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Bottle waste recycling machine + App


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Bottle waste recycling machine + App"


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BOTTLE waste recycling

machine +APP

Mentor:Luca fois

Relator: Manli Zhu


BOTTLE waste recycling machine +APP


Relator: Manli Zhu


Mentor:Luca fois





1 Concept

2 Source of Inspiration

2.1Source of inspiration

2.2 Current situation analysis of dropping litter in China 2.3 Reasons for this current situation

2.4 Several ways of garbage disposal in our life

2.5 How to improve the accuracy of garbage collection and disposal to maximize value.

3 User research

3.1User survey

3.1.1 Questionnaire 3.1.2 Discover problems

3.1.3 quantitative analysis method 3.1.4qualitative analysis method 3.2 User interviews

3.3 User demand

3.4 Analysis of competing products 3.5 Analysis of related industries

4 project design

4.1 Products design 4.1.1 Basic profile


4.1.2 Principle of product operation 4.1.3APP client

4.1.4 Products appearance 4.1.5 Advantages of the product 4.1.6 Profit model

4.2 Scene

4.2.1 The types and applications of scenarios in each stage of interactive design

4.2.2 Design thinking of product interaction design based on user scene

4.3communication 4.3.1Product delivery

4.3.2 Functional analysis of products to meet people's those needs

5 Test




Nella nostra vita quotidiana, i rifiuti che produciamo, alcuni dei quali sono veri e propri rifiuti, non possono più essere riciclati, ma alcuni rifiuti sono diversi, hanno ancora il loro valore, come bottiglie di plastica, lattine, cartoni e così via. Questi rifiuti vengono prodotti quasi ogni giorno da ognuno di noi e la produzione giornaliera è molto grande. Come affrontare questi rifiuti in modo ragionevole ed efficace è diventato un problema che dovremmo risolvere ora. Nella vita quotidiana della Cina, i bidoni dei rifiuti non hanno una chiara classificazione dei rifiuti, con il risultato che tutti i rifiuti sono mescolati insieme, alcuni rifiuti utili vengono mescolati con quali inutili e trattati, bruciati e messi in discarica uniformemente. Questo trattamento così irragionevole non solo inquina l'ambiente, ma spreca anche risorse. Voglio progettare una macchina per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti, perché questi rifiuti sono preziosi, possono essere venduti. Incoraggiamo e motiviamo le persone a gettare rifiuti preziosi nelle nostre macchine per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti dando loro ricompense e incentivi corrispondenti. Le macchine per il riciclaggio dei rifiuti raccolgono una grande quantità di rifiuti preziosi, Questi ultimi possono essere venduti in modo uniforme, formando una catena industriale per guidare lo sviluppo economico e contribuire alla protezione ambientale.

Parole chiave: Rifiuti preziosi, Riciclaggio, Vendita, Macchina per il



In daily life, some of the garbage produced by us is real garbage which can not be recycled, but some of the garbage is different, and the garbage still has own value, such as plastic bottles, pop cans, paper boxes and the like, and each of us can produce the garbage almost every day, the amount of output per day is very large. How to deal with these garbage reasonably and effectively has become a problem we should solve now. In the daily life of China, the garbage can has no definite garbage classification, so that all the garbage is mixed together, and some useful garbage and useless garbage are mixed together and uniformly treated, burned and buried. The unreasonable treatment method not only pollutes the environment, but also wastes resources. It is desirable to design a machine for recycling waste products, which are of value per se and can be sold. We encourage and drive people to throw valuable garbage into our waste recycling machines by giving them a corresponding reward, reward and encouragement. The waste recycling machine can collect a large amount of valuable waste products and can be sold in a unified way, an industrial chain is formed to drive economic development, and more environmental protection is made contribution.




At present, garbage has become one of the important causes of environmental pollution. People have produced various kinds of garbage in daily life, and a large part of the garbage is solid garbage, such as waste paper, waste electric appliances, pop cans, various kinds of glass and plastics and the like. At present, the methods for treating the solid wastes mainly include recycling, landfill and incineration. For a long time, our country has used open pits to bury or dump garbage in valleys and other depressions. This is dangerous because wthe rain will dissolve the chemical substances in the garbage, form contaminated liquids, flow into rivers, lakes, infiltrated soil and underground water, and the contaminated water will be drunk by people and enter the human body, causing the outbreak of various diseases1 .Therefore, such a treatment method makes

the landfill site a major and durable source of pollution. The garbage has unattractive feeling to people, so that people can adopt a method of burning solid garbage to avoid pollution caused by a landfill method to the environment, the amount of garbage to be treated can be large, and the heat generated when the garbage is burnt can be used for generating electricity, heating and the like, such as many homes in the united states, power is provided by garbage power plants. Incineration of garbage can also contaminate the atmosphere, and once the pollution is so severe that it cannot be made up or repaired, our survival is a problem. After burning, a part of residues such as ashes still exist, which not only pollute the environment, but also need to be treated in places. At the same time, there are some problems in the incineration of garbage, some of which are not real wastes, and they still have their own value. If they are burnt down in a unified way, they not only pollute the environment, but also consume some useful resources. Therefore, the waste recovery and utilization of the garbage is a good environment-friendly garbage treatment mode, and the garbage is the only resource on the earth which is increased at present and is also the resource of the wrong place. In our life, some of


and the garbage has own value and can be recycled for secondary utilization in a unified way. If can be classified, the garbage can be reasonably used. In garbage, most recycled materials are mainly metal, glass, paper and plastic. Metal products such as aluminum and iron can be melted and reused.Therefore, the cost can be saved, the pollution caused by smelting new metal can be reduced, meanwhile, the ore does not need to be mined, and the non-renewable resources of the ore can be protected.

In the daily life of each of us, a large amount of garbage is produced, part of which is real garbage, and can not be reused. But some rubbish such as plastic bottles, pop-top cans, etc., is produced almost every day by each of us. How to do it and dispose of it well is a problem we should pay attention to. The valuable garbage is found out a reasonable treatment mode and a reasonable treatment way, so that the environmental pollution can be reduced, and the production cost can be reduced.


(1.by the author

2.http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_d74907b80101frjm.html 3.http://qz.fjsen.com/2012-03/29/content_8102320.htm)



Because the garbage has its own value to sell as a commodity, I'd like to design a waste recycling m a c h i n e , s u c h a s a v e n d i n g machine.But in the reverse of the vending machine's use.The vending machine is that through payment, the purchased goods are taken out from the goods circulation port to complete the transaction.The machine designed by the invention is a two-dimensional code control machine of a mobile phone app scanning waste recovery machine, waste products are put into the machine from a throwing window


Refuse in life, some of them are not real waste, they still have their own value to be recycled, such as pop-top cans, various kinds of glass, plastic bottles and cartons, and they can still be sold after they become garbage.

Figure 1.1(Source:https://www.pexels.


The product consists of :

waste recovery machine + mobile phone APP

products are measured by various sensors in the machine after the waste products are thrown successfully, and finally the waste products are converted into commodity values, accumulated as cash or points to be deposited into the user's account, the user may use the points to redeem the coupons of surrounding merchants or directly withdraw the cash to gain revenue.


Figure 1.4 mobile phone APP (by the author)

Figure 1.5 waste recovery machine (by the author)



Operation flow:

Mobile phone APP scanning machine two-dimension code + machine opening + throwing garbage + machine comprehensive evaluation of thrown object value + user confirmation information + point entry + point exchange.

The initial idea of machine throwing is that the shape, size and color of the throwing machine are different in different areas and places.The basic internal structure of the machine is the same, but in different regions, the appearance, color and structure of the machine are changed according to different types of users, and the machine is suitable for different users, so that more user attention is obtained.



2 Source of Inspiration

2.1 Sources of Inspiration:

During Italy's study, we have not only learned a lot of cultural knowledge, but also seen a lot of places different from our own country. The everyday living habits and ways of doing things of foreigners also shock us and let us constantly know and learn new things. When we arrived in Italy, we didn't know that the garbage needed to be classified. On the first day of our arrival, I cleaned up the room and mixed up all the garbage. When I wanted to throw garbage, I was surprised by the different colors of garbage bags in the garbage room and the garbage classification posters posted on the walls. The garbage has to be brought back to the room, sorted in detail and delivered again to the garbage room.It gave me a great inspiration and triggered my thoughts. Garbage classification is a very correct and worth doing. It really makes all garbage reasonably distributed and used.

In Italy, garbage is required to be classified, and people will consciously classify the garbage. At the same time, there are certain punishments (such as fines, etc.) for people who throw garbage in a random way. In Italy, garbage is mainly classified into several types in daily life, such as wet garbage (kitchen garbage), paper, glass, plastics and toxic and harmful garbage. The garbage is classified and treated, so that the mutual p o l l u t i o n a n d t h e s o r t i n g process among the garbage are well reduced, and great convenience is brought to the classification and treatment of


For example,

Paper waste:

The paper garbage is independently thrown, so that the pollution of other garbage to the paper garbage can be well avoided.The paper containing no other garbage and not polluted by the other garbage can be reused after simple bleaching treatment.

Kitchen waste:

Plastic, glass waste:

Kitchen waste which does not contain other toxic and harmful substances can be used as fertilizer or used for power generation, oil production and the like.

And the garbage such as plastic, glass and the like is remolded and utilized after simple treatment.

Figure 2.3 Kitchen waste(by the author) Figure 2.2 Paper waste (https://www.pexels.com)

Figure 2.4 Plastic, glass waste (https://www.pexels.com)



Toxic and harmful garbage:

Figure 2.5 Toxic and harmful garbage (https://www.pexels.com)

Toxic and harmful garbage can be treated independently and cannot be mixed in other garbage to pollute other garbage.

The garbage classification treatment method gives me great inspiration, the garbage is the resource of the wrong place, after the classification treatment, different treatment means are adopted for the garbage according to different types, and the garbage is reasonably utilized.I very much hope China can also learn to do the garbage classification work well.


2.2 Current situation analysis of dropping litter in China

With regard to garbage classification delivery, first we need to have a place where we can classify garbage, such as a garbage can that reclaims different kinds of garbage. Next we compare China with Italy's garbage classification recovery:

Distribution of Classified and Unclassified Garbage Refuse in China and Italy.

In Italy

Garbage classification in public places-three kinds of garbage classification in internal environments such as stations, airports, schools and supermarkets.(paper、plastic、glass&cans / mixed waste)

In the open places such as the outside of the station, the bus stop board, the door of the supermarket and the like, the garbage can is mainly used for containing all garbage.

In residential areas, there are special district garbage recovery a r e a s . T h i s a r e a i s a s e m i -enclosed area where garbage can only be thrown by the

people of the cell.And the household garbage needs to be treated strictly according to the garbage classification.

Figure 2.8 In residential areas the garbage can (by the author)

Figure 2.6 three kinds of garbage



In residential areas, first-tier cities or higher-grade communities will be classified and recycled for wet and dry garbage. Of course, some communities use a garbage to load all the garbage.

People in high-yield areas such as Italy, residential areas and the like are subjected to strict garbage classification.


The general education of garbage classification is good, the comprehensive quality of people is high, and the corresponding punishment measures are provided. But the garbage in China's residential areas is recovered in a unified manner, without any classification, and a large garbage can holds all the garbage. When we're at home, sort all the garbage and pack it up. Finally, the sorted garbage will still be put into a garbage can.

In China

Garbage classification in public places has two types of garbage classification (recyclable garbage and non-reusable garbage) in internal environments such as stations, airports, schools, supermarkets and the like.

I n o p e n p l a c e s s u c h a s o u t s i d e stations, bus stop boards, supermarket doorways and the like, two types of garbage classification (recyclable garbage and non-reusable garbage) or one garbage can is used for containing all the garbage.

Figure 2.10(https://www.pexels.com) Figure 2.9 In china,two types of


In China:

there is a classification of recyclable garbage and non-reusable garbage in public places, but only a part of people really strictly drop the garbage according to the rules of the label on the garbage can, most people ignore the classification of the garbage and discard the garbage at will, and they do not care where the garbage is dropped.even if the classification of the garbage exists, the classification of the garbage which can be recycled and the garbage which can not be reused is simple, no clear standard and specification are shown for people, especially the marginal garbage, people are difficult to judge, and the classification of the garbage which can be recycled is roughly simple, the two types of garbage can not be reused, so it is difficult to make the garbage thrower clear.

The present situation of garbage classification in China is summarized as follows:

1. There are two types of garbage that can be recycled and can not be reused in public farms, but people do not throw garbage strictly according to the prompt on the garbage can.

2. Some people want to classify garbage, but there is no garbage can for people to use.

Figure 2.11 Some people want to classify garbage, but there is no garbage can for people to use(by the author)



2.3 Reasons for this current situation

1. People's cognition has not reached

2. Garbage classification education has not reached 3. The classification of garbage can is not significant. 4. There is no reasonable mechanism for garbage recovery.

To those who don't know what to do, we should strengthen the publicity of the impact of garbage classification on people.Like a warning picture on a tobacco box, which gives people visual impact, Canada's smoking rate dropped by 12-20% in 2001 after implementing a cigarette box with a cigarette control warning picture.In life, in many places we can see green trees painted on the toilet tissue box, reminding people to save paper and so on.Whenever a person sees such a picture or hears such a sound in a scene of use, he understands his behavior according to the relevant reminders.

Figure 2.12 a warning picture on a tobacco box (http://m.sohu.com/a/229611230_161653)

Figure 2.13 The green trees painted on the toilet tissue box(by the author)


If the garbage can also has such a warning picture or a numerical value that records the amount of garbage generated annually, people are believed to have a deeper understanding of garbage classification and further regulate their behavior.Because the relevant impressive picture constantly transmits information to people, the information stimulates us.It is important to enhance people's sense of responsibility and to know how to throw their own garbage because their actions can have a good or bad impact.Perhaps a small act of yours can change the figure and give the garbage-dispenser a sense of responsibility. It's a good solution.

Aiming at people who do not reach the garbage classification education:

They may not have a high level of culture, have no higher awareness of environmental protection, have no knowledge of the hazards caused by the garbageing of garbage, and have no knowledge of which are harmful garbage.They may be children, middle-aged people with low education or old people, which requires reasonable guidance and education, starting with finding points that can attract them, and thus form good habits.

Garbage classification garbage can is indistinguishable:

In Italy, every type of garbage is represented by a different color.The garbage bag for throwing paper garbage is white, the garbage bag for throwing plastic garbage is yellow, the garbage bag for throwing glass products is green, and the garbage bag for throwing kitchen garbage is coffee.With a high degree of recognition, people can see the color of the garbage bag and immediately know what kind of garbage is used to hold the garbage.The first reaction will be known without looking at the text and only the color of the bag.However, in China, the similarity of two types of garbage which can be recycled in public places is too high, and it is difficult to distinguish between two types of garbage which can not be recycled.The low degree of identification also causes many people to throw garbage into the wrong place.

There is no reasonable mechanism for garbage recovery:

When garbage is classified at home, all the useful and useless garbage is finally put into a garbage can.A garbage can cannot meet the garbage classification requirement of a user.



2.4 Several ways of garbage disposal in our life

1.Discard at random (79.52%)

According to the data of the questionnaire, in public places, 79.52% of people choose to throw away the garbage directly,34% of people do not read the prompt words on the garbage can carefully, and throw the garbage into the garbage can with hands.10.2% of people read the tips on the garbage can carefully, but they still throw the garbage wrong.Only 55.8% of people carefully read the garbage classification words on the garbage can, strictly classify the garbage according to the requirements, and put the garbage into the corresponding position.

Figure 2.14 people throwing garbage (by the author)

On Sunday, November 25, according to the statistics of the garbage can at No.1 port of the Shanghai Dapuqiao Subway Station, the data of 100 people throwing garbage are recorded, and the statistic time is about 180 minutes.


Interview of users:

Whether it's wrong or not, people choose the way garbage is treated (whether it's valuable or worthless) or throw it away directly.

2. Collecting useful garbage, waiting for uniform treatment, and directly discarding useless garbage

Some people simply classify garbage.Picking out valuable garbage, uniformly arranging and selling the garbage, processing other garbage together, and directly discarding the garbage.

Why do you still divide the garbage by mistake after reading the classified text on the garbage can?

User A:

Although I looked at it, I didn't respond, but I threw the garbage in the wrong way.

User A Summary of views:

1.Lack of text recognition on garbage cans leading to delivery errors

Why did you put it right? User B:

Because the sense of garbage classification is not great, when the garbage is thrown, the garbage which can not be used by the user is also seen in the recyclable garbage, other people are thrown at will, and I see the garbage which can not be used by the user is thrown in the recyclable garbage, i don't think it's necessary to sort the garbage in this bin because it's already mixed.

User B Summary of views:

1.Other people's consciousness is not reached.

2.To follow another's behavior without achieving one's own consciousness.



3. There are also a number of people who want to classify garbage strictly in accordance with regulations

(public places may have a classification of recyclable garbage and non-recyclable garbage, but most regions do not have a classification of both, but only a unified garbage recovery. Life garbage produced in life, people want to classify the garbage, but there is no such use scene. There is no chance of garbage classification, because there is no garbage classification in the living area, and even if you classify the garbage, the end result is that the garbage is uniformly thrown into an unclassified garbage can), so the garbage recovery condition cannot be achieved, and people cannot reasonably process the garbage.

As can be seen from the data, the proportion of people who choose to discard garbage with hand is the largest, about 80%. We hope that 80% of the people can deal with the garbage more reasonably and improve the delivery accuracy.The significance and the value of garbage classification are truly reflected, and the environmental protection is better realized.


2.5 How to improve the accuracy of garbage collection

and disposal to maximize value

Early stages require awareness-raising and a process of education and encouragement.At present, data statistics have confirmed that too low classification cues do not have a significant impact on the garbage launcher.We should stimulate the garbage-throwing people in many ways, guide them and teach them how to do it.Of these, some have their own value, such as pop-top cans, plastic bottles, cartons, etc.The valuable garbage can be firstly processed to form good user habits so as to drive the classification of other garbage types.So I thought of making an app + waste recovery machine for waste recovery to solve the problem of waste classification.if our products can attract people, arouse people and gain the recognition of people, our products must meet the needs of the users (money, status, satisfaction, honor and pleasure), only satisfy all or part of them, the user will be willing to use our product.




3.1 User survey

According to several disposal methods of garbage and garbage recovery, we designed the following questionnaire.

Collecting Basic Information through Questionnaires


Release mode: on-line, off-line.

On-line: the generated two-dimensional code is mainly

propagated through the network and forwarded to the group, the modules

Off-line: Guanglan Road, Shangai Metro Station

Quantity: A total of 210 questionnaires were issued,210 were



3.1.2 Discover problems

Question 1: Why do most people throw away garbage like plastic bottles, pop-top cans and cartons?

In daily life, how would everyone handle garbage like plastic bottles, pop-top cans and cartons?

A. throwing the garbage can with hands.

B, returning to the home, uniformly arranging, and regularly waiting for the waste recycling personnel to be recycled.

C. Other

In 210 questionnaires, the age of the users was distributed in the range of 18-49 years. The data of the questionnaires were summarized as follows.

A. How will you handle valuable garbage in public places, such as plastic bottles, pop-top cans, cartons and so on?

a. Throw into the garbage can at a rate of 79.52 per cent

b. Take it home, arrange it in a unified way, deal with it in a centralized way, and sell it in 15.24 per cent of the total.

Figure 3.2 questionnaire analysis (by the author)


B. Do you strictly classify garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans, etc. in public places according to the words (e.g. recyclable garbage/ non-recyclable garbage, etc.) on the garbage can?

a. The classification is strictly carried out according to the characters on the garbage can, and the proportion is 61.43 per cent.

b. Concerned about the words, but not particularly, of the garbage can, which accounted for 29.05 per cent of the total.

c. No attention has been paid to the words on the garbage can, which accounts for 9.52 per cent of the total.

In China, such garbage as plastic bottles, pop cans, cartons and the like can be sold and converted into cash.Why would most people throw away garbage like plastic bottles, pop cans, cartons?And not for cash?

Question 2: For those who choose to dispose of and sell garbage, are there only 9% of those who want to recycle,91% do not want to recycle?



In the questionnaire, the number of users is large among women, the number of female users accounts for about three quarters of the total number, and the number of male users accounts for about one third of the total number.

Sex ratio:

Female:76.67% Male:23.33%


The reason for this phenomenon:

1. As a result of the issuance of questionnaires.The questionnaire is mainly divided into on-line + off-line channels, and the frequency of using Internet

The median is: 28 The first quartile is: 18 The third quartile is: 49

18 ≤ user age ≤ 49, accounting for 93.3%

User age > 49, accounting for 6.7% The age distribution of users is mainly concentrated between 18 and 49 years old.

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4

3.1.3 Quantitative analysis method

Quantity:210 questionnaires were issued and 210 were recovered 1.




2. Focus of attention.Young people pay more attention to environmental issues and are more willing to take an active part in answering questionnaires.

3. Other factors (unknown)

In view of this, we take the 18-49 years old users as our target users as our main subjects.

In public places, the number of people who directly throw away valuable garbage such as plastic bottles, pop-top cans, paper boxes and the like is about 80%, and the proportion is very high.But the garbage is not reasonably classified, so that valuable garbage is mixed with other garbage.

How will you handle valuable garbage in public places, such as plastic bottles, pop-top cans, cartons, and so on?

a. throwing the garbage can with hands, 79.52%

b. taking back home, unifying, c e n t r a l i z e d p r o c e s s i n g a n d selling, 15.24%

c. other, 5.24%

Do you strictly classify g a r b a g e s u c h a s plastic bottles, pop-t o p c a n s , c a r pop-t o n s and the like in public places according to the marking words (e.g. recyclable garbage/ non-recyclable garbage and the like) on the garbage can?

Figure 3.5



According to the data, more than 60% of the garbage throwers are strictly classified according to the characters on the garbage can.But this is not the case.According to the data statistics at the underground iron mouth of the Pupu Bridge, only 55.8 % of people carefully read the garbage classification words on the garbage can, strictly classify the garbage according to the requirements, and put the garbage into the corresponding position.The answers in the questionnaire are classified according to the characters on the garbage can strictly, and 61.43% of the answers are higher than 55.8 percent of the actual statistical data in real life.

The reason for this is:

1. People subconsciously beautify their behaviors during the questionnaire investigation;

2. The mark on the garbage can is not clearly seen, and is considered to be correctly thrown, but the fact condition is that the delivery is wrong; 3. Error caused by too few samples.

a. the classification is strictly carried out according to the marks on the garbage can, 61.43%

b. pay attention to the words marked on the garbage can, but not especially to it, 29.05%



According to the data, in the family life, people mainly adopt two main ways of throwing the garbage into the garbage can along with hands, uniformly arranging, intensively processing and selling the garbage, such as plastic bottles, pop cans, paper boxes and the like.

How will you handle such rubbish as plastic bottles, pop-top cans, cartons, etc. in family life?

a. throwing the garbage can with hands, 45.24%

b. unifying, centralized processing and selling, 50.95%

c. other,3.81%



6.Do you think that the current disposal method of garbage such as plastic bottles, pop-top cans and paper boxes is your ideal disposal method for waste products?Is there any other opinion?

The relevant comments were made as follows:


According to user feedback data can be seen, people think of plastic bottles, cans, cartons and other garbage disposal methods, not ideal.It is hoped that there will be a more reasonable way to recycle the garbage. One of the ways people want to be:

1. Being able to sort out these valuable garbage.

2. Smart garbage can, use these valuable garbage to make corresponding exchange.

3. Special recycling of these valuable waste 4. A more detailed and precise classification.




Can you accept the recycling business by door-to-door?

Yes, 9.19% No, 90.81%

It can be seen from the data that 90% of users are reluctant to accept the way of garbage recovered by door-to-door.

According to the data, the main reason why people are reluctant to accept the door-to-door recycling service is that waste disposal takes up too much space, spends more time and costs more, and does not want strangers to bring security.


What are the reasons for unwillingness to accept on-demand recycling services:

a . t o o m u c h s p a c e i s o c c u p i e d by the unified disposal of waste products,17.24%

b.the time and cost are higher,20.69% c. don't want strangers to go to the door for bring security factors,31.03% d . t h e p r i c e o f w a s t e i s n o t ideal,10.34%

e. waste is sold until a certain amount is reached,13.79%

f. leakage of Phone Information,3.45% g. other,3.45%

Figure 3.9


From the data, it can be seen that the convenience of the service and the compensation of the amount of money are the main concerns of the users.


If there is a new way to recover such valuable waste as plastic bottles, cans, cartons, etc., what c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s y o u w a n t , f o r example: a. self-service,50.25% b. certain economic compensation,48.73% C. other,1.02% Figure 3.11



3.1.4 Qualitative analysis method

1. How will you handle valuable garbage in public places, such as plastic bottles, pop-top cans, cartons, and so on?

In public places, why do most people throw away valuable garbage directly, analyze:

In public places, people mainly take leisure and entertainment as the main components, and the equipment to be maintained is light and convenient. After the beverage bottle is drunk, even if a user knows that the beverage bottle has value, the beverage bottle is low in value, inconvenient to carry about, heavy in weight, large in occupied space and the like, the valuable garbage such as the paper box is directly thrown away and is not carried home for unified treatment.

It can be seen from the data that in public places, the number of people who directly throw away the valuable garbage such as plastic bottles, pop cans, paper boxes and the like is about 80% , and the proportion is very high.Thereby also causing valuable waste to mix with other waste.

Figure 3.12 downtown (https://www.pexels.com)

When the carrying cost of valuable garbage is greater than the value of the garbage itself, people know that the garbage is valuable, but choose

Carry cost > the value of garbage Summary:


3. How will you dispose of such garbage as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans, cartons, etc. in family life?

According to the data, in the family life, people mainly adopt two main modes of throwing the garbage into the garbage can, uniformly arranging and periodically selling the bottle, such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop-top cans, paper boxes and the like.

2. Do you strictly classify garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans, etc. in public places according to the words (e.g. recyclable garbage/ non-recyclable garbage, etc.) on the garbage can?

According to the data, more than 60 percent of the garbage throwers are strictly classified according to the characters on the garbage can.


More than half of the users see the marks on the garbage can and can strictly classify according to the characters on the garbage can, so that the majority of users have higher garbage classification consciousness, but some people still do not see or care about the marks on the garbage can, resulting in an error in the delivery of the waste.Aiming at users who do not strictly execute garbage classification, the identification on the garbage can can be increased, so that the stimulation to the users is enhanced, and the garbage classification consciousness of the users is enhanced.

(A clear analysis in the previous section)

Figure 3.14 uniformly arranging and periodically selling(by the author) Figure 3.13 throwing the garbage into



4. Can you accept the door to door recycling business? Analysis:

90% of users choose not to accept door-to-door recycling services, the highest share of which is due to the insecurity of strangers.In daily life, strangers can bring some unsafe factors and cause a certain potential safety hazard.Secondly, the time spent on getting on the door is high in cost, especially for working people, the working pressure is high every day, the working time is from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the longer working time leads to less free and available time for people, and the weekend rest time is unwilling to be disturbed.The recovery of the waste at home requires that a certain amount of waste be achieved.Because considering the labor cost, only when the waste reaches a certain quantity, and the quantity is large enough, the waste reclaimer can recycle the waste.When the waste reaches a certain quantity, the space occupied is large, the living space of people is occupied, and the life of people is influenced to a certain extent.


Different from public places in family life, people have their own living space, and the activities carried out at ordinary times also meet the requirements of normal life.In daily family life, more than half of the generated garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans, paper boxes and the like can be treated, sold or waited for waste recycling personnel to be recycled.In family life, we choose to arrange the valuable garbage in a unified way, and the proportion of people selling the garbage is about 51 % , which is much larger than the proportion of people who bring the valuable garbage back to home for treatment in public places by 15% .The reason is that people can consider the problem of wealth exchange more under the circumstances of more labor saving, shorter operation path and more abundant living activity area.


3.2 User interviews A:

Related Interviews Records:

1. Wang Juan is in a public place, and valuable garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop-top cans, paper boxes and the like can be thrown into the garbage can along with the user;

Interview information Venue: Shanghai

Time:2019 02.12 13:00

User's basic information

User Name: Wang Juanyu Interests: dancing, reading Resident: Shanghai

Career: Early Childhood Education (Receptionist)


Education: Specialty Revenue:6000 +

Family situation: single



A summary of the reasons for the answer:

a. It's necessary to keep light and bright when going out.

b. The glass bottle, the plastic bottle, the pop can and the like have large volume and are not convenient to carry

c. The selling price is not enough to pry and carry power.

2. When Wang Juan is in family life, the garbage like a glass bottle, a plastic bottle, a pop can and the like can be thrown into the garbage can along with the user.

A summary of the reasons for the answer:

a. Most of the working day is in the company.Less time is occupied at home, less garbage is generated, and the amount can not be saved to be sold in a short time.

b. The living space is limited and there is no desire to pile up more garbage at home.

3. Do you think that it is your ideal way to dispose of garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, cans, cartons and so on?Do you have any other comments?

The outline of the answer:

Recyclable waste can be classified in many places in the public environment, but people don't pay special attention to the identification on the garbage can.We should strengthen people's awareness of garbage classification, and strengthen the label of garbage classification to remind people.

In family life, you want to be able to recycle immediately, instead of storing it at home and saving it up to a certain amount and waiting for the recycler to recycle it.Because saving up to a certain amount takes up a lot of space.

4. Don't like the door-to-door recycling business Answer the synopsis:


5. What if there's a new recycling bottle, plastic bottle, can, etc. What do you want to do with these valuable garbage?

Answer the synopsis:

The hope is that it will be easier to support self-service, rather than saving up to sell.Give a certain amount of economic compensation.




Related Interviews Records:

1. Users throw valuable garbage in public places such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop-top cans and the like into the garbage can with hands; A summary of the reasons for the answer:

Interview information Venue: Shanghai

Time:2019 02.12 13:00

Basic data information

User Name: Liu Shiqi Interests: Games, sports Resident: Shanghai

Career: Internet (R & D Engineer) Age:29

Education: Master's degree Revenue:20000 +

Family situation: single


2, in the household life of a user, the garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans and the like is thrown into the garbage can along with hands;

A summary of the reasons for the answer:

a. Most of the time during the working day is in the company, generating less garbage in the home and being unable to save the amount sold in the short term.

b. The living space is limited and there is no desire to pile up more garbage at home.

c. The price of waste products is low.

3. Do you think that the current disposal method of garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans and the like is your ideal disposal method of waste products?Is there any other opinion?

Outline of the answer:

In public places and family life, the garbage can with special garbage such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans and the like is expected to be arranged, so that the garbage can can can be reasonably classified, and the mixing of all the garbage can can be avoided.

4. Unfond of recycling waste products at home a. I don't want to be disturbed by strangers. b. The waiting time is long, the time is wasted,

5. What if there is a new way to recover such valuable waste as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans, cartons, etc.?

An outline of the answer:



3.3 User demand

1. According to 210 questionnaires, 61.38% (combined in public places (79.52%) and family environment (45.24%)) of people chose to directly discard waste products, and the reasons for non-uniform sorting, selling and waiting for collection of waste products are as follows:

In public places:

Scenario Description

Is inconvenient to carry, in public places, people mainly take leisure and entertainment as the main components, and the equipment needing to be kept is light and convenient.After the beverage bottle is drunk, even if a user knows that the beverage bottle has value, the beverage bottle is low in value, inconvenient to carry about, heavy in weight, large in occupied space and the like, the valuable garbage such as the paper box is directly thrown away and is not carried home for unified treatment.

In family life:

Scenario Description

1. In a advanced city, the house price is expensive, the living space of people is small, each person has a small living space which may be only 10 square meters, and beverage bottles such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, pop cans and the like are large in volume and can occupy a larger area at home and occupy the living space of people;Although they have a certain value in themselves, and they can be traded for money in a unified way, they are of lower value, and when their value is lower than the need for space, people choose to drop them directly, rather than arrange them

User Requirements

The way in which the waste is recovered is that can be recycled in time, and avoids the trouble caused by carrying.


personnel to recover.There are few people in China who choose a mechanism such as appointment, which is the result of lifestyle and development environment, and people prefer to implement it in real timecompared with appointment.Because there is uncertainty and latency in the reservation.Think about a weekend morning, which should have been used for rest, but you need to wait for a garbage collector to return garbage, and believe that most people choose to throw the garbage out, because the value of the garbage is lower than people's need for vacation, people choose to drop it directly, rather than tidy it up together and wait for the reclaimer to collect it.

3.The service of strangers to the door.Refuse reclaimer may not be high in quality, a stranger who is not high in quality, may bring a great security factor when he comes to the door, and believe that people don't want a stranger to stay at home for a long time.A stranger's entry service may increase the chance of entry harassment.

4. The price of garbage is not high, and after a few changes, everyone will withhold a part of the benefit from it, which leads to the low profit of the person who sells the waste, that is, the selling price of the waste is very low, and the price of the waste is not ideal.

5. And after the garbage is accumulated to a certain amount, the garbage recycling personnel meet the door to recycle the garbage.The garbage generated in the daily life of a user is not much, and a certain amount is a process of time accumulation, and the process can be long.

The telephone information is leaked, the reservation is to reserve the telephone information, and a lot of telephone disturbance can be generated in the later period of the telephone information leakage.



User Requirements

The way people need to recycle waste is. 1. Be able to recycle in time

2. Choose your time and be able to do it in your free time 3. Short operation time, etc.

4. Try to avoid door-to-door recycling (can you accept on-site recycling in the questionnaire?

Yes, 9.19% No, 90.81%

91% of users choose not to accept door-to-door recycling, which is a matter of great concern.

5. Distance

6. There's a certain amount of economic compensation 7. Protect their privacy


3.4 Analysis of competing products

3.4.1 Determination and analysis of competitive products Existing Waste Recycling APPs:

Taofeibao recycled version, Waste Recycling Alliance, Wangyou recycling, DOG, 92 recycling, Feipindashu, zerozero, Huishouge, Huishouhang, Feilianoquan, Feipindaren, Aifeiliao, Tianexing, etc.

Waste Recovery Websites:

Shanghai Zhizhu Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd., Xunshou, Wangyou Regeneration, Bianbao, etc.

The utilization rate of the mobile terminal is generally far higher than that of the PC terminal, and people are more accustomed to surfing the internet by using a mobile phone in daily life, so that the waste recovery app is mainly selected as a competitive object.

Classification of competing products

Direct competition:

Feipinbao,Waste Recycling Alliance,DOG, 92 recycling, Feipindashu, zerozero,Huishouge,Feipindaren, Tianexing, etc.

Indirect competition:

Taofeibao recycled version,zerozero,Huishoushang,Feilianoquan, Aifeiliao,Wangyou recycling, etc.



Organize the business scope included in direct competition(by the author) Figure3.18


Large classification of business scope of recovery in direct competing products:

Existing waste recycling APPs include Taofeibao recycled version, Waste Recycling Alliance, Wangyou recycling, DOG, 92 recycling, Feipindashu, zerozero, Huishouge, Huishouhang, Feilianoquan, Feipindaren, Aifeiliao, Tainexing, and the like.

But a common feature of these apps is that they are all reserved services. The user selects the appointed time in the app operation interface, sends a bill by the APP, and assigns related waste recycling personnel to the home of the user to collect the waste.

We should note that through Questionnaire Question 7, are they willing to accept the door-to-door waste recovery business?

Yes, it accounts for 9.19%. No, 90.81%

It can be seen that the fundamental problem is that people are reluctant to accept the recycling of waste products at home, and it is desirable to have other ways to better handle waste products.And these waste recovery apps do not solve the fundamental problems of the users.It only found another convenient way for the service of recycling waste.Only 9% of users' problems are solved, but 91% of users' problems are left unasked.At present, people face the problem of how to more simply and



effectively solve the demand of users who are not willing to accept the online recycling service and the problem of a new waste recycling mode (instant delivery) which the users want to achieve.Therefore, the analysis shows that Taofeibao recycled version, Waste Recycling Alliance, Wangyou recycling, DOG, 92 recycling, Feipindashu, zerozero, Huishouge, Huishouhang, Feilianoquan, Feipindaren, Aifeiliao, Tainexing, etc., are not our direct competing products. We need to learn from these apps, find problems, and explore a new way of recycling wastes based on the actual situation online and offline.


3.5Related industry analysis

Among the selected direct competing products, Feipinbao, Waste Recycling Alliance, DOG, 92 Recycling, Feipindashu, Huishouge, Feipindaren, Tainexing, only Feipindashu is the user to send the scrap to the designated recycling location, and the remaining 7 are the door-to-door recycling waste.

It can be seen that the current waste recovery mode is mainly APP dispatching, and relevant personnel are appointed to collect waste.It can be judged that the waste recovery takes the home service as the main mode.

Industrial analysis of door-to-door services:

In our daily life often encounter on-site service scenarios, take out, waste recycling, package, home appliances maintenance, etc., we will be several kinds of on-site services related industries for analysis and comparison.

Figure 3.21 Industrial analysis of door-to-door services(by the author) Figure 3.20



The pattern of waste recovery looks similar to these three types.But it is fundamentally different in nature.

1. Take out:

The take outbelongs to the instant release, and the take-off dispatcher sends the take out to the user's home for a short stay and then leaves for a very short stay.People's psychological expectation value is higher, people can take out only when they are hungry, the demand for selling outside is high, the expectation value is higher, and it is urgent to get it.And people do not need to wait, so that the time cost is saved.

2. Package:

package is a momentary release type, and the package dispatcher sends the package to the user's home for a short stay and then leaves, and the stay time is very short.People's psychological expectation value is higher, people's desire for self-purchase goods and the demand for package are higher, and the expectation value is higher, so that people are anxious to get the package.And people do not need to wait, so that the time cost is saved.In recent years, however, package delivery has gradually changed into express cabinet storage mode.Package can be stored longer than take-away.

Figure 3.22 Take out(http://finance.ifeng.com/ leadership/qysj/20101115/2883404shtml)


3, household electrical appliance maintenance: the household electrical appliances are not put in instantly, and the maintenance personnel are on the door to maintain the household electrical appliances, so that the time is long.During which the user needs to wait for the completion of the entire maintenance process.When the household appliances are damaged, people want to use the household appliances with high demand degree and high waiting value, and are anxious to repair the household appliances.

Figure 3.24 household electrical appliance maintenance(http://www.51yuansu.com/ sc/qeerytzepu.html)

4, waste recovery:

The process of selling things first takes more time and is not instantaneous. 1. The waiting time is long, the reservation of the first day is carried out to the recovery of the second day, and the recovery time of the second day is long;During which the user needs to wait for the completion of the entire reclamation calculation process.This wastes a large amount of time from the seller. 2. We know that the prices of waste products are low, that many of them are sold in less than high amounts, and that waiting for longer periods of time does not result in higher returns or like take out or express delivery to meet the urgent needs or curiosity of people.In the psychology of selling or not selling, people's desire to sell things is not high.



Through the comparison of relevant industries, we judge and analyze that the recycling of waste products at home is not the most suitable recycling mode which is most easily accepted by users, so we need to change the recycling mode at home and find out the mode which is really suitable for recycling waste products.

User's expectation:

If there is a recovery point nearby, the user would prefer to put the waste to the recovery point by himself.The user wants the nearby recovery point to be close enough, does not need to walk a long way, and can be sent to the waste recovery point in time without accumulating a certain amount. And the recovery point can instantly release and calculate the price without waiting.Prices should be open, transparent, and not closed.




4.1 Products design

4.1.1 Basic profile 1. Purpose of design

To be better able to recycle useful waste products in daily life

In our daily life, we produce a lot of garbage, some of which are real garbage, they can not be recycled, some are not real garbage, they still have their own value and can be recycled. Such valuable garbage as cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles can still be sold after they become garbage.We recycle these valuable garbage with our machines, and promote users to use our machines to form industry chain by giving them certain economic compensation, so as to gain profits.

2.The target user of the service

Users who want to throw away garbage (currently, our machines only support the recycling of valuable garbage, such as cans, plastic bottles)

3.User age

Based on the results of the questionnaire (the proportion of users aged 8 to 49 is 93.3%) and considering the scope of smartphone use, we determined the target population to be 18 to 49 years old.These people are not only smartphone owners, but also produce more waste (cans, plastic bottles and other valuable garbage) than other age groups.


4. What needs does it satisfy users?

5.Profit model

a.Recycled waste is valuable in itself and can be sold to make a difference in price.

b.Waste recycling machines equipped with LED screens and undertook advertisements on the outside surface. c.Scrap exchange points can be converted into coupons and cooperate with coupon dealers, etc.

Reasonable disposal of valuable garbage Be able to recycle in time

Users are free to choose the time they want, and they can do it in their spare time.

Short operating time

Try to avoid door-to-door recycling Near distance

There is a certain amount of financial compensation Protect privacy



6.Receiving object

Can, plastic bottle, iron box

Due to the limitation of the volume, recognition ability and anti-cheating mechanism of the machine, at present, the machine only accepts the recycling of three kinds of wastes: cans, plastic bottles and iron boxes. (If a more reasonable treatment can be found later, it will also recycle the cartons. In China, the express industry is very developed, almost everyone will buy one or more express every month. There are also many industrial chains around express delivery industry. At present, there is no reasonable way to recycle these boxes for express delivery, which causes people to throw them away directly after the express delivery is dismantled. The number of cartons is very large, if these cartons can be recycled and utilized reasonably, there will be considerable benefits. So it's worth doing.)

Figure 4.2 ,4.3 ,4.4 can, plastic bottle, iron box 1.https://www.pexels.com 2.https://www.pexels.com


4.1.2 Principle of product operation

This product is mainly used for waste recycling. It should be an accommodating product or an improved intelligent garbage can.It can identify and receive different garbage, and give different rewards to users (garbage throwers) according to the value of the garbage thrown in it.The operation mode of products is similar to that of vending machines, but it is the opposite of the process of using vending machines.The use of vending machines is to take out purchased goods from the commodity circulation outlet through payment by users.The machine we designed is: users put waste products from the waste recycling machine input entry, through the machine to identify and measure the material and weight of waste products, and finally converted to the value of goods, which wad accumulated for cash or points stored in user accounts.Users can use these converted points to exchange coupons or cash directly from nearby businesses.

Additional functions:

Considering people's living habits and needs in daily life, there are not only scanners on the machine for delivery, but also open collecting entries for the plastic and cans.Users who are inconvenient to deliver through scanner can directly deliver valuable garbage to the classification, which greatly saves the delivery time of users.However, there is no corresponding economic compensation in this way, it only provides a new channel for users to put garbage in a reasonable way.

The process of using the product:

Products (Waste Recycling Machines) + Mobile Apps are used in conjunction



Using steps

1.Download the “BOTTLE“APP

2.Scanning the two-dimensional code on the machine with "BOTTLE" APP to start the machine.

3.The delivery entry of the machine is opened. 4.Users place waste products in designated areas 5.Close the delivery entry of the machine

6.The machine recognizes the pictures of the objects thrown in and uses gravity sensors to measure and calculate them.

7.When the recognition is completed, the machine

transmits the relevant information of the dropping object to the user's mobile phone.

8.Click on the confirmation information when the user thinks it is correct

9.Integral to account.

10.Integrations can be exchanged for coupons or withdrawn in cash.


Product size:

Space occupied by the machine: 100cm*100cm*200cm The wheels on the bottom of the machine: 5cm

Machine volume: 100cm*100cm*195cm Delivery entry: 20cm * 20cm * 38cm Display screen: 75cm*50cm * 6cm

The three side lengths of the space (receptacles) of the machine for loading waste bottles are: 80cm * 170cm * 100cm

The volume is: 1.36 m3

Figure 4.5 Products (Waste Recycling Machines) (by the author)



The length of the three sides of a 330 ml can bottle after hydraulic pressure is as follows:7cm * 7cm * 1cm,Volume is:0.5cm3 .The machine can accommodate 27200 hydraulic 330 ml cans.The length of each side of 500 ml bottle after hydraulic pressure is respectively:7cm * 7cm * 7cm,Volume is3.5cm3.The machine can accommodate 3885 plastic bottles with 500 ml of hydraulic pressure and 170 plastic bottles with 5 L of hydraulic pressure. By mixing calculation, it can accommodate about 10,000 bottles.

Figure 4.7 Limiting case: High:33cm,Diameter:15cm


Figure 4.6 Normal case: High:25cm,Diameter:7cm

(http://m.sohu.com/ a/163733672_499063)


Figure 4.8 Microsoft Azure loT [azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/suites/iot-suite]

Technical drawing

The architecture of the product is divided into three parts: the left side represents the device, which connects to the IoT cloud platform through the cloud gateway; the right side represents the device and system used by the client; the middle side represents the back-end processing system on the cloud platform, which mainly interacts with the interconnected devices and personal mobile terminals (such as mobile phones), transmits various status, control and other information, and carries out statistical analysis.

The process of unlocking is as follows:Scanning two-dimensional code->After receiving the number of the machine, the cloud platform carries out a series of validation such as user identity, account number, integral status, machine status, etc. After confirming that it can be used, it modifies the status of Device Twin, then sends the unlock command to the smart lock, and modifies the machine status on the client's mobile phone1 .

Image recognition function

Use Baidu AI open platform: http://ai.baidu.com/tech/imagerecognition/ general



Flow chart

Figure 4.9 Flow chart (by the author)

The user scans the two-dimensional code on the machine by using B app on the mobile phone. After the machine door is opened (unlocked), the user puts the delivery object in the designated position of the machine and closes the machine door (the machine door is locked).After the image recognition function of the machine and the weighing function of the gravity sensor, the corresponding integral is obtained.Points are transmitted to mobile phones through the Internet of Things card. People see the basic information about the delivery on the mobile phone and click the confirmation button when they think it is correct. The machine sends the converted points to the user's account and the user's behavior is complete (if the user thinks that the machine has misjudged the result of the delivery, he clicks the error button on the app. When the machine receives the signal, it re-evaluates the transmitter.)The machine transmits the successful deliveries to the hydraulic press. After hydraulic treatment, the volume of the deliveries is compressed.Hydraulic deliveries are conveyed to the machine's receptacles via conveyor belts.The receptacle has infrared distance sensor. When the content of the receptacle reaches 88% of the total volume, the sensor transmits signals to the garbage collection station. The garbage collection station dispatches cleaners to clean up the deliveries in the machine in time.


Hardwares required for product

Internet of Things card

When we use the mobile phone to scan the two-dimensional code on the machine to open the machine, our information will enter the cloud analysis system of product BOTTLE through the Internet of Things card.This system will automatically remember our identity information and usage.In short, the system remembers our information through analysis, and then uses our information for subsequent link that integrations to be converted into accounts.And it records our identity information by issuing unlocking instructions through GPRS network system.

Internet of Things technology provides BOTTLE products with the functions of networking, scanning and acquiring BOTTLE machine information, so that they can easily request unlocking from cloud servers through the network.The cloud server receives the status and location information of the BOTTLE product machine through GPRS, sends the unlocking instructions to the BOTTLE product machine, and processes them in image recognition, weight evaluation, etc.After the evaluation is successful, the system submits to the users the benefits of their waste disposal.Internet of Things cards enable BOTTLE product machines to connect to the Internet and make them more intelligent.This is a common application architecture of the Internet of Things. The application of the Internet of Things provides convenience for the management, operation and use of shared products.

Gravity sensor



Gravity sensor 1:

It is applied to anti-cheating system. The weight of plastic, glass and metal can is different. Our products are mainly recycled plastic, metal cans and other waste products.But the way used to distinguish the material of the product is the image recognition function. It is inevitable that some people will use other means to put items that are not plastic or metal cans into the product machine, and get reward or disturb the normal operation of the machine through these abnormal means.In order to avoid such incidents, we develop a corresponding anti-cheating system, that is, weighing the products put in.The unnecessary economic loss can be reduced by synthetically evaluating the material quality of the objects put in by combining image recognition with weighing calculation.

Gravity sensor 2:

A gravity sensor is arranged at the bottom of the receptacle to weigh the overall weight of the delivery objects in the receptacle.It cooperates with the distance sensor to judge the accommodation status of the receptacle (whether it is full or needs cleaning)

Lighting equipments

Lighting equipment is provided at the machine delivery entry.Different users will use the product for different times, and these factors should be taken into account comprehensively.When the color is dark or the light is insufficient and the image recognition function is unable to recognize the delivery object, the machine will automatically turn on the lighting equipment to facilitate the image recognition more smoothly and better recognition of the delivery object.

Camera Camera1:


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