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List of Tables


Academic year: 2021

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List of Tables

3.1 Dependence of SHA pKA1 on SDS concentration……….... 32

3.2 Dependence of the equilibrium constants on [SDS] for the Ni(II)/SHA system………... 37

3.3 Reaction parameters for the Ni(II)/SHA system at different SDS concentrations………... 39

3.4 Time constants of the slow kinetic effect at different SDS concentrations for the Ni(II)/SHA system... 42

4.1 Reaction parameters for hydrolysis and self-aggregation reactions of Fe(III).………... 50

4.2 Dependence of the relaxation times, 1/τf and 1/τs for the self-aggregation reaction of Fe(III) on the hydrogen ion concentration.………...……….. 53

4.3 Reaction parameters for complex formation reactions of Fe(III) with BHA and SHA.………... 58

5.1 Reaction orders and rate constant for Cu(II)/(S)-α-Alaha 12-MC-4 self-assembly.……… 77

5.2 Kinetic and equilibrium constants for the Cu(II)/(S)-α-Alaha dimer formation.………... 83

5.3 FAB-MS ions peaks for Cu(II) complexes with (S)-α-Alaha.………...……….. 85

5.4 Enthalpy variation for the Cu(II)/(S)-α-Alaha system decomposition at different pH values…………. 87

5.5 Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for the 12-MC-4/La(III) reaction.………... 90


























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