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Analysis of Trigger Mechanisms for Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease: Application to Shock and Multiorgan Failure


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Analysis of Trigger Mechanisms for Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease: Application to Shock and Multiorgan Failure

Geert W. Schmid-Schönbein


and Tony E. Hugli


Summary. Cell activation in the microcirculation and inflammatory media- tors have become a central focus of research into many cardiovascular dis- eases. However, the possible trigger mechanisms of inflammation remain less well understood. We summarize here a series of studies designed to investi- gate the origin of inflammation in acute physiological shock, a potentially lethal condition. A series of basic studies demonstrated that a major source of the inflammatory mediators in shock, produced in an ischemic intestine or after endotoxin administration, is due to the action of digestive enzymes.

Many of these enzymes are proteases derived from the pancreas. The pro- teolytic and lipolytic action of pancreatic enzymes leads to the release of inflammatory mediators from the wall of the intestine. These mediators are transported via the intestinal microcirculation and the lymphatics into the central circulation, where they can initiate an inflammatory cascade with eventual multi-organ failure. These observations offer an opportunity for testing novel interventions against the lethal outcome of shock.

Key words. Inflammation, Pancreatic digestive enzyme,Mechanotransduction


In the past few decades, a set of in vivo observations has led toward a new hypothesis for a possible sequence of events that may lead to cardiovascular disease. Initially shown in a variety of experimental and small scale clinical



Department of Bioengineering, Microcirculation Laboratory, The Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0412, USA


California Toxicology Research Institute, 1989 Palomar Oaks Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009,



studies (see summary in [1]), that many cardiovascular diseases in man are accompanied by cell activation. The process manifests itself at the level of the microcirculation in form of a reaction cascade collectively designated also as the inflammation response. The inflammation can be independent of appar- ent infections, and was demonstrated in all mammalian species tested to date.

The list includes a range of important clinical conditions, such as myocardial ischemia [2,3], stroke [4], atherosclerosis [5], patients with chronic venous disease [6–9], diabetics [10], and even individuals with risk factors for lesion formation [11], to name just a few.

For example, in coronary heart disease and stroke, inflammation is now a recognized risk independent of cholesterol levels [12–14]. Markers of inflam- mation, such as leukocyte count, C-reactive protein levels in the plasma, fib- rinogen levels, or interleukin-6 serve as useful and in some cases predictive clinical indicators [15–22]. Recent evidence suggests that patients with arterial hypertension, a condition that in the past has not been conclusively associated with inflammation, have significant signs of inflammation [23], although the inflammatory cascade may be modified by depressed endothe- lial membrane adhesion mechanisms [24,25]. Anti-inflammatory measures may serve to delay the onset of lesion formation in many different medical problems.

Thus, inflammation has taken on a central stage in research on cardio- vascular disease. One of the conditions with an especially severe form of inflammation is physiological shock [26]. Current interventions against inflammation in shock have been of limit utility. We will focus therefore on shock. The severity of inflammation in shock poses a special challenge as an acute condition. Studies are therefore being designed to identify and charac- terize the possible origin of cell activation and inflammation.

Cell Activation and The Inflammatory Cascade

Signs of activation may be detected on virtually every cell type in the circu- lation. Since clinical screening usually relies on circulating cells, our analysis has frequently focused on leukocytes. Activated leukocytes may not be freely circulating and may be trapped in the capillary network [27]. Therefore, we also have used naïve cells from nonsymptomatic donors and applied plasma of patients to these naïve donor cells in conjunction with appropriate control plasma samples.

Cell activation can be detected by a variety of methods. Relatively early

forms of cell activation can be detected on circulating leukocytes in form

of actin polymerization (pseudopod or lammellipod formation), oxygen

free radical formation, expression of adhesion molecules, or cytoplasmic



Activation of cells in the circulation causes profound alteration of rheo- logical and cytotoxic cell properties with impairment of the microcirculation and initiation of the inflammatory cascade. Key events of the inflammatory cascade are

• Oxygen free radical release

• Membrane bleb formation

• Impairment of endothelial nitric oxide generation

• Calcium release into the cell cytoplasm and ion exchange

• Expression of membrane adhesion molecules, prothrombotic protein expression

• Production and release of inflammatory mediators

• Matrix metalloproteinase activation

• Cleavage of the glycocalyx

• Rolling and adhesion of neutrophils to endothelium, transvascular migration

• Inhibition of the fluid shear response

• Redistribution of interendothelial membrane adhesion molecules

• Enhancement of endothelial permeability

• Mast cell degranulation

• Cell shape changes with pseudopod formation and actin polymerization

• Leukocyte entrapment in capillaries

• Erythrocyte aggregation with membrane peroxidation

• Shift of vascular smooth muscle contraction

• Leukocyte/platelet attachment and aggregation

• Platelet adhesion to endothelium

• Monocyte and T-lymphocyte infiltration

• Reduction of capillary perfusion

• Microvascular stasis

• Upregulation of proinflammatory genes

• Downregulation of anti-inflammatory genes

• Synthesis of acute phase proteins

• Apoptosis

• Organ dysfunction

This list is by no means comprehensive. There is also a list of events that are

associated with resolution of the inflammatory reaction. In selected organs

there are specific reactions associated with inflammation. As more events

during inflammation are defined at the molecular level, additional indicators

will become available. Many of the events are likely to occur more or less

simultaneously. In general, inflammation tends to be accompanied by a reduc-

tion of normal cell function, irrespective of the particular function of an

organ. Inflammation in nonseptic situations has many of the characteristics


observed in bacterial infections, so the inflammatory reaction may primarily be part of a normal defense function. While this picture offers the opportu- nity for many new interventions against the deleterious effects of cell activa- tion and suppression of the inflammation, there is a need for improved understanding of the mechanisms that lead to cell activation in the first place.

Mechanisms for Cell Activation in the Circulation

What mechanisms then may initiate the inflammatory cascade? It is conven- ient to set up a catalog of general classes of mechanisms.

• Many cases of inflammation may be associated with the presence of an actual inflammatory mediator. The list of such possible candidates includes bacterial/viral/fungal sources, cytokines, histamine, oxidized products, complement fragments, lipid membrane fragments (LTB


, PAF), thrombin, and numerous others. This list is extraordinary long and beyond the present scope of discussion.

• Another possibility for inflammation may be due to depletion of anti- inflammatory mediators (nitric oxide, interleukin-10, glucocorticoids, serum albumin, etc.). This list is considerably shorter, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory measures in the circulation are limited [28–30].

• Juxtacrine activation, a process that may be mediated by cell membrane contact and mediators such as platelet activating factor and oxygen free radicals [31].

• Oxygen depletion or any significant gas pressure or temperature transitions tend to stimulate an inflammatory response [32].

• Physiological fluid shear stress is also an important regulator of inflamma- tion [33–37].

The current evidence suggests that in shock the first mechanism may be dominating due to the presence of actual inflammatory mediators in plasma.

Which Organ May Generate Inflammatory Mediators?

In the following we describe a sequence of studies designed to explore the origin of inflammation in shock.

Our analysis started with the observation that high levels of cell activation

can be detected in plasma during early phases of shock. In experimental

forms of shock (e.g., hemorrhagic shock) the cell activation is already

detectable within an hour of ischemia, indicating a nongenomic origin of

early inflammatory mediators in the plasma [38]. This is in line with the fact


that any mammalian species can be exposed to shock, so there is no specific gene or gene product that could be uniquely associated with the shock syndrome.

But what could be the source of the inflammatory mediators? While in the past specific mediators have been proposed, such as endotoxin, cytokines, and lipid derived mediators, no conclusive evidence has been advanced to support this hypothesis. We therefore embarked on a fundamental analysis designed to identify the source of the inflammatory mediators that are so readily detected in plasma during shock. Our approach was to determine which par- ticular organ or organs could serve as a source of inflammatory mediators in the plasma. Comparison of a wide variety of individual organ homogenates yielded a surprising result. While the homogenates of many organs yield low levels of cell activation, the pancreas stands out as a unique organ among all we have tested [39]. This observation is in line with the earlier analysis by Lefer and Glenn [40]. Pancreatic homogenates generate a powerful inflam- matory mediator effect when tested in vivo. Not only did the homogenate serve to activate leukocytes, but it also caused direct cell apoptosis in the mesentery microcirculation even in the absence of leukocytes. When admin- istered into the circulation this homogenate produced rapid mortality in 100 % of the animals tested [41]. These mediators trigger many of the inflam- matory events listed above.

Furthermore, incubation of any organ homogenate with the selected pan- creatic digestive enzyme chymotrypsin leads to generation of powerful inflammatory mediators, as potent as the one from the pancreas. Trypsin, elas- tase, and lipase also generate potent inflammatory mediators, e.g., from intes- tinal homogenates, while nucleases have yielded low levels of inflammatory mediators in this experimental design [42]. Thus the evidence suggests that digestive enzymes synthesized in the pancreas as part of normal digestion play a central role in the generation of inflammatory mediators in shock. The indications from these studies suggest that it is less a particular organ than the presence of digestive enzymes that control the generation of inflamma- tory mediators. Thus, there is a need to examine the intestine, an organ known to play a central role in shock for many centuries.

What Mechanisms May Prevent Self-Digestion by Pancreatic Enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are synthesized in the pancreas as part of normal physi-

ology. The enzymes are initially stored in lipid granules and synthesized in a

proenzyme (zymogen) form until released via a pancreatic duct through the

duodenum into the small intestine. At that stage, digestive enzymes are fully


activated and have the ability to digest most biological molecules. Self- digestion is prevented by compartmentalization of these aggressive enzymes.

The current evidence indicates that the mucosal epithelium on the intestinal villi form the major barrier to contain the digestive enzymes in the lumen of the intestine. Conditions such as ischemia and oxygen depletion in the intes- tinal microcirculation or the presence of excessive bacterial mediators serves to open the mucosal barrier, increase its permeability, and permit entry of digestive enzymes into the submucosal space. At this point, the digestive enzymes have access to cell surface and extracellular matrix proteins. Thus it is a common finding in various shock models that entire villi are cleaved during intestinal ischemia. Loss of intestinal villi exposes the submucosa and the remainder of the wall of the intestine to self-digestion by digestive enzymes.

Inhibition of Pancreatic Enzymes in the Lumen of the Intestine During Shock

Inhibition of pancreatic serine proteases in the lumen of the intestine leads to attenuation of humoral activator production as well as many of the dele- terious sequelae that accompany shock, such as inflammation, the reduction of the central blood pressure, and early indicators of multi-organ failure. The protection was demonstrated in shock induced by occlusion of the mesentery artery with different protease inhibitors, such as ANGD or FOY [43,44]. Both the level of inflammatory mediators in the plasma as well as infiltration of leukocytes into intestine and liver could be significantly reduced. Luminal administration of the protease inhibitor is more effective than administration into the circulation since the bulk of the proteases are located in the intestinal lumen as part of nutrition [41,45]. Inhibition of the intraintestinal digestive proteases blocks also inflammation in the microcirculation of peripheral organs [46], the systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

In shock produced by splanchnic artery occlusion, the inhibition provided

by blockade of pancreatic enzymes in the lumen of the intestine could not be

further improved by blockade of xanthine oxidase with allopurinol [47]. In

septic shock produced by administration of endotoxin, a condition which in

the past has been attributed exclusively to the action of endotoxin, one can

also demonstrate a reduction of the inflammation if the pancreatic enzymes

in the intestine are blocked [48]. Thus, even in this condition, endotoxin may

initially cause a rise in permeability of the mucosal lining in the intestine. But

at a later stage of shock a substantial amount of inflammatory mediators may

be derived from the intestine by pancreatic proteases, and cause the sustained

symptoms after the initial endotoxin challenge.


A New Class of Inflammatory Mediators

What biochemical factors may act as inflammatory mediators? We have seen that both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds are present among the inflammatory mediators derived from the pancreas [26]. Both the hydropho- bic and hydrophilic components are lethal if administered into the circula- tion, but the hydrophilic fraction does not activate neutrophils [49]. There is a spectrum of mediators with molecular weight below 10 kDa [49] and in whole fractions of pancreatic homogenates below 5 kDa [39]. In lymphatic fluid, higher molecular weight compounds have also been detected [50]. The significance of these previously undescribed classes of biochemical mediators in other types of inflammatory reactions remains to be explored.


One of the important issues in current cardiovascular research is the analy- sis of the trigger mechanisms that serve to initiate the inflammatory cascade.

Each disease may have its unique trigger mechanisms. We present here an analysis of shock, one of the most lethal conditions with severe forms of inflammation. The data suggest that the origin of the inflammatory markers may be derived from the lack of maintaining compartmentalization and thus permitting direct action of digestive enzymes in ischemic tissues.

Shock may be a process by which normal pancreatic enzymes, whether in the lumen of the intestine or elsewhere, are no longer properly contained and are free to attack tissue. The current evidence supports this hypothesis of an enzymatic mechanism. Shock and the release of inflammatory mediators into the portal veins and the central circulation may be the consequence of self- digestion by pancreatic and other cellular enzymes. The utility of intra- intestinal digestive enzyme inhibition under selected clinical conditions encountered in intensive care remains to be further explored and confirmed.

Acknowledgment. The research summarized in this chapter was supported by grants HL 67825 and HL 43026 from the U.S. NHLBI.


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