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Valerio Bianchi


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Valerio Bianchi"


Testo completo



Valerio Bianchi

Medical Genomics Department Hubrecht Institute

Utrecht, NL

The 3D genome of the heart

Macroarea di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali Dipartimento di Biologia

Aula Seminari "Francesco Autuori"

Dipartimento di Biologia Martedì 28 maggio 2019

Ore 12:00

Invitato da M. Helmer Citterich tel. 06-72594324

Valerio Bianchi obtained his Master degree in Bioinformatics and his PhD

in Cellular and Molecular Biology in Tor Vergata. After the seminar he will

meet the students and talk about his working experience in Italy and



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