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learning Reinforcement


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "learning Reinforcement"


Testo completo


Reinforcement learning

Success stories, ideas and open challenges

Roberto Capobianco


Reinforcement Learning

All of this is just reinforcement learning!


Reinforcement Learning

All of this is just reinforcement learning!

• Sparse and time delayed “labels”

• State-action sequences: s0, a0, s1, a1, …, sn-1, an-1, sn

• Interaction with the environment

• Rewards

• Q-function and discounted future reward (!)


Do you see any problems?


Do you see any problems?

• State modeling

• Q-function as a table

• Generalization capabilities


• State modeling (e.g., Atari game)

• Q-function as a table

• Generalization capabilities

We can use observations, e.g. image pixels


• State modeling

• Q-function as a table

• Generalization capabilities


• State modeling

• Q-function as a table

• Generalization capabilities

More configurations than the number of atoms in the universe!


• State modeling

• Q-function as a table

• Generalization capabilities

More configurations than the number of atoms in the universe!

We can use function approximators


• State modeling

• Q-function as a table

• Generalization capabilities

More configurations than the number of atoms in the universe!

We can use function approximators

introduces errors, but helps also with generalization



• Neural networks are universal function approximators

• Q-networks


DQN architecture


DQN tricks

Q-learning does not work in practice, without tricks (as most of the TD algorithms)

• Sampled mini-batches for learning the parameters

stabilizes the network and reduces correlation among data

• Exploration with ԑ-greedy policy

with probability ԑ select random action, otherwise use Q

• Update the network every once a while


Nice, but…

Why? Any ideas?


Exploration, exploration, exploration

How do we deal with that?

• Monte-Carlo Tree Search

• Intrinsic Motivation

• Posterior Sampling


Exploration, exploration, exploration

How do we deal with that?

• Monte-Carlo Tree Search

• Intrinsic Motivation

• Posterior Sampling



Uses Monte-Carlo Tree Search (plus optimism)!

Upper confidence bound applied to trees (UCT)



• “supervised” policy

• RL policy

• simulation policy (follows UCT)

• value function estimate



• policy used to execute full and truncated rollouts

• full rollouts to update estimate of value function

• value function and rollout to propagate information in the tree search, as well as to update the policy



• Sampled mini-batches for learning

• Use each version of the network against a pool of previous versions

self improvement

• Update the networks every once a while


You know what?

These principles can be also applied in robotics!


Reinforcement Learning

These principles can be also applied in robotics!


Deep Reinforcement Learning

These principles can be also applied in robotics!


Self-improvement & MCTS

These principles can be also applied in robotics!

Robot Soccer Players at Sapienza:


Self-improvement & MCTS

These principles can be also applied in robotics!

Humanoid robots at Sapienza:


Ok, back to exploration…

How do we deal with that?

• Monte-Carlo Tree Search

• Intrinsic Motivation

• Posterior Sampling


Exploiting Uncertainty

IDEA: Measure uncertainty with density models and use that as exploration bonuses


Exploiting Uncertainty

IDEA: Measure uncertainty with density models and use that as exploration bonuses


Still exploration (yes, it is a big pain)

How do we deal with that?

• Monte-Carlo Tree Search

• Intrinsic Motivation

• Posterior Sampling


Posterior Sampling

Bootstrapping: train K different heads (networks), each on a different subset of data


Posterior Sampling

Bootstrapping: train K different heads (networks), each on a different subset of data


Posterior Sampling

Bootstrapping: train K different heads (networks), each on a different subset of data


Posterior Sampling

How to select final policy? E.g., majority voting



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