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Trapianto di fegato pediatrico: valutazione dei fabbisogni e proposta di realizzazione di un algoritmo di riferimento e trattamento in regione Toscana


Academic year: 2021

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Pisa, lì 30/03/2017 CANDIDATO: Dr. COLETTI LAURA TITOLO DEL PROGETTO DI RICERCA: Liver transplantation for pediatric patients: evaluation of current needs and proposal for a referral and management algorithm at a regional level

Relazione dell’attività svolta nel corso del dottorato oltre alla partecipazione ai seminari 10 presenze/11 Phase 1 (calendar year 2014): It consisted of a formal epidemiological research study on prevalence and incidence of pediatric liver disease in Tuscany. The study used formal epidemiological tools and was based on the official regional and national registries of pediatric liver disease and on the reports of the National center for Transplantation (CNT). Concurrent with this, we proceeded with evaluation of the migration algorithms through

use of the Tuscany registry for orphan disease. Phase 2 (calendar year 2015): It consisted of designing of a regional pediatric liver transplantation network. This was entail: 1. Definition of care facilities, from general practitioners to 3rd level health care to be involved in the integrated network;

2. Definition of referral guidelines, in view of timeliness, efficacy, efficiency, appropriateness, and quality of care;

3. Definition of management algorithms, with special focus on

emergencies/urgencies, palliative care, malignancies, and rescue treatment; 4. Quality assurance policy, to be shared by all participants and enforced at all

network levels, under the scrutiny of the regional competent authority Phase 3 (calendar year 2016): It consisted of identification of necessary resources. This was done by: 1. Assessment of current competence level of health care professionals and census of facilities meeting formal requirements for pediatric liver transplant care; 2. Assessment of educational need and gaps and identification of strategies/policies to meet the demand; 3. Assessment of technical requirements, in view of existing technology and of that required for a pediatric liver transplant program;

4. Economic analysis was performed with use of formal economic tools derived from


Università di Pisa Dipartimento di Patologia Chirurgica, Medica, Molecolare e dell'Area Critica Direttore: Prof Riccardo Zucchi DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN FISIOPATOLOGIA CLINICA Coordinatore: Prof. Fulvio Basolo Lavori scientifici (solo quelli pubblicati negli anni 2014-16)

Catalano G, De Simone P, Mazzoni A, Ghinolfi D, Coletti L, Filipponi F. Everolimus-based

immunosuppression in a case of ABO-incompatible liver transplantation with calcineurin inhibitor-related posterior occipital syndrome. Transpl Int. 2014 Sep;27(9):e84-6. doi: 10.1111/tri.12304.

Epub 2014 Mar 29

D.Ghinolfi, J.Marti, P.De Simone, Q.Lai, D.Pezzati, L.Coletti, D.Tartaglia, G.Catalano, G.Tincani, P.Carrai, D.Campani, M.Miccoli, G.Biancofiore and F.Filipponi. Use of octogenarian donors for liver transplantation: a survival analysis. American Journal of Transplantation 2014; XX: 1-10. Wiley Periodical Inc

L.Coletti, P.De Simone, I.Bargellini, A.Silvestri, G.Lorenzoni, D.Campani, C.Bartolozzi. Pre-Transplant Downstaging for T2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Liver Transplantation 2014; vol 20, num 6 supp 1 Abstract P575

L.Coletti, P.De Simone, P.Carrai, D.Ghinolfi, G.Tincani, G.Catalano, A.Silvestri, D.Campani, C.Bartolozzi, F.Filipponi. The Fate of Intra-Ductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas after Liver Transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2014; vol 20, num 6 supp 1 Abstract P576 P.De Simone, I.Bargellini, Q.Lai, G.Lorenzoni, D.Ghinolfi, A Silvestri, L.Coletti, D.Campani, C.Bartolozzi, F.Filipponi. Tumor Downstaging and risk of HCC Recurrence after Liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2014; vol 20, num 6 supp 1 Abstract P342

D.Ghinolfi, Q.Lai, , P.De Simone, L.Colettti, G.Tincani, G.Catalano, G.Arenga, E.Balzano, P.Carrai, G.Leonardi, D.Tassinari, D.Tartaglia F.Filipponi. Octogenarian Donors and Post-Liver Transplant Ischemic Type Biliary Lesions (ITBL): a predictive score based on donor hemodynamic instability and bilirubin peak. Liver Transplantation 2014; vol 20, num 6 supp 1 Abstract O124 Cacciato Insilla A, Faviana P, Pollina LE, De Simone P, Coletti L, Filipponi F, Campani D. Lynphoepithelioma-like hepatocellular carcinoma: Case report and review of the literature. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Sep 28;21(36):10468-74. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i36.10468


Università di Pisa Dipartimento di Patologia Chirurgica, Medica, Molecolare e dell'Area Critica Direttore: Prof Riccardo Zucchi DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN FISIOPATOLOGIA CLINICA Coordinatore: Prof. Fulvio Basolo Ghinolfi D, De Simone P, Lai Q, Pezzati D, Coletti L, Balzano E, Arenga G, Carrai P, Grande G, Pollina L, Campani D, Biancofiore G, Filipponi F. Risk Analysis of Ischemic-Type Biliary Lesions after liver transplant using octogenarian donors. ILTS 21st Annual International Congress 8-11 July 2015-10-25 Liver transplantation LT-15-376.R1 De Simone P, Carrai P, Coletti L, Ghinolfi D, Precisi A, Campani D, Filipponi F. Everolimus-based immunosuppression is associated with a reduced risk of new-onset malignancies after liver transplantation. ESOT 17 Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. 13-16 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium Abstract book A3122642 accepted as OP

De Simone P, Carrai P, Precisi A, Coletti L, Ducci J, Campani D, Filipponi F. Efficacy and safety of a combination schedule with once-daily everolimus and once-daily tacrolimus in maintenance liver transplantation. ESOT 17 Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. 13-16 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium Abstract book A3122649 accepted as OP

Ghinolfi D, De Simone P, Lai Q, Pezzati D, Lombardo C, Coletti L, Balzano E, Arenga G, Carrai P, Catalano G, Tincani G, Filipponi F. Use of liver grafts > 80 years: the lessons learned after over 150 transplants. ESOT 17 Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. 13-16 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium Abstract book BO358 accepted as OP

Catalano G, Franzini M, Coletti L, Fantini M, Emdin M, Filipponi F, Paolicchi A. Plasma and bile fractional GGT analysis in the early follow-up. ESOT 17 Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. 13-16 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium Abstract book P434 accepted as Poster Ghinolfi D, De Simone P, Lai Q, Pezzati D, Coletti L, Balzano E, Arenga G, Carrai P, Grande G, Pollina L, Campani D, Biancofiore G, Filipponi F. (2016). Risk analysis of ischemic-type biliary lesions after liver transplant using octogenarian donors. LIVER TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 22; p. 588-598, ISSN: 1527-6465, doi: 10.1002/lt.24401. Marselli L, De Simone P, Morganti R, Coletti L, Carrai P, Catalano G, Tincani G, Ghinolfi D, Occhipinti M, Filipponi F, Marchetti P. (2016). Frequency and characteristics of diabetes in 300 pre-liver transplant patients. NMCD. NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, vol. 26; p. 441-442, ISSN: 0939-4753, doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2016.02.015 De Simone P, Carrai P, Coletti L, Precisi A, Ghinolfi D, Filipponi F (2016). Everolimus versus mycophenolate mofetil in combination with tacrolimus: a propensity score matching analysis. TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 100, ISSN: 0041-1337


Università di Pisa Dipartimento di Patologia Chirurgica, Medica, Molecolare e dell'Area Critica Direttore: Prof Riccardo Zucchi DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN FISIOPATOLOGIA CLINICA Coordinatore: Prof. Fulvio Basolo Ghinolfi D, Lai Q, De Simone P, Tincani G, Catalano G, Coletti L, Balzano E, Arenga G, Carrai P, Pezzati D, Cirillo G, Filipponi F (2016). Use of elderly donors in liver transplantation: a paired-match analysis at a single center. TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 100, ISSN: 0041-1337 De Simone P, Carrai P, Coletti L, Precisi A, Ghinolfi D, Fascetti L, Filipponi F (2016). Predicting adverse events in liver transplant patients on everolimus-based immunosuppression . TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 100, ISSN: 0041-1337 Ducci J, De Simone P, Coletti L, Ghinolfi D, Giannessi E, Filipponi F. (2016). Immunosuppression nonadherence after liver transplantation: should we be concerned? In: 4th ELPAT Congress - Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of Transplantation - Global Challenges - 22-25 April, Rome, Italy. Rome, Italy, 22-25 April 2016 De Simone P, Carrai P, Coletti L, Precisi A, Ghinolfi D, Fascetti L, Filipponi F. (2016). Everolimus versus mycophenolate mofetil in combination with tacrolimus: a propensity score matching analysis in liver transplantation. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 16; p. 255-255, ISSN: 1600-6135 Dr Laura Coletti


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