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BIBLIOGRAFIA Testi primari: P


Academic year: 2021

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BIBLIOGRAFIA Testi primari:

PACKER, George: Betrayed, Faber and Faber, New York, 2008.

BURKE, GREGORY: Black Watch, Faber and Faber, New York, 2007.

Testi secondari:

AALTONEN, Sirkku: Translator, Transtraitor, Bare Life – Conflicting Ethics in War Situations in George Packer‟s Betrayed, N:o 38, Vaasa , 2011, pp.12-23.

APTER, Emily: The Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature, Princeton UP, Princeton and Oxford, 2006.

APTER, Emily: “9/11: Terrorism, Immigration, Language Politics” in Bielsa, Esperanza/Hughes, Christopher (eds.): Globalization, Political Violence and Translation, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2009, pp. 195-206.

BAKER, Mona: Translation and Conflict: A New Comparative Account, Routledge, London and New York, 2006.

BAKER, Mona: “Resisting State Terror: Theorizing Communities of Activist Translators and Interpreters”, in Bielsa, Esperanza/Hughes, Christopher (eds.): Globalization, Political Violence and Translation, Macmillan, New York, 2009, pp. 222-242.

BAKER, Mona: “Interpreters and Translators in the War Zone. Narrated and Narrators”, The Translator 16:2 (2010), pp. 197-219.


BASSO, Susanna: Sul tradurre. Esperienze e divagazioni militanti, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2010.

BERMAN, Antoine: “Translation and the trials of the foreign”, in Venuti, Lawrence (eds.): The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge, London/New York, 2004,pp. 276-289.

BLUMBERG, Marcia: “Unraveling the „Golden Thread.‟ Performing the Politics of Black Watch”, in Spencer, Jenny(eds.): Political and Protest Theatre after 9/11. Patriotic Dissent, Routledge, London/New York, 2012.

BRANNIGAN, John: Translations, Brian Friel, Longman, London, 2011.

CHRIS Megson/Forsyth Alison: Get Real. Documentary Theatre Past and Present, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2009.

COLLERAN, Jeanne: “Fire under the ashes: George Packer‟s Betrayed”, in Spencer, Jenny(eds.): Political and Protest Theatre after 9/11. Patriotic Dissent, Routledge, London/New York, 2012.

CRONIN, Michael: Translation and Identity, Routledge, London and New York, 2006.

DENISSOVA, Galina: Dall‟età romantica al primo Novecento, in Barone, Charles, Bruti, Silvia, Cuneo, Aldo, Denissova, Galina, Fodchi Albert, Marina, Marìa Garcìa, Rosa, Tocco, Valeria, in Teoria della traduzione: Breve panorama diacronico, CLU, Genova, 2010.

EDGAR, David: The Prisoner’s Dilemma, Nick Hern Books, London, 2002.

ECO, Umberto: Dire quasi la stessa cosa. Esperienze di traduzione, Bompiani, Milano, 2003.


FOOTITT, Hilary/Kelly, Michael: Languages at War. Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2012.

FOOTITT, Hilary/Kelly, Michael: Languages and the Military. Alliances, Occupation and Peace-Building, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2012.

HAMMOND Will/Steward Dan: Verbatim verbatim. Contemporary Documentary Theatre, Oberon Books, London, 2008.

HOLDSWORTH Nadine/Luckhurst Mary: A Concise Companion to Contemporary British And Irish Drama, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., USA, UK, Australia, 2008.

INGHILLERI, Moira: „The Ethical Task of the Translator in the Geo-Political Arena: from Iraq to Guantànao Bay‟, Translation Studies, 1:2, 2008, pp. 212-223.

IGHILLERI, Moira: “Translators in War Zones: Ethics under Fire in Iraq”, in Bielsa, Esperanza/Hughes Christopher(eds.): Globalization, Political Violence and Translation, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2009, pp. 207-221.

INGHILLERI, Moira: “„You don‟t make War without Knowing Why‟: the Decision to Interpret in Iraq”, The Translator, 16:2, 2010, pp. 175-196.

INGHILLERI, Moira: Interpreting Justice. Ethics, Politics and Language, Routledge, London and New York, 2011.

MOSER-MERCER, Barbara: „Interpreting in Zones of Crisis and War‟, AIIC, 2008.

PALMER, Jerry: “Interpreting and Translation for Western Media in Iraq”, in Salama-Carr, Myriam: Translating and Interpreting Conflict. Approaches to Translation Studies, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2007, pp. 13-28.


RAFAEL, Vicente: „Translation, American English, and The National Insecurities of Empire‟, Social Text 101, 27:4, 2009, pp.36-68.

SALAMA-CARR, Myriam: Translating and interpreting conflict. Approaches to Translation Studies, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2007.

SERPIERI, Alessandro: “Tradurre per il teatro” in Zacchi R./Morini, M.: Manuale di traduzioni dall’inglese, B. Mondadori, Milano, 2002, pp. 66-75.

SIERZ, Aleks: Rewriting the Nation. British Theatre Today, Methuen Drama, London, 2011.

SONCINI, Sara: “„A job for the go between‟: Dramatising translation in Brian Friel and David Edgar”, in Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine/Klein, Holger(eds.): Drama Translation and Theatre Practice, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2004, pp.489-509.

SONCINI, Sara: “The „Translation Turn‟ in Contemporary War Plays: Tony Kushner‟s Homebody/Kabul”, in Ciompi, Fausto (a cura di): One of us. Studi inglesi offerti a Mario Curreli, ETS, Pisa, 2009, pp. 367-384.

SONCINI, Sara: Intersemiotic Complexities: Translating the world of drama, in Bertuccelli Papi M./Cappelli, G./Masi, S.: Lexical Complexity: Theoretical Assessment and Translational Perspectives, Plus Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2007, pp.271-278.

STAHULJAK, Zrinka: “Violent Distortions: Bearing Witness to the Task of Wartime Translators”, TTR: traduction, terminologie, redaction, 13:1, pp.37-51.

TYMOCZKO, Maria: “Translation, Ethics and Ideology in a Violent Globalizing World”, in Bielsa, Esperanza/Hughes Christopher(eds.): Globalization, Political Violence and Translation, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2009, pp. 171-194.



ABRAMS, David: Betrayed: A play by George Packer:


ARCHIBALD, David: “We‟re just bullies...” Gregory Burke‟s Black Watch: eprints.gla.ac.uk/…/The_Drouth3896.pdf

Betrayed at Stanford: http://m.youtube.com/results?q=betrayed%20at%20stanford&sm=3

BOYD, Justine: From Outrage to Stage: George Packer‟s Betrayed:


CHOU, Mark: From Page to Stage: What emerges „In Between‟ Politics and Art in George Packer‟s Betrayed, Borderlands e-journal, 8:3 (2009):


COHEN, Roberta: “Iraq‟s Displaced: Where to Turn?”: http://www.mcrg.ac.in/rw%20files/RW33/6.Iraq.pdf

Dialogue, con Marcia Franklin: http://youtu.be/HdIARnHVTyU (parte prima) http://youtu.be/Z-6NBNyJRIO (parte seconda)

EDGAR, David: Doc and dram.

Why has this decade seen the rise of a vibrant theatre of reportage? Playwright David Edgar points to a decline in conventional journalism and TV documentary:


ISHERWOOD, Charles: “Seduced and Abandoned by Promises of Freedom.”: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/theater/reviews/07betr.html?pagewanted=all

MEET THE PRESS on Transcript for January 15,

L. Paul Bremer, Taylor Branch, John McWhorter, Marian Wright Edelman: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/10822231/#.UoIqFHBFU8o

MEET THE PRESS on Transcript for March 26, 2006, Secretary Condoleezza Rice: http://2001-2009.state.gov/secretary/rm/2006/63703.htm

PACKER, George: Betrayed: The Iraqis who trusted America the most:


THEATRE TALK, Susan Haskins, Michael Riedel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPvbVPGwnTY

WHITAKER, Brian: “Free to do bad things War leaders are trying to damp down bad news coming out of post-invasion Iraq”:


WINN, Steven: “An author‟s confession ‒ he got the war wrong/George Packer supported Iraq invasion, but now fears spiralling civil conflict.”:


WORTH, Robert F.: “Blast Destroys Shrine in Iraq, Setting Off Sectarian”:

http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/22/international/middleeast/22cnd-iraq.html?hp&ex=1140670800&en=1077baccd068bf6b&ei=5094&partner=homepage&_r =0

SIMON, Steven (Council on Foreign Relations): “Won‟t You Be My Neighbour: Syria, Iraq and the Changing Strategic Context in the Middle East.”:


SLOMŠEK, Andreja/ Jungmannová, Eva/Kotasová, Martina: “The Challenges of Development in Post-Conflict Societies: Iraq‟s Reconstruction”: http://acuns.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Challenges-of-Development-in-Post-Conflict.pdf


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