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Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson. Enunciation and the Semiotics of Programming Languages


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Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson. Enunciation and the Semiotics of Programming Languages

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Lexia. Rivista di semiotica, 27–28


Lexia. Journal of Semiotics, 27–28 Aspectuality a cura di edited by Massimo Leone Contributi di Sémir Badir Amir Biglari Marco Celentano Alessandra Chiappori Giusy Gallo Alice Giannitrapani Vincenzo Idone Cassone Massimo Leone Giovanni Manetti Alessandro Mazzei Paola Pennisi Francesca Polacci Alessandro Prato Franciscu Sedda Simona Stano Mattia Thibault Stefano Traini Andrea Valle Ugo Volli


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Lexia. Rivista di semiotica, 27–28 Aspettualità ISBN 978-88-255-0876-5 DOI 10.4399/978882550876525 pag. 505–525 (giugno 2017)

Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson

Enunciation and the Semiotics of Programming Languages*

Andrea Valle, Alessandro Mazzei**

titolo italiano: Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson. Enunciazione e semiotica dei linguaggi di programmazione

abstract: Programming languages represent a class of semiotic systems that has mostly escaped semiotic literature, as they have been typically regarded as mechanical and, thus, far from the complexity of man–made systems. The contribution aims at introducing some general aspects of programming language by proposing a theoretical semiotic framework. Enunciation is taken into account and its eVects are investigated in relation to three programming language paradigms.

keywords: Programming Languages; Enunciation; Semiotic Systems; Lan-guage Paradigms; Artificial Semiotics.

1. Semiotics and Programming Languages

A computer implies an obvious linguistic dimension, that of program-ming languages, which is not at all accidental, neither in importance (all software is literally “written”) nor in specifically semiotic inter-est. In fact, the semiotic complexity of programming languages has escaped literature up to the contribution of Tanaka–Ishii (2010). Many leading developers emphasize the importance of the linguistic and editorial dimension in writing software, even including a central role played by literary competences (Seibel 2009).

In general terms,

Some preliminary aspects of this work are discussed in Valle and Mazzei 2013.

⇤⇤ University of Turin.


a programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly in computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine and/or to express algorithms precisely1.

The features that emerge from the definition are: — artificiality (“artificial language”);

— machine–like “enunciatee” (Greimas and Courtés 1979) (“to a machine”);

— deontic nature (“to communicate instructions”); — procedural focus (“program”);

— two types of statements: command (“control the behavior”) and representation (“express algorithms precisely”).

In a more suggestive fashion, a (very rigorous) text introduces programming languages in this way (Abelson and Sussman 1996):

We are about to study the idea of a computational process. Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers. [. . . ] People create pro-grams to direct processes. In eVect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.

A computational process is indeed much like a sorcerer’s idea of a spirit. It cannot be seen or touched. It is not composed of matter at all. However, it is very real. It can perform intellectual work. It can answer questions. It can aVect the world [. . . ]. The programs we use to conjure processes are like a sorcerer’s spells. They are carefully composed from symbolic expressions in arcane and esoteric programming languages that prescribe the tasks we want our processes to perform.

In summary, a program is built around classes of deontic utter-ances for the control of calculation processes. At surface level, the sentences are organized around the two categories of description and prescription.

Obviously, a programming language can be studied from a for-mal, logical perspective. Following the definition given by Turing (1936) in his foundational paper on theory of computation, a program-ming language is a formal language implementing a certain abstract


Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson 507

machine that performs reading/writing operations on an infinite memory2. Thus, if programming languages are all by definition

“Tur-ing–complete”, then they are all strictly computationally equivalent. This is indeed a crucial point. Since his seminal contribute, Chomsky (1957) supposed a universal grammar to which all natural languages can be traced back, a claim that has been variously accused of reduc-tionism. In the case of programming languages such a reductio ad

unum not only is implied, but it also ensures a formally defined

se-mantics. Here we are interested in a semiotic perspective that reveals how the underlying formal identity of all programming languages leaves room for a huge, “wild” variety of actual realizations. In other words, we will assume an ethnographic perspective in order to take into account the phenomenology of existing languages. But to some extent such “Babel” is “illusory”, as Turing–completeness ensures an unambiguous interpretation for each program written in each lan-guage (Martini 2008). Properly, it could be said that this feature acts as an interpretation warranty, a condition that is indeed very far from the normal course in semiotics. Yet, it poses some interesting questions. Tanaka–Ishii proposes some points of interest for a semiotics of programming languages:

a) communication is not targeted toward humans. From this point

of view, there is a curious aYnity with biosemiotics and there-fore a general interest for semiotic (p. 3);

b) moreover, “computer languages are the only existing large–scale

sign systems with an explicit, fully characterized interpreter external to the human interpretive system” (p. 5). Here, inter-pretation must be understood as a “chain of substitutions”: in essence, it converts a linguistic layer (a surface layer) in varia-tions of the state of the physical memory (at the deepest level). This model may provide clues about interpretation in a more general sense (p. 5);

c) programming languages mediate between man and machine

because they must be understandable for both: they “reflect the

2. Interestingly, Turing describes his machine in a quite semiotic fashion, as an engine capable of reading and writing: it could be observed that, in terms of modes of sign production, such a machine generates expressions by replica, to speak with Eco 1975 (see Valle 2017).


linguistic behaviors of both” (p. 5);

d) programming languages do not necessarily need to be

com-pared to natural languages, rather they may be studied more generally as “sign systems” (as specific semiotics) (p. 7).

To the previous ones, we can add the following considerations:

a) the existence of multiple programming paradigms and the huge

variety of languages are a clear indication of semiotic complex-ity. Like in natural languages (Comrie 1981), a wide variety of typological families are available;

b) if all languages are capable of expressing the same “things”

(the same states and the same operations), thus the variety of languages arises from the need to express some of these “things” better (that is, more easily, more eYciently). With a feedback loop, some things are “better” expressed by certain languages. From a semiotic perspective, the issue of enunciation (Benveniste 1966; Greimas and Courtés 1979) in programming languages can be ar-ticulated along two axes, that is, by taking into account the Saussurean opposition between langue and parole:

a) on the side of the langue, one could investigate how

program-ming languages build subjectivity eVects in reference to enunci-ation —person, time, space— through specific phenomena such as deixis, pronominalization, ana/cataphorization, reflexivity;

b) on the side of the parole, subjectivity can be articulated in

rela-tion to the use of the system. In programming languages, the machine–like enunciatee is coupled with another enunciatee, the community of developers who coalesce around numerous writing practices exhibiting an unexpected semiotic richness: a specific rhetorical and stylistic dimension that includes a num-ber of approaches and writing methods (see later).

The first axis is internal to language, and requires an investigation at the “structural” level. The second axis is external to language, and opens a rich Pandora’s box on “writing practices”, which would bene-fit mostly of an ethnographic exploration while posing less theoretical


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problems. In natural languages the system is a theoretical abstraction over the constant flux of concrete uses: such an opposition becomes quite pure on the programming side. In this case, the use properly can-not change the system at all, because —to speak with Wittgenstein— if you do not respect the rules of the language (formal definition), the game simply cannot be played. The result is that langue and parole are perfectly orthogonal dimensions.

We will therefore focus on the subject of the enunciation at the level of langue. The theme is significant because it can be seen as a sort of test bed for semiotics. A general semiotic assumption is that a semiotics must include enunciation eVects. Thus, if programming languages are semiotic objects, then they must allow the detection of enunciative phenomena.

In literature (e.g. Schneider and Gersting 1995), languages are placed on a continuum ranging from the proximity to machine (low level) to abstraction (high level). A semiotic perspective allows to propose the schema in Figure 1.

Figure 1.Languages between natural language and machine.

As discussed, a computer technologically implements, through the so–called Von Neumann architecture, an abstract computing ma-chine, the Turing machine. For our purposes, it basically consists of a memory and a device that manipulates it. This very basic and general assumption is not irrelevant to our discussion because it

ex-haustively defines the referent, i.e. everything that can be referred to

by whatsoever language even if placed at the highest level. In a simi-lar artificial semiotic ecosystem, the referent is thus composed of a


finite set of (discrete) memory locations that depend on the design of the processor. Such a feature is at the basis of the interpretation warranty that we have proposed above. On the first hierarchical level (I), a machine language is a non–linguistic encoding (and therefore to some extent, a semiotics) of the operations that the processor can perform. Each operation is thus coded into binary instruction format, each of which is composed of a binary word indicating the operation, and by a number of other binary words representing the address of the memory addresses. At a higher level (II), an assembly language already introduces a form of linguistic representation for operations (STORE, LOAD, ADD, etc.), and the possibility of symbolic references through a system of names associated with groups of instructions or memory addresses. Finally, programming languages (III) are placed at the third level, as they build additional abstractions on top of as-sembly languages, they introduce flow control instruction (loops and conditional) and specific language constructs, that can largely vary from a language to another.

Seen from the bottom to the top, the arrow describes a path of abstraction from the technological machine side, a side that in any case guarantees an unambiguous machine–like interpretation: from the machine enunciatee, interpretation is a chain of replacements of utterances from a certain level with utterances of a lower level, down (or directly) to the machine level.

A reverse path concerns instead the interpretability from the user side. The three–level linguistic hierarchy is built from two back-grounds: the machine referent and the natural language. It could be defined as a procedure of semiotic connection. First, natural lan-guage translates the system of memory operations as defined by the machine language (an encoding, but not of linguistic type) through a lexicon whose semantic spectrum refers to the operations on the abstract machine. This path converts the descriptive metalanguage of the symbolic system (in a natural language) into a formal language. Storing data into a cell (a description at the metalinguistic level of the binary code) is converted at the assembly level through a loanword from natural language, e.g. store.

Furthermore, at the assembler level, the possibility to use symbolic names inserts natural language directly into the code: the labeling operation allows the use of entirely arbitrary signifiers (that work as


Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson 511

Peircean symbols), but its purpose is exactly to introduce a linguistic sense that ensures human readability of the code. In computer prac-tice, the “readability” of the code is the folk concept that describes the interpretability from the human side.

Similarly, natural language in its integrity may appear directly in assembly language through the possibility to enter “comments”, ut-terances that the machine–like interpreter eliminates at run–time, and that are therefore exclusively targeted at the human interpreter. This process of semiotic insertion, so to say, continues in the third level, where an impressive linguistic proliferation has taken place since the ‘50s (the National Museum of Computing lists more than 2000 entries3).

In relation to languages, this semiotic insertion occurs at the syn-tactic level, usually including various particles (prepositions, conjunc-tions, etc.), for example in the control of information flow (if, for, while, case, switch), which turn in varying degrees the code into a sort of pseudo–English4. A figurative insertion can be observed

too, i.e. where the natural language expressions are used to represent constructs defined by the language itself (for example, typical data structures may be labeled as “collections”, “arrays”, “bags”) or by the user (and in the latter case, all the expressive resources of natural languages are available).

A specific figurativization can be introduced in the language if this is aimed at representing a specific domain; thus, a language for graphics may include “document” or “page”. It should also be noted how the use of “meaningful” names is commonly considered good program-ming practice. Still, a fundamental type of computational data is the “string”, that is, a sequence of characters that typically represents a block of text in natural language. But it is especially at the level of the programming language definition that a proliferation of semiotic strategies occurs, in which syntax and semantics are bent to fit very diVerent expressive needs, so as to define real alternative linguistic

3. http://www.tnmoc.org/.

4. While the relevance of English in programming languages depends indeed on historical factors, it could be observed that English serves very well the purpose because of its “isolating” linguistic typology. Nevertheless, Grace Hopper, inventor of one of the fist languages, COBOL (1959), once proposed a version of its predecessor FLOW–MATIC based on French (immediately refused by the administration, Ceruzzi 1998:93).


paradigms. This is the place of the privileged semiotic interplay be-tween human and machine–like semiotics, where the interpretation warranty is accompanied by the typical variety of natural languages. Not surprisingly, user practices have flourished around programming languages. At the level of machine languages, there is no possibil-ity of semiotic variation. Inside an assembly language, the variety is very small, since the former is substantially a linguistic envelope of the non–linguistic semiotics of the machine language. Instead, with programming languages, use becomes relevant, in defining writing strategies (the so–called “development methodologies”), in introduc-ing normative elements that are almost calligraphic to some extent (e.g. community style guides), in articulating specific value systems (for example, conciseness vs. clearness or elegance vs. ugliness).

Given this context, it now becomes possible to address the problem of enunciation in diVerent programming language paradigms, that is, to investigate how the categories of enunciation —person, space, time— are defined and exploited by programming languages.

2. Linguistic paradigms and categories enunciation

The issue cannot be addressed without first introducing a typology of programming languages. Although there are diVerent axes accord-ing to which the same typology can be constructed, it is possible to propose a tripartition which represents a good compromise between the various hypotheses in available literature: imperative, functional, object–oriented (Gabrielli and Martini 2010; Tate 2010)5.

Each paradigm oVers diVerent modes of expression, that impact on the enunciation. It should also be noted that many languages are multi–paradigm, that is, they allow the programmer–writer to choose among multiple paradigms as a stylistic option. In the following exam-ples, we will use the Python language6that has two main advantages.

Its syntax is extremely “readable”: that is, it is meant to be similar to English, and in particular to the so–called “pseudo–code” (see Fig.

5. Another interesting case would be the so–called “logic” paradigm, as implemented e.g. in Prolog.


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1), a natural language description of algorithms or procedures that turns towards code7. Moreover, the examples, although not

represent-ing the full diversity of languages “in the wild”, allows for a better comparability.

3. The imperative paradigm

Imperative languages are historically the firsts to appear (the first being Fortran in 1954).

Imperative languages [..] are inspired by the physical structure of the com-puter. In them the concept of memory (or state) is interpreted as the set of associations between memory locations and values stored in those locations. A program, according to this paradigm, is a set of imperative commands and computation consists of a sequence of steps which modify the state, using as its elementary command the assignment. The terminology “imperative” here has to do with natural language: as in an imperative phrase, we say “take that apple” to express a command, so with an imperative command we can say “assign to x the value 1”

(Gabrielli and Martini 2010, p. 137)

In essence, a program written in an imperative language is a se-quence of statements of deontic type, as demonstrated by the classic program “Hello world” (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.Hello world.

The essence of the imperative paradigm is collected in this state-ment, which in this case coincides with a sentence written in plain English.

7. This design decision at the basis of Python is interesting from a semiotic perspective, as it is another example of conversion of the metalanguage (pseudo–code as a descrip-tion of computadescrip-tional processes for human interpretadescrip-tion) into a language (Python as a programming language for machine interpretation).


Enunciation enables itself through a “débrayage enonciatif ” (Greimas and Courtés 1979), that is, by “shifting out” a couple I/You8.

In relation to the category of person, the enunciator is thus an abstract instance, the subject–programmer who comes into an asym-metric and complementary relationship with an enunciatee, the sub-ject–to–be–programmed: not by chance, the literature refers to an abstract calculation agent (Rogers 1967) to whom the language is typi-cally referred in terms of orders. Therefore, the deontic, instructional dimension takes the enunciative form of the command.

The example in Figure 3 prints on the screen a sequence of 10 integers from 8, indicating for each one if it is odd or even.

Figure 3.An imperative example.

Many English particles can be recognized, and the typical flow control syntax: repetition (/for/) and condition (/if/). Even if Python is most probably the programming language closest to the natural one, the proximity to the assembly language remains clear with re-spect to enunciation. What can be controlled in Assembler is the set of possible operations on memory locations. In an imperative language, the same model of communication is at work, but the sub-ject–enunciatee is provided with higher linguistic and pragmatic skills. The concept of memory location, however, allows discussing the pos-sible spatial determinations of enunciation. Human enunciation to some extent always takes as its background a phenomenology of

per-8. In relation to the observations by Greimas on the recipe of the “soupe au pistou” (Greimas 1983), it could be observed that a program shows a double semiotic mode of existence, being at the same time actualized (a set of instruction to be executed, like a recipe or a written music score) and realized (the same text triggers the execution, properly being its condition of possibility).


Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson 515

ceptually–experienced space that at least works as a guidance showing diVerent degrees of implication in the enunciation itself (Violi 1997). But, in the artificial semiotics of programming languages, what form does spatiality take? It could be argued that precisely the referent of language, i.e. memory, constitutes the reference space for such a semi-otics. Vice versa, the abstract concept of memory location explicitly refers to a certain space. In an imperative language, memory assumes a spatial dominant feature, starting from a very classical model, the

columbarium. In particular, names of variables (and all identifiers

re-ferring to some data) constitute a system of real loci mnemonici, in the double meaning of memory addresses for the machine interpreter and “placeholders” for the human one. The spatial linguistic nature of variables is underlined by its passivity: that is, by its non–agentive nature. The space consists only of locations of objects and their topol-ogy (as a set of relationships between variables). In the imperative paradigm, there is thus a clear opposition between an active dimen-sion (the computing, agentive subject) and a passive one (spatial). The way in which these loci are represented by languages varies greatly. In high level languages, it takes the abstract form of pure, figuratively labeled, containers (e.g. /start/ and /howMany/).

In relation to temporality, the deontic logic of imperative languages does not provide references to the past or to the future in relation to the action. Every statement prescribes an action whose validity refers pragmatically to the time of its enunciation. In other words, the only form of temporality that emerges is the one given by the sequencing order of the expressions (and its disturbances by the instruction for flow control) of the code itself. The sequence of utterances coincides with the advancement in time; therefore, in some way the latter is represented in an isomorphic manner.

4. Side eVects: machine enunciation is more complex than what may appear

In the example of Figure 3, lines 1–4 are preceded by the character #, and thus are “comments”. In this sense, the # character is an enun-ciative marker because it establishes a reémbrayage on the subject of enunciation, switching the communication model in favor of an


impersonal one, provided with a “Model Reader” (Eco 1979) at the same level of the programmer. The –brayage mechanism in natural languages must be reconstructed in the interpretation process from a substantial semiotic “flatness”, which results from the use of a single semiotic system. In other words, it is an eVect of enunciation whose potential ambiguity can be exploited for communication/aesthetic purposes. In the case of programming languages, the marker (here: #) instead produces a gap between the human and the machine inter-pretation, as the machine interpreter simply skips what follows it. It is thus possible to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous débrayage.

There is a second case of a heterogeneous –brayage in the code, the marker being in this case the pair of double quotes, which identifies a string. The case of /”Hello, World”/ (see Figure 2) is apparent: the micro–novel of the inaugural meeting between the subject and the world is sent to the machine subject, but, literally, the latter cannot understand it. Symmetrically with respect to the previous case, we have here not a reémbrayage but a heterogeneous débrayage. Another example arises later in the code of Figure 3, in which the machine is instructed (lines 10 and 11) to generate a heterogeneous communi-cation, that is, addressed to the enunciatee–programmer. However the situation is potentially more sophisticated. In fact, the content of a string is not necessarily a sentence in natural language but it can be a statement in the programming language itself. For example, starting from Lisp, many languages provide a construct, typically /eval/ (Mc-Carthy 1960, Abelson and Sussman 1996), that reads the contents of a string assuming it as an expression of the language itself.

Figure 4.Eval.

Figure 4 shows a Python example: the instruction (here called /exec/) assumes that the next string is valid code and executes it9.

In this way, the machine interpreter is equipped with a strategy to

9. Single quotes are equivalent to double quotes, only because otherwise the inter-preter would have no other way to end the string after /”World”/.


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operate a réembrayage onto itself, by converting a heterogeneous débrayage into a potentially homogeneous enunciation, placed at a diVerent level. Not surprisingly, the construct /eval/ is notoriously powerful but dangerous because it flattens the enunciation structure and can produce, as in natural language, ambiguous eVects. For exam-ple, a “quine” (the name being indeed a homage to the philosopher) is a program that produces in output itself, that is, it yields as its output the text of the program that generates it10. An exercise in applied

phi-losophy, the quine is a good indication of the richness of the writing practices in the programming activity. Here, communication —even in the pragmatic dimension that characterizes programming— has the goal to communicate itself. A quine necessarily contains strings but can also contain comments. A quine therefore witnesses the col-lapse of the separation between human and machine interpreter, since all that is available to the human enunciatee is also accessible to the machine one, and vice versa.

5. The functional paradigm

The functional paradigm was developed in the late 50s by John Mc-Carthy (1960) initially as a purely theoretical proposal stemming from the lambda calculus formalism, and only after implemented on a phys-ical computer (in the Lisp language).

In functional programming, computation proceeds by rewriting functions and not by modifying the state. The fundamental characteristic of the languages in this paradigm, at least in their “pure” form, is precisely that of not possessing the concept of memory (and therefore side eVect).

(Gabrielli and Marini 2010, p. 333)

A program written by following a functional perspective could take the form shown in Figure 5.

The example is not extreme, and its goal is to demonstrate both the functional dimension and to convert the code in the imperative example by modifying it as little as possible. Previous considerations

10. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing), Tanaka–Ishii 2010, pp. 184– 5. The name was introduced by Hofstadter 1979 in relation to self–replication.


Figure 5.A functional example.

still apply for what is left unchanged in the translation.

Comments aside, the text is organized into two blocks: a set of three definitions (6–19) and a call (21).

The first block clarifies the concept of functionality. Three func-tions are defined, /isEven/, /printEvenOrOdd/, /evenOrOdd/. The discursive regime is therefore descriptive, because it is told what a function is regardless of what it may really do: in terms of modes of semiotic existence, it has a virtual existence, that is, of paradig-matic type. The first block defines the paradigm of available functions, but also their possible syntagmatic relations. Note that /evenOrOdd/ contains internally a reference to /printEvenOrOdd/, which in turn contains a reference to /isEven/.

The second block defines a change of enunciative regime, because it asks to evaluate the function /evenOrOdd/ for the values 10 and 8. The set of definitions in a functional program is then a grammar (a system of rules) that the main call actualizes in an utterance. There-fore, the first block is a set of metalinguistic sentences, which feature a diVerent mode of semiotic existence than the (realized) one. The utterance of line 21 could be traditionally thought of as an imperative form. Therefore, a functional text always includes a grammar and (at least) an utterance that realizes (not necessarily all) its virtualities. It follows then a double communication system: a descriptive section and a prescriptive one. In functional languages, it is common not only


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to speak of a computing agent (the enunciatee of the prescription, in an imperative fashion) but mostly of a computing environment. The programmer defines an imaginary geography of functions that s/he can explore partially or exhaustively. In other words, the system of definitions establishes a spatial dominant, a space of possible relations organized by a specific topology. As we said, /evenOrOdd/ contains within it a reference to /printEvenOrOdd/, which in turn contains a reference to /isEven/.

From a linguistic point view, the system of relations could also be described in terms of ana/cataphorization, because the sequence of the definitions specifically provides a system of internal bonds between functions, whether they are already previously defined or subsequently defined.

While the imperative spatiality uses variables as loci mnemonici, in the functional paradigm the functions become themselves places of calculation and transition to other functions. In a purely functional paradigm, the concept of state of the machine, that is, the referent of the semiotic system as interpreted by the machine, literally disappears from the linguistic horizon.

The variables (e.g. the parameters /howMany/ and /start/ for /evenOrOdd/) are therefore the joints of the space of functions, as they define the entry points (input), and the same function has an exit (output). Such a metalinguistic description in terms of I/O has quite a spatial semantics.

The irrelevance of the machine status then creates an eVect of internal reference for the language that is detached from the machine referent. Of course, the machine interpretation renders the space of functions into states of the machine, but from the human side, what the language refers to is exactly the abstract space calculation.

Finally, this space also absorbs time. The call of a function is the trigger of a path or of a system of paths. In the imperative paradigm, the construction of the text, by means of the sequence of instructions, underlines a temporality that emphasizes the semantic value of in-choativity, durativity and terminativity (Greimas and Courtés 1979, in other words, a process that has a beginning, it develops into a chain of states, and ends). In the functional paradigm, the relevant semantic category for time is mainly inchoativity.


6. The object–oriented paradigm

The two examples have shown in contrastive form as diVerent lin-guistic paradigms represent the world (the same world) diVerently through the categories of enunciation. The basic assumption of Ob-ject–Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm is neither to represent a machine state nor the concept of function, but the human conceptu-alization of the world, or at least one of its possibilities. In a classically Aristotelian manner, the world is thought of as a set of objects that belong to (i.e. they are instances of ) diVerent classes. The basic struc-ture is thus a taxonomy of classes organized in a tree, where the root is often represented by the more generic class /Object/. The Linnaean mechanism is specified by the properties of inheritance, by which a class can be a subclass of another one. While the taxonomy organizes the world, in the end the latter is made up of objects. An object is an entity with properties (its “attributes”) and capabilities (its “methods”).

Figure 6.An OOP example.

By looking at Figure 6, it can be observed that the first block (lines 6–18) describes a class /Number/, representing the concept of


Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson 521

number (at least in this context). The so–called constructor method associates a number to the object /Number/ (of which it becomes an attribute). Each object /Number/ has two methods, /isEven/ and /getNumber/: the first checks if a number is even, the second returns the number itself. A second class is /EvenOrOddPrinter/ that has two methods, one that iterates on the sequence of numbers, the other that for each number prints a checking string. Note that in the method /evenOrOdd/, for each number an object /Number/ is created. The reserved word /self/ is the way in which reflexivity is described in the programming language. The program is organized in a similar way to the functional example, in two blocks: the first is a descriptive (metalinguistic) one which provides for the definition of classes, the second is an executive one (lines 33–34).

Line 33 associates an instance of the class /EvenOrOddPrinter/ to the variable printer, while the next line instead shows the typical OOP syntax in the form /name.method(arguments)/. This syntax may be translated metalinguistically as “vocative, imperative (way)”, i.e. “Object! Do this (in this way)”. It is a real enunciative translation that characterizes the paradigm: in a rigorous OOP jargon, the object is the “receiver” of a “message”, to which it responds by executing the corresponding method. Basically, two perspectives are at work here: a

lato objecti, the “object” is described by its “methods”, a lato subjecti, it

is though of as the “receiver” of “messages”. Therefore, in the OOP paradigm the enunciatee is not the abstract calculation agent, rather a plurality of possible enunciatees (the objects), each with its specific properties.

This débrayage is part of a general strategy of figurativization typi-cal of OOP. In OOP the programmer describes a set of objects that represent a specific domain. Typical examples are elements in graphi-cal user interfaces (GUI): here we see objects such as Window, Pen, Colour, and so on, each with their own properties (such as the size of a window) and their capabilities (for example, the actions related to pressing a button). In contrast to the imperative paradigm, the machine disappears from the represented horizon (especially in pure object oriented languages, such as Smalltalk). As noted by Schneider and Gersting (1995), in object–oriented programming the program-mer creates a model or a simulation of the world closer to the domain to be modeled, instead of reproducing the sequential actions of the


Von Neumann machine.

In fact, the language creates a fictional world populated by entities depending on the domain to be modeled. This results in a strong lexical input from natural languages in the description of the objects, and of their semantics (in the structural, not computational, sense of the terms) related to the construction of the fictional world. The mod-eled domain becomes the internal referent of the program, radically diVerentiating human interpretation from the machine one.

Imperativity remains the model of communication with objects, but the number of enunciatees is multiplied. The abstract/formal style of the functional paradigm is replaced in OOP by a figurative style. The agentive ability is therefore delegated to a real system of actors. This multiplication of actors virtually eliminates any spatiality from the discourse, as data are converted into attributes of the objects. There is no representation of the memory as a set of places (imperative) or access points, rather as a form of competence of the “debrayed” subjects: the state of the actors–objects.

From the point of view of temporality, the OOP paradigm in some sense mediates between the imperative and the functional ones. On the one hand, as in the functional paradigm, it provides a timeless description of the classes and a “call”, so to speak. However the set of imperative statements typically results in a sequence of instantiations and messaging whose mandatory order defines a temporality closer to the imperative paradigm.

Figure 7.Relation between Expression and Content.

Figure 7 represents the relations between natural languages and programming languages with respect to expression and content.

The double interpretation is shown starting from the same form of the expression. Towards the human interpretation, the form of the content depends on the semantic constraints defined by the pro-gramming language. Machine interpretation interprets (by means of a chain of substitutions) the content related to these expressions as


Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson 523

related to memory operations.

In the case of imperative languages, the referent is directly struc-turing the domain modelization, and, with a feedback loop, to the contribution of natural language to the organization of the expression on the programming language. In the case of functional program-ming it is mostly (even if not exclusively) lambda calculus that provides forms for the organization of the expression. Finally, in the case of OOP, natural languages provide a fundamental contribute to the orga-nization of the expression of the programming language.

Conclusions: Sapir–Whorf vs Boas–Jakobson

Programming languages are symbolic systems of great complexity, in-stalled within a dual, machine and human, interpretation system. The machine interpretation does not limit the general semiotic function-ing; rather it shows that such a reductio ad unum, which may seem to introduce homogenization, is not a constraint on semiotic complexity.

In fact, linguistic stratification provides a space for semiotic maneu-vering even in an unprecedented situation for semiotics, where the referent is fully specified. This in vitro situation prompts to reconsider the role of language in relation to the world. If the referent is given, and the interpretation is deterministic, why choosing a language com-pared to another? And again: what diVerence does this choice make? The linguistic and philosophical debate on the world–language rela-tionship is obviously too complex to be taken into account here. We will thus only propose a final suggestion. The well–known hypothesis Sapir–Whorf supposed, in its radical form, that language acted as a filter with respect to what can be said. In short, languages can only say certain things, not others. Recently, Deutscher (2010), re–reading the linguistic debate on the subject11(widely oriented against Whorf )

has proposed to replace the Sapir–Whorf ’s hypothesis with a “Boas– Jakobson principle”12. The principle states that languages do not diVer

in what they can express, rather in what they must express, in terms of

11. Without entering into details, a pioneering semiotic contribution on the topic was given by Rossi–Landi, e.g. 1972, see D’Urso 2013.

12. Deutscher refers to the famous contribution on translation by Jakobson (1959), who, in turn, referred to Franz Boas.


semantic and syntactic constraints.

The situation may be schematized in Figure 8. In the Sapir–Whorf ’s hypothesis, a semiotic system S is a filter that eliminates certain aspects of the world W in the output representation R. The Boas–Jakobson principle rather considers the semiotic system as a processing module that provides in output a semiotic surplus (dashed arrow) constrained by the semiotic system.

Such a principle seems to be demonstrated by programming lan-guages. In our examples, the same process was organized linguistically in diVerent ways, with all the eVects of complexity on the resulting enunciation.

Figure 8.Sapir–Whorf vs. Boas–Jakobson.


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