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Principles of Programming Languages


Academic year: 2022

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Principles of Programming Languages


Prof. Andrea Corradini

Department of Computer Science, Pisa

•  Intermediate-Code Genera=on

–  Intermediate representa=ons

–  Syntax-directed transla=on to three address code

Lesson 11!



Intermediate Code Genera=on (II)

•  Facilitates retarge&ng: enables aGaching a back end for the new machine to an exis=ng front end


Syntax-Directed Defini=ons Syntax-Directed Transla=on Schemes

Back end


code Target





•  Intermediate representa=ons

•  Three address statements and their implementa=ons

•  Syntax-directed transla=on to three address statements

–  Expressions and statements

–  Logical and rela=onal expressions

–  Transla=ng short-circuit Boolean expressions and flow-of-

control statements with backpatching lists



Intermediate Representa=ons

•  Graphical representa&ons (e.g. AST and DAGs)

•  Pos2ix nota&on: opera=ons on values stored on operand stack (similar to JVM bytecode)

•  Three-address code: (e.g. triples and quads) x := y op z

•  Two-address code:

x := op y

which is the same as x := x op y


Syntax-Directed Transla=on of Abstract Syntax Trees

Produc=on S → id := E E → E


+ E


E → E


* E


E → - E


E → ( E


) E → id

Seman=c Rule

S.nptr := mknode(‘:=’, mkleaf(id, id.entry), E.nptr) E.nptr := mknode(‘+’, E


.nptr, E



E.nptr := mknode(‘*’, E


.nptr, E


.nptr) E.nptr := mknode(‘uminus’, E


.nptr) E.nptr := E



E.nptr := mkleaf(id, id.entry)



Abstract Syntax Trees


* E.nptr

E.nptr a!


+ E.nptr


a! +!

b! c!

E.nptr c E.nptr

( )

a * (b + c)!

Pro: easy restructuring of code and/or expressions for

intermediate code op=miza=on

Cons: memory intensive


Abstract Syntax Trees versus DAGs


a +


uminus b



uminus b

Tree c


a +


uminus b


a := b * -c + b * -c!

•  Repeated subtrees are shared

•  Implementa=on: mkleaf and makenode are redefined. They do



Pos]ix Nota=on

a := b * -c + b * -c!

iload 2 // push b iload 3 // push c ineg // uminus imul // *

iload 2 // push b iload 3 // push c ineg // uminus imul // *

iadd // +

istore 1 // store a

Bytecode (for example) a b c uminus * b c uminus * + assign

Pos]ix nota=on represents opera=ons on a stack

Pro: easy to generate

Cons: stack opera=ons are more

difficult to op=mize


Three-Address Code (1)

a := b * -c + b * -c!

t1 := - c t2 := b * t1 t3 := - c t4 := b * t3 t5 := t2 + t4 a := t5

Linearized representation of a syntax tree


a +


uminus b



uminus b

Tree c


Three-Address Code (2)

a := b * -c + b * -c!

t1 := - c t2 := b * t1 t5 := t2 + t2 a := t5

Linearized representation of a syntax DAG


a +


uminus b



Three-Address Statements

“Addresses” are names, constants or temporaries

•  Assignment statements: x:= y op z, x:= op y

•  Indexed assignments: x:= y[i], x[i]:= y

•  Pointer assignments: x:= &y, x:= *y, *x:= y

•  Copy statements: x:= y

•  Unconditional jumps: goto lab

•  Conditional jumps: if x relop y goto lab

•  Function calls: param x… ; call p, n

(or y = call p, n) ; return y


Implementa=on of Three-Address Statements: Quads

# Op Arg1 Arg2 Res

(0) uminus c t1

(1) * b t1 t2

(2) uminus c t3

(3) * b t3 t4

(4) + t2 t4 t5

(5) := t5 a

Quads (quadruples) Pro: easy to rearrange code for global op=miza=on Cons: lots of temporaries

Three-address code

t1 := - c t2 := b * t1 t3 := - c t4 := b * t3 t5 := t2 + t4 a := t5

Sample expression

a := b * -c + b * -c



Implementa=on of Three-Address Statements: Triples

# Op Arg1 Arg2

(0) uminus c

(1) * b (0)

(2) uminus c

(3) * b (2)

(4) + (1) (3)

(5) := a (4)

Triples Pro: temporaries are implicit

Three-address code

t1 := - c t2 := b * t1 t3 := - c t4 := b * t3 t5 := t2 + t4 a := t5

Sample expression

a := b * -c + b * -c



Implementa=on of Three-Address Statements: Indirect Triples

# Op Arg1 Arg2

(14) uminus c

(15) * b (14)

(16) uminus c

(17) * b (16)

(18) + (15) (17)

(19) := a (18)

Triple container

Pro: temporaries are implicit & easier to rearrange code

# Stmt (0) (14) (1) (15) (2) (16) (3) (17) (4) (18) (5) (19)



Syntax-Directed Transla=on into Three-Address Code

Synthesized attributes:

S.code three-address code for S S.begin label to start of S or nil S.after label to end of S or nil E.code three-address code for E

E.place a name holding the value of E ProducEons

S → id := E

| while E do S | S ; S

E → E + E | E * E | - E | ( E ) | id

| num gen(E.place ‘:=’ E


.place ‘+’ E




Syntax-Directed Transla=on into Three-Address Code (cont’d)

ProducEons S → id := E S → while E do S1 E → E1 + E2 E → E1 * E2 E → - E1 E → ( E1 ) E → id E → num S → S1 ; S2

Semantic rules

S.code := E.code || gen(id.place ‘:=’ E.place); S.begin := S.after := nil (see next slide)

E.place := newtemp();

E.code := E1.code || E2.code || gen(E.place ‘:=’ E1.place ‘+’ E2.place) E.place := newtemp();

E.code := E1.code || E2.code || gen(E.place ‘:=’ E1.place ‘*’ E2.place) E.place := newtemp();

E.code := E1.code || gen(E.place ‘:=’ ‘uminus’ E1.place) E.place := E1.place

E.code := E1.code E.place := id.name E.code := ‘’

E.place := newtemp();

E.code := gen(E.place ‘:=’ num.value)

S.code := S1.code || S2.code S.begin := S1. begin S.after := S2.after


Syntax-Directed Transla=on into Three-Address Code (cont’d)


S → while E do S1

Semantic rule

S.begin := newlabel() S.after := newlabel()

S.code := gen(S.begin ‘:’) ||

E.code ||

gen(‘if’ E.place ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ S.after) ||

S1.code ||

gen(‘goto’ S.begin) ||

if E.place = 0 goto S.after S.code


goto S.begin





Example (check it at home!)

i := 2 * n + k;

while i do

i := i - k!

t1 := 2

t2 := t1 * n t3 := t2 + k i := t3

L1: if i = 0 goto L2 t4 := i - k

i := t4 goto L1 L2:


How does the code access names?

•  The three-address code generated by the syntax- directed defini=ons shown is simplis=c

•  It assumes that the names of variables can be easily resolved by the back-end in global or local variables

•  We need local symbol tables to record global declara=ons as well as local declara=ons in procedures, blocks, and records (structs) to resolve names

•  We will see all this later in the course


Transla=ng Logical and Rela=onal Expressions

a or b and not c

t1 := not c

t2 := b and t1 t3 := a or t2

if a < b goto L1 t1 := 0

goto L2 L1: t1 := 1 L2:

a < b

Boolean expressions intended to represent values:

Boolean expressions used to alter the control flow:


Short-Circuit Code

•  The boolean operators &&, || and ! are translated into jumps.

•  Example:

if ( x < 100 || x > 200 && x != y ) x = 0;

may be translated into:

if x < 100 goto L2

ifFalse x > 200 goto L1 ifFalse x ! = y goto L1 L2: x=0



Transla=ng Flow-of-control Statements



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ᅻ੎Ⴜᅻ੎በ੎ྲྀዔበᗮࡐᗮ࣒အအเ੎ࡐྲྀᗮ੎ᒏႼᅻ੎በበೊအྲྀᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮྲྀအྲྀᔳ ዔ੎ᅻ༌ೊྲྀࡐเᗮ



ೊྲྀዔᅻအ়Ꭿह੎়ᗮೊగᗮիᒏࡐ༌Ⴜเ੎ᗮΥȪ ̊ДȪᗮ ӕበᗮೊྲྀᗮዔఀࡐዔᗮ੎ᒏࡐ༌Ⴜเ੎ýᗮ࣒အዔఀᗮԊ ࡐྲ়ྀᗮ

ఀࡐᐕ੎ᗮࡐᗮበᒹྲྀዽఀ੎ᔳ በೊᔎ੎়ᗮࡐዔዔᅻ೔࣒Ꭿዔ੎ᗮ



֏အᅻᗮበ೔༌Ⴜเೊह೔ዔᒹýᗮ ᑌ੎ᗮ࣒Ꭿ೔เ়ᗮᎯႼᗮዔఀ੎ᗮዔᅻࡐྲྀበเࡐዔೊအྲྀበᗮ

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ೊྲྀஸᗮበᒹྲྀዔࡐᒏŸ়೔ᅻ੎हዔ੎়ᗮ়੎୪ྲྀ೔ዔೊအྲྀበȷᗮ ݫఀ੎ᗮበ੎༌ࡐྲྀዔೊहᗮᅻᎯเ੎በᗮ়੎୪ྲྀೊྲྀஸᗮዔఀ੎ ʗᗮ

ǎ ͆

ࡐዔዔᅻ೔࣒Ꭿዔ੎በᗮ हအᏆเ়ᗮ࣒੎ᗮೊ༌Ⴜเ੎༌੎ྲྀዔ੎়ᗮೊྲྀበዔ੎ࡐ়ᗮ࣒ᒹᗮ࣒Ꭿೊเ়ೊྲྀஸᗮᏅႼᗮ በᒹྲྀዔࡐᒏᗮዔᅻ੎੏በᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮዔఀ੎ྲྀᗮ੎༌ೊዔዔೊྲྀஸᗮ हအ়੎ᗮ৲Ꭿᅻೊྲྀஸᗮࡐᗮዔᅻ੎਼ᗮዔᅻࡐᐕ੎ᅻበࡐเýᗮအᅻᗮ࣒ᒹᗮࡐྲྀᒹᗮအ૤ᗮዔఀ੎ᗮࡐႼზᅻအࡐहఀ੎በᗮအᎯዔเ೔ྲྀ੎়ᗮೊྲྀᗮܺ੎हዔೊအྯᗮΥȪΥȪᗮ ݫఀ੎ᗮዔᅻࡐྲྀበเࡐዔೊအྲྀᗮအ૤ᗮ



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ࡐበᗮ೔เเᎯበᔳ ዔᅻࡐዔ੎়ᗮೊྲྀᗮ֏ೊஸȪᗮνȪͯΥ


ࡐÃ Ȫᗮ ߖೊዔఀ೔ྲྀᗮ

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֍ೊிᎯᅻ੎ᗮνȩͯΥюᗮ Ԧအ়੎ᗮ૤အᅻᗮೊ૤Ɓýᗮ೔૤Ÿ੎เበ੎ƅýᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮᑌఆೊเ੎Ÿበዔࡐዔ੎༌੎ྲྀዔበᗮ


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ࡐᅻ੎ᗮ༌ࡐྲྀࡐஸ੎়ᗮᎯበೊྲྀஸᗮ೔ྲྀఀ੎ᅻೊዔ੎়ᗮ ࡐዔዔᅻೊ࣒Ꭿዔ੎በȪᗮ ߖ೔ዔఀᗮࡐᗮ࣒အအเ੎ࡐྲྀᗮ੎ᒏႼᅻ੎በበ೔အྲྀᗮ





Synthesized A"ributes:

S.code, B.Code

Inherited A"ributes:

labels for jumps:

B.true, B.false, S.next


"Đdz 67.XÆ>dzƯ dz



ŗ͆ ҿ



ɼÎ׋æ׋ ŗ:͆

ɼÎ׋æ׋ f͆ ɼ %͆

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צྮᗮዔఀ੎በ੎ᗮႼᅻအ়Ꭿहዔೊအྲྀበýᗮ࿘အྲྀዔ੎ᅻ༌೔ྲྀࡐเᗮᅻ੎Ⴜᅻ੎በ੎ྲྀዔበᗮࡐᗮ࣒အအเ੎ࡐྲྀᗮ੎ᒏႼᅻ੎በበೊအྲྀᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮྲྀအྲྀᔳ ዔ੎ᅻ༌ೊྲྀࡐเᗮᅻ੎Ⴜᅻ੎በ੎ྲྀዔበᗮࡐᗮበዔࡐዔ੎༌੎ྲྀዔȪᗮ


ೊྲྀዔᅻအ়Ꭿह੎়ᗮೊగᗮիᒏࡐ༌Ⴜเ੎ᗮΥȪ ̊ДȪᗮ ӕበᗮೊྲྀᗮዔఀࡐዔᗮ੎ᒏࡐ༌Ⴜเ੎ýᗮ࣒အዔఀᗮԊ ࡐྲ়ྀᗮఀࡐᐕ੎ᗮࡐᗮበᒹྲྀዽఀ੎ᔳ በೊᔎ੎়ᗮࡐዔዔᅻ೔࣒Ꭿዔ੎ᗮ ͆ᑌఀೊहఀᗮஸೊᐕ੎በᗮዔఀ੎ᗮዔᅻࡐྲྀበเ࡭ዔೊအྲྀᗮೊྲྀዔအᗮዔఀᅻ੎੎Ÿࡐ়়ᅻ੎በበᗮೊྲྀበዔᅻᎯहዔೊအྲྀበȪᗮ

֏အᅻᗮበ೔༌Ⴜเೊह೔ዔᒹýᗮ ᑌ੎ᗮ࣒Ꭿ೔เ়ᗮᎯႼᗮዔఀ੎ᗮዔᅻࡐྲྀበเࡐዔೊအྲྀበᗮ͆ ͆ࡐྲ়ྀᗮƖ͆ ͆ࡐኪᗮበዔᅻ೔ྲྀஸበýᗮᎯበᔳ

ೊྲྀஸᗮበᒹྲྀዔࡐᒏŸ়೔ᅻ੎हዔ੎়ᗮ়੎୪ྲྀ೔ዔೊအྲྀበȷᗮ ݫఀ੎ᗮበ੎༌ࡐྲྀዔೊहᗮᅻᎯเ੎በᗮ়੎୪ྲྀೊྲྀஸᗮዔఀ੎ ʗᗮǎ ͆ࡐዔዔᅻ೔࣒Ꭿዔ੎በᗮ हအᏆเ়ᗮ࣒੎ᗮೊ༌Ⴜเ੎༌੎ྲྀዔ੎়ᗮೊྲྀበዔ੎ࡐ়ᗮ࣒ᒹᗮ࣒Ꭿೊเ়ೊྲྀஸᗮᏅႼᗮ በᒹྲྀዔࡐᒏᗮዔᅻ੎੏በᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮዔఀ੎ྲྀᗮ੎༌ೊዔዔೊྲྀஸᗮ हအ়੎ᗮ৲Ꭿᅻೊྲྀஸᗮࡐᗮዔᅻ੎਼ᗮዔᅻࡐᐕ੎ᅻበࡐเýᗮအᅻᗮ࣒ᒹᗮࡐྲྀᒹᗮအ૤ᗮዔఀ੎ᗮࡐႼზᅻအࡐहఀ੎በᗮအᎯዔเ೔ྲྀ੎়ᗮೊྲྀᗮܺ੎हዔೊအྯᗮΥȪΥȪᗮ ݫఀ੎ᗮዔᅻࡐྲྀበเࡐዔೊအྲྀᗮအ૤ᗮɼǬ"͆:͆हအྲྀበ೔በዔበᗮအ૤ᗮ#  ͆૤အเเအᑌ੎়ᗮ࣒ᒹᗮŗ:   ͆ࡐበᗮ೔เเᎯበᔳ ዔᅻࡐዔ੎়ᗮೊྲྀᗮ֏ೊஸȪᗮνȪͯΥÏࡐÃ Ȫᗮ ߖೊዔఀ೔ྲྀᗮ#  ͆ࡐᅻ੎ᗮෟᎯ༌Ⴜበᗮ࣒ࡐበ੎়ᗮအྲྀᗮዔఀ੎ᗮᐕࡐเᎯ੎ᗮအ૤ᗮ͆ צ૤ᗮ

೔በᗮዔᅻᎯ੎ýᗮहအྲྀዔᅻအเᗮ஛အᑌበᗮዔအᗮዔఀ੎ᗮ୪ᅻበዔᗮೊྲྀበዔᅻᎯहዔ೔အྲྀᗮအ૤ᗮ: ͆ ͆ࡐྲ়ྀᗮ೔૤ᗮೊበᗮ૤ࡐเበ੎ýᗮहအྲྀዔᅻအเᗮ

஛အᑌበᗮዔအᗮዔఀ੎ᗮೊྲྀበዔᅻᎯहዔೊအྲྀᗮ೔༌༌੎়ೊࡐዔ੎เᒹᗮ૤အเเအᑌ೔ྲྀஸᗮ: '͆ ͆

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(ď͆ हÃᗮ ᑌఀ೔เ੎ᗮ

֍ೊிᎯᅻ੎ᗮνȩͯΥюᗮ Ԧအ়੎ᗮ૤အᅻᗮೊ૤Ɓýᗮ೔૤Ÿ੎เበ੎ƅýᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮᑌఆೊเ੎Ÿበዔࡐዔ੎༌੎ྲྀዔበᗮ

ݫఀ੎ᗮเࡐ࣒੎เበᗮ૤အᅻᗮዔఀ੎ᗮෟᎯ༌Ⴜበᗮ೔ྲྀᗮ͆ ͆ࡐྲ়ྀᗮ2'͆ ͆ࡐᅻ੎ᗮ༌ࡐྲྀࡐஸ੎়ᗮᎯበೊྲྀஸᗮ೔ྲྀఀ੎ᅻೊዔ੎়ᗮ ࡐዔዔᅻೊ࣒Ꭿዔ੎በȪᗮ ߖ೔ዔఀᗮࡐᗮ࣒အအเ੎ࡐྲྀᗮ੎ᒏႼᅻ੎በበ೔အྲྀᗮ͆ᑌ੎ᗮࡐበበအहೊࡐዔ੎ᗮዔᑌအᗮเࡐ࣒੎เበюᗮ ͆!͆ዔఀ੎ᗮ



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஛အᑌበᗮ ೊ૤ᗮೊበᗮ૤ࡐแበ੎ȩᗮ ߖೊዏఀᗮ ࡐᗮ በዏࡐዏ੎༌੎ྲྀዏᗮ/͆ ᑌ੎ᗮ ࡐበበအहೊࡐዏ੎ᗮ ࡐྲྀᗮ ೊྲྀఀ੎ᅻೊዏ੎ীᗮ ࡐዏዏᅻೊ࣒Ꭿዏ੎ᗮ

ɣȁϏi়͆੎ྲྀအዏೊྲྀஸᗮࡐᗮแࡐ࣒੎แᗮ૤အᅻᗮዏఀ੎ᗮೊྲྀበዏᅻᎯहዏೊအྲྀᗮೊ༌༌੎়ೊࡐዏ੎แᒹᗮ ࡐ૤ዏ੎ᅻᗮዏఀ੎ᗮहအ়੎ᗮ૤အᅻᗮ͆

צྲྀᗮበအ༌੎ᗮहࡐበ੎በûᗮዏఀ੎ᗮೊྲྀበዏᅻᎯहዏೊအྲྀᗮೊ༌༌੎়ೊࡐዏ੎แᒹᗮ૤အแแအᑌೊྲྀஸᗮ͆ ͆ೊበᗮࡐᗮෟᎯ༌Ⴜᗮዏအᗮበအཌ੎ᗮ แࡐ࣒੎แᗮ ^@ť ĕťෟᎯ༌ႼᗮዏအᗮࡐᗮෟᎯ༌Ⴜᗮዏအᗮ^ť૤ᅻအ༌ᗮᑌೊዏఀೊྲྀᗮ2͆ ͆ೊበᗮࡐᐕအೊ়੎়ᗮᎯበೊྲྀஸᗮ͆i͆





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֍ೊஸᎯᅻ੎ᗮνȩͯνђᗮ ܺᒹྲྀዏࡐᒏŸ়ೊᅻ੎हዏ੎়ᗮ়੎୪ྲྀೊዏೊအྲྀᗮ૤းᅻᗮ஛အᑌŸအ૬Ɖहအྲྀዏᅻအแᗮበዏࡐዏ੎༌੎ྲྀዏበȪᗮ ߖ੎ᗮࡐበበᎯ༌੎ᗮዏఀࡐዏᗮ90T͆हᅻ੎ࡐዏ੎በᗮࡐᗮྲྀ੎ᑌᗮแࡐ࣒੎แᗮ੎ࡐहఀᗮዏೊ༌੎ᗮೊዏᗮೊበᗮहࡐแแ੎়ûᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮዏఀࡐዏᗮ

Inherited AGributes

Not relevant for control flow


Transla=on of Boolean Expressions


 ˙ -8˙°Ž˙  8#ZKZ˙= 8 ˙ हအྲ়ྀഇዏഇအྲྀࡐแᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮᎯྲྀहအྲ়ྀഇዏഇအྲྀࡐแᗮෟᎯ༌Ⴜበᗮዏအᗮ အྲྀ੎ᗮအ૤ᗮዏᑌအᗮแࡐ࣒੎แበгᗮ (͆!͆ഇ૤ᗮഇበᗮዏᅼᎯ੎ĉᗮ ࡐྲ়ྀᗮ(͆͆ഇ૤ᗮഇበᗮ૤ࡐแበ੎ȩᗮ

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(c ͆/ Ě0T͆

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( ¡  ͆/

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֏ഇஸᎯᅼ੎ᗮνȩͯϚюᗮ ֿ੎ྲྀ੎ᅼࡐዏഇྲྀஸᗮዏఀᅼ੎੎Ÿࡐ়়ᅼ੎በበᗮहအ়੎ᗮ૤အᅼᗮ࣒အအแ੎ࡐྲྀበᗮ

ݫఀ੎ᗮ૤အᎯᅼዏఀᗮႼᅼအ়Ꭿहዏഇအྲྀᗮഇྲྀᗮ֏ഇஸȪᗮ νȩͯϚĉᗮ(͆ C͆ c͆ Éɼ % ͆ഇበᗮዏᅼࡐྲྀበแࡐዏ੎়ᗮ়ഇᅼ੎हዏแᒹᗮ ഇྲྀዏအᗮ ࡐᗮ हအ༌Ⴜࡐᅼഇበအྲྀᗮ ዏఀᅼ੎੎Ÿࡐ়়ᅼ੎በበᗮ ഇྲྀበዏᅼᎯहዏഇအྲྀᗮ ᑌഇዏఀᗮ ෟᎯ༌Ⴜበᗮ ዏအᗮ ዏఀ੎ᗮ ࡐႼႼᅼအႼᅼഇࡐዏ੎ᗮ Ⴜแࡐह੎በȪᗮ ֏အᅼᗮഇྲྀበዏࡐྲྀह੎ĉᗮအ૤ᗮዏఀ੎ᗮ૤အᅼ༌ᗮҿĨ͆ 0͆ዏᅼࡐྲྀበแࡐዏ੎በᗮഇྲྀዏအѓᗮ

Ϯ &Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ K.‘.͆ (!͆

K.‘.͆ (4͆


ܺᎯႼႼအበ੎ᗮഇበᗮအ૤ᗮዏఀ੎ᗮ૤အᅼ༌ᗮ(c͆ , , Ϗ(% 4͆ ר૤ᗮ(c͆ഇበᗮዏᅼᎯ੎ĉᗮዏఀ੎ྲྀᗮᑌ੎ᗮഇ༌༌੎়ഇࡐዏ੎แᒹᗮ คྲྀအᑌᗮዏఀࡐዏᗮഇዏበ੎แ૤ᗮഇበᗮዏᅼᎯ੎ĉᗮበအᗮ(c 4͆!͆ഇበᗮዏఀ੎ᗮበࡐ༌੎ᗮࡐበᗮ(4͆!͆ר૤ᗮ(c͆ഇበᗮ૤ࡐแበ੎Ńᗮ ዏఀ੎ྲྀᗮ(%͆༌Ꭿበዏᗮ࣒੎ᗮ੎ᐕࡐแᎯࡐዏ੎়ĉᗮበအᗮᑌ੎ᗮ༌ࡐค੎ᗮ(c ࣒͆੎ᗮዏఀ੎ᗮ้ࡐ࣒੎แᗮအ૤ᗮዏఀ੎ᗮ୪ᅼበዏᗮ ഇྲྀበዏᅼᎯहዏഇအྲྀᗮഇྲྀᗮዏఀ੎ᗮहအ়੎ᗮ૤အᅼᗮ(% ͆ ݫఀ੎ᗮዏᅼᎯ੎ᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮ૤ࡐแበ੎ᗮ੎ᒏഇዏበᗮအ૤ᗮ(%͆ࡐᅼ੎ᗮዏఀ੎ᗮበࡐཌྷ੎ᗮ ࡐበᗮዏఀ੎ᗮዏᅼᎯ੎ᗮࡐྲ়ྀᗮ૤ࡐแበ੎ᗮ੎ᒏഇዏበᗮအ૤ᗮ(͆ᅼ੎በႼ੎हዏഇᐕ੎แᒹȪᗮ

Inherited AGributes



if ( x < 100 || x > 200 && x != y ) x = 0;

is translated into:

if x < 100 goto L2 goto L3

L3: if x > 200 goto L4 goto L1

L4: if x != y goto L2 goto L1

L2: x=0 L1:

if x < 100 goto L2

ifFalse x > 200 goto L1 ifFalse x ! = y goto L1 L2: x=0

By removing several redundant jumps we can obtain the equivalent:


Transla=ng Short-Circuit Expressions Using Backpatching

E → E or M E | E and M E | not E

| ( E )

| id relop id | true

| false M → ε

M : marker nonterminal

Synthesized attributes:

E.truelist backpatch list for jumps on true E.falselist backpatch list for jumps on false

M.quad location of current three-address quad

Idea: avoid using inherited a"ributes by genera=ng par=al

code. Addresses for jumps will be inserted when known.


Backpatch Opera=ons with Lists

•  makelist(i) creates a new list containing three-address location i, returns a pointer to the list



, p


) concatenates lists pointed to by p


and p


, returns a pointer to the concatenated list

•  backpatch(p, i) inserts i as the target label for each of

the statements in the list pointed to by p



Backpatching with Lists: Example

a < b or c < d and e < f

100: if a < b goto _ 101: goto _

102: if c < d goto _ 103: goto _

104: if e < f goto _ 105: goto _


100: if a < b goto TRUE 101: goto 102

102: if c < d goto 104 103: goto FALSE

104: if e < f goto TRUE 105: goto FALSE


Backpatching with Lists: Transla=on Scheme

M → ε { M.quad := nextquad() } E → E1 or M E2

{ backpatch(E1.falselist, M.quad);

E.truelist := merge(E1.truelist, E2.truelist);

E.falselist := E2.falselist } E → E1 and M E2

{ backpatch(E1.truelist, M.quad);

E.truelist := E2.truelist;

E.falselist := merge(E1.falselist, E2.falselist); } E → not E1 { E.truelist := E1.falselist;

E.falselist := E1.truelist } E → ( E1 ) { E.truelist := E1.truelist;

E.falselist := E1.falselist }


Backpatching with Lists: Transla=on Scheme (cont’d)

E → id1 relop id2

{ E.truelist := makelist(nextquad());

E.falselist := makelist(nextquad() + 1);

emit(‘if’ id1.place relop.op id2.place ‘goto _’);

emit(‘goto _’) }

E → true { E.truelist := makelist(nextquad());

E.falselist := nil;

emit(‘goto _’) }

E → false { E.falselist := makelist(nextquad());

E.truelist := nil;

emit(‘goto _’) }


Flow-of-Control Statements and Backpatching: Grammar

S → if E then S

| if E then S else S | while E do S

| begin L end | A

L → L ; S | S

Synthesized attributes:

S.nextlist backpatch list for jumps to the next statement after S (or nil)

L.nextlist backpatch list for jumps to the next statement after L (or nil)

S1 ; S2 ; S3 ; S4 ; S5 backpatch(S1.nextlist, 200) backpatch(S2.nextlist, 300)

100: Code for S1 200: Code for S2 300: Code for S3

Jumps out of S1


Flow-of-Control Statements and Backpatching

The grammar is modified adding suitble marking non-terminals S → A { S.nextlist := nil }

S → begin L end

{ S.nextlist := L.nextlist } S → if E then M S1

{ backpatch(E.truelist, M.quad);

S.nextlist := merge(E.falselist, S1.nextlist) } L → L1 ; M S { backpatch(L1.nextlist, M.quad);

L.nextlist := S.nextlist; } L → S { L.nextlist := S.nextlist; } M → ε { M.quad := nextquad() }

A → …

Non-compound statements, e.g. assignment, func&on call


Flow-of-Control Statements and Backpatching (cont’d)

S → if E then M1 S1 N else M2 S2

{ backpatch(E.truelist, M1.quad);

backpatch(E.falselist, M2.quad);

S.nextlist := merge(S1.nextlist,

merge(N.nextlist, S2.nextlist)) } S → while M1 E do M2 S1

{ backpatch(S1.nextlist, M1.quad);

backpatch(E.truelist, M2.quad);

S.nextlist := E.falselist;

emit(‘goto M1.quad’) }

N → ε { N.nextlist := makelist(nextquad());



•  Transla=on from source code to intermediate representa=on can be performed in a syntax- directed way during parsing

•  We considered transla=on of expressions and statements to three address code, with a

simplified handling of names (for example: no defini=ons)

•  More effec=ve transla=on of boolean expressions for flow control require inherited aGributes

•  They can be avoided using backpatching



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/* Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with the contents of a mapped stream produced by applying the provided mapping function to

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