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Respiratory System


Academic year: 2021

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17.1 Pneumocystis Pneumonia . . . 291

17.1.1 Incidence . . . 291

17.1.2 Etiology . . . 291

17.1.3 Prevention . . . 292

17.1.4 Treatment . . . 292

17.1.5 Prognosis . . . 294

17.2 Pneumonitis . . . 294

17.2.1 Incidence . . . 294

17.2.2 Etiology . . . 294

17.2.3 Prevention . . . 295

17.2.4 Treatment . . . 295

17.2.5 Prognosis . . . 295

17.3 Fibrosis . . . 295

17.3.1 Incidence . . . 295

17.3.2 Etiology . . . 296

17.3.3 Prevention . . . 296

17.3.4 Treatment . . . 296

17.3.5 Prognosis . . . 296

17.4 Compromised Airway . . . 296

17.4.1 Incidence . . . 296

17.4.2 Etiology . . . 296

17.4.3 Prevention . . . 297

17.4.4 Treatment . . . 297

17.4.5 Prognosis . . . 298

References . . . 298

17.1 Pneumocystis Pneumonia

Note: The Pneumocystis infecting humans, once called Pneumocystis carinii, should now be called Pneumocystis jiroveci. Pneumocystis carinii now refers to Pneumocystis from other host species. It is now clear that Pneumocystis from humans and other animals are quite different and that there are multiple species in the genus. Analysis of protein sizes has shown that the organism tends to be host-specific (Stringer et al., 2002). Changing the organism’s name does not preclude using the acronym PCP, as it can be read “Pneumocystis pneumonia”.

17.1.1 Incidence

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) caused by the pathogen Pneumocystis jiroveci occurs in im- munocompromised individuals including children and adolescents undergoing treatment for cancer.

Now rarely seen in the child and adolescent cancer population, PCP was once common in patients who were treated on immunosuppressive regimes. The use of sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim (co-trimox- azole) given prophylactically to these patients along- side their chemotherapy treatment regimes has greatly reduced the incidence of PCP in this patient population. The highest incidence of PCP is now seen in patients who have HIV infection (Wakefield, 2002).

17.1.2 Etiology

PCP is caused by the pathogen Pneumocystis jiroveci.

Once thought to be a protozoon, it is now considered to be fungal in origin (Wakefield, 2002). PCP in the

Respiratory System

Margaret Parr


immunocompromised child is thought to most likely result from latent cysts being reactivated, because children who are not immunocompromised are found to carry the antibody to Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci) (Freifield et al., 2002; Wakefield, 2002). It is thought that as the child becomes immunocompro- mised during treatment, the latent cysts reactivate.

Patient-to-patient transmission has also been sug- gested. Clusters have been described in the paediatric oncology population and in transplant patients (Wakefield, 2002). The children considered to be most at risk for PCP are

▬ Children with lymphomas

▬ Children on maintenance chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; the prolonged immuno- suppressive effect of 6-mercaptopurine is directly responsible for a predisposition to Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci) (Pinkerton et al., 1994)

▬ Children who have undergone a bone marrow transplant (BMT)

17.1.3 Prevention

Children receiving chemotherapy for acute lym- phoblastic leukaemia (ALL), particularly those in the maintenance phase of chemotherapy, are considered most susceptible to PCP due to the immunosuppres- sive properties of 6-mercaptopurine. Sulphamethox- azole-trimethoprim is routinely used with the ALL protocol as prophylactic treatment against Pneumo- cystis jiroveci.

Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim has several side effects: fever, rash, pruritus, vomiting, head- aches, and bone marrow suppression. If children are experiencing any of the side effects, it may not be ad- visable to use sulphamethazole-trimethoprim. In- deed, prolonged bone marrow suppression is the most common reason to discontinue the prophylactic dose of sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim. If the child shows intolerance to the drug, pentamidine may be chosen as a substitute in order to maintain the prophylactic treatment with minimal disruption to the child. (Other alternatives include oral dapsone and oral atovaquone.) It is recognised that pentami- dine has been linked to a number of toxicities, in-

cluding metabolic and haematological abnormali- ties, pancreatitis, hypotension, and nausea and vom- iting (Freifield et al., 2002). Walzer (1994, in Bastow, 2000) reports minor adverse reactions in most pa- tients when pentamidine is administered intra- venously (IV) or intramuscularly (IM), with serious toxicity in 47% of patients. Administering pentami- dine via the nebulised route seems to reduce the tox- icity risk. It is important to note that the effect that nebulised pentamidine may have on the staff admin- istering the drug is largely unknown; therefore, care must be taken. Although administration usually re- quires a visit to the hospital or clinic, nebulised pen- tamidine is administered monthly, and it can usually be planned to coincide with a routine clinic visit. It is recommended that the patients receive the treatment in a single patient room and, if possible, some method of extraction or ventilation should be used to enable removal of the airborne particles produced during the drug’s nebulisation. Access to the room should be limited during the administration.

Bronchospasm is a recognised side effect that may occur at the time of administration. Nebulised bron- chodilators may be prescribed routinely to prevent this from occurring.

17.1.4 Treatment

A child presenting with a suspected diagnosis of PCP would most commonly present with pyrexia, cough, dyspnoea, tachypnoea, a characteristic x-ray, and possibly intercostal recession (Bastow, 2000). The chest x-ray would normally show a bilateral, diffuse interstitial infiltrate (Bastow, 2000; Freifield et al., 2002). PCP in the paediatric oncology patient can be diagnosed by the monoclonal staining of induced sputum, a specimen that is recommended as the first approach to assist diagnosis (Freifield et al., 2002).

However, obtaining sputum specimens from children

can be difficult, particularly because a presenting fea-

ture of the disease is an unproductive cough. Induced

sputum specimens involve administering nebulised

hypertonic saline. This method enables the particles

to penetrate smaller airways. The hyperosmolality of

the saline causes fluid to be drawn into the lung in-

terstitiam; this washes the cysts and debris into the


larger airways from where they can be expectorated (Bastow, 2000). The use of the physiotherapist and the play specialist to work with the child may reduce the difficulty and help to ease the distress of the proce- dure.

If obtaining a sputum specimen is not possible, or the result is negative, then broncheoalveolar lavage or open biopsy may need to be considered (Freifield et al., 2002). Not all centres treating oncology patients will have the facilities for these diagnostic tests, or the child’s condition may render him or her too ill for the procedure. If this is the case, then the health care practitioner can and should proceed directly to treat- ment. The first-line treatment for a suspected or con- firmed diagnosis of PCP is high-dose oral or IV sul- phamethoxazole-trimethoprim (see Table 17.1), with IV being the primary route of choice. Although cen- tral venous catheters (CVC) are the most commonly used method of venous access in the paediatric can- cer patient, some children may still receive treatment

via peripheral veins. If the drug is administered through a peripheral vein, nurses should note that there is a risk of abscess formation and necrosis of the injection site. Staff should regularly observe the site for patency, flashback, pain, redness, or swelling.

If the diagnosis has not been confirmed, then erythromycin may be prescribed alongside the sul- phamethoxazole-trimethoprim to include treatment for Mycoplasma, as PCP and Mycoplasma are the two most common pathogens to cause the diffuse pul- monary infiltrate (Pinkerton et al., 1994). The use of steroids in combination with sulphamethoxazole- trimethoprim has been found to improve outcomes of adult AIDS patients with moderate or severe PCP (Freifield et al., 2002). In response to this finding, some paediatricians are prescribing an adjuvant short course of steroids to patients diagnosed with PCP.

Nurses must also consider the supportive care re- quired by a child with a suspected or confirmed diag-

Table 17.1. Common drugs used for prophylaxis and treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia

Drug Use Route Dose Administration

Pentamidine Prophylaxis Inhalation 300 mg inhaled Continue monthly throughout duration of once per month cancer treatment (consult product literature

for method of administration)

Treatment Intravenous 4 mg/kg/day Infuse in glucose 5 % or sodium chloride 0.9 % for 14–21 days. Dilute (once dissolved in water for injection) in 50–250 ml.

Infuse over at least 60 minutes.

Inhaled 600 mg/day For 14–21 days

Sulphamethoxa- Prophylaxis Oral Surface area (SA) Given in two divided doses on two

zole-trimethoprim- 0.5–0.75 m


= or three per week

(co-trimoxazole) 480 mg/day

SA 0.76–1.0 m


=720 mg/day SA >1.0 m


= 960 mg/day

Treatment Intravenous 120 mg/kg/day Two to four divided doses for 14 days as infusion in glucose 5 % or 10 %, or sodium chloride 0.9 % Dilute 5 ml to 125 ml

(or to 75 ml if fluid restrictions apply)

Infuse over 60–90 minutes


nosis of PCP. Oxygen therapy may be required to maintain oxygen saturation, and the child’s condition may deteriorate to the stage where mechanical venti- lation may need to be considered. The team manag- ing the child with PCP must also consider mainte- nance of nutrition and fluid, electrolyte, and acid- base balance; the child may require total parenteral nutrition. The child will require antipyrexial medica- tion for comfort and will also need psychological support, which will be particularly important if he or she is isolated due to the diagnosis.

Chemotherapy is most likely to be interrupted un- til the child’s condition improves and neutropenia subsides.

17.1.5 Prognosis

PCP is now much rarer in the paediatric oncology population, and although the condition is treatable, it must still be recognised as a potentially fatal condi- tion. It is essential that parents be taught to recognise the signs and symptoms their child may present with if Pneumocystis pneumonia develops: dyspnoea, tachypnoea, pyrexia, and a cough. Staff should em- phasise to the parents the importance of maintaining prophylactic co-trimoxazole administration and re- assure them that they can contact the hospital or clin- ic if they have any concerns regarding their child’s condition.

17.2 Pneumonitis 17.2.1 Incidence

Pneumonitis secondary to a diagnosis of childhood cancer is very rare, but nevertheless should be con- sidered in children presenting with a cough, dysp- noea, and fever. Children most at risk of developing pneumonitis are those who have received radiother- apy to the thoracic, mediastinal, mantle, spinal, or flank fields. Children who have received total body ir- radiation as conditioning for BMT may also be con- sidered at risk.

Radiation to the thoracic area can cause oe- sophagitis, indigestion, nausea, and acute pneumoni- tis. Pneumonitis occurs in approximately 10% of pa-

tients who receive full-dose radiation in this area (McGuire, 1993).

Acute pneumonitis usually occurs between 1 and 6 months after radiotherapy treatment (McGuire, 1993;

Kun, 1997). Radiotherapy in conjunction with chemo- therapy (especially dactinomycin or bleomycin) in- creases the risk of pneumonitis from 5% at 20 Gy to 50% at 24 Gy (Kun, 1997).

17.2.2 Etiology

Radiation pneumonitis is thought to occur as the re- sult of excess free radical generation following radio- therapy (Cottier et al., 1996). The pathophysiology of the condition is immediate injury to alveolar type II pneumocytes (Kun, 1997). Oedema and sloughing of endothelial cells in smaller vessels allows fluid to ac- cumulate in the interstitial tissues. The cell linings of the alveoli are also affected, and the swelling and sloughing of these cells also causes excess exudate (Strohl, 1992). Pneumonitis can occur with radiation doses higher than 7.5 Gy, even as a cumulative frac- tionated dose (Van Dyke et al., 1981). Pneumonitis can also be related to some chemotherapy agents (see Table 17.2); those known specifically to cause pneu- monitis are carmustine (BCNU), lomustine (CCNU), and bleomycin. They cause a decrease in type I pneu- mocytes and an increase and redistribution of type II pneumocytes into the alveolar spaces, leading to pneumonitis (Selwood et al., 2000).

Chemotherapy is also thought to accentuate the ef- fects of radiation on the lungs. Dactinomycin is a ra- diation sensitiser that can enhance the local toxicity of the radiation therapy if administered concurrent- ly. Protocols using dactinomycin advise stopping the drug during the course of radiotherapy and for a pe- riod of time after radiotherapy treatment is complete (approximately 6 weeks).

Children receiving bleomycin without radiothera- py are still at risk of interstitial pneumonitis. If this condition develops, the drug may need to be stopped.

High oxygen levels may exacerbate the toxicity to the

lungs; therefore, if anaesthesia is being considered,

the anaesthetist should be aware that the child is or

has been receiving this drug.


17.2.3 Prevention

The risk of pneumonitis is directly linked to the dose of radiotherapy the child receives. The greater the to- tal dose of radiotherapy and the larger the dose per fraction, the greater the risk of significant lung dam- age. Lowering the radiation doses to 15–25 Gy has virtually eliminated the problem.

Children who are receiving bleomycin as part of their treatment regime should not be exposed to un- necessary high levels of oxygen. Anaesthetists should be made aware of the fact that these children have re- ceived bleomycin as part of their cancer treatment.

17.2.4 Treatment

A child with suspected radiation pneumonitis will present with a cough, dyspnoea, fever, and increased respiratory effort. The child may also complain of pleuritic pain. It is important that the parents be aware of the risk of pneumonitis following radiation therapy to the lungs and that they know the signs and symptoms to look for; the signs parents will notice are the cough and a reduced exercise tolerance. Par- ents should be given the confidence and support to contact the clinic or hospital if they become con- cerned that their child may be showing any indica- tion of developing pneumonitis. The child may re- quire hospitalisation and, in some rare but severe cases, ventilation.

If the child is admitted, he or she will require rest, oxygen therapy, oxygen saturation monitoring, ob- servation of respiratory effort, possible treatment with corticosteroids, and psychological support.

Symptoms may resolve in 2–3 months.

17.2.5 Prognosis

Reduced respiratory function increases susceptibility to infection, which will increase the risk of serious complications.

Because all children and young people who have been treated for cancer will be followed up regularly, it is important that the patient’s exercise tolerance be assessed at each clinic appointment. Lung function may also be assessed but usually only if the patient is displaying symptoms such as dyspnoea or a persist- ent cough.

17.3 Fibrosis

As pneumonitis is the acute interstitial complication of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, fibrosis is the chronic complication, and the former often leads on to the latter.

17.3.1 Incidence

Pulmonary fibrosis as a consequence of treatment for childhood cancer is very rare. Nevertheless, it should be recognised as a possible late effect of treatment, particularly of radiotherapy to the thoracic region.

Boughton (2002) states that the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study analysed 12,390 survivors of child- hood cancer and found that pulmonary complica- tions can occur any time after treatment. The sur- vivors were found to have a significantly higher inci- dence of lung fibrosis, emphysema, pneumonia, pleurisy, and need for oxygen compared with sibling controls.

Table 17.2. Chemotherapy agents with the potential to cause pneumonitis (adapted from Balis et al., 2002)

Drug Cytotoxic classification Route Antitumour spectrum

Lomustine Alkylating agent Oral Brain tumour, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease Carmustine Alkylating agent Intravenous Brain tumour, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease

Busulfan Alkylating agent Oral CML, leukaemias (BMT)

Bleomycin Antitumour antibiotic Intravenous Lymphoma, testicular, and other germ cell tumours Intramuscular



17.3.2 Etiology

Rolla et al. (2000) suggest that injury to the lung from radiation does not occur just from direct damage to the cell membranes, proteins, and DNA, but also from an inflammatory syndrome. A study by Rubin et al.

(1995) was able to demonstrate that there is a contin- uous cascade of cytokines beginning soon after radi- ation therapy begins and lasting until lung fibrosis develops. As the pneumonitis subsides, the exudate is absorbed, and the regeneration of the cells begins, fi- brosis will occur. Fibrosis can occur in tissue as a re- sult of scarring from previous injury. Chemotherapy can also cause fibrosis. Bleomycin may cause fibrosis, and this effect may occur for many years. Methotrex- ate and vinblastine have also been associated with chronic pneumonitis and fibrosis (Galvin, 1994). Fi- brosis has also been reported in children who have been treated with cyclophosphamide (Chen et al., 2002). Fibrosis will cause loss of volume, loss of com- pliance, and reduced diffusing capacity.

17.3.3 Prevention

Survivors of childhood cancer who are thought to be at risk of developing fibrosis of the lung will be fol- lowed up appropriately in the late-effects clinics.

They will require assessment of lung function, par- ticularly if they are starting to display symptoms of dyspnoea or a dry hacking cough. However, the length of time the patients would need to be followed up would be difficult to determine, as the time period for developing fibrosis is quite varied. The Childhood Cancer Survivors Study showed people developing symptoms more than 5 years after completion of cancer treatment, and in some cases were newly pres- ent up to 20 years after treatment (Boughton, 2002).

17.3.4 Treatment

A patient presenting with fibrosis will have a dry hacking cough and dyspnoea, requiring treatment with steroids and, probably, oxygen. On admission to hospital, the patient will require a chest x-ray and a lung function test to determine the extent of damage to the lung tissue. The patient should be observed for

any signs of infection, which will exacerbate the con- dition. Oxygen saturation should be monitored. If the condition is severe, the patient may require mechan- ical ventilation. Once a patient has been ventilated for fibrosis, it may be difficult to wean him or her off, and this may be a long process. Exercise tolerance may be a problem, and the patient will need a great deal of psychological support to cope with the impact of this new restriction on his or her life.

17.3.5 Prognosis

Reduced respiratory function increases susceptibility to infection, which will increase the risk of serious complications. If the patient with fibrosis goes on to require mechanical ventilation, then the prognosis is poorer than that of those patients who do not require ventilation.

17.4 Compromised Airway 17.4.1 Incidence

The incidence of compromised airway in the child with cancer is very rare but, because of anatomical differences, can occur more easily in the paediatric patient than in the adult.Any tumour occurring with- in the thoracic area can give rise to a compromised airway. The paediatric airway is small and compliant, making it susceptible to collapse (Jenkins, 2001). Al- though airway compromise is rare, when it occurs it can rapidly become an oncological emergency (Fig. 17.1).

17.4.2 Etiology

There are several possible causes of compromised

airway in the child with cancer. Any tumour develop-

ing in the thorax could compromise the airway due to

compression. The anterior mediastinum is the area

most commonly involved in malignant disease

(Braverman and Parker, 2002). Tumours commonly

found in the anterior mediastinum are non-

Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), Hodgkin’s lymphoma,

and leukaemia. Tumours that can be found in the

posterior mediastinum are neuroblastomas, malig-


nant germ cell tumours, and primitive neuroectoder- mal tumours (PNETs). Ginsberg et al. (2002) report- ed that the data from 18 studies from Europe, the United States, and Japan over a 10-year period showed that 74% of peripheral PNETs occurred in the central axis and 60% occurred in the chest. Rhab- domyosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and PNET may also occur in the chest wall. Children with mediasti- nal masses may present with superior vena cava syn- drome (SVCS) or superior mediastinal syndrome (SMS). SVCS is the term used when a child presents with symptoms of compression, obstruction, or thrombosis of the superior vena cava; if the trachea is also compressed, then the term SMS is used (Rhein- gold and Lange, 2002). SVCS and SMS most com- monly occur with lymphoma and leukaemia.

Laryngeal tumours may also cause an airway ob- struction, with rhabdomyosarcoma being the most common of the malignant laryngeal tumours (Ferlito et al., 1999).

Some tumours – for example, osteosarcoma and Wilms’ tumour – commonly metastasise to the lungs and can increase the risk of compromised airway in that patient.

Mucositis in the immunocompromised patient can also be a cause of compromised airway, and thrombocytopenia will create a risk of bleeding into the airway.

17.4.3 Prevention

Preventing a compromised airway from a tumour would be difficult, and efforts must be concentrated on preparing general practitioners and paediatri- cians to consider the possibility of a malignant diag- nosis in children presenting to them with the signs and symptoms discussed above. This could then pre- vent wrong diagnoses, wrong treatment, and deterio- ration in the child’s condition.

17.4.4 Treatment

The signs and symptoms that the child may present with depend on the speed at which the condition aris- es. If the onset is slow and insidious, the child may present with cough, wheeze, tachypnoea, and possi- ble stridor. If the onset is acute, then the child may present with fever, cough, and mild shortness of breath, but may progress quickly to signs and symp- toms of respiratory distress (Jenkins, 2001) The child may also show signs of dyspnoea, orthopnoea, chest pain, jugular venous obstruction, and hoarseness.

This condition can rapidly become an oncological emergency and must be managed promptly. If it is possible and time allows, then a biopsy for diagnosis would be the best option. However, several things must be taken into consideration: This group of pa- tients is at high risk of respiratory or cardiac arrest if put in the supine position due to impedance of ve- nous return and airflow. Needle biopsy should only be considered if it can be undertaken under local anaesthesia, as there is a high risk of arrest with ei- ther general anaesthesia or sedation. A simple blood test could indicate whether leukaemia is the underly- ing diagnosis. One could also take a blood sample for alpha-fetoprotein if a germ cell tumour is being con-

Figure 17.1

The pathway to oncological emergency


sidered, and a urine sample for catecholamines could be obtained if neuroblastoma were being considered.

This is one of the few occasions when medical staff may choose to start treatment without a definite di- agnosis, and it would be advisable to nurse these pa- tients within the intensive care unit until the acute phase has settled. To protect the child from obstruc- tion, he or she may need ventilation until the tumour bulk has decreased. Neuromuscular blockade agents should be avoided during intubation because if the health care practitioner were unable to intubate past the obstruction, the child would be unable to breathe spontaneously (Jenkins, 2001).

The team may choose to give chemotherapy and assess the situation; if the child’s condition improves, they may then carry out the diagnostic tests. If the di- agnosis is NHL, corticosteroids and possibly vin- cristine may be enough to improve the child’s airway obstruction. It is important to note, however, that a child with mediastinal NHL is at high risk of tumour lysis syndrome.

If the chemotherapy does not improve the child’s condition, the team may choose to give radiotherapy.

There is a risk of the child deteriorating after radio- therapy, thought to be due to tracheal swelling post- radiotherapy (Rheingold and Lange, 2002). There is also the chance that the child may suffer the risks of radiotherapy, i.e. pneumonitis, without seeing a ben- efit. NHL is both chemosensitive and radiosensitive, making biopsy and diagnosis difficult after treatment has already begun. (With most of the other tumours, biopsy will still be possible.) This will be a very frightening time for both the child and the family, and they will require a great deal of psychological care.

17.4.5 Prognosis

The prognosis for recovering from compromised air- way if due to tumour mass is very good. In their re- view of oncology patients requiring paediatric inten- sive care treatment, Keengwe et al. (1999) showed that four patients with tumour mass effect that resulted in respiratory compromise were admitted and ventilat- ed, and all four survived.


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