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4. Analysis of the three fingers gripper


Academic year: 2021

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Testo completo


Design and application of three fingers grippers in microassembly

Alessandro Taviani Pagina 1


1. Introduction

... 3

2. State of the art.

... 4

3. Mechanical design and analysis

... 19

3.1. Gripper ... 19

Two fingers gripper. ... 21

Three planar fingers gripper ... 22

Out of plane three fingers gripper ... 23

3.2. Design of grippers devices ... 26

4. Analysis of the three fingers gripper

... 32

4.1. Analytical analysis ... 32

4.2. FEM analysis ... 35

4.3. Simple linear model ... 40

5. Actuation of the devices and experimental tests

... 44

5.1. Step motor control program ... 44

5.2. Gripper tests ... 50

Hysteresis and elasticity tests on three planar fingers gripper. ... 50

Load tests. ... 54

Peg in hole ... 56

6. Conclusion and future development

. ... 57


... 58

FIle Ansys: Linear Analysis- force apply... 58

Ansys: Linear Analysis- displacements apply...62

Ansys: Non Linear Analysis- displacements apply...66

Assembler file...66



Design and application of three fingers grippers in microassembly

Alessandro Taviani Pagina 2


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