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Additive manufacturing. Adopters and how their participation in the global value chain changes


Academic year: 2021

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Adopters and how their participation in the

Global Value Chain changes

Filippo Buonafede


Supervisor: Lucia Piscitello Co-Supervisor: Giulia Felice


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ... 2

Lists of Tables ... 5

List of Figures ... 6

Abstract (English Version) ... 8

Abstract (Italian Version) ... 9

Executive Summary ... 11

CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing ... 16

1.1. What is Additive Manufacturing ... 16

1.2. Technology Review ... 24

1.2.1. The Digital Model ... 24

1.2.2. Feed Material ... 26

1.2.3. 3D Printer Technologies ... 27

1.3. Main Applications ... 42

CHAPTER 2: 3D Printing and Global Value Chain ... 45

2.1. Porter’s Value Chain and 3D Printing ... 45

2.1.1. Inbound and Outbound Logistics ... 47

2.1.2. Operations ... 48

2.1.3. Marketing and Sales ... 51

2.1.4. Service ... 53

2.1.5. Firm Infrastructure ... 54

2.1.6. Human Resource Management ... 56

2.1.7. Technology Development ... 57

2.1.8. Procurement ... 59

2.1.9. Conclusions from Porter’s Value Chain ... 61

2.2. From Value Chains to Global Value Chains ... 61

2.3. The Smile Curve ... 63

2.3.1. The First Unbundling ... 65

2.3.2. The Second Unbundling ... 65

2.3.3. The Third Unbundling ... 68


Table of Contents

CHAPTER 3: Empirical measures of Global Value Chains ... 73

3.1. Introduction ... 73

3.2. Measurement of GVC Participation ... 75

3.2.1. A Measure for Vertical Specialisation ... 77

3.2.2. The World Input-Output Database ... 80

3.2.3. A Measure for the Value-added Content of Export ... 83

3.2.4. Trade in Value-added & Value-added in Trade ... 85

3.2.5. The “Double-Counting” Issue ... 87

3.2.6. A Further Decomposition of GVC Participation ... 90

3.3. Measurement of Production Length in GVCs ... 93

3.3.1. The Average Propagation Length ... 94

3.3.2. A Measure for “Upstreamness” ... 99

3.3.3. The Length of the Production Chain ... 100

3.4. Measuring Smile Curves in GVCs ... 104

3.5. Latest Studies ... 110

3.6. Latest measurements: Trade in Value-Added Indicators ... 112

3.7. Conclusions ... 113

CHAPTER 4: Additive Manufacturing Adoption ... 115

4.1. Empirical Strategy ... 115

4.2. Additive Manufacturing: Main Indicators of Adoption Proxy, Potential Determinants ... 118

4.2.1. Our Proxy for Additive Manufacturing Adoption ... 119

4.2.2. Potential Determinants of Additive Manufacturing Adoption ... 122

4.3. Results: Main Determinants of Additive Manufacturing Adoption ... 125

CHAPTER 5: Additive Manufacturing and Global Value Chain Participation ... 132

5.1. Empirical Strategy ... 132

5.2. Global Value Chain Participation: Indicators and Main Explanatory Variables ... 133

5.2.1. Global Value Chain Participation Indicators ... 133

5.2.2. Potential Determinants of GVC Participation ... 138

5.3. Empirical Evidence ... 141

5.3.1. Results (I): Main Determinants of Global Value Chain Participation ... 141

5.3.2. Results (II): Relationship between Global Value Chain Participation and Additive Manufacturing Adoption ... 147


Concluding Remarks ... 154 Appendix 1 ... 156 Appendix 2 ... 161 Appendix 3 ... 163 Appendix 4 ... 164 Data Sources ... 167 References ... 168


Lists of Tables

Table 1. 1: AM material and technology combinations ... 28

Table 2. 1: Current state of ideal GVC restructuring following each unbundling ... 71

Table 3. 1: Schematic outline of Input-Output Tables. ... 81

Table 3. 2: World Input-Output Table (WIOD), three regions example ... 83

Table 4. 1: Statistics of first part variables ... 130

Table 4. 2: Results: potential determinants of AM adoption ... 131

Table 4. 3: Correlation coefficients of variables adopted in the first part ... 132

Table 5. 1: Statistics of second part variables ... 146

Table 5. 2: Results: potential determinants of GVC participation. ... 146

Table 5. 3: Results: potential determinants of GVC participation ... 147

Table 5. 4: Results from second part regression model including adoption proxy ... 151

Table 5. 5: Results from second part regression model including adoption proxy ... 152

Table 5. 6: Correlation coefficients of variables adopted in the second part ... 153

Table A. 1. 1 ... 157

Table A. 1. 2 ... 157

Table A. 1. 3 ... 160

Table A. 2. 1: Results from first part regression model ... 162

Table A. 3. 1: Industry breakdown for the 2016 Trade in Value Added (TiVA) indicators. ... 164

Table A. 4. 1: Comparison for CTOTAL in EXGR_DVASH and IMGRINT_REII metrics ... 165

Table A. 4. 2: Average country score for CTOTAL, C28, C29, C34 in EXGR_DVASH metric ... 166


List of Figures

Figure 1. 1: Hype Cycle curve for 3D Printing ... 21

Figure 1. 2: Geographic distribution of worldwide total 3D Printing capacity ... 22

Figure 1. 3: Changes in industry adoption between 2014 and 2017 ... 23

Figure 1. 4: The 3D Printing process. ... 25

Figure 1. 5: Digital model creation steps ... 26

Figure 1. 6: The SLA process ... 31

Figure 1. 7: The DLP process ... 32

Figure 1. 8: The CLIP process ... 33

Figure 1. 9: The SLS, SLM and DMLS processes. ... 35

Figure 1. 10: The FDM and FFF processes ... 37

Figure 1. 11: The MJM and PJM processes. ... 38

Figure 1. 12: The Inkjet Z Corporation process. ... 40

Figure 1. 13: The LOM process ... 41

Figure 1. 14: The LMD and LENS processes. ... 42

Figure 1. 15: Final applications of AM systems ... 43

Figure 2. 1: Porter’s Value Chain ... 47

Figure 2. 2: Conceptual framework of the Smile Curve. ... 65

Figure 3. 1: Summary scheme of the works, and authors ... 76

Figure 3. 2: Accounting of Gross Exports: Concepts. ... 89

Figure 3. 3: Decomposition of GDP by industry ... 93

Figure 3. 4: Prototype example of a production chain ... 96

Figure 3. 5: Index system for production length ... 102

Figure 3. 6: Number of border crossing and the GVC production length index ... 103

Figure 3. 7: VC for Chinese exports of electrical and optical equipment. ... 110

Figure 3.8: Participation mode, value generation and supply chains in the EU. ... 112

Figure 4. 1: Worldwide AM producers’ distribution ... 120

Figure 4. 2: Gross export ... 122

Figure A.1. 1 ... 157


List of Figures Figure A.1. 3 ... 158 Figure A.1. 4 ... 158 Figure A.1. 5 ... 158 Figure A.1. 6 ... 159 Figure A.1. 7 ... 159 Figure A.1. 8 ... 160 Figure A.1. 9 ... 160


Abstract (English Version)

Additive Manufacturing (AM) can potentially impact every activity of a firm’s Value Chain. Hence, it can affect internationalization strategies of multinational enterprises and by extension Global Value Chains (GVCs). However, since no data about its adoption is yet available, the majority of academics could explore this phenomenon only qualitatively.

This work, in the first part, identifies a reliable proxy for AM adoption – i.e. Imports of AM products (Caselli & Coleman, 2001) and its respective determinants. Afterwards, in the second part, this proxy is resorted to explore the relationship between GVC participation and AM adoption.

In summary, this dissertation is articulated as follows: i) identification of AM adoption determinants; ii) analysis of GVC participation in terms of potential determinants and impacts of AM. An empirical approach is used to explore and test the aforementioned topics. In particular, for the former we deploy a 214 country-level regression analysis from 1996 to 2015. However, for the latter we have to deliver a 62 country-level analysis in the years from 2000 to 2011, using two Trade

in Value Added (TiVA) measures of GVC participation – Domestic Value Added in Exports as a Share of a Country’s Exports and Share of Re-Exported Inputs on Total Imported Inputs, given that data was available only with respect to such a more

limited number of countries and years.

One would expect that the results of such an analysis would support the literature claiming that AM fosters a decreasing participation in GVC. However, first explorations show that the two GVC metrics provides contrasting results. This outcome is maybe attributable to mechanical effects, caused by the use of trade metrics on both sides of the regression model. Therefore, deploying other proxies to test the effects of AM on GVCs is needed and will be the object of a further study.


Abstract (Italian Version)

Ogni attività della catena del valore di una azienda può essere potenzialmente influenzata dalle Tecnologie Additive. Questo può avere un impatto sulle scelte di internazionalizzazione delle multinazionali, e di riflesso sulle Catene Globali del Valore. Tuttavia la maggior parte degli accademici si è approcciata al fenomeno soltanto in maniera qualitativa, poiché i dati relativi all'adozione di questa tecnologia non sono ancora disponibili.

Nella prima parte di questo lavoro abbiamo individuato un indicatore per stimare l'adozione di tecnologie additive, della quale abbiamo identificato anche i fattori determinanti (Caselli & Coleman, 2001). Successivamente, nella seconda parte, questo indicatore viene impiegato nell’analisi del rapporto fra la partecipazione di un paese alle Catene Globali del Valore e l’adozione di Tecnologie Additive. In sintesi questa tesi è articolata come segue: i) identificazione dei determinanti di adozione di Tecnologie Additive; ii) analisi della partecipazione alle Catene Globali del Valore, con particolare attenzione ai fattori determinanti ed all’impatto delle tecnologie additive.

Entrambi gli argomenti vengono analizzati attraverso un approccio empirico. Nello specifico, per il primo utilizziamo un modello di regressione su un panel di dati relativi a 214 paesi, in un arco temporale che va dal 1996 al 2015. Nel secondo dobbiamo invece utilizzare un’analisi su 62 paesi, nel periodo compreso tra il 2000 ed il 2011, poiché le misure di partecipazione alle Catene Globali del Valore (Valore Aggiunto Domestico Esportato sul Totale delle Esportazioni e Percentuale di Prodotti Intermedi Riesportata sul Totale delle Importazioni), forniteci dall’ Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE), sono disponibili solamente per questo arco temporale e per questi paesi.

Ci si aspetterebbe che le Tecnologie Additive riducano la partecipazione alle Catene Globali del Valore di chi le adotta, tuttavia le due misure dell’OCSE forniscono interpretazioni contrastanti. Probabilmente questo risultato è imputabile ad effetti


meccanici, causati dall’utilizzo di misure di commercio sia come variabile dipendente sia come variabile indipendente. Pertanto l’utilizzo di altre tipologie di indicatori di adozione, per l’analisi di partecipazione alle Catene Globali del Valore, sarà oggetto di ulteriori studi.

Parole Chiave: Tecnologie Additive, Stampa 3D, Catene Globali del Valore, Adozione Tecnologica, Commercio Internazionale.


Executive Summary

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is believed, to revolutionize the way production of goods is performed, and therefore to reshape organizations and trade on a global scale. In particular, the adoption of AM provides a wider range of users with the possibility to directly access production, which raises uncertainty about the future role of multinational enterprises. Moreover, wider AM reduces the dependability on economies of scale fostering the dispersion of production sites and the closeness to customers. The main aim of this paper is to address the following research question: how will Global Value Chains be impacted by AM


The first part of this work provides a list of determinants of AM adoption, assessing what characteristics at country-level facilitate this phenomenon. In the second part, we explore the relationship between AM adoption and a country’s participation to the Global Value Chains (GVCs).

Chapter 1 of this thesis addresses the description of the AM, both in the

hardware and software dimensions. It is noteworthy that this innovation is compatible with a wide range of materials and it efficiently carry out complex shapes (e.g. hollow objects). Furthermore, allowing to produce any Computer Aided Design (CAD) model with a single device, and enabling to economically unbundle production locations, AM makes economies of scale irrelevant for a wide range of goods. This disruptive potential induced many economists to claim that “economies of scale are dead”. However, there are technical barriers (e.g. long lead times, rough surface finishing) which still remain to be addressed. Furthermore, the typical AM production costs for standard consumer goods are still not comparable with those associated to production in series. Thus, AM is suitable for those products for which personalization is a competitive factor.


In Chapter 2, we analyse the present and future effects that this technology has on firms’ operations. While current applications of AM are mainly in the R&D, this technology can potentially affect the different activities that are described in the Porters’ Value Chain. We especially focus on logistics and production due to the potentially high impact that AM can have on these two stages. Specifically, production can be affected in terms of location choices (e.g. re-shoring), logistics in terms of reduction in the flow of goods (i.e. sharing of file rather than physical goods). For this reason, adopting this kind of technology can lead to changes in inter-country trade relationships led by Multinational Enterprises. The framework used to explore this phenomenon is the GVC as represented by the “Smile of the Value Chain” (Shih, 1992). According to its traditional conceptualization, the activities providing the higher value-added are those positioned at the extremes of the Value Chain (i.e. upstream activities: design and R&D; downstream activities: marketing and sales) which are also those located in high income countries. AM can potentially undermine this view.

Chapter 3 presents a literature review on GVCs, and the history of metrics of

country participation in them. Empirical studies on GVCs have been gathering an increasing attention in the world of International Business stimulating contributions on both the fields of data analysis (e.g. Timmer et al., 2014; Stehrer, 2012) and metrics formulation (e.g. Koopman et al., 2014; Johnson & Noguera, 2012; Antràs et al., 2012; Dietzenbacher et al., 2005; Hummels et al., 2001). Through this review, we aim to highlight strengths this section aims to highlight strengths and weaknesses of these models proposed to analyse this complex phenomenon.

Chapter 4 is deployed for the identification of a reliable proxy for AM

adoption (Caselli & Coleman, 2001) and its respective determinants. More specifically, relying upon the methodology suggested by Abeliansky, Martinez-Zarzoso and Prettner (2016), we build an indicator of country-level AM diffusion, as measured by imports data. Eventually, we infer the potential country-level determinants of this adoption from a work by Coleman and Caselli (2001). These are


Executive Summary

tested through a regression model – i.e. OLS with year and country dummies, on a panel database encompassing 214 countries from 1996 to 2015. The results, described in Section 4.3, suggest that factors influencing AM adoptions are: importance of primary sector, level of globalization, gross capital formation, public expenditure and level of law enforcement.

Chapter 5 includes analyses of GVC participation in terms of potential

determinants and impacts of AM. Namely, in this section we test the validity of our research hypothesis:

“Additive Manufacturing is related to country-level participation in a Global Value Chain. In particular, the technology fosters vertical integration and disembodies adopters from trade in intermediate goods.”

First, relying on the literature described in Chapter 3, we select two historical measures as indicators of GVC participation: Share of Domestic Value Added in

Exports as a Share of a Country’s export, and Share of Re-Exported Inputs on Total Imported Inputs, both taken from the OECD-World Bank Trade in Value Added

(TiVA) database. Second, following the work by Taglioni and Winkler (2015) we identify a basic set of country-level determinants of GVC participation. The significance of these factors is assessed trough a Fixed-Effects regression model with year dummies. In particular, we test a panel encompassing 62 countries in the period 2000-2011. We run the model for the whole economy and for three sectors separately – i.e. fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment and motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers. These sectors are chosen because they are particularly subject to AM technology (Laplume, Petersen, & Pearce, 2016).

The outcome of these regressions (see Section 5.3.1) indicates that variables affecting GVC participation are: Investments in logistics infrastructures, School

enrolment in tertiary education and Connectivity index.

Lastly, we included our AM adoption - i.e. imports, in the afore-described model in order to verify the relationship between this technology and GVC participation.


In conclusion, while it would be expected that the results of such analysis support the literature claiming that AM fosters a decreasing participation in GVC, the two TiVA metrics provides contrasting results. An interpretation of these findings is maybe related to mechanical effects, caused by the use of trade metrics both as dependent variable (GVC participation) and independent variable (AM adoption). Hence, future studies might need to employ different proxies to test for the effect of AM on GVC (e.g. patents data).


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is rapidly emerging as a new and disruptive manufacturing technology that has major implications for companies and industries. As a hyper-flexible production technique providing highly customized and personalized products it has an enormous potential, although it implies important and necessary changes in the business model of companies (i.e. in the logic of creating and capturing value). These changes bring a new set of opportunities and challenges not only for the top management of firms which decide to adopt this new technology, but also for all the other players in the economic world. In the following chapter, we try to depict a complete picture of what AM is, presenting the evolution of the technology, a precise description of the production methods developed so far and the related applications.

1.1. What is Additive Manufacturing

AM technology is defined as “the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies, such as traditional machining” (ASTM International, 2012). The term “3D Printing” (3DP) is commonly used as a synonym for AM, but it is somewhat inexact: the former is commonly adopted to define not only the technology itself, but also specific printing technologies, such as the “Fused Deposition Modelling”. The latter, on the other hand, is broader since it refers to any professional production technique which clearly distinguishes itself from conventional manufacturing methods, based on subtractive processes in which the unnecessary material is milled away until the final shape is obtained (Laplume, Petersen & Pearce, 2016). Simply said, the functioning of a standard 3D printer is


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

quite similar to that of a traditional 2D inkjet printer, as both involve information to be printed from a digital file. While classic printers apply ink to paper, 3DP devices operate a transformation on materials in order to build a three-dimensional solid object. In this way, AM is used to directly produce finished products and parts, or in indirect processes in combination with traditional manufacturing techniques. Even if 3DP is impressively gaining momentum, it is however neither a new technology nor a commonly adopted one. It first appeared in 1983, when an engineer named Chuck Hall printed a cup using a system where light was shone into a vat of photopolymer – a material which changes from liquid to plastic-like solid when light shines on it – and traces the shape of one level of the object. Subsequent layers are then printed until it is completed (Hickey, 2014). The system was patented three years later and improvements in technology led to the development of 3DP devices, coming into commercial use in 1988. Starting from the early 1990s, AM technologies began to be used to quickly manufacture prototypes. In fact, the capability of making physical objects in a short time directly from virtual Computer Aided Design (CAD) data helps to cut down the production development step. Nowadays, the fabrication of conceptual, as well as functional, prototypes in a wide variety of materials, is widespread in many industries; however, during all this time – and coming to early 2000s, 3DP has evolved within the boundaries of the R&D departments of a small oligopoly of firms (e.g., 3D Systems, zCorp, Stratasys, and Objet Geometries), leading to some variations in terms of resolution, colour availability, and time required for printing (Laplume, Petersen & Pearce, 2016). All this started to change in 2005, when Adrian Bowyer, a professor of mechanical engineering at University of Bath (UK), launched an open-source 3D printer project called the “RepRap” (self-replicating rapid prototyper) (Bowyer, 2014; de Jong & de Bruijn, 2013; Jones et al., 2011; Sells, Bailard, Smith & Bowyer, 2010). The process used in RepRap 3D printers is called “Fused Filament Fabrication”, just to avoid trademark infringement towards the Fused Deposition Modelling process. The goal of the RepRap project was to create a 3D printer capable not only of printing various


products but also of replicating itself. Recent versions of the RepRap can print approximately 50% of their own parts, dramatically reducing costs (Pearce, 2015). Bowyer made the design of his creation available for free under the GNU General Public License1. As soon as this device was freely accessible, adoption started to take off and a research community made of 3DP, based on the “Open Innovation” paradigm, started to flourish. When the core patent for the technology used in the RepRap expired in 2009, hundreds of derivative innovations created by individuals and companies started to flourish all over the world. Dozens of new companies offering open-source printers appeared, and many of them gathered funding from crowdsourcing platforms, such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Moreover, between 2009 and 2013, the RepRap printers and similar ones drove down the market cost of 3D printers to USD 1,000 and even less. Such a price was lower than one tenth of the cost of other 3D printers offered by incumbents, at the time. This forced major firms to offer lower-cost 3D printers, printing in plastic materials in a limited fashion, in order to compete in RepRap’s market segment. However, many of the AM technologies needed to build better and less expensive machines are still being protected by patents. For example, laser patents owned by incumbents of the 3DP industry make it difficult for engineers and researchers to experiment on technologies other to the RepRap one’s.

While waiting for other key patents for AM technologies – especially for those able to print metals – to expire, 3DP is becoming increasingly used in a large number of sectors. The technology is sky-rocketing due to recent advances in printing speed, capabilities and lower prices of printers, the latter being partly driven by the expiration of a number of patents. In 2014, the global 3DP market for hardware, supplies, and services was valued at USD 4.5 billion, but is predicted to

1 GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is a free software license. It is widely used since it

guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share and modify the software (Free Software Foundation , 2016).


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

increase to USD 17.2 billion by 2020 (A.T. Kearney, 2015). The consultancy firm McKinsey estimates 3DP market to grow up to USD 490 billion by 2025. Having look at the news, industry analyses and reports from consultants, hundreds of different forecasts and projections about the future size of the AM market are presented. In this scenario of expectations and ferment, it is somehow difficult to assess which are the most accurate ones. For this reason, only few estimates are reported, in order to give a sense of the potential sought in the technology by different actors.

Briefly addressing the issue of technology evolution, the well-known IT advisory company, Gartner, believes that enterprise AM technologies are ready to achieve a widespread adoption. As illustrated in the 2015 Gartner’s annual “Hype

Cycle” of emerging technologies, Enterprise 3DP is increasingly accelerating to

maturity. Over the past five years, it has successfully moved from being a nascent technology to reaching the cusp of the “Plateau of Productivity”, signalling that mainstream adoption is starting to take off. In contrast, Consumer 3DP is still at the “Peak of Inflated Expectations” and will require more time before it reaches mass adoption (DHL, 2016). Figure 1.1 reports a complete view of the different application fields for AM, as well as their positioning on the curve by Gartner. As one can notice, a whole set of other crucial applications of 3DP is still experiencing early phases of the Hyper Cycle: IPR in 3DP, Industrial 3DP and 3DP in Supply Chain – nowadays considered among the most relevant in terms of potential future impact on the global economic system – are climbing the Peak of Inflated Expectations, meaning that, right now, they are gathering much attention from the academic and business world. Anyway, the real impact all these promising applications of AM technologies are going to have will be likely assessed in the years to come.


Figure 1. 1:Hype Cycle curve for 3D Printing. Source: Gartner (2015).

Evidently, the technology is developing and spreading at a fast pace, and more and more companies are starting, or at least considering to use the technology (Magnus, 2016). As shown in the annual survey by the US based consulting firm Wohlers Associates, Inc. – which has a 30-year experience in the world of AM – this proliferation trend has already begun almost a decade ago and it is continuously gaining strength on each of the relevant dimensions of “geography”, “industries” of adoption and “applications” of the technology. In 2014’s Wohlers annual survey respondents included 29 manufacturers of professional-grade, industrial AM systems (those that sell for USD 5,000 or more) and 82 service providers worldwide (Wohlers Associates, Inc., 2014). Starting from the data provided in the survey, Wohlers Report presents estimates on cumulative totals of AM systems installed by country from 1998 to the end of 2013, excluding data related to used system sales (so that machines are not counted two or more times). Figure 1.2 shows the geographic distribution of the total 3DP capacity worldwide, in percentage. The


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

United States, being the place in which the technology was initially developed, lead the global distribution of players in the industry.

Figure 1. 2: Geographic distribution of worldwide total 3D Printing capacity. Source: Wohlers Associates, Inc. (2014).

The survey also asked each company to indicate which industries they serve and the approximate revenues (as a percentage) that they receive (Wohlers Associates, Inc., 2014). Since more data were publicly available with respect to industry adoption, comparative observation can be carried out with respect to evolution trends between 2014 and 2017. As it can be seen from Figure 1.3, in latest years the overall distribution of industry adoption changed: Aerospace sector has experienced a strong increase, whereas other industries like Motor vehicles and Consumer products/electronics, fell in percentage. Nevertheless, it is worth observing that, as the AM industry developed much in the last years, the share of revenues coming from these industries increased in absolute terms, even if the percentage weight has decreased. Data presented in the 2014 and 2017’s releases of the report confirm what just presented, reporting a jump from the USD 3.07 billions of revenues at the end of 2013, to the USD 6.06 billion registered in the year ended on December 31, 2016 (Wohlers Associates, Inc., 2017; Wohlers Associates, Inc., 2014).


Figure 1. 3: Changes in industry adoption between 2014 and 2017. Source: Wohlers Associates, Inc. (2017, 2014).

Survey’s results regarding the applications of the AM technology are reported in

Section 1.3, also providing a deeper focus on main industrial applications.

In recent years, 3DPhas been capturing the imagination of everyone from entrepreneurs to hobbyists. Most engineers and even executives are starting to realize that this technology is moving well beyond the immediate prototyping application: there is growing hype and excitement that 3DP Printing can potentially revolutionize the manufacturing world. Already today, leading companies eager to be first-mover winners in an AM future have begun to leverage on this technology, demonstrating inspiring applications across a range of industries (DHL, 2016). By committing to big investments, some players are already betting on the future success of AM technologies for their businesses. In 2016, Mercedes-Benz Truck announced its first 3D-printed spare parts service, HP launched its first 3D printers’ product line, and GE, BMW and Nikon made a multimillion dollar investment in the 3D Printing start-up Carbon (Vanian, 2016). The implications of this potentially disruptive technology have been recognised not only by the academic and industrial worlds, but even by governments. In the past few years, institutions from all over the world started to realise the impact that AM can have on the economic system if used as a “weapon” in the hands of policy makers. In June 2011, President Obama launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP), a plan to bring together industry, universities, and the US federal government to invest in emerging technologies, including 3DP. Initially, a budget of USD 500 million was set to


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

jumpstart the government’s plan (The White House: Office of the Press Secretary, 2011). Again, in the US, in 2013, the America Makes program – a public-private partnership – was lunched with USD 90 million in funding: USD 30 million from the federal government and the rest from the business and non-profit sectors (Ford, 2014). In the rest of the industrialized world economies, China, Singapore, and some countries in the European Union have committed hundreds of millions of USD to develop and commercialize 3DP systems. China, for example, has been investing in AM since the early 1990s, and the Chinese government, in 2013, has pledged 1.5 billion yuan (USD 245 million) to a seven-year project to advance in technology development (Ford, 2014). In Europe, Germany is leading the game on AM and other emerging industrial technology with the government’s investment program “INDUSTRIE 4.0” started in 2010 and providing EUR 200 million (European Parliament, 2015). Moreover, in 2014 the EU lunched the six-years “Horizon 2020 Research Programme”, providing almost EUR 80 billion for research and innovation, including support to development of key enabling technologies (European Parliament, 2015).

The observed rise in AM investments and adoption is a signal that a growing number of firms are beginning to realize the major economic advantages of 3D Printing technologies compared to conventional manufacturing techniques. These advantages open up to the possibility for new business models and services based on 3DP. For example, the US hearing aid industry converted to 100% to AM in less than 500 days, and not one company that stuck to traditional manufacturing methods survived (D'Aveni, 2015). With reports of such a disruptive change, it can be easily said that 3DP has moved beyond its early success, and the results of an acceleration in the innovation cycle for the technology is now being applied in the manufacture of a wide array of products.


1.2. Technology Review

In this section, we analyse how AM technology works in practice. To do this, firstly we describe each of the basic components necessary to create a 3D printed object. Secondly, a detailed description of the different production techniques classified as AM is presented.

The three basic ingredients for the 3D “creation” of a product, are: 1. A digital model: the digital design representation of an object. 2. Feed material: the material used to manufacture the final object.

3. A 3D printer: the hardware used to create the solid object out of the digital model and feed material.

Figure 1. 4: The 3D Printing process. Source: DHL (2016).

1.2.1. The Digital Model

Any AM device or 3D printer starts the “building” process from a digital design of the part to be produced. The 3D model is usually created using a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software that measures thousands of cross-sections of the object, precisely determining how each layer is to be constructed. Nowadays, CAD model can be created using a 3D scanner to make a three-dimensional digital copy of the selected object. These scanners can leverage on different technologies to generate the 3D model needed. Some examples are: spatially modulated structured light, volumetric scanning and time-of-flight sensors. Recently, companies like Microsoft and Google enabled their hardware to perform 3D


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

scanning, for example Microsoft’s Kinect. In the near future, digitising real objects into 3D models is expected to become mainstream. CAD software solutions were born during the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) revolution of the 1980s but, as of today, there is not a comprehensive and completely dedicated software package for AM machines yet. Nevertheless, 3DP devices of any kind can seamlessly integrate both with commercial programs by, for example, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Autodesk, and with free-to-use design tools such as Blender, Tinkercad and Google SketchUp. Till some years ago, at the end of the object design process, the resulting file needed to be uploaded into a specialized software in order to slice this model into cross-sectional layers, creating an STL (Surface Tessellation Language, an industry-standard format) or similar type of file. Nowadays, instead, designers’ work can be saved in the STL format directly using a traditional CAD software. When the 3D model is sliced, it is ready to be fed into the 3D printer. This can be done via USB, SD or Wi-Fi, it depends on the specific brand and type of device used. When a file is uploaded in an AM machine, the object is ready for production: the device reads every slice – every 2D image – and creates a three-dimensional object.


1.2.2. Feed Material

Materials available for AM production processes are just a little fraction of the whole range of materials used in traditional manufacturing techniques (e.g., polymers, metals, and ceramics). This represent one of the biggest challenges to a widespread adoption of AM. Nevertheless, every year new materials are advanced in AM, resulting in better microstructures, and enhanced material tolerability (Aliakbari, 2012). As of today, the major categories of AM materials are:

• Polymers: the most widely used material in AM. Nylon is the most widely used polymer because it melts and bonds better than other polymers (Guo & Leu, 2013);

• Composites: combinations of two or more materials, either naturally (in nature) or engineered. Composites can be mixed uniformly or non-uniformly to make different compounds (Guo & Leu, 2013);

• Metal products: they can be formed in a “direct” way – by melting metal particles together or an “indirect” way – by bonding the metal with post-processing. There are many ways and AM methods to form metals through the indirect or direct way (Guo & Leu, 2013);

• Functionally graded materials: one example is a pulley that contains more carbide near the hub and rim to make it harder and more wear resistant, and less carbide in other areas to increase compliance (Guo & Leu, 2013); • Ceramics processing because of their chemical structures and resistance to

high temperatures. Unfortunately, these materials can be brittle, making them difficult to manufacture especially if complex geometries are involved. Examples of ceramics include, alumina, silica and zirconia. Ceramics can be produced through indirect or direct process (Guo & Leu, 2013).

Combinations between different materials available and usage in each 3D Printing technology are summarised in Table 1.1.


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

Table 1. 1: AM material and technology combinations. Source: Wohlers Associates, Inc. (2014).

Although there have been increases in the variety and application of AM material inputs and feed stocks, they are still expensive relative to traditional manufacturing materials. For example, powder metals can be 200 times as costly as sheet metal (McKinsey & Company, 2012), and photopolymers cost between USD 750 and USD 1,000 per gallon, compared to injection moulding material, which costs USD 1 per pound (Gordon, 2008). While some producers enjoy savings when using AM for custom products and low production runs, the high prices of available materials continue to be an impediment for many potential producers (Ford, 2014).

1.2.3. 3D Printer Technologies

The 3DP market offers a huge variety of choices, and not all devices use the same technology2. In fact, there are several ways to print and all those available are additive, differing mainly in the way layers are built to create the final object (3DPrinting.com, 2017).

2 In this work, for the sake of simplicity, we refer to AM as the family of technologies. Hence, we use the


In order to understand these differences, a detailed state of the art analysis of all AM sub-technologies is presented. The analysis aims at describing in detail the process chain involved in each sub-technology currently available for direct fabrication of parts. In general terms, the process chain for AM is simply characterized by direct production of objects based on a STL file. Intermediate stages, such as tool manufacturing, are unnecessary. As reported in the ISO 17296-2:2015(E) Directive for General Principles on AM, there are basically two different categories:

1. Single-step Processes: parts are fabricated in a single operation where the basic geometric shape and basic material properties of the intended product are achieved simultaneously;

2. Multi-step Processes: parts are fabricated in two or more operations where the first typically provides the basic geometric shape and the following consolidates the part to the intended basic material properties.

Note that according to the final application for the product, all processes may require different post-process treatments in order to reach the needed properties. Subsequently, the analysis explores the different AM technologies' the requirements for specific feedstock-process combinations – such as information on fundamental properties of the feedstock (material used in the process), requirements on feedstock (pre-conditioning) and dimensional accuracy – and the specific machine types.

To be more precise: since 2010, the ASTM F42 developed a set of standards that classify the AM processes into seven different categories according to Standard Terminology for AM Technologies. These are:

• Vat photopolymerization; • Powder bed fusion; • Material extrusion; • Material jetting; • Binder jetting;


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

• Sheet lamination;

• Direct energy deposition.

Hereafter, all these processes are analysed following the yet cited methodology. Vat photopolymerization

The definition of Vat photopolymerization according to ISO 17296-1 is: “AM process in which liquid photopolymer in a vat is selectively cured by light-activated polymerization”. Most photopolymers react to radiation in the ultraviolet (UV) range of wavelengths, but other visible light systems are used, too. When irradiation occurs, the liquid material undergoes a chemical reaction to become solid. Key features of the process are:

• Feedstock: liquid or paste: photoreactive resin with or without filler. • Binding mechanism: chemical reaction bonding.

• Source of activation: typically, UV radiation from lasers or lamps.

• Secondary processing: cleaning, support material removal, post-curing by further UV exposure.

The Vat photopolymerization process is applied to three types of technologies, the first and the most commonly used is Stereolithography (SLA). SLA (sometimes referred to as SL) utilise a UV laser to build the object, one layer at a time. For each layer, the laser beam traces a cross-section of the part pattern on the surface of the UV curable liquid resin, and to a degree of depth inside the resin, forcing it to solidify when exposed to the UV light, thus joining it to the layer below. After the section’s tracing is complete, the SLA’s elevator platform on which the object is being built descends by a distance equal to the thickness of a single layer and the process can restart with the following section. Materials used in SLA are either transparent or white and cannot be coloured during the process but with use of a post-process (grey colours are possible on some platforms) (Bogers, Hadar & Bilberg, 2016). One of the main suppliers of SLA machines is 3D Systems. 3D Systems has a wide range of SLA machines used for production from the iPro series. 3D Systems machines can


achieve a layer thickness of between 0.05 and 0.15 mm and due to the liquid characteristic of its resin, it can achieve down to a micron level accuracy. The iPro machines operate with a dual laser spot size capability for faster building rate, with a beam size of 0.13 mm in diameter for borders and 0.76 mm for filling (3D Systems, 2013; Melchels, Feijen & Grijpma, 2010; Pham & Gault, 1998).

Figure 1. 6: The SLA process.

Another type of machine available on the market is the Digital Light Processing (DLP). It is very similar to SLA, the key difference is the light source: instead of using a laser beam, a traditional light source, like an arc lamp, projects images onto the polymer surface. Contrary to SLA, in which the platforms moved downwards as patterns are projected on it, DLP's light projector is located under the platform and patterns are projected onto a clear tray containing the resin, curing the resin from beneath. The platform holding the part will then move up and a new layer of resin will be applied on the tray (Bogers, Hadar & Bilberg, 2016). Due to its light projecting technology that projects a 2D image and not a single point laser, lead time can be significantly reduced and numerous parts can be built


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

simultaneously (Gibson, Rosen & Stucker, 2010; Melchels, Feijen & Grijpma, 2010). One of the main suppliers of DLP technologies is EnvisionTEC. In its machines, print resolution can reach 0.05 mm and the building rate can arrive to 25 mm/h. Layer thickness can vary between 0.025 to 0.15 mm, while materials used in the DLP technology are essentially the same as are used in SLA. Here, materials are mostly transparent or have a yellow/red colour (EnvisionTEC, 2013).

Figure 1. 7: The DLP process.

The last and also the newest machine type which applies the Vat photopolymerization process is the Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP). The technology has been developed in recent years by the US company Carbon. Its machines offer a speed from 25 to 100 times faster than currently available commercial SLA machines. This new CLIP process has some similarities with DLP and SLA but uses additional lens like oxygen permeable layer in the resin vat that enables changing pulses of UV light and oxygen to build the object in fast continuous flow (3DPrinting.com, 2017). As regard resolution and precision of the process, CLIP technology offers breakthrough performances, since there are almost no layers and there is a sharp increase in print quality, final object precision and smoothness (Carbon, 2017).


Figure 1. 8: The CLIP process.

Powder bed fusion

ISO 17296-1 defines powder bed fusion as: “AM process in which thermal energy selectively fuses regions of a powder bed”. This process utilizes a container filled with material’s powder, that is processed using an energy source, commonly a scanning laser or electron beam. Key features of the process are:

• Feedstock: various powders such as thermoplastic polymers, pure metals or metal alloys, structural or industrial ceramics.

• Binding mechanism: thermal reaction bonding.

• Source of activation: thermal energy, typically transferred from laser, electron beam, and/or infrared lamps.

• Secondary processing: removal of loose powder and, if applicable, support material, and post-process operations to improve surface finish, dimensional accuracy and material properties.

Powder bed fusion processes were among the first commercialized AM processes. The most commonly used technologies are Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) or Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS). The difference between names mainly refers to the type of powder used in the process (thermoplastics, ceramics and metals). In fact, SLS is used to produce aesthetics


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

prototypes and plastic parts, whereas SLM/DMLS finds its application in the creation of metal parts with severe undercuts. Since both technologies work in the same way, only SLS is described in detail to give a deeper sense of how the production process takes place.

SLS was developed and patented by Dr. Carl Deckard (University of Texas) in the 1980s. During SLS process thin layers of powder are being distributed in the building chamber and fused together with the use of a laser deflection system (mirrors deflect the laser beam to a desired location) to create the desired three-dimensional shape. The laser will create a path in the polymer's layer that will consolidate the layers. After the binding of a layer takes place, the powder bed is lowered by one-layer thickness, and a new layer is dispensed. The process will repeat itself until a shape is created (Kruth, Mercelis, Van Vaerenbergh, Froyen & Rombouts, 2005; Kruth, Wang, Laoui & Froyen, 2003). SLS machines do not use support materials as the un-bound powder left in the chamber is used as a support structure for the coming layers. This restricts the possible dimensions and geometries with SLS technology (Gibson, Rosen & Stucker, 2010). One of the main suppliers of SLS machines is EOS GmbH, a German producer of industrial AM machines. The main difference between different platforms is the size of the building chamber. Layer thickness can reach dimensions between 0.06 and 0.18 mm, depending on the size of the laser and production parameters, and the building speed can be as fast as 30 mm/h. Going down in layer and beam size will increase the details and the accuracy of the part but will reduce the speed of the process. The majority of materials used in SLS are white although some materials are offered in black as well. Colouring is only possible with the use of post-processes (EOS, 2013). Also, 3D Systems offers a series of SLS machines able to reach a layer thickness between 0.08 and 0.15 mm and a building speed between 1 and 5 L/h (3D Systems, 2013).


Figure 1. 9: The SLS, SLM and DMLS processes.

Material extrusion

Material extrusion, according to ISO 17296-1, is an “AM process in which material is selectively dispensed through a nozzle or orifice”. The key features of this process are:

• Feedstock: Filament or paste, typically thermoplastics and structural ceramics.

• Binding mechanism: thermal or chemical reaction bonding.

• Source of activation: heat, ultrasound or a chemical reaction between components.

• Secondary processing: removal of support structure.

In high-end devices, a second nozzle is needed to dispense support material used to create geometries that would otherwise collapse during the building process. The final object is then obtained by dissolving the support material with a specific chemical treatment.

The most commonly used technology in this process is Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), but the technology is also referred to as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). The two terms are exactly equivalent: the first refers to the invention by Scott Crump in the late 80’s. After patenting the FDM technology, he started the company Stratasys in 1988. FFF was latterly coined by the members of


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

the RepRap project to provide a definition that would allow a legal and unconstrained use.

In FDM based machines, a filament of material (usually a string of plastic) is fed to a heating element (the nozzle) and is semi-molten in order to be able to dispense the plastic as desired. Since the material dispensed from the nozzle is in a semi-molten state, it binds with the layer beneath it to create a solid object (Bogers, Hadar & Bilberg, 2016). The printing head often moves in the X and Y directions while the platform itself moves in the Z, although in some machines the print head is capable of moving in all three directions (Gibson, Rosen & Stucker, 2010; Ahn, Montero, Dan, Roundy & Wright, 2002). In most cases, FDM is used with two plastic filament material types: Polylactic acid (PLA) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS). Nevertheless, many other materials have been tested in time and are now available, ranging from flexible materials to conductive ones, and even wood fill. The above-mentioned US company Stratasys is one of the main actors on this technology, and its industrial machines differ by the size of the chamber, tip sizes for production, production speed, and other variants. The smallest layer thickness available in FDM is 0.127 mm. The tip size chosen also has a great influence on the accuracy of the part. There are several tip sizes available, such as T16 (0.4 mm in diameter), T12 and T10 (0.3 mm and 0.25 mm in diameter, respectively) (Stratasys, 2013). Normally, technological development aims at reaching smaller tip size and thicker layers to increase accuracy and better surface properties, but in the case of FDM technology researcher must seek a compromise: the mechanical property of the part worsen as less material is applied. Less binding surface imply worse mechanical integrity.


Figure 1. 10: The FDM and FFF processes.

Material jetting

According to ISO 17296-1, material jetting is an “AM process in which droplets of build material are selectively deposited”. The process is pretty similar to the way a traditional 2D inkjet paper printer works, but it is applied layer-by-layer to a build support creating a 3D part and then hardened using a UV light. Key features are:

• Feedstock: liquid photopolymer or melted wax, with or without filler.

• Binding mechanism: chemical reaction bonding or adhesion by solidification of melted material.

• Source of activation: radiation light source for chemical reaction bonding. • Secondary processing: support material removal, post-curing by further

radiation light exposure.

In addition to the building material applied by the print head, a wax based support material is applied in order to expand the range of geometries achievable by the machine. The support material can be removed using pressurized water (Vaupotič, Brezočnik & Balič, 2006; Brajlih, Drstvensek, Kovacic & Balic, 2006). The


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

most common technology associated to material jetting process is Multi-Jet Modelling (MJM), also referred to as Polyjet Matrix (PJM).

Currently, PJM is one of the youngest 3D Printing technologies available on the market. It is one of the fastest and more accurate 3D Printing technologies. The speed of the process is attributed to two characteristics of the technology. The first is the multiple ejection of material from the print head and the second is the dual UV light system in both sides of the print head. Both attributes enable the production of multiple parts simultaneously and a faster curing process (Melchels, Feijen & Grijpma, 2010). PJM was first commercialized by the company Objet, which then merged with Stratasys in 2013, and is now part of Stratasys products’ catalogue. Layer thickness is specified as 0.016 mm with accuracy of about 0.085 mm, depending on geometries and materials and materials vary from ABS and PP like materials to rubber materials. Several platforms are able to combine soft and hard materials, create different hardness to the finished products and print in the full CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key black) colour range (Stratasys, 2015).

Figure 1. 11: The MJM and PJM processes.

Binder jetting

The definition of binder jetting reported in the ISO 17296-1 directive is: “AM process in which a liquid bonding agent is selectively deposited to join powder materials”. In contrast with the other processes analysed, in the binder jetting two


materials are used, both needed for the creation of the final object: powder base material and a liquid binder. Key features of the process are:

• Feedstock: powders, powder blends or particulate materials, and a liquid adhesive/bonding agent.

• Binding mechanism: chemical and/or thermal reaction bonding.

• Source of activation: depending on the bonding agent, chemical reaction. • Secondary processing: removal of loose powder, impregnation or infiltration

of suitable liquid material depending on the powder material and intended application.

Epoxies, waxes and other adhesives are used for polymer materials, ceramics and metals are bonded by infiltration with melted material and sintering. This technology was initially developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1993.

In 1995, Z Corporation obtained the exclusive license, applying the process in its Inkjet Z Corporation technology (Zcorp). Inside the build chamber the powder is distributed in equal layers and a binder agent is applied through jet nozzles which “glue” the particles below in the programmed shape. After the print is finished, the remaining powder is cleaned off and recycled. The drops applied by the mechanism are colored as they are applied (by combining basic colours, similar to a regular printer), hence the printer is capable of printing the entire CMYK colour range (Bogers, Hadar & Bilberg, 2016). Z Corporation was bought by 3D Systems in 2012, but its technology is still used in machines able to “print” layers with thickness varying between 0.09 and 0.2 mm.


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

Figure 1. 12: The Inkjet Z Corporation process.

Sheet lamination

ISO 17296-1 defines sheet lamination process as: “AM process in which sheets of material are bonded to form an object”. The process can be fed in two ways, using rolls to have a continuous flow or using discontinued sheets subsequently deposited one on another to feed the process. Key features of this process are:

• Feedstock: typically sheets of paper, metal foil, polymers or composite sheets formed metal or ceramic powder material held together by a binder.

• Binding mechanism: thermal reaction, or chemical reaction bonding, ultrasound.

• Source of activation: localized or large-scale heating, chemical reaction and ultrasonic transducers.

• Secondary processing: removal of waste material, and optionally sintering, infiltration, heat treatment, sanding or machining to improve surface finish. The process finds its main application in the Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) technology, an established technique to create solid prototypes. LOM was first


being studied by an industry-university collaborative team led by University of Dayton and Helisys (Klosterman et al., 1996).

In LOM machines, sheets of material are welded together by ultrasonic welding in layers and then CNC milled into a proper shape. When using paper sheets, the “welding” process is obtained using glue, then glued sheets are cut in shape with precise blades. Currently, a leading company in this field is the US company Fabrisonic, whose machines work with metal sheets. Accuracy of the process is related mainly to positioning of the ultrasonic/thermal emitter. Precision is in the order of ± 0.005 mm and production speed is around 304.8 m/h, thus quite fast. For machines operating with plastic materials or paper it is also possible to reach a full chromatic range on the finished product (Fabrisonic, 2017).

Figure 1. 13: The LOM process

Direct energy deposition

The definition of directed energy deposition according to ISO 17296-1: “AM process in which focused thermal energy is used to fuse materials by melting as they are being deposited”. Multiple axis capability, typically from 3 to 6-axis, is


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

achieved moving the nozzle using a robotic arm and move/rotate the build table. Key features of the process are:

• Feedstock: powder or wire, typically metal, for certain applications ceramic particles can be added to the base material.

• Binding mechanism: thermal reaction bonding via melting and solidification. • Source of activation: laser, electron beam or plasma transferred arc.

• Secondary processing: surface finish treatments such as machining, micro blasting, laser re-melting, grinding or polishing and improving material properties (e.g. heat treatments).

Note that this is the only process among those analysed which is considered “hybrid”: in the same device there are both the additive and the subtractive specific tools.

Technology associated to direct energy deposition process is Laser Metal Deposition (LMD), also referred to as Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS). The primary application is in rapid manufacturing and in the high-tech metal industry. Machines mainly differ for alternative material feeding systems: powder fed in through the energy beam, powder fed into the energy focal point, or filament fed into the energy focal point. Moreover, complex three-dimensional geometries may require support material to be deposited and melted or even support structures. In LMD machines, degree of precision by laser generated molten pool is typically 0.25 – 1 mm in diameter and 0.1 – 0.5 mm in depth, resulting layer thicknesses typically are 0.25 – 0.5 mm.


1.3. Main Applications

In this section, a review of the main industrial applications for 3DP technologies is presented. We start from the results of the 2014’s annual survey by Wohlers Associates, Inc. on the yet cited “applications” dimension. In the attempt of mapping how organizations are using industrial AM systems, Wohlers asked the 111 interviewed firms3 the following question: “How do your customers use the parts built on your AM systems?” (Wohlers Associates, Inc., 2014). Answers are reported in Figure 1.15.

Figure 1. 15: Final applications of AM systems. Source: Wohlers Associates, Inc. (2014).

Despite the number of applications listed in different reports from consultancy firms and institutions, the academic literature focuses on three main applications for 3DP. These are:

• Rapid prototyping (RP); • Rapid tooling (RT);

• Direct manufacturing (DM).

3 Interviewed firms in 2014 included 29 manufacturers of professional-grade, industrial AM systems

and 82 service providers worldwide. Their customers are other organisations using acquired machines and services to 3D print parts and/or final products.


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

Hereafter, we go through each of these applications, analysing the related main features.

Rapid prototyping

This is the first field in which AM technologies have ever been used, and by far it is the most frequent application still nowadays. In the RP case, the additive process is applied in the creation of prototype objects on which operating aesthetic and/or functional studies. The use of 3D Printing in this field started right after its first appearance. in the 1980s. Nevertheless, at that time, the introduction of rapid prototyping only had a marginal effect on the way companies planned and carried out their business activities. Indeed, the main purpose of a prototype is to identify design flaws, such as compatibility or usage issues. With the introduction of rapid prototyping it became possible to significantly cut down the process of building a prototype from weeks (sometimes months) to a matter of days or even hours (Rayna & Striukova, 2016). Moreover, it is extremely advantageous for the possibility of jumping directly from the design phase to the production phase, without the necessity of going through intermediary steps of tools and moulds creation. Rapid tooling

The second application of 3D Printing technologies that showed up in time is rapid tooling. This is the following stage of technology application’s development path. RT involves the fabrication of moulds and dies for a long-term use, which are able to form several thousand or even millions of parts before final wearing-out (Levy, Schindel & Kruth, 2003). Referring to tooling, plastic injection moulds are primarily considered, since these are the most frequently used tools. The adoption of AM in this context drives down the cost of tooling and, subsequently, cost of production, meaning that a greater variety of products can be offered. Still, RT has a little impact on companies’ business model. Indeed, just like RP, RT accelerates the production process without radically changing it. RT still remains an integral part


of ‘traditional’ manufacturing processes. Nowadays, rapid tooling is mostly used in niche markets by companies needing intermediate tooling to produce a small number of prototypes or functional test samples for evaluation and market (Rayna & Striukova, 2016).

Direct manufacturing

The last application of AM technologies, which is by far the one that everyone, from researchers to engineers and entrepreneurs, wishes to see commonly adopted in the next future in the manufacturing world is DM. While the impact of RP and RT on business activities is rather limited, this next stage of application has the potential to profoundly disrupt the manufacturing world. Direct manufacturing guarantees long-term consistent production of finished products and components, thus enabling firms to completely reconfigure their production processes. These parts are usable for the entire product life-cycle, or at least for a minimal period of time. Nonetheless, in most cases, the cost of manufacturing with 3DP machines still remains higher than traditional manufacturing. Thus, companies using 3D printers to manufacture do so because they intend to leverage the unique advantages of 3D Printing (and not just as straight replacement) (Rayna & Striukova, 2016). DM can even help businesses to overcome challenges and increase efficiency in maintenance and repair activities. In fact, increased customization is having a particular knock-on effect on the manufacturing process: special or custom machine parts are usually produced in small batches, or even as “lot-size-one” (EY, 2016). These small batches are expensive to manufacture leveraging on traditional techniques, since they require tooling activities and long lead-times. AM helps controlling these costs since the technology enables flexible adjustments to custom parts during development phase and allows cost-effective repair of components.


CHAPTER 2: 3D Printing and Global Value Chain

After having analysed the technical features of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and the potential of its applications, it is important to deepen the understanding on the impact this technology might have on the activities that firms carry on, both nationally and internationally. The final intent is to identify what will be the future scenario in Global Value Chains (GVCs) in case of a widespread adoption of 3DP for product and service provision. In order to do this, first we propose a deep focus on how AM can impact the activities carried out within firm’s boundaries, leveraging on the well know “Porter’s Value Chain” model.

Secondly, we expand the analysis to the wider perspective of the GVC. In particular, we use the Smiling Curve as a concept framework in trying to identify which are the potential changes coming from the 3DP innovation. This is done after an historical review of the effects of previous disruptive innovations.

2.1. Porter’s Value Chain and 3D Printing

AM can be considered one of the most disruptive technology for the entire Value Chain (VC) (Mohr & Khan, 2015). AM’s impact, in fact, is not only limited to the manufacturing stage. In particular, elimination of design constraints, simplification of the assembly process, complexity for free and reduction of the time to market are only few examples of the transformative potential of AM (Mashhadi, Esmaeilian & Behdad, 2015). For all these reasons, we adopt the Porter’s Value Chain model as a reference framework to make a summary of the several implications of 3D Printing technology.

Porter's Value Chain is a model to schematize and provide in a glance any


organisations: “the idea of seeing a manufacturing (or service) organisation as a system, made up of subsystems (i.e. activities) each with inputs, transformation processes and outputs, which involve procurement and consumption of resources (i.e. money, labour, materials, equipment, buildings, land, administration and management). Each subsystem can be classified as a primary or secondary activity” (Porter, 1985). A graphic representation of the VC is presented in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2. 1: Porter’s Value Chain. Source: Porter, Michael (1985).

According to Porter, primary activities are:

• Inbound Logistics – Relationships with suppliers and all the activities required to receive, store, and allocate inputs.

• Operations – All the activities required to transform inputs into outputs (i.e. products or services).

• Outbound Logistics – All the activities required to consolidate, store, ship and distribute the output.

• Marketing and Sales – All the activities dedicated to inform buyers about products and services, induce buyers to purchase, and facilitate the purchase.


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