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Algorithm Engineering 29 June 2015 Exercise [rank 5]


Academic year: 2021

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Algorithm Engineering

29 June 2015

Exercise [rank 5] Discuss the optimality of the disk striping technique in combination with multi-way mergesort when sorting N items over D disks, in a model with

internal memory of size M and block size B.

Exercise [rank 4+4] Let us given symbols and probabilities: p(a) = 0.25, p(b)=0.25, p(c) = 0.50.

Decompress the first 4 symbols of the Arithmetic coded bit sequence:


Indicate the number of bits emitted by Arithmetic coding as a function of the size of the last interval, motivate its choice and prove its correctness.

Exercise [rank 4+4] Consider the Treap data structure:

 Prove that its average height is O(log n), when storing n keys.

 Given a set of pairs <key,priority> equal to {(1,7), (2,2), (3,9), (4,4), (5,3), (6,6), (7,0), (8,1)} insert them into a Treap in that order and then execute a Split operation over the key 5.

Exercise [rank 5+4] Given the graph G formed by the weighted edges E={(a,b,3), (a,d,1), (b,d,4), (b,c,5), (b,e,2), (c,d,1), (c,e,4), (d,e,6)}

 apply the fully external-memory algorithm to compute the MST by never turning into the semi-external version and without applying the initial permuting step on its nodes.

 Compare the solution derived in the previous item with the one obtained by running the Prim’s algorithm, starting from node ‘a’.


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