscopy at 400X (Axioplan, Zeiss, Germany).

Slides were read by two independent

observers who were unaware of the clinical

diagnosis. Control ANCA positive and nega-tive sera and PBS were included in each test batch. A serum was considered positive for ANCA when a clear perinuclear fluorescence at a 1:20 dilution was observed or when a

TABLEIII Clinicalcharacteristics oftheUC patients


UC-IPAA UC-IPAA UC-BI pouchitis nopouchitis

Years fromdiagnosis 14(4-36) 6(2-34) 7(2-24)

Years fromsurgery 9(2-16) 4(2-9) 4(2-9) Clinicalscore* - 2(0-4) 0(0-3) Endoscopicscore* - 4(3-6) 0(0-3) Histologicalscore* - 2(1-5) 1(0-3) Global score* - 8(7-11) 3(1-6) Treatment (patients): No treatment 32 3 14 Salicylates 0 2 3 Local corticosteroids 0 3 0 Antibioticst 0 4 5



Esteve,Mallolas,Klaassen,Abad-Lacruz, Gonzdlez-Huix, Cabre,Ferndndez-Baniares, Bertrdn,Condom,Marti-Rague,Gassull cytoplasmic staining was observed at a 1:40

dilution. The second cut off dilution was chosen to eliminate unspecific cytoplasmic positivity yielded by some negative sera. All negative sera and those given as positive by onlyone observer were retested blindly. Serum samples given as positive by only one observer induplicate assay were considered as negative. Positive ANCA samples were titrated to a dilution of 1/1280.

To differentiate positive ANCA from anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) that mimic ANCA, allpositive sera were tested with HEp-2 cells andrat liversections, which are highly sensitive for ANA detection. All ANA positive sera with stronger titres than that observed in neutrophil slides were considered as ANCA negative. This occurred in four patients (three non-operated and one operated) and one healthy


All assays were performed at the Research Laboratories of the Hospital Universitary

'Germans Trias iPujol'.


Comparison of the frequencies between

patients with or without pouchitis were

analysed usingthetwotailx2andYates's cor-rection.ThefrequenciesbetweenUC,UC-IB,

and UC-IPAAwerecompared usinga twotail


and the





non-operated UC patients was performed using aleftsided Fisherexact test.Titreswere

compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The

Spearmanrank correlation coefficientwasused to determine associations between titres and the time elapsed from surgery. The resultsare

expressedbymeansof median andfrequencies

with their range and 95% confidence intervals (CI), respectively. The statistical procedures

were performed using the programs of the Biomedical DataProcessing, BMDP (BMDP,

Statistical Software, Los Angeles, California,


The positivity of ANCA was significantly

higherin all groups studied compared with the healthy control group (p<0 0001).

Relationbetween ANCApositivity andthe presenceofpouchitis

In patients with UC-IPAA, there were no differences inANCA positivity between those with (36-3% (CI: 109 to 69.2)) or without

pouchitis (35.0% (CI: 15.5 to 59.2)) (p=0.720).

Two offour(CI: 6.7 to 93.2%) patients with chronic continuous pouchitis andfour of eight UC-IPAA failure (CI: 15.7 to 84.3%) were ANCApositive.

As the percentage of ANCA positive

patients was thesameasthose with orwithout pouchitis, theywere considered together and compared with both patients treated with a colectomy and non-operated UC patients to

determine the influence of a Brooke's


Relation between ANCA positivity and thetype


There were no differences inANCApositivity between patients with UC-BI (40-6% (CI: 23.7 to59.3)) andUC-IPAA (35.4% (CI: 19.2 to54.6)) andnon-operated UC patients (55% (CI: 41-4 to 69.1)) (p=0 154).

Because there were nosignificant differences between both groups ofoperatedpatients,they were considered together (both UC-BI and

UC-IPAA) and compared with UC

non-operated patients to determine if colectomy

decreases ANCA positivity. There was a

significant decrease in ANCA prevalence in operatedpatients-38.0%(CI: 26.1 to 512)

-compared with non-operated UC (55%)


The Figure shows the titres ofANCA and

UC, UC-BI, and UC-IPAA. There were no

differences in ANCA titres between groups


The studywas performed in accordance with the 1975Declarationof Helsinki ethical

guide-lines and was approved by the Research and EthicalCommittees of theHospitals.


Table IV shows the numberof ANCApositive patients and controls in the groups studied. TABLEIV Number and percentageofANCApositive patients

Positive Negative

Ulcerative colitis 30(55.5%)* 24

UC-BI 13(406%)t 19

UC-IPAA withpouchitis 4(36.3%)A 7

UC-IPAA withoutpouchitis 7(35/0%)§ 13

Healthycontrols 0 24

UC-BI=totalproctocolectomy plusBrookesileostomy,

UC-IPAA=proctocolectomyplusilealpouchanal anastomosis. *26p-ANCA; 1c-ANCA;3mixedpattern,t11p-ANCA;

2mixedpattern,t3 p-ANCA;1mixedpattern,§6 p-ANCA; 1mixedpattern. 1/2560r 1/1280H 1/640


CO a) . x 1/320H 1/160[ 1/80H 1/40


m a ma a a m m a a a ma am* *-ma* m a a a 1/20- a aaUaE ma* a aEa *-m aE m aa a a a a m UC UC-IPAA *-UC-BI

TitresofANCA innon-operatedukerativecolitispatients

(UC), patientstreated withacolectomy plusilealpouch

anal anastomosis(UC-IPAA)andpatientstreated witha

colectomy plusBrooke'sileostomy (UC-BI).



Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodiesin serafromcolectomised ulcerative colitis patients and its relationtothe presence ofpouchitis

(p=0755). There was also no correlation

betweenthe timeelapsed fromsurgeryand the titresof ANCA (r=-0098).


There is no agreement about those immuno-fluorescence ANCA patterns that should be considered associated with UC. Some labora-tories haveconsidered that allUC-ANCAare of the perinuclear


19-21 whereas others also include those less frequentcases showing eitherdiffuse cytoplasmicormixed


Weshare thissecond viewas,until the specific antigen(s) are identified, it does not seem

reasonable to exclude any type of ANCA pattern when an unequivocal

immunofluores-cencestaining is found.

Oneof the aims of this studywastoassess if removal of the colon results in a decline of ANCA inUC patients andif there isarelation tothetype ofsurgeryperformed. The percent-ageof ANCApositivityinourUCnon-operated patients


issimilarto otherreports,622 23 and is within the range described in published

reports(40-80%).4-. 19-25Whetherorno circu-lating ANCApersist longtermafter colectomy inUC patientsisnotwellestablished. Although

most studies have reported the persistence of

ANCA after


11-1325 there are some reports of postoperative ANCA


26 However,moststudiesincludeasmall number ofpatientsandnoneof them includesa largenumberofcaseswith Brooke's ileostomy. Although there are no data about the time course of ANCA behaviour after colectomy, wethought thattwo years might be a reason-ableperiodof timeforassessing ANCA clear-ance, assuming that they are related to the presenceof diseased tissue. We havenotfound a significant difference in ANCA positivity

betweennon-operated UC patients,thosewith

UC-BI, and those with UC-IPAA, showing

that these antibodiespersistin the serum ina

high percentage of UC operated patients long term after colectomy. However, we found a

significant decrease of ANCApositivity when both groups of operated patients were con-sideredtogether (thatis,increasing twofold the number of operated patients). This finding

mightdisclose theexistence ofaweak relation between ANCA positivity and inflammation,

ashas been shown insome


26 Infact,

our non-operated patients showed a

non-significant trend towardsa greaterpercentage of ANCApositivityin those with activeversus

inactive UC (63% v 43%; p=0.13), and in those with extensive disease versus proctitis


v31%; p=007).Analternative explana-tion would be that ANCA clearance after colectomy was a very slow process taking more than two years and a prospective and paired assessment before and aftersurgery in

15 UCpatients foundasignificantdecrease in ANCA titres a mean oftwo years after


In our study, no differences between groups with respect to ANCA titres, or any relation between the titres of ANCA and the time elapsed from surgery were found. However,asthiswas not apaired comparison,

interindividual differences in the ability of antibody production may have prevented the discoveryof such differences.

Inthisserieswefoundasimilar frequency of ANCA positivity between those patients with and without pouchitis. In contrast, several studies have reported a higher prevalence of ANCA in patients with



However, most of them include a small

number of patients with pouchitis or it is not well defined, or


11-13 In thisregard, to

distinguish between relapsing and chronic continuous pouchitis may be relevant. In the largest reported series, in which all patients with pouchitis had chronic inflammation resistant or dependent on medical treatment, frequency of ANCA positivitywas


The authors suggest that the strong relation

between ANCA and pouchitis would be

related to a specific disease pattern (chronic continuous pouchitis) ratherthan to themere presence of


In the remaining studies, it is not stated if those patients with pouchitis had relapsing orchronic continuous disease. However, a recentstudy published as anabstract,showedthat thosepatientswithout pouch inflammationatinclusion, but with

pre-vious episodes of pouchitis, had a




Thisfigure issimilartothe percentagefound in ourpatientswith

pouchi-tis, mostof themhavingrelapsingdisease. On the other hand, in our series two of four chronic resistant pouchitis and four of eight IPAAfailures hadpositiveANCA.

Takenas awhole,all these data suggest that ANCA would notpredict the development of relapsing pouchitis, and thestrong association between ANCA positivity and chronic con-tinuous pouchitis deserves further confirma-tion. However, even if a 100% association

(sensitivity) could beconfirmed, the low

speci-ficity of ANCA for chronic continuous


will make the use of this marker

doubtfulas apredictorof this condition. Although all these queries could be only answeredbymeansofalongitudinal study, its

practicabilityseems tobequestionable. Sucha

study would be very long lasting, taking into accountthatpouchitismayappear aslateas 10 years after


28 In the case of chronic continuous pouchitis, an event occurring in



of the total



ofpatients to be included would be an addi-tionaldifficulty.

Inconclusion, ANCApersistinahigh

pro-portion of UC patientsafter colectomy and its presence is not related to the type ofsurgery

performed. The lower percentage found in

operated patients suggests that ANCA

positivity might be related to the presence of eitherinflamedordiseasedtissue. On theother hand, ANCA positivity in UC should not be used as a marker for predicting the develop-ment ofpouchitis and, at present, it does not seemagoodparameterfordeciding thetypeof surgerytobeperformedinUCpatients.

Partof thisstudyhas beenpresentedasaposteratthe95th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological

Association held in SanDiegoinMay 1995,andpublishedas anabstract inGastroenterology1995;108:A816.


898 Esteve, Mallolas,Klaassen, Abad-Lacruz, Gonzalez-Huix, Cabre,Femrnndez-Bafnares, Bertran, Condom,Marti-Ragu4,Gassull

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TABLE I Clinical characteristics of the ulcerative colitis patients Patients Activity Inactive 21 Mild 21 Moderate 1 1 Severe 1 Extent Proctitis 16
Table IV shows the number of ANCA positive patients and controls in the groups studied


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