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Effectiveness of aerobiological dispersal and microenvironmental requirements together influence spatial colonization patterns of lichen species on the stone cultural heritage


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Effectiveness of aerobiological dispersal and microenvironmental requirements together influence spatial colonization patterns of lichen species on the stone cultural heritage

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DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.238 Terms of use:

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Relationship of lichen patterns on heritage stones and propagule dispersal is tested We combined analyses of the spatial population structure with aerobiological analyses Dispersal patterns and microenvironment co-drive specific abundance and distribution Knowledge on lichen reproductive patterns is crucial for stone heritage conservation *Highlights (for review : 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters including spaces per bullet point)


Abstract 1

Dispersal patterns of lichen species in monumental and archaeological sites and their 2

relationships with spatial population structure are almost unknown, hampering predictions on 3

colonization dynamics that are fundamental for planning conservation strategies. 4

In this work, we tested if the local abundance and distribution pattern of some common lichen 5

species on carbonate stones of heritage sites may be related to their patterns of propagule 6

dispersal. We combined analyses of the spatial population structure of eight species on the 7

calcareous balustrade of a heritage site in Torino (NW Italy) with aerobiological analyses. In 8

situ and laboratory analyses were mainly focused on the ejection of ascospores and their air 9

take-off and potential dispersal at short and long distance. Results indicate that the spatial 10

distribution of lichens on the stone surfaces is influenced by both species-specific patterns of 11

propagule dispersal and microenvironmental requirements. In particular, apotheciate species 12

that have a higher ejection of ascospores with higher potential for long range dispersal are 13

candidate for a much aggressive spreading on the monumental surfaces. Moreover, their 14

occurrence on natural or artificial stone surfaces in the surroundings of the stone monumental 15

surface may easily support recolonization dynamics after cleaning interventions, as an 16

effective supply of propagules is expected. On the other hand, species with a lower dispersal 17

rate have a more clustered distribution and are less effective in rapid recolonization, thus 18

representing a minor threat for cultural heritage conservation. These results support the idea 19

that information on the reproductive strategy and dispersal patterns of lichens should be 20

coupled with traditional analyses on stone bioreceptivity and microclimatic conditions to plan 21

effective restoration interventions of stone surfaces. 22

Keywords 23

calcareous stone; cultural heritage conservation; lichen colonization dynamics; ascospore 24

ejection; reproductive strategy; spatial population structure 25

*Manuscript (double-spaced and continuously LINE and PAGE numbered)-for final publication Click here to view linked References


1. Introduction 27

Since the 1990s, scientists dealing with the conservation of stone cultural heritage focused 28

their attention on bioreceptivity, i.e. the ability of a material to be colonized by living 29

organisms (Guillitte, 1995; Miller et al., 2012). Stone bioreceptivity depends on intrinsic 30

properties of the lithology, including physical and chemical features (primary receptivity), and 31

may also be affected by the influence of early colonizers, starting colonization successions 32

(secondary receptivity), or by human interferences, as the application of restoration products 33

(tertiary receptivity) (Guillitte, 1995; Guillitte and Dreesen, 1995). However, lithobiontic 34

colonization also depends on extrinsic factors, as microclimate conditions and the supply of 35

reproductive structures, for which atmospheric aerosol is generally considered the main vector 36

(Caneva et al., 2003a; De Nuntiis and Palla, 2017). 37

Aerobiology applied to cultural heritage examines airborne biological particulates which may 38

be a potential cause of biodeterioration, when the characteristics of the substrate and the 39

surrounding (micro-)environmental conditions are compatible with the ecological and 40

nutritional needs of the lithobiontic microorganisms (Caneva et al., 2003a). In this context, 41

most of investigations dealt with indoor environments, where the characterization of 42

bioaerosols was combined with the control of microclimatic conditions (Skóra et al., 2015; De 43

Nuntiis and Palla, 2017). A minor attention has still been devoted to outdoor environments, 44

where knowledge on the load of biodeteriogens in the bioaerosol may possibly support a 45

better understanding of population dynamics and consequent threats to heritage conservation 46

(Caneva et al., 2003b; Piervittori et al., 2007). In particular, lichens, which are among the 47

most aggressive biodeteriogens of the outdoor stone cultural heritage (Seaward, 2015; 48

Salvadori and Casanova-Municchia, 2016), have been rarely considered in aerobiological 49

investigations (Favero-Longo et al., 2014; Banchi et al., 2018). In this perspective, the 50

possibility to characterize lichen ascospores in the air spora and to explore relationships 51


between specific dispersal ability and local distribution patterns on heritage surfaces has been 52

recently demonstrated (Morando et al., 2017). However, dispersal patterns of lichen species 53

most frequently found in monumental and archaeological sites, and their relationships with 54

spatial population structure, are almost unknown, hampering predictions on colonization 55

dynamics that are fundamental for planning conservation strategies. 56

In this work, we tested the null hypothesis that the local abundance and distribution pattern of 57

common lichen species on carbonate stones of heritage sites are independent from their 58

microclimate requirements and/or their patterns of propagule dispersal. We combined 59

analyses of the spatial population pattern of eight species on the calcareous balustrades of a 60

heritage site in Torino (NW-Italy) with aerobiological analyses. Establishment and growth of 61

lichens imply the success of the whole aerobiology pathway (Scheidegger and Werth, 2009), 62

including propagule discharge, take-off, transport (dispersal s.s.), deposition and impact 63

(Lacey, 1996; Magyar et al., 2016), and, in the case of asymbiotic propagation, the acquisition 64

of a compatible photobiont (Honegger, 2012). In situ and laboratory analyses were mainly 65

focused on the ejection of ascospores (and the detachment of vegetative propagules) and their 66

air take-off and potential dispersal at short and long distance. 67

2. Material and Methods 68

2.1 Study sites and lichen survey 69

Investigations were carried out on the balustrade of the podium of the Basilica of Superga 70

(WGS 84: N 45°4.826' - E 7°46.047'), symbol of Baroque architecture in NW Italy (Fig. 1a; 71

Corino et al. 1990), located on a top of the hill (672 m a.s.l.) on the east side of the Torino 72

metropolitan area. In this area, mean annual temperature is 12.5 °C and mean annual rainfall 73

is 900 mm. The balustrade (Fig. 1b), approx. 100 m long and 30 cm wide, borders the podium 74

of the Basilica and is made of a local biocalcirudite known as Gassino stone, the carbonate 75


sedimentary rock most widely used in Torino architecture (Borghi et al., 2014). Last cleaning 76

intervention on the balustrade dates back to 1990 (Corino et al., 1990). 77

Lichen colonization on the top horizontal surfaces (capstones) of the balustrade was recorded 78

in March 2016 by surveying rectangular plots (30 × 150 cm) distributed in the South (n=5), 79

South-West (n=4), North-West (n=4) and North sides (n=5; Fig. 1c-d). 80

All the plots shared lithology, horizontal orientation, surface micromorphology and 81

conservation history. The solar exposure of each plot, related to different levels of shading by 82

the Basilica, was estimated from hemispheric photographs, taken with a LG 360 CAM (R-83

105; LG Electronics inc., South Korea), processed with CAN-EYE software (v. 6.495; Weiss 84

and Baret, 2017) and evaluated with regard to the portion (%) of the sky non-covered by the 85

building (Supplementary note S1). Distance from the nearest trees (meters) was also 86

calculated, as increasing proximity could be related to increasing eutrophication of the 87

balustrade surface (Nascimbene et al. 2009a). 88

Each plot was surveyed using a grid divided into three lines of 15 quadrats (10 × 10 cm). 89

Small samples of lichen thalli were collected by non-destructive techniques to check in the 90

laboratory provisional identifications assigned during fieldwork. Lichen species were 91

identified using Clauzade and Roux (1985), Smith et al. (2009) and monographic 92

descriptions. Nomenclature follows Nimis (2016). Sample vouchers were deposited at the 93

Cryptogamic Herbarium of the University of Torino (HB-TO Cryptogamia). 94


2.2 Population pattern analyses 96

Population pattern analyses were carried out for the eight more abundant species: 97

Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr., Circinaria calcarea (L.) A. Nordin, SaviÉ& Tibell, 98

Circinaria contorta (Hoffm.) A. Nordin, Savić & Tibell, Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) 99


Pyrenodesmia erodens (Tretiach, Pinna & Grube) Søchting, Arup & Frödén, Verrucaria 101

macrostoma DC., and Xanthocarpia crenulatella (Nyl.) Frödén, Arup & Søchting. 102

For each species, the following abundance (i-ii) and distribution (iii-iv) parameters were 103

considered: 104

(i) total frequency, as % occurrence in the 18 rectangular plots throughout the balustrade; 105

(ii) average frequency, as mean % occurrence in the 10 × 10 cm quadrats of each plot; 106

(iii) Moran’s I coefficient (Moran, 1950), to evaluate the species distribution pattern along the 107

balustrade (distance matrix in Table S1) according to a clustered or diffuse/random spatial 108

structure, and computed using the R-software Version 3.5.1 (The R Foundation for Statistical 109

Computing, 2018), ape package (Paradis et al., 2004); 110

(iv) an average Spread Index (SpIn), here proposed to evaluate whether the species have a 111

clustered or diffuse distribution at the scale of each plot, and computed for each plot as 112

follows: 113

SpIn = Avfull/Avempty 114

where Avfull is the average number of colonized quadrats surrounding each colonized quadrat, 115

and Avempty is the average number of colonized quadrats surrounding each uncolonized 116

quadrat (details on the SpIn calculation in Supplementary note S2). 117

Differences among species in terms of average frequency per plot and Spread Index were 118

tested by ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey’s test using SYSTAT 10 (P<0.05 as significant). 119

Potential relationships of population patterns with the microenvironmental parameters varying 120

along the balustrade were also considered. In particular, Pearson correlation of species 121

frequency with solar exposure (CorrSol) and distance from nearest trees (CorrTree) were 122

calculated, on the basis of data quantified for each plot, using SYSTAT 10 (post-hoc 123

Bonferroni’s test; P<0.05 as significant). Ecological indicator values proposed by Nimis 124


(2016) on the tolerance range of each species with regard to light and eutrophication were 125

considered for comparison. 126


2.3 Dispersal analysis 128

The aerobiology pathways of the species were examined in situ with regard to the release of 129

reproductive structures, and in the laboratory considering their air take-off and potential 130

dispersal at short and long distance. 131

The ejection of ascospores and, in the case of P. erodens, the release of soredia (i.e. vegetative 132

propagules) were evaluated directly on the balustrade by placing overturned Petri dishes 133

containing agar medium (15 g l-1Agar A1296, Sigma Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim, Germany, 134

in deionized water; Petri diameter = 5.5 cm; agar layer 6 mm high) on both areas colonized by 135

the different species and areas lacking colonization (control). Petri dishes were positioned 136

after that thalli had been hydrated for one hour with patches of sterile paper soaked with 137

deionized water. Agar surfaces were exposed on the balustrade surface for three hours, during 138

which air flow allowed the progressive desiccation of thalli. For each species, replicates 139

(n=15) were performed in autumn-winter 2016 and in summer 2018, placing the Petri dishes 140

in different parts of the balustrade. The number of apothecia covered by each Petri dish was 141

counted by image analysis of high quality photographs taken with a Nikon Coolpix AW100, 142

using ImageJ (1.51g; US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA). The ascospores were 143

counted under a Nikon Eclipse 50i microscope (400× magnification). 144

Air take-off and the consequent short and long distance potential dispersal of reproductive 145

structures were evaluated following the protocol described by Favero-Longo et al. (2014) and 146

Morando et al. (2017). Apothecia of the epilithic species C. aurella, C. calcarea, C. contorta, 147

M. albescens, and X. crenulatella, and of the endolithic M. dispersa, were collected from the 148

balustrade and pasted on an adhesive tape at the bottom of Petri plates in groups of 100-400 149


units, to be used for the experiments. Fertile thalli of the epilithic peritheciate V. macrostoma 150

and the endolithic P. erodens were instead collected from natural outcrops due to difficulties 151

in sampling intact reproductive structures from the balustrade without affecting the stone 152

substrate. In the laboratory, for each species, apothecia (or whole thalli of V. macrostoma and 153

P. erodens) were immersed for 15 min in deionized water and incubated for three days within 154

a perspex box (120 x 70 x 60 cm) including a fan (FT30-G1, Viglietta SPA, Italy) moving the 155

air at about 4 m sec-1, 10 Petri dishes (diameter = 5.5 cm) containing agar medium and a 156

Hirst-type volumetric sampler VPPS 2010 (Lanzoni, Italy), typically used for aerobiological 157

monitoring. The Petri dishes, encircling the rocks at a distance of 5-15 cm from the exposed 158

reproductive structures, were used as passive traps to capture short-range dispersed 159

propagules. With the VPPS, located with the suction nozzle at 40 cm from the ground layer 160

and at 50-70 cm from the apothecia, the propagule dispersion in the air volume was examined, 161

the spore take-off and entering the turbulent air being considered a requisite for long-range 162

dispersal. For each species, the experiment was replicated two times, due to limitations in the 163

sampling of intact apothecia from the balustrade. The ascospores that impacted on the VPPS 164

adhesive tape and on the agar surfaces were quantified at 400x magnification according to 165

Favero-Longo et al. (2014). 166

Population structure parameters, dispersal parameters (maxima values of ejected spores, and 167

spores involved in short- and long distance dispersal) and microenvironment-related 168

parameters (CorrSol, CorrTree) calculated for each species were indexed and processed 169

through a Redundancy Analysis (RDA) to summarize the joint variations, choosing forward 170

selection of variables option (Legendre et al., 2011). Each parameter was indexed with 171

reference to an ordinal scale (from 1 to 10), with ranges defined dividing in ten parts the 172

interval between the maximum and minimum observed values. In the case of micro-173

environmental parameters, the absolute values were used for the indexing procedure, as both a 174


positive or a negative correlation indicated the influence of the variable conditions on the 175

population patterns. RDA was performed using CANOCO 4.5 (Ter Braak & Šmilauer, 2002). 176 177 3. Results 178 3.1 Population patterns 179

The balustrade of the podium of the Basilica was abundantly colonized by lichens (11 species 180

in total), with the 8 selected species occurring in at least 50% of the plots (Fig. 2a). With 181

reference to the ecological indicator values (Table 1), the requirement of all these species with 182

respect to the light factor ranges from plenty of diffuse light (light index=3) to a very high 183

direct solar radiation (5). With respect to their tolerance to eutrophication, Circinaria 184

calcarea and Pyrenodesmia erodens are only resistant to a weak eutrophication (max 185

eutrophication index=3), while other species occur in rather to highly eutrophicated 186

conditions (max eutrophication index=4-5). In substantial agreement, from a syntaxonomic 187

point of view all the species are diagnostic of the class Verrucarietea nigrescentis, including 188

calcicolous (hemi-)nitrophilous lichen associations, with the exception of P. erodens, which is 189

diagnostic species of Clauzadeetea immersae, including non or slightly nitrophilous 190

associations (Roux et al. 2009; syntaxonomic scheme in Table S2). 191

The population structure reflects approx. 25 years of recolonization dynamics following the 192

last cleaning intervention. Candelariella aurella and Myriolecis dispersa were the most 193

abundant in terms of both total frequency and average frequency per plot (100% of the plots 194

and >60% of quadrats per plot, respectively; Fig. 2b-c). With regard to this latter parameter, 195

the other species were in a range between 7% (Verrucaria macrostoma) and 31% 196

(Xanthocarpia crenulatella) and most of the slight differences were not statistically 197


significant. All the thalli exhibited a healthy appearance, with the exception of those of P. 198

erodens, most of which were ailing and partially covered by cyanobacteria. 199

All species occurred in at least one plot of each plot group, at the differently exposed sides of 200

the balustrade, with the exception of C. calcarea which was absent in the S-exposed corner. 201

Moran I’ coefficients for C. calcarea, X. crenulatella, M. albescens, M. dispersa, and P. 202

erodens indicated a clustered distribution pattern even if the values were low (<0.3), 203

suggesting that the spatial autocorrelation was not strong (Fig. 2d). At the plot level, values of 204

the Spread Index were significantly higher for C. aurella than for C. calcarea (0.8) and P. 205

erodens (0.5), indicating diffuse and clustered distribution respectively (Fig. 2e). The other 206

species had intermediate SpIn values in the range 0.9-1.1. 207

Correlation coefficients higher than ǀ0.5ǀ were calculated for frequencies per plot and solar 208

exposure (CorrSol) with regard to C. calcarea (-0.765), M. dispersa (-0.637) and M. 209

albescens (-0.560), and for distance of nearest trees (CorrTree) in the case of X. crenulatella 210

(-0.524; Table 1). However, only the negative CorrSol of C. calcarea, indicating its higher 211

frequency in more shaded plots, resulted significant (P<0.05). 212

3.2 Specific reproductive potential 213

Significant differences in the quantity of reproductive structures dispersed by the eight species 214

were found, with remarkable variability for both the ejection and the short- and long-distance 215

dispersal steps (Fig. 3). 216

In situ tests showed that all the six apotheciate species and the peritheciate V. macrostoma 217

ejected ascospores (Fig. 3a). The strong variability between different replicates seems to be a 218

prominent trait of some species. Most of the ascospores were still arranged in packages (in 219

most cases still including eight ascospores), while the ejection of single spores was a less 220

frequent phenomenon (Fig. 4a-c). C. aurella displayed the highest values of maximum, 75th 221

percentile and median ejection, accounting for an ejection capability significantly higher than 222


M. albescens, M. dispersa, and V. macrostoma (in the range 0.13-0.16 ejected spores per 224

apothecium, sp·ap-1) were 2.6 to 5.3 times higher than those of C. contorta (0.05 sp·ap-1) and 225

C. calcarea (0.03 sp·ap-1). High values of ascospore ejection, however, were also observed 226

for two replicates of this latter species (up to 0.7 sp·ap-1). No soredia, characterizing the 227

asexual reproduction of P. erodens, were captured or observed. 228

In laboratory assays, all the apotheciate species displayed potential for both short- and long-229

distance dispersal, while dispersed reproductive structures were not collected for the 230

peritheciate V. macrostoma and the sorediate P. erodens (Fig. 3b). For all the species, single 231

ascospores rather than ascospore packages, were collected by both the passive traps and the 232

volumetric sampler (Fig. 4d-g). Short distance dispersal was mostly recorded on Petri dishes 233

in lee position with respect to the exposed apothecia, indicating that ascospore split and 234

deposition immediately followed the package discharge (data not shown). Notwithstanding 235

that only two replicates for each species were performed, some differences among the 236

apotheciate species were worth noting. M. albescens showed the highest value of spores 237

involved in short-range dispersal (1.2 sp·ap-1), approx. the double of the maxima observed for 238

M. dispersa and X. crenulatella, and three and four times higher than those of C. aurella and 239

Circinaria sp. pl. respectively. With regard to spores available for long-range dispersal, M. 240

dispersa (1.3 sp·ap-1) and C. aurella (1.2 sp·ap-1) had the highest values, followed by X. 241

crenulatella (0.7 sp·ap-1) and, with approx. three times lower values, M. albescens and 242

Circinaria sp. pl. (0.4 sp·ap-1). 243

In the RDA (Fig. 5a-b), the first three axes explained 97.1% of the variance of relationship 244

between population structure, dispersal and microenvironment-related parameters. Total 245

frequency through the plots, average frequency per plot, Spread Index (for which higher 246

values indicate a higher species diffusion) were positively related along the first axis (66.3% 247

of total variance) with ejected spores, spores available for long-distance dispersal and 248

CorrTree. The Moran I’s coefficient was positively related with CorrSol and the spores 249


involved in short-distance dispersal along the second (25.7%) and third (5.1%) axes, 250

respectively. Spores available for long-distance dispersal and CorrSol displayed the highest 251

conditional factor (F=5.30 and F=4.33, respectively; P<0.05) according to forward selection, 252

followed by CorrTree (F=2.67), spores involved in short-distance dispersal (F=1.50) and 253

ejected spores (F=1.13), which were not significant (P>0.05). C. aurella and M. dispersa, 254

scattered in the right side of the diagrams (Fig. 5a-b), were positively associated with spores 255

available for long-distance dispersal. In the left upper side, characterized by the Moran I’s 256

coefficient, C. calcarea and M. albescens related with CorrSol and spores involved in short-257

distance dispersal, respectively. P. erodens, V. macrostoma, and C. contorta scattered in the 258

left lower side of the diagrams, oppositely to spores available for long-distance dispersal and 259

CorrSol. Similar relationships were observed in two other RDAs considering the median and 260

75thpercentile values of spore ejection rather than the maximum (data not shown). 261


4. Discussion 263

Our findings reject the tested null hypothesis and indicate that both microclimate 264

requirements and specific patterns of propagule dispersal contribute to determine the local 265

abundance and spatial patterns of epilithic and endolithic lichens encrusting calcareous 266

heritage surfaces. Since in our study site the last cleaning intervention dates back to 1990 267

(Corino et al., 1990), these results may provide a keystone reference for elucidating 268

recolonization dynamics following restoration activities. 269

In previous literature (Ariño et al., 1995; De los Ríos et al., 2009; McIlroy de la Rosa et al., 270

2013), spatial distribution of lichens on heritage structures was related to microenvironmental 271

conditions. This could apply also to our balustrade where species frequencies per plot were 272

partially related to different levels of solar exposure and distance from nearest trees, 273

responsible for eutrophication (Nascimbene et al. 2009a). The significant negative CorrSol of 274


C. calcarea, and the highest value of CorrTree of X. crenulatella, likely reflect different 275

microenvironmental requirements which may account for the spatial autocorrelation recorded 276

for these species. Higher frequency of X. crenulatella with increasing proximity to trees fits 277

the high nutrient requirement of this nitrophilous species (Nimis 2016). Instead, despite the 278

significant negative value of CorrSol for C. calcarea, ecological indicator values suggest for 279

this species a higher tolerance of direct light radiation than that of V. macrostoma and X. 280

crenulatella, which show positive CorrSol values. Both these incongruencies -for which it 281

should be taken into account that ecological indicator values are expert assessments (Nimis 282

2016)- and the weak statistical support to the calculated CorrSol and CorrTree (mostly with 283

P>0.05) reflect the fact that the eight species have comparable microenvironmental 284

requirements. Moreover, these evidences suggest that species spatial patterns may be also 285

related to other factors as in the case of the quantified differences in the reproductive potential 286

(Ellis, 2019). Actually, RDA results showed that both spores available for long-distance 287

dispersal, i.e. a reproduction-related factor, and CorrSol, i.e. a microenvironment-related 288

factor, were significant determinants of the population structure. In particular, the positive 289

correlation of species abundance with spores available for long-distance dispersal and ejected 290

spores underlines the need of a high release of reproductive structures to successfully 291

establish and spread colonization (Scheidegger and Werth, 2009). Species ejecting a higher 292

number of ascospores, which are also more easily taken off and dispersed, as C. aurella and 293

M. dispersa, are the most abundant on the balustrade and are therefore the main candidate as 294

deterioration agents. They have great potential for effective and rapid recolonization after 295

cleaning interventions if fertile thalli occur in the surroundings of the heritage site, even at 296

long distance. For other species, as M. albescens, the patchy and clustered distribution, is 297

related to a high number of spores involved in short-distance dispersal, but with a low 298

potential for long-distance dispersal. Such species, even if present in the nearby of restored 299


heritage surfaces, are expected to be less aggressive in terms of recolonization potential and 300

more easily controlled. 301

As ascospore packages were mostly detected in ejection tests, while single spores were 302

collected in dispersal assays, the air movement was likely responsible for a drying effect 303

determining the package disaggregation. It is worth noting that experiments without air 304

movement generally yielded the discharge at a short distance of spores still organized in 305

packages (Garrett, 1971; Ostrofsky and Denison, 1980). Maxima values of spores available 306

for long-distance dispersal were observed for the small spores of C. aurella (major axis 10-12 307

µm) and M. dispersa (major axis 8-14 µm), according to the fact that particles with lower 308

diameters always show lower deposition rate and higher life times in the air than larger ones 309

(De Nuntiis et al., 2003). Similarly, higher colonization rates and effective dispersal were 310

related to a lower propagule size for epiphytic lichens (Hilmo et al., 2012; Johansson et al., 311

2012) as well as for crustose aquatic lichens (Nascimbene et al., 2009b). However, ascospore 312

size may be not the only factor determining the amount of spores available for long-distance 313

dispersal, as values measured for the small spores of M. albescens (major axis 8-14 µm) are 314

lower than those for the large spores of Circinaria sp. pl. (major axis 20-30 µm). With this 315

regard, ascospores of similar size were shown to be dispersed at different distances in 316

laboratory experiments in absence of air movement (Bailey and Garrett, 1968). Nevertheless, 317

this phenomenon would require further clarification. 318

In the case of P. erodens, the release of soredia was related to its active dissolution of the 319

substratum and the consequent surface exposure to dispersal vectors (Tretiach et al., 2003). 320

However, dispersal of soredia is usually associated to dry surface conditions or to the impact 321

of rain drops (Armstrong, 1991), while the washing strategies we adopted in situ and in the 322

lab, stimulating ascospore discharge, may have instead prevented the discharge of propagules 323

of P. erodens. Because of their larger size (av. diameter approx. 50 µm) than ascospore (max 324

lentgh: 30 µm in C. calcarea) the soredia should be suitable for short distance dispersal, as 325


generally reported for asexual propagules (Scheidegger and Werth, 2009). This would account 326

for the clustered distribution of this species at both the whole balustrade and plot scale. In this 327

perspective, this species could be critical for heritage conservation due to its endolithic 328

growth (Pinna and Salvadori, 2000) and resiliance to restoration interventions (Sohrabi et al., 329

2017), rather than for its dispersal and recolonization potential. In the case of the Basilica of 330

Superga, in particular, the unhealthy condition of P. erodens suggests that current 331

environmental conditions are less favourable for the species than in the past and that its thalli 332

may be remnants dating back the last cleaning intervention, and not removed because of their 333

endolithic growth. 334

The low abundance of the peritheciate V. macrostoma on the balustrade is consistent with 335

poor successes in the ejection tests and the absence of spores in laboratory dispersal assays. 336

The absence of ascospores of V. macrostoma even in the passive traps may indicate a 337

limitation of the distance of discharge within the 5-15 cm from the nearest source, which is 338

compatible with the weak discharge capability quantified for some species (Bailey and Garrett 339

1968). Nevertheless, we cannot rule out that dispersal by V. macrostoma may depend on 340

vectors other than air, as animals, feeding of its thalli (which do not contain deterrent 341

secondary metabolites) and thus becoming responsible of zoochory (Baur et al. 1995; 342

Asplund 2010). The low abundance of V. macrostoma on the balustrade may also depend on a 343

low availability of compatible photobionts (Spitale and Nascimbene 2012): V. macrostoma 344

has photobiont partners (e.g. Coccobotrys, Protococcus; Stocker-Wörgötter and Turk 1989) 345

different from those of the genus Trebouxia that are shared by the other species (Smith et al. 346

2009). However, the fact that V. macrostoma is more abundant on other calcareous 347

balustrades of cultural heritage sites in Torino (Supplementary note S3), suggests that local 348

conditions may affect fertility and reproductive performance of the species (Monte, 1993). 349


5. Conclusive remarks 352

Results of our quantitative analyses indicate that the spatial distribution of lichens on the 353

balustrade of the Basilica of Superga -representative of calcareous heritage surfaces in the dry 354

submediterranean area of Italy (sensu Nimis 2016)- is correlated with species-specific patterns 355

of propagule dispersal, as revealed by aerobiological experiments, and microenvironmental 356

requirements. In particular, apotheciate species that have a higher ejection of ascospores with 357

higher potential for long range dispersal are candidate for a much aggressive spreading on the 358

monumental surfaces. Moreover, their occurrence on natural or artificial stone surfaces in the 359

surroundings of the stone monumental surface may easily support recolonization dynamics 360

after cleaning interventions, as an effective supply of propagules is expected (Favero-Longo 361

et al., 2014). When these species occur in the surroundings, a restoration plan more effective 362

in the long term should thus consider the adoption of protocols to decrease the bioreceptivity 363

of the monumental surface (Pinna, 2017; Fidanza and Caneva, 2019) and/or, if practicable 364

(e.g. in the case of a localized occurrence), their removal. On the other hand, species with a 365

lower dispersal rate have a more clustered distribution and are less effective in rapid 366

recolonization, thus representing a minor threat for cultural heritage conservation. When they 367

occur on surfaces adjacent to or in the close proximity of the monument (at a distance in the 368

order of few meters or less), their removal appears similarly recommendable to drastically 369

reduce the risk of recolonization. When they occur at greater distances, their presence may be 370

instead safely considered as a biodiversity value for the often invoked joined valorization of 371

natural and cultural heritage (Nimis et al., 1992). 372

All these results strongly support the idea that information on the reproductive strategy of 373

lichens, and, in particular, the evaluation of their local dispersal patterns should be coupled 374

with traditional analyses on stone bioreceptivity and microclimatic conditions to plan 375

effective restoration interventions of stone surfaces. 376


Acknowledgements 377

Field and laboratory activities were carried out thanks to funds from the ‘Università di 378

Torino’ and ‘Compagnia di San Paolo’ (Project CSTO169034/2016: ‘From rocks to stones, 379

from landforms to landscapes – geoDIVE’ - PROactive management of GEOlogical heritage 380

in the PIEMONTE Region). MM was a recipient of a PhD fellowship funded by INPS 381

(Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale). The authors are grateful to Comune di Torino, 382

Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Torino and 383

Direzione del Polo Museale del Piemonte for permission to access the monumental sites. The 384

authors are also thankful to Irene Franciosa, Chiara Michelis and Giulio Borghi (Università di 385

Torino) for assistance during fieldwork. The authors are grateful to the Editor E. Paoletti and 386

anonymous reviewers for the valuable suggestions which improved the effectiveness of the 387 study. 388 389 References 390

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Figure captions 550

Fig. 1. Study site: a the Basilica of Superga (Torino, NW Italy) viewed from SW; b the 551

balustrade of the podium of the Basilica; c distribution of the relevés (n=18, dots) along the 552

balustrade (scale bar = 5 m); d lichens on the top horizontal surface of the balustrade, covered 553

with the 10 × 10 cm square grid. 554

Fig. 2. Lichen abundance and distribution on the balustrade of the Basilica of Superga. a 555

Presence/absence of the surveyed species (Candelariella aurella, Can.aur; Myriolecis gr. 556

dispersa, Myr.dis; Myriolecis albescens, Myr.alb; Verrucaria macrostoma, Ver.mac; 557

Circinaria calcarea, Cir.cal; Circinaria contorta, Cir.con; Xanthocarpia crenulatella, 558

Xan.cre; Pyrenodesmia erodens, Pyr.ero; ) through the quadrats of the 30×150 cm plots (1-18; 559

black squares indicate the species occurrence). b Total frequency of the species through the 560

balustrade (% of plots which host the species; contribution to the species abundance from 561

plots in the S, dark grey, SW, grey, NW, light grey, N, white, parts of the balustrade). c 562

Average frequency per plot of each species (av. % of quadrats which host the species; 563

according to Tukey’s test, columns which do not share at least one letter are statistically 564

different, P<0.05). d Moran I’s coefficient (*, P<0.05). e Spread Index (according to Tukey’s 565

test, columns which do not share at least one letter are statistically different, P<0.05). 566

Fig. 3. Dispersion of reproductive structures by the surveyed species (abbreviations as in Fig. 567

2). a Ejected ascospores (per apothecium, as evaluated directly on the balustrade of the 568

Basilica of Superga): boxplots showing maxima values (upper whisker), 75th percentile (top 569

box), median (transversal line), 25th percentile (bottom box), minimum (lower whisker), 570

outliers (circles). b Ascospores dispersed at short distance and long distance (per apothecium, 571

as evaluated in the laboratory microcosm): maximum (black symbols) and minimum (white 572

symbols) values of ascospores collected within the passive traps at short distance from the 573


incubated ascocarps (squares) and ascospores taken off and collected by the Hirst-type 574

volumetric sampler, available for long distance dispersal (circles). Reproductive structures of 575

Pyrenodesmia erodens, lacking ascocarps, but showing soredia, were never collected, neither 576

in ejection nor in dispersal assays. 577

Fig. 4. Ascospores collected in ejection and dispersal assays. a-c Packages of spores collected 578

in ejection tests with Candelariella aurella (a), Verrucaria macrostoma (b) and Xanthocarpia 579

crenulatella (c). Bars = 20 μm. d-e Ascospores of Circinaria contorta within an ascocarp (*, 580

d) and collected with the passive traps at a short distance from the reproductive structures 581

incubated in the laboratory microcosm (e). f-g Ascospores of Xanthocarpia crenulatella 582

collected by the Hirst volumetric sampler in the laboratory microcosm (f) and within an 583

ascocarp (*, g). Scale bars: 20 µm (a-e, g), 10 µm (f). 584

Fig. 5. Factorial map of RDA carried out on population structure parameters (total frequency 585

through the plots, av. frequency per plot; Moran I’s coefficient; Spread Index), dispersal 586

(maxima values of ejected spores, and spores involved in short- and long distance dispersal) 587

and microenvironment-related (CorrSol, CorrTree) parameters. a Axes 1 and 2. b Axes 1 and 588

3. Species abbreviations as in Fig. 2. 589


Table 1. Ecological indicator values (Nimis 2016) of lichen species recorded on the balustrade of the Basilica of Superga, and Pearson correlation coefficients (ρ) of species frequency per plot with solar exposure (CorrSol) and distance from nearest trees (CorrTree). Indicator scale for Light (Nimis 2016): 1 - in very shaded situations, 2 - in shaded situations, 3 - in sites with plenty of diffuse light but scarce direct solar irradiation, 4 - in sun-exposed sites, but avoiding extreme solar irradiation, 5 - in sites with very high direct solar irradiation; indicator scale for Eutrophication (Nimis 2016): 1 - not resistent to eutrophication; 2 - resistent to a very weak eutrophication; 3 - resistent to a weak eutrophication; 4 - occurring in rather eutrophicated situations; 5 - occurring in highly eutrophicated situations. Significant correlations according to Bonferroni’s test (P<0.05) are reported in bold.


Ecol. indicator values CorrSol CorrTree

Light Eutrophication ρ P ρ P Candelariella aurella 3-5 2-4 -0.273 1.000 -0.463 0.422 Myriolecis gr. dispersa 3-5 2-4 -0.637 0.160 -0.405 0.766 Myriolecis albescens 3-5 3-4 -0.560 0.566 -0.226 1.000 Verrucaria macrostoma 3-4 3-5 0.333 1.000 -0.208 1.000 Circinaria calcarea 4-5 2-3 -0.765 0.008 0.060 1.000 Circinaria contorta 3-4 3-5 -0.437 1.000 -0.223 1.000 Xanthocarpia crenulatella 4 4 0.440 1.000 -0.524 0.205 Pyrenodesmia erodens 4-5 2-3 0.493 1.000 0.111 1.000 Table 1












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