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CT vs Magnetic Resonancefor Imaging of the Coronary Arteries 32


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CT vs Magnetic Resonance

for Imaging of the Coronary Arteries


Coronary arteries are small tortuous vessels with physiologi- cal motion by respiratory motion and cardiac contraction. The noninvasive imaging of normal and diseased coronary arteries by magnetic resonance (MR) angiography has undergone numerous technical improvements since its introduction in 1993. Early coronary MR techniques used a combination of segmental acquisition of the k-space data and breath-holding.

More recent techniques allow use of both electrocardiogram (ECG) triggering and respiratory gating, eliminating the need for patient breath-holding. Thus the acquisition time can be longer than a single breath-hold, and spatial resolution can be increased substantially. Three generations of MR coronary angiography techniques have been described and can be used with or without contrast agents.

Potential clinical applications of MR imaging (MRI) of the coronary arteries include coronary lesion detection, delinea- tion of congenital coronary artery anomalies, characterization of previously known coronary lesions with imaging of the ves- sel wall, coronary anatomy after transplantation, and quantifi- cation of coronary flow reserve by velocity encoding MR of the coronaries at rest and under adenosine stress.

Electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) has been the method of choice to image coronary arteries by computed tomography (CT), as the temporal resolution of 100 ms was much higher than that of helical CT. Unenhanced EBCT of the coronary arteries is useful to detect and quantify coronary cal- cifications. Variable studies have been reported about contrast- enhanced CT angiography (CTA) of the coronary arteries with EBCT (Fig. 1). One of the major limitations is the slice thick- ness of 3 mm or the limited volume that can be imaged during a breath-hold when the slice thickness is reduced. Another limi- tation is limited signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that can be achieved with EBCT.

Since introduction of multislice CT with retrospective ECG gating, contrast-enhanced data sets of the coronary arteries can be acquired with high spatial resolution, thin slice thickness, and high SNR. The drawback of lower temporal resolution compared to electron beam CTA is compensated by retrospec- tively chosen optimal temporal window for data reconstruction

during the RR cycle and therefore reduction of motion artifacts.

In order to achieve longer rest time of the coronary arteries during diastole, β-blockers are used to reduce heart rate.

Multislice CT allows for reliable detection and quantification of coronary calcifications in unenhanced data sets acquired with low-dose ECG triggering or in contrast-enhanced CTA data sets acquired with ECG gating. As coronary CTA is pos- sible with higher image quality compared to EBCT, calcium screening is possible with comparable diagnostic accuracy (1,2), and multislice CTs are widely available and useful for many other indications than cardiac imaging, multislice CT replaced EBCT in the majority of centers.

MR angiography (MRA) is possible with high diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of digital subtraction angiography in many vascular territories, such as renal arteries, carotid arteries, and the peripheral vascular tree (3,4). The technique that shows the highest diagnostic accuracy and short acquisi- tion times is contrast-enhanced 3D MRA with T1-weighted 3D gradient echo sequences. For coronary MRA, it is still not clear which MRA technique will be the technique of choice in future.

Pioneering work with first-generation coronary MRA started 1993. The MRA technique was a 2D gradient-echo tech- nique, which means that one slice is acquired during a single breath-hold with ECG triggering and segmented k-space acquisition. The initial enthusiasm of the first very positive and promising preclinical reports could not be reproduced by other investigators, who found more negative results. Initial clinical testing of the first-generation coronary MRA technique was reported by Manning et al. (5). They examined 39 patients and determined the diagnostic accuracy of MRA compared to con- ventional coronary angiography for detection of stenosis and occlusions. In this first study, coronary MR had a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 92% for correctly identifying indi- vidual vessels with 50% or greater angiographic stenosis. The corresponding positive and negative predictive values were 0.85 and 0.95. The overall sensitivity and specificity for cor- rectly classifying individual patients as having or not having serious coronary disease were 97% and 70%. Subsequent attempts of imaging the coronary arteries by MRA by other investigators to reproduce these results have not been success- ful. Duerinckx et al. found that a sensitivity of 90% for lesion detecting by using first-generation coronary MRA was opti- mistic and could not be reproduced in a double-blinded pro-


From: Contemporary Cardiology: CT of the Heart:

Principles and Applications

Edited by: U. Joseph Schoepf © Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ



Fig. 1. (A) Thin-slice maximum intensity projection reconstruction of electron beam CT angiography data set shows high-grade stenoses of the left anterior descending artery (arrow). (B) Right anterior oblique projection of conventional coronary angiography shows high-grade stenoses of the left anterior descending artery (arrow).

spective study (6). In some of the patients, very promising data sets with spectacular image quality could be acquired; how- ever, first-generation coronary MRA was not consistent enough to reproduce the results first reported by Manning et al. Post et al. found a sensitivity for detection of significant coronary artery lesions of 36% in an initial study and results of 33% to 75% in an follow-up study (7). An important practical problem of the first-generation 2D coronary MRA is the potential of overreading or underreading coronary artery lesions. As only one slice can be acquired during a single breath-hold, the course of tortuous coronary arteries is not strictly in plane. Thus more slices than one have to be acquired during different breath- holds to assess a longer part of one vessel, and partial-volume effects can decrease diagnostic accuracy as well as different respiratory positions.

To overcome the problems of single–slice, single-breath- hold acquisitions, the second-generation techniques introduce respiratory gating. With the combination of respiratory gating and ECG triggering, a continuous high-resolution data set of the entire heart can be acquired with a 3D technique. The res- piratory gating can be performed with bellows, respiratory belts, and with noninvasive navigator pulses positioned on the dome of the right diaphragm (Fig. 2). Most studies used non- invasive navigator pulses. The advantages of these techniques are the ability to image the coronaries despite their tortuous course continuously in a high-resolution data set (Figs. 3,4).

The spatial resolution can be increased, as the scan time for one data set is not restricted to the length of a single breath-hold. A disadvantage is that the entire examination time can be very long because of the double trigger/gating technique (respira- tory and ECG). Another disadvantage is that usual extravascular contrast agents are not suitable to increase SNR because the

acquisition time is too long compared to the first pass time of the contrast agent. Moreover, the navigator techniques usually are based on a time-of-flight MRA technique, which means the degree of stenosis is overestimated by flow voids and the SNR is limited. Recent techniques allow the combination of 3D TrueFISP and 3D Flash techniques (Figs. 5,6) with respiratory navigator gating. For respiratory gating, different techniques can be used. First, retrospective respiratory gating with con- tinuous data acquisition and retrospective selection of suitable data at the same diaphragm position; second, prospective res- piratory gating with acquisition of data only at the correct dia- phragm position; and third, slice correction algorithms with correction of data position dependent on the diaphragm posi- tion, with a correction factor of 0.3 to 0.6. For second-genera- tion techniques with 3D acquisition and respiratory gating, various values for diagnostic accuracy were found. Müller et al.

found a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 97%. Huber et al. found a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 50% (8), and Nikolaou et al. found a sensitivity and specificity of and 71%/72% and 53%/60% for navigator echo MRA with and without the use of a slice interpolation technique (9). One of the major problems is that excellent image quality can be achieved in some of the patients, but image quality is variable and cannot be reproduced reliably at a high standard. Therefore, diagnostic accuracy decreases in larger patient populations. In contrast to the already reported studies, Lethimonnier used a navigator technique with prospective instead of retrospective respiratory gating (10). This technique reduces the acquisition time, but diagnostic accuracy could not be improved compared to the studies with retrospective respiratory gating.

Kim et al. examined 109 patients scheduled for X-ray coro-

nary angiography with free-breathing coronary MRA (11).



Fig. 4. Left anterior descending artery: multiplanar reformation reconstruction of high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) coronary angiography data set acquired with retrospectively gated navigator echo MR angiography technique. Modified from ref. 8.

Fig 2. (A) Slab of navigator pulse positioned on the dome of the right diaphragm. (B) Noninvasive prospective detection of the position of the diaphragm during respiratory cycle.

Fig. 3. Circumflex artery: multiplanar reformation reconstruction of high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) coronary angiography data set acquired with retrospectively gated navigator echo MR angiogra- phy technique. Modified from ref. 8.

They found that 84% of the proximal and middle segments of coronary arteries were interpretable on MRA; 83% of clinically significant lesions (more than 50% reduction in diameter on X-ray angiography) were identified. However, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for patients with disease of the left main coronary artery or three-vessel disease were 100%, 85%, and 87%. The negative predictive values for any coronary artery disease and for left main artery or three-vessel disease were 81% and 100%.

The third-generation techniques allow acquisition of a whole 3D slab during a single breath-hold with the use of strong gra- dient systems and fast T1- or T2-weighted gradient echo pulse sequence techniques, either 3D Flash or 3D TrueFISP.

Kessler et al. used a single transverse 3D slab that covers only the proximal coronary artery tree (12). The pulse-se-

quence technique is similar to a contrast-enhanced T1w 3D gradient-echo technique, which is used for many other vascu- lar territories with high image quality and high diagnostic accuracy. However, with the combination of ECG triggering and the reduction of scan time to a single breath-hold, spatial resolution is limited and the acquisition time in the RR cycle is relatively long (250 ms). Compared to multislice CT, the acquisition window during the RR cycle is similar; however, the prospective ECG-triggering technique leads to a lower image quality concerning cardiac motion artifacts than the retrospectively ECG-gated technique, which is used for CTA in multislice CTA of the coronary arteries. Wielopolski et al.

introduced the volume coronary artery targeted scan (VCAT)

technique (13). This technique uses seven to nine small 3D

slabs to cover the entire coronary artery tree. With the use of



Fig. 5. Drawing shows segmented data acquisition during RR interval with prospective respiratory gating and prospective electrocardiogram gating with 3D Flash technique.

Fig. 6. Drawing shows segmented data acquisition during RR interval with prospective respiratory gating and prospective electrocardiogram

gating with 3D TrueFISP technique.



small 3D slabs instead of a single proximal 3D slab, spatial resolution can be improved significantly. The disadvantage of this technique is that a usual extravascular contrast agent can- not be used for seven or nine injections. Usually, at least a single dose of Gd-DTPA (0.1 mmol/L) is necessary to perform contrast-enhanced MRA successfully. Thus, the number of contrast-material injections is restricted to three, which is not enough for seven or nine 3D slabs. Therefore, the VCAT tech- niques can be used unenhanced with limited signal-to-noise ratio or with the use of an intravascular contrast agent. The T2 weighted 3D TrueFISP pulse sequence is another method to image the coronary without contrast material, either with a breath-hold approach or with a respiratory triggered technique (Fig. 7). The advantage of this technique is that fluid and blood has an intrinsic high contrast in TrueFISP sequences without the use of contrast material.

The heart can be imaged with the use of two different CT modalities: one employs nonmechanical movement of the X-ray source (i.e., EBCT) and the other involves the motion of the X-ray source and table, combined with multiple detectors to acquire the data in spiral or helical fashion (i.e., multi- detector-row CT [MDCT]). In order to freeze cardiac motion, a cardiac-dedicated CT system was developed in 1982 on the basis of a nonmechanical movement of the X-ray source and fixed detector arrays. The EBCT uses a single, curved anode with four tungsten targets underneath the patient, and a focused electron beam that is rapidly swept across these targets to pro- duce an X-ray fan beam detected by two detector rows above the patient.

Mechanical MDCT systems were introduced in 1998, and allow for scanning with one X-ray tube and 4 detector rows in a single gantry rotating twice per second around the patient.

Continuous gantry rotation and table movement causes the projection data to be obtained along a spiral or helical path. A new generation of MDCT permits working with 16 detector rows in a single gantry rotation and therefore improves spatial resolution and reduces scan time of the entire heart by 50%.

With helical CT, it was not possible to image the coronary arteries with high spatial resolution and reduction of cardiac motion by ECG triggering. The introduction of helical CT with multirow detectors (4 rows) allows for a coverage of the entire heart during a single breath-hold (40 s) with high spatial reso- lution and thinner slice thickness (1.25 mm) than is possible with EBCT (3 mm). However, the acquisition window during the RR cycle is limited by a rotation time of 500 ms. This is five times longer than with EBCT. The first step to reduce the acquisition window is to use a 180-degree sector for image reconstruction instead of a 360-degree sector. That means the acquisition window is reduced to 250 ms. The second step to improve image quality is to choose the right delay time in the RR cycle retrospectively after the scan to reconstruct the images at the time of minimal motion during the RR interval.

Hong et al. showed that the rest time of each coronary artery is different in each individual and is variable in different indi- viduals (14). Furthermore, the length of the rest time is depen- dent on the patient’s heart rate. That means high image quality can be achieved in patients with low heart rates (under 65 beats per min [bpm]). Therefore, the third step to cope with the prob- lem of the long acquisition window is to decrease the patient’s heart rate with a β-blocker. If it is not possible to decrease the patient’s heart rate, a segmented algorithm can be used to ac- quire the data for one 180-degree sector reconstruction over two RR intervals. However, this method can cause additional motion artifacts.

Fig. 7. (A) Magnetic resonance (MR) coronary angiography. 3D TrueFISP breath-hold technique has a lower spatial resolution but a shorter

scan time than the respiratory triggered technique. (B) MR coronary angiography. 3D TrueFISP respiratory triggered technique has a higher

spatial resolution but a longer scan time than the respiratory triggered technique.



Compared to EBCT, multislice CT has a higher spatial reso- lution, especially a smaller slice thickness and a higher SNR and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), as it is possible to apply a higher radiation dose. In spite of the fact that the acquisition window of multislice CTA of coronary arteries is much longer than with coronary MRA or EBCT, cardiac motion artifacts can be suppressed sufficiently in the majority of patients with retro- spective ECG gating, where patient’s heart rate can be reduced under 65 bpm (Figs. 8,9).

CTA using EBCT was performed in various studies with similar imaging parameters. In all studies, a single-slice mode was used with a high in-plane matrix (512 × 512); the temporal resolution was 100 ms in all studies (Table 1). The percentage of depicted vessels with adequate image quality ranged from 72% to 90%—i.e., in all studies a certain number of vessel segments with reduced image quality had to be excluded from further evaluation (15–20).

Nieman et al. found a sensitivity and specificity for a com- parison of multislice CTA (4 slices) with conventional coro- nary angiography of 82% and 93% and positive and negative predictive value of 66% and 97% in detection of stenosis (=50%) (21). Knez et al. found a sensitivity and specificity of 83% and 78% for the detection of stenosis (=50%) and 67% for the detection of occlusions, a specificity of 98% and a negative predictive value of 96% (22). Achenbach et al. excluded 32%

of the examined vessels and found a sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 76% (23). Becker et al. found a sensitivity, speci- ficity, and negative predictive value for the detection of stenoses (>50%) with multislice CTA of 81%, 90%, and 97%, respec- tively (24). However, the agreement for determining the degree of stenoses with multislice CT was only moderate (κ = 0.58).

Vogel et al. analyzed different CT reformation techniques in assessing the coronary arteries examined with multislice CT, including 3D reformations, virtual endoscopic reformations, multiplanar reformations, and transverse source images (25).

The highest diagnostic accuracy was found at transverse scanning.

In comparison to conventional coronary angiography, sev- eral studies show that the sensitivity of multislice CTA in detection of coronary artery stenosis cannot replace invasive angiography. However, the high negative predictive value in all studies suggests use of the method in patients with a low pretest probability for having coronary artery disease, who would be scheduled for coronary angiography to exclude coro- nary heart disease. One limitation in detecting coronary artery stenosis is the difficulty of correctly determining the degree of narrowing of the luminal diameter. Another limitation is the high density of coronary artery wall calcifications. In regions of strongly calcified vessels, the assessment of coronary artery stenosis is very difficult. Compared to CT of the coronaries, coronary MRA has the advantage that calcified plaques show low signal intensity and do not decrease diagnostic accuracy for the assessment of coronary artery stenosis. The advantage of multislice CTA is that calcified plaques can be identified and quantified in the same data set that is acquired after contrast- material application for CTA (26).

Table 1 shows sensitivity and specificity of different noninvasive coronary angiography methods in comparison to conventional coronary angiography, and the number of excluded patients or vessel segments from the evaluation because of low image quality. The results show that none of the three methods—MRA, contrast-enhanced EBCT, or contrast- enhanced MDCT—can replace conventional invasive coronary Fig. 8. Maximum intensity projection reconstruction of a multislice

CT angiography (16 row) data set shows normal anatomy of right coronary artery.

Fig. 9. 3D reconstruction of a multislice CT angiography (16 row)

data set shows normal anatomy of left anterior descending artery and

a diagonal branch.



Table 1

Sensitivity and Specificity of Coronary CT and Magnetic Resonance (MR) Angiography Studies As Compared With Conventional Angiography (Stenosis =50%)

No. of No. of patients, vessels, or

Techniques patients segments excluded (%) Sensitivity % Specificity % CT angiography with electron-beam CT

Nakanishi et al. 1997 (16) 37 4 patients (11% ) 74 94

Achenbach et al. 2000 (17) 36 29 vessels (20%) 92 94

Schmermund et al. 1998 (18) 28 93 segments (28%) 82 88

Reddy et al. 1998 (19) 23 7 vessels (10%) 88 63

Buddoff et al. 1999 (20) 52 23 vessels (11%) 78 91

Achenbach et al. 1998 (21) 125 124 vessels (25%) 92 94

CT angiography with multidetector CT

Niemann et al. 2002 (22) 53 55 segments (30%) 82 93

Knez et al. 2001 (23) 44 29 segments (6%) 78 98

Achenbach et al. 2001 (24) 64 82 vessels (32%) 85 76

Becker et al. 2002 (25) 28 81 90

Vogl et al. 2002 (26) 64 38 segments (19%) 75 99

MR angiography, first generation, 2D breath-hold

Manning et al. 1993 (5) 39 9 vessels (6%) 90 92

Post et al. 1997 (7) 35 15 vessels (11%) 63 89

MR angiography second generation, 3D retrospective respiratory gating

Post et al. 1996 (38) 20 3 vessels (4%) 38 95

Mueller et al. 1997 (39) 35 35 segments (14%) 83 94

Sandstede et al. 1999 (40) 30 7 patients (23%) 81 89

Huber et al. 1999 (9) 20 45 segments (31%) 79 54

Sardanelli et al. 2000 (41) 42 39 segments (14%) 82 89

Gonschior et al. 2001 (42) 20 45 segments (31%) 79 54

Nikolaou et al. 2001 (10) 40 75 segments (27%) 72 60

3D prospective respiratory gating

Lethimonnier 1999 (11) 20 3 patients (15%) 65 93

Kim et al. 2001 (12) 109 123 segments (16%) 93 42

MR angiography third generation, 3D breath-hold

Van Geuns et al. 2000, 38 85 segments (31%) 68 97

unenhanced (43)

Regenfus et al. 2000, 50 82 segments (23%) 86 91

contrast-enhanced (44)

angiography. However, multislice CTA is a promising method in excluding coronary artery disease in patients with a low pretest probability of having coronary artery disease, as all studies show a high negative predictive value and a high speci- ficity. The study performed by Kim et al. shows that coronary MRA has the potential role to detect or exclude three-vessel disease or stenoses of the left main coronary artery (11).

Moreover, contrast-enhanced multislice CTA can detect not only calcified plaques but also noncalcified plaques (27,28) and indicate atherosclerosis in an early stage. That means multislice CTA, as a result of its high CNR, can demonstrate not only the reduction of luminal diameter by noncalcified plaques but also noncalcified plaques in regions where no sig- nificant stenosis is located . Owing to their risk for plaque rup- ture, first attempts were made to classify noncalcified plaques by their density using multislice CTA.

Fuster and Fayad showed that the coronary artery wall can be imaged with MRI with T1, T2, and PD weighted TSE pulse sequences, which allow imaging of atherosclerotic plaques with different contrast depending on the pulse sequence (29,30).

High-resolution MR has emerged as the potential leading noninvasive in vivo imaging modality for atherosclerotic plaque characterization. MR differentiates plaque components on the basis of biophysical and biochemical parameters such as chemical composition and concentration, water content, physi- cal state, molecular motion, or diffusion. MR provides imaging without ionizing radiation and can be repeated over time. In vivo MR plaque imaging and characterization have been per- formed utilizing a multicontrast approach with high-resolution black blood spin echo– and fast spin echo–based MR sequences.

The signal from the blood flow is rendered black through pre-

paratory pulses (e.g., radio-frequency spatial saturation or



inversion recovery pulses) to better image the adjacent vessel wall. High-resolution black-blood MR of both normal and ath- erosclerotic human coronary arteries was performed for direct assessment of coronary wall thickness and the visualization of focal atherosclerotic plaque in the wall. The difference in maxi- mum wall thickness between the normal subjects and patients (>40% stenosis) was statistically significant. The coronary MR plaque imaging study by Fayad et al. was performed during breath-holding to minimize respiratory motion, with a spatial resolution of 0.46 × 0.46 × 2.0 mm


. To alleviate the need for the patient to hold his or her breath, Botnar et al. (31) have combined the black-blood fast spin echo (FSE) method and a real-time navigator for respiratory gating and real-time slice position correction, and achieved a near isotropic spatial reso- lution (0.7 × 0.7 × 1 mm


). This method provided a quick way to image a long segment of the coronary artery wall, and may be useful for rapid coronary plaque burden measurement.

Future studies need to address the possibilities.

As shown in animal experimental studies, MR is a powerful tool to serially and noninvasively investigate the progression and regression of atherosclerotic lesions in vivo (32,33). In asymptomatic, untreated, hypercholesterolemic patients with carotid and aortic atherosclerosis, Corti et al. (34) showed that MR can be used to measure the efficacy of lipid-lowering therapy with statin. Atherosclerotic plaques were assessed with MR at different times after lipid-lowering therapy. Significant regression of atherosclerotic lesions was observed, despite the early and expected hypolipidemic effect of the statins. Changes in the vessel wall were observed for 12 mo. As with previous experimental studies, there was a decrease in the vessel wall area and no alteration in the lumen area after 12 mo (35,36).

Recently, a case-controlled study demonstrated substantially reduced carotid plaque lipid content without change in overall lesion area in patients treated for 10 y with an aggressive lipid- lowering regime compared with untreated control (37).

Comparing multislice CTA and MRI of the vessel wall, CTA is the imaging method that allows to examine the coronary arteries lumen, and detect calcified plaques and noncalcified plaques during a single breath-hold (26–28). However MRI has the potential to classify the plaques that are already identified with different pulse sequence and different contrast at a defined region. In contrast to multislice CTA, the scan time is much longer with MRI. Therefore, for a screening approach, multislice CTA is superior to MRI in detection of vessel wall plaques.

Coronary artery stents are a major problem for noninvasive imaging methods. EBCT, multislice CT, and MRI show arti- facts at the regions where stents are implanted. Therefore, in-stent re-stenosis cannot be assessed directly, as the stent lumen is not visible without artifacts. One method to identify in-stent re-stenosis is velocity encoding MRI of the coronary arteries. Nagel et al. performed a study comparing intracor- onary flow wire examinations at rest and under adenosine stress, and determined the coronary flow reserve both with MRI and with invasive measurements (44). They found very promising results, which allow identification of in-stent re-stenosis noninvasively and determine their hemodynamical relevance.


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