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Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Ins. PAPPALARDO Fortuna"


Testo completo


Liceo Scientifico - Linguistico ‘Innocenzo XII’

A.S. 2020/2021

Programma di Lingua e Cultura Inglese Classe 4CL



Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton, Performer B2 updated, Zanichelli;

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton, Performer Heritage-vol.1, Zanichelli.

Andreolli-Linwood, Grammar Reference, Petrini


Modulo 1: Shakespeare: the poet The Sonnet

Petrarch's sonnets and Shakespeare's sonnets

 Sonnet CXXX: My mistress'eyes

 Sonnet XVIII: Shall I compare thee

Modulo 2: The Puritan Age

Historical, social and literary context:

• Charles I' s reign

• The Civil War and the Commonwealth • The Puritans.

John Milton Life and works

Religious epic poetry: Paradise Lost: summary and characters.

Milton’s Satan vs Dante’s Satan.

Text: from Book I: Satan's speech Scenes from the movie: The devil's advocate Modulo 3: “The rise of the novel”

Historical, social and literary context:

 The Restoration

 The Glorious Revolution

 The Augustan Age: the early Hanoverians.

 The XVIIIth century: characteristics of the time

 Journalism and the rise of the novel


D. Defoe Life and works

Robinson Crusoe : plot, characters and themes Text: I was born of a good family

Text: A dreadful deliverance Text: I was very seldom idle

Text: Man Friday J. Swift

Life and works

Gulliver's Travels: plot, characters and themes Text: The Inventory

Text: The projectors

Modulo 4: The Pre-romantic Age Literary context

 The sublime

 New interests in ficiton: The Gothic Novel

M.Shelley Life and works

Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus: plot, characters, themes and narrative structure Text: The creation of the monster

Vision of the movie


Module 1

Unit 4: The crime scene

Strutture linguistiche: Modals of ability, possibility, permission; modals of deduction; modals of obligation,necessity and advice.

Funzioni linguistiche: esprimere opinioni; dare consigli; fare deduzioni ; esprimere abilità; esprimere possibilità; chiedere un permesso; parlare in modo impersonale.

Lessico: lessico ed espressioni concernenti crimine e criminalità; prefissi negativi.; Description of Graffiti;

Bullism at school (group work).

Unit 5: Global Issues

Strutture grammaticali:

zero, first and second conditionals; unless/in case/ as long as/provided that;

third conditionals; mixed conditionals; expressing wishes and regrets: I wish/If only

Funzioni linguistiche


fare supposizioni, esprimere probabilità/ improbabilita', esprimere rammarico per eventi passati.

Lessico: global issues; phrasal verbs for global issues; word formation: suffixes to make abstract nouns; Gender equality (group work)

clauses+when, until, etc... ; reported speech Modulo 2

Unit 6: Meet the Arts

Strutture grammaticali: comparatives and superlatives; expressions using comparatives; modifiers of


comparatives; linkers of manner: like/as

Funzioni linguistiche: porre elementi in relazione tra loro; esprimere il proprio punto di vista; esprimere opinioni positive e/o negative; esprimere un’opinione a conclusione di un discorso

Lessico: useful expressions for the Arts; phrasal verbs and expressions for the Arts;

How to describe a painting; Netiquette (group work) Unit 7: A techno world

Strutture grammaticali: passives; have/get something done;expressing emphasis with so and such Funzioni linguistiche: esprimere opinioni; esprimere enfasi

Lessico: collocations and expressions for technology; word formation: prefixes

Modulo 3

Unit 8: A sporting life

Strutture grammaticali: gerunds and infinitives; verbs + both -ing and infinitive; relative clauses Funzioni linguistiche: parlare di un’esperienza personale

Unit 9: Saving our planet

Strutture grammaticali: reported speech; say and tell; reporting verbs; reported questions Funzioni linguistiche: riportare eventi e situazioni; discutere idee

Lessico: useful expressions for the environment; phrasal verbs and expressions for the environment;

word formation: word families Unit 10: Money and business

Strutture grammaticali: causative verbs; uses of get; linkers of reason and result

Funzioni linguistiche: sviluppare la fiducia nelle proprie capacità espositive e la fluency; esprimere opinioni personali su un determinato tema

Lessico: phrasal verbs and collocations for business; word formation: suffixes to form verbs.

-Argomenti di dibattito affrontati nel corso dell'anno scolastico:

The 2030 Agenda and its targets

Global issues: sustainable development; refugee; the environment; global warming

Artificial intelligence: pros and cons; the internet and social networks: positive and negative aspects;

healthcare and technology; Netiquette;

Human rights: gender equality; refugees; Bullism.

-Un'ora alla settimana è stata effettuata una compresenza con la conversatrice Rita Iemme: le lezioni hanno avuto l'obiettivo di stimolare la comprensione e la produzione, sia orale che scritta, della lingua unitamente all'acquisizione del lessico nuovo. Presentazione di un libro letto durante il secondo quadrimestre.

-Sono state inoltre effettuate compresenze con la docente di educazione civica:

 Valorizzazione e tutela del patrimonio artistico-culturale italiano.

Anzio, 08/06/2021 Il docente

Fortuna Pappalardo



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