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Joint Venture for Product Innovation and Cartel Stability under Vertical Differentiation


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Joint Venture for Product Innovation

and Cartel Stability under Vertical


Cristina Iori


- Luca Lambertini


Department of Economics, University of Bologna

Strada Maggiore 45, 40125 Bologna, Italy

fax +39-051-2092664

# e-mail: i.cristina@tin.it

§ e-mail: lamberti@spbo.unibo.it

July 18, 2000


We describe a vertically di¤erentiated market where …rms choose between activating either independent ventures leading to distinct product qualities, or a joint venture for a single quality. Then, …rms either repeat the one-shot Nash equilibrium forever, or behave col-lusively, according to discount factors. We prove that there exists a parameter region where the joint venture makes it more di¢cult for …rms to sustain collusive behaviour, as compared to independent ven-tures. Therefore, public policies towards R&D behaviour should be designed so as not to become inconsistent with the pro-competitive attitude characterising the current legislation on marketing practices.

J.E.L. classi…cation: C72, D43, L13

Keywords: product quality, R&D investment, implicit collusion, joint venture, independent ventures


1 Introduction

Oligopoly theory has produced a relevant literature on repeated market inter-action. The relative e¢ciency of Bertrand and Cournot competition in stabi-lizing cartels composed by …rms whose products are imperfect substitutes has been analysed by Deneckere (1983), Rothschild (1992) and Albæk and Lam-bertini (1998), showing that when substitutability between products is high, collusion is better supported in price-setting games than in quantity-setting games, while the reverse is true in case of low substitutability.1 Majerus

(1988) has proved that this result is not con…rmed as the number of …rms increases. These contributions compare Cournot and Bertrand supergames to conclude that a quantity-setting cartel should almost always be preferred to a price-setting cartel on stability grounds.2 Finally, the in‡uence of

en-dogenous product di¤erentiation on the stability of collusion in prices has been investigated by Chang (1991, 1992), Ross (1992) and Häckner (1994, 1995, 1996). The main …nding reached by these contributions is that, under vertical di¤erentiation, collusion is more easily sustained, the more similar the products are, while the opposite applies under horizontal di¤erentiation. The consequences of collusion on the extent of optimal di¤erentiation in the horizontal di¤erentiation model have also received attention. Friedman and Thisse (1993) have considered a repeated price game in the horizontal framework and found out that minimum di¤erentiation obtains if …rms col-lude in the market stage. In most of these models, although di¤erentiation can be endogenously determined by …rms through strategic interaction, the issue of cartel stability is studied by making the degree of di¤erentiation vary symmetrically around the ideal midpoint of the interval of technolog-ically feasible or socially preferred varieties, leading to the conclusion that producers may prefer to choose the characteristics of their respective goods di¤erently from what pro…t maximization would suggest, if this helps them minimize the incentive to deviate from the implicit cartel agreement.

1The same question is addressed in Lambertini (1996), where the evaluation of cartel

stability under Bertrand and Cournot behaviour is carried out in terms of the concav-ity/convexity of the market demand function.

2This approach cannot grasp any strategic interaction behind the choice of the market

variable. Using the same demand structure as in Deneckere (1983) and analysing asymmet-ric cartels where one …rm is a Bertrand agent while the other is a Cournot one, Lambertini (1997) proves that the choice of the market variable in order to stabilize implicit collusion produces a Prisoner’s Dilemma.


To our knowledge, little attention has been paid so far to the interplay between …rms’ technological decisions and their ability to build up and main-tain collusive agreements over time. This is a relevant issue, in that public authorities prosecute collusive market behaviour, while they seldom discour-age cooperation in R&D activities. Indeed, there exist many examples of policy measures designed so as to stimulate the formation of research joint ventures.3 However, encouraging cooperative R&D and discouraging market

collusion can be mutually inconsistent moves, if R&D cooperation tends to facilitate collusion in the product market.

In this respect, Martin (1995) analyses the strategic e¤ects of a research joint venture (JV henceforth) designed to achieve a process innovation for an existing product. Then, the product is marketed by …rms engaging in repeated Cournot behaviour over an in…nite time horizon. Martin shows that cooperation in process innovation enhances implicit collusion, which can jeopardise the welfare advantage of eliminating e¤ort duplication through the JV . This result has potential implications for the case of product innovation as well.4

We reassess Martin’s framework, by considering a vertically di¤erentiated market where …rms are given the possibility of choosing between activating either independent ventures leading to distinct product qualities, or a joint venture for a single quality, aimed at reducing the initial R&D expenditure vis à vis independent ventures. Then, …rms market the product(s) over an in-…nite horizon. In doing so, they either repeat the one-shot Nash equilibrium forever, or behave collusively, according to their intertemporal discounting. In such a setting, we prove that there exists a parameter region where Mar-tin’s conclusion is reversed, i.e., the JV makes it more di¢cult for …rms to sustain collusive behaviour in the market supergame, as compared to inde-pendent ventures. This holds indeinde-pendently of whether …rms set prices or quantities during the supergame. Our result entails that public policies to-wards the R&D behaviour of …rms should be tailored case by case, so as not to become inconsistent with the pro-competitive attitude characterising the

3See the National Cooperative Research Act in the US ; EC Commission (1990) ; and,

for Japan, Goto and Wakasugi (1988).

4Lambertini, Poddar and Sasaki (1998) adopt the same view as in Martin (1995),

al-though they consider the relationship between standardization and the stability of implicit cartel agreeements. See also Lambertini, Poddar and Sasaki (2000). Cabral (1996), in a somewhat dissimilar vein, proves the possibility that competitive pricing is needed to sustain more e¢cient R&D agreements.


current legislation on marketing practices.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The basic model of vertical di¤erentiation is described in section 2. Section 3 describes the case of collusion along the frontier of monopoly pro…ts. Section 4 deals with partial collusion under either Cournot or Bertrand behaviour. Finally, section 6 provides concluding remarks.

2 The vertical di¤erentiation model

We adopt a well known model of duopoly under vertical di¤erentiation (see Gabszewicz and Thisse, 1979, 1980; Motta, 1993; Aoki and Prusa, 1997; Lehmann-Grube, 1997; Lambertini, 1999, inter alia).5 Two single-product

…rms, labelled as H and L, produce goods of (di¤erent) qualities qH and

qL 2 [0; 1), with qH ¸ qL; through the same technology, C(qi) = cqi2; with

c > 0: This can be interpreted as …xed cost due to the R&D e¤ort needed to produce a certain quality, while variable production costs are assumed away. Products are o¤ered on a market where consumers have unit demands, and buy if and only if the net surplus from consumption vµ(qi; pi) = µqi¡ pi ¸ 0;

where pi is the unit price of the good of quality qi, purchased by a generic

consumer whose marginal willingness to pay is µ 2 [0; µ]: We assume that µ is uniformly distributed with density one over such interval, so that the total mass of consumer is µ.

Firms interact over t 2 [0; 1); as follows:

² At t = 0; they conduct R&D towards the development of product quality, through either a joint venture (JV henceforth) or independent ventures (IV henceforth). If …rms undertake a joint venture, then qi = qj = q and each …rm bears half the development cost, cq2=2.

Otherwise, …rms market di¤erentiated products, each of them bearing the full development cost of their respective varieties, cq2


² Over t 2 [1; 1); …rms market the product(s) resulted from previous R&D activity, either à la Cournot or à la Bertrand.

5A di¤erent model is used in Shaked and Sutton (1982, 1983), where …xed costs are


6The R&D e¤orts of …rms operating in vertically di¤erentited markets are investigated

in Beath et al. (1987), Motta (1992), Dutta et al. (1995), Rosenkranz (1995, 1997), van Dijk (1996). In particular, Motta (1992) and Rosenkranz (1997) describe the incentives towards cooperative R&D.


² In the in…nitely long marketing phase, …rms may collude if their respec-tive time discounting allows them to do so. Otherwise, they always play à la Nash. De…ne as ±i the discount factor of …rm i; and ±Ii(K) the

crit-ical threshold for the stability of collusion, with superscript I = B; C standing for Bertrand and Cournot, and K = IV; JV; indicating the organizational design chosen for the R&D phase.

As a …rst step, observe that the locations of indi¤erent consumers along [0; µ] are: µH = pH ¡ pL qH ¡ qL ; µL= pL qL (1) where µH is the marginal willingness to pay of the consumer who is indi¤erent

between qH and qL; and µLis the marginal willingness to pay of the consumer

who is indi¤erent between qL and not buying at all. Then, market demands


xH = µ¡ µH ; xL = µH ¡ µL: (2)

Notice that (2) can be inverted to yield the relevant demand functions for the Cournot case:

pH = qH ³ µ¡ xH ´ ¡ qLxL ; pL = qL ³ µ¡ xH ¡ xL ´ : (3)

At any t ¸ 1; …rm i obtains revenues RI

i = pixi; I = B; C: The discounted

‡ow of pro…ts over the whole game is then:

¼I i = 8 > > > < > > > : ±i 1¡ ±i ¢ R I i(qi; qj)¡ cq2i under IV ±i 1¡ ±i ¢ R I i(q)¡ cq2 2 under JV (4)

To model collusion in marketing, we adopt the Perfect Folk Theorem (PFT henceforth; see Friedman, 1971), where the in…nite reversion to the one-shot Nash equilibrium is used as a punishment following any deviation from the prescribed collusive path.7 The collusive path can instruct …rms to collude

either fully (i.e., at the Pareto frontier of monopoly pro…ts) or partially, at

7There exist other (less grim) penal codes (see Abreu, 1986; 1988; Abreu, Pearce and

Stacchetti, 1986; Fudenberg and Maskin, 1986), using symmetric optimal punishments. However, the asymmetry of our model prevents us from adopting optimal punishments. For the application of optimal punishments in a symmetric duopoly model with product di¤erentiation, see Lambertini and Sasaki (1999, 2000).


any pair of prices or quantities such that per-period individual revenues are at least as large as the Nash equilibrium revenues.


[1] The instantaneous best reply of …rm i as ®¤ i:

[2] The collusive action as ®coll 2³minn®N; ®Mo; maxn®N; ®Moi; ® = p; x:

[3] The collusive revenues to …rm i as RIcoll

i (¢) ; (¢) = f(q); (qi; qj)g :

[4] The one-shot Nash revenues to …rm i as RIN i (¢):

[5] The one-shot deviation revenues to …rm i as RID i (¢):

The rules of the PFT establish what follows: ² At t = 0; …rms play ®coll:

² At t ¸ 1; …rms play ®coll i¤ ®

i = ®coll at t ¡ 1 for all i ;

…rms play ®¤

i otherwise.

De…nitions [3-5] and the rules of PFT yields that implicit collusion at ®coll is sustainable i¤

±i ¸ ±Ii(K) = RID i (¢) ¡ RIcolli (¢) RID i (¢) ¡ RINi (¢) for all i : (5) In the next section, we quickly deal with the case of full collusion, where ®coll = ®M:

3 Full collusion

First, notice that when …rms operate along the frontier of monopoly pro…ts, they are indi¤erent between settting prices or output levels. Therefore, we con…ne our attention to the Bertrand case.

Suppose …rms choose independent ventures at t = 0: Then, over t 2 [1;1), they should market di¤erent products. We are going to show that this cannot be an equilibrium. At any t 2 [1; 1), the cartel aims at


pH; pL R

M = RB


Monopoly prices are: pM H = µqH 2 ; p M L = µqL 2 ; (7) at which xM H = µ 2 , while x M L = 0: Therefore, ¼BH = ±H 1¡ ±H ¢ µ2qH 4 ¡ cq 2 H ; ¼BL =¡cqL2 : (8)

On the basis of the above result, independent ventures imply that, for all qL 2 (0; qH); the low-quality …rm would exit , getting thus zero pro…ts.

Alternatively, …rm L may produce qL = qH: This immediately entails that

±Bi = 1=2 for all i; as …rms o¤er homogeneous goods.

It needs no proof to show that the same holds in the case of a joint venture, as this would yield product homogeneity as a result of technological decisions taken at t = 0: We have thus proved the following:

Lemma 1 Under full collusion, the low-quality product enjoys zero demand. As a consequence, …rms will only supply homogeneous goods, with JV Â IV due to the cost-saving e¤ect.

Corollary 1 Under full collusion in prices, ±B

i = 1=2 for all i; independently

of …rms’ venture decisions.

As to the Cournot case, notice that, as long as …rms provide di¤erent qualities, we have xM H = µ 2 ; x M L = 0 (9)

which again entails that the low-quality …rm survives only if qL = qH;

ei-ther because …rms activate a JV , or because …rms develop the same quality independently of each other. As a result, we can state the following:

Lemma 2 Under full collusion in quantities, ±C

i = 9=17 for all i;

indepen-dently of …rms’ venture decisions.

In summary, independently of the market variable chosen for the su-pergame over t 2 [1; 1), the …rms’ venture decisions at t = 0 have no bearings on the stability of collusion, as setting either monopoly prices or quantities induces …rms to play a supergame with homogeneous goods.


4 Partial collusion

Here, we investigate the bearings of technological choices on cartel stability, under the assumption that …rms may activate partial collusion, i.e., they may collude at any ®coll 2³minn®N; ®Mo; maxn®N; ®Moi; ® = p; x:

4.1 Cournot behaviour

Consider partial collusion at xcoll 2 ³xM; x, for a generic quality pair

fqH; qLg : In the limit, as qL! qH; we obtain the description of the JV case.

We de…ne the partially collusive output of …rm i as: xcoll i = axNi + (1¡ a)xMi ; a2 (0; 1) ; (10) where xM i = xM=2 = µ=4 and8 xCN H = µ (2qH ¡ qL) 4qH ¡ qL ; xCN L = µqH 4qH ¡ qL : (11)

The associated Nash equilibrium revenues are:

RCN H = µ2qH(2qH ¡ qL)2 (4qH ¡ qL)2 ; RCN L = µ2q2 HqL (4qH ¡ qL)2 : (12)

Substituting (11) into (10) and rearranging, we have:

xcollH = µ [4qH(1 + a)¡ qL(1 + 3a)] 4 (4qH ¡ qL)

; xcollL = µ [4qH ¡ qL(1¡ a)] 4 (4qH¡ qL)


which allow to calculate RCcoll i :

RCcoll H =


H(3¡ a) ¡ qHqL(7¡ 3a) + qL2(1¡ a)] [4qH(1¡ a) ¡ qL(1 + 3a)]

16 (4qH ¡ qL)2 RCcoll L = µ2qL[2qH(2¡ a) ¡ qL(1 + a)] [4qH ¡ qL(1¡ a)] 8 (4qH ¡ qL)2 (14)

8We omit the explicit derivation of the Nash equilibrium quantities, as it is well known


The deviation from xcoll

i remains to be described. The best reply of …rm

j to xcoll i is given by:9 xDCH = µ h (4qH ¡ qL)2¡ aq2L i 8qH(4qH ¡ qL) ; xDCH = 4µqH(3¡ a) ¡ 3µqL(1¡ a) 8 (4qH ¡ qL) (15) yielding deviation revenues:

RDCH = µ 2h (4qH ¡ qL)2¡ aqL2 i2 64qH(4qH ¡ qL)2 ; RDCL = µ 2 qL h 4qH(3¡ a) ¡ 3µqL(1¡ a) i2 64 (4qH ¡ qL)2 : (16) We are now able to write the expressions for the critical threshold of the discount factors: ±CH = (1¡ a) (2qH¡ qL) 2 (4qH ¡ qL)2 q2 L[32qH2 ¡ 16qHqL+ qL2(1¡ a)] ; (17) ±CL = (1¡ a) (4qH ¡ qL) 2 (4qH ¡ 3qL) [4qH(5¡ a) ¡ 3qL(1¡ a)] : (18)

Notice that the above critical thresholds are independent of µ; and can be plotted over the space fa; qLg ; after setting qH = 1.10 This is done in …gures

1 and 2.

9Both xD

H and xDL are admissible for all a 2 (0; 1] and qL2 (0; qH]: As usual, deviation

against a collusive output never drives the cheated …rm out of business, and never makes the deviator a monopolist.

10Note that this normalisation involves no loss of generality, since the same plots would

obtain by rewriting ±C


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 qL 0 0.2 0.4 dH 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a Figure 1. Plot of ±C

H over fa; qLg , with a 2 [0; 1] and qL2 [0; 1] .

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 qL 0 0.2 0.4 dL 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a Figure 2. Plot of ±C

L over fa; qLg , with a 2 [0; 1] and qL 2 [0; 1] .

Observe …gure 1. The range of ±C

H is truncated at 9/17 to put into


the high-quality …rm to sustain quantity collusion, as compared to a joint venture. The equation of the border at which ±C

H = 9=17 is: b a = 2q 4 L¡ 15qL3 + 149qL2 ¡ 408qL+ 272 2q4 L¡ 51qL3 + 221qL2 ¡ 408qL+ 272 : (19)

All combinations of fa; qLg de…ning a point along the downward sloping

surface in …gure 1, de…ne levels of partial collusion and low quality such that independent ventures favour collusion as compared to a joint venture. The opposite holds for any point such that

a2 Ã 0 ; 2q 4 L¡ 15q3L+ 149qL2 ¡ 408qL+ 272 2q4 L¡ 51q3L+ 221qL2 ¡ 408qL+ 272 ! : (20)

Consider now …gure 2. For any combination of a and qL in the admissible

range, ±C

L · 9=17; holding as an equality at fa = 0; qL= qHg :11

The foregoing analysis allows us to state the following:

Proposition 1 For all a 2 (a; 1] ; implicit collusion is more easily sustainedb

under independent ventures than under a joint venture. For all a 2 [0; a) ;b

the opposite holds.

This means that, given a generic quality ratio qL=qH; independent

ven-tures are preferable to a joint venture in terms of cartel stability, if …rms col-lude not too far above the disagreement point given by the one-shot Cournot equilibrium. The shape of a shows that, as far as cartel stability is con-b

cerned, IV tends to become more and more advantageous compared to JV as product di¤erentiation decreases. In the limit, as qL=qH ! 1; IV ensures

±Bi < 1=2 for all a2 (0; 1] :

Alternatively, the above result can be reformulated as follows. As a in-creases (that is, as the level of collusion weakens towards the Cournot-Nash output), the range of qL=qH wherein IV ensures ±Bi < 1=2 increases. The

intuition is that, if collusion is only slightly above the Nash equilibrium prof-its, than deviation is scarcely pro…table and this drastically contributes to stabilise implicit collusion.

11Notice that, in both plots, ±C

i becomes negative if a is su¢ciently large and qL=qH is

su¢ciently low, due to the fact that deviation pro…ts become lower than collusive pro…ts. In such a case, it can be assumed ±C

i = 0; so that any ±i¸ 0 ensures that the low-quality


4.2 Bertrand behaviour

Turn now to the case where …rms are price-setters and try to collude at pcoll 2 ³pN; p, for a generic quality pair fq

H; qLg : Again, in the limit, as

qL! qH; we obtain the picture of the JV case.

De…ne the partially collusive price of …rm i as:

pcolli = apNi + (1¡ a)pMi ; a2 (0; 1) ; (21) where pM i = µqi=2 and12 pNH = 2µqH(qH ¡ qL) 4qH ¡ qL ; pNL = µqL(qH ¡ qL) 4qH ¡ qL : (22)

The associated Nash equilibrium revenues are:

RBN H = µ2qH(2qH ¡ qL)2 (4qH ¡ qL)2 ; RBN L = µ2q2 HqL (4qH ¡ qL)2 : (23)

Substituting (22) into (21) and rearranging, we have:

pcoll H = µqH[4qH ¡ qL(1 + 3a)] 2 (4qH ¡ qL) ; pcoll L = µqL[2qH(2¡ a) ¡ qL(1 + a)] 2 (4qH ¡ qL) (24) which allow to calculate RBcoll

i : RBcoll H = µ2qH[4qH ¡ qL(1¡ a)] [4qH¡ qL(1 + 3a)] 4 (4qH¡ qL)2 RBcoll L = µ2aqHqL[2qH(2¡ a) ¡ qL(1 + a)] 2 (4qH¡ qL)2 (25)

Now consider the deviation from pcoll

i . The best reply of …rm i against

the collusive price pcoll j is: pBD H = µ [8q2 H ¡ 2qHqL(3 + a) + qL2(1¡ a)] 4 (4qH ¡ qL) pBD L = µqL[4qH ¡ qL(1 + 3a)] 4 (4qH ¡ qL) (26)

12Again, the explicit derivation of the Nash equilibrium prices is omitted for the sake of


The corresponding output levels for the cheating …rm are: xBD H = µ [8q2 H ¡ 2qHqL(3 + a) + qL2(1¡ a)] 4 (4q2 H ¡ 5qHqL+ qL2) xBD L = µqH[4qH ¡ qL(1 + 3a)] 4 (4q2 H ¡ 5qHqL+ qL2) (27)

Notice that deviation outputs (27) are admissible for all values of fa; qH; qLg

such that xBD

i · µ; which entails the following restrictions, for all positive

µ : xBDH · µ for all qL qH 2 " 0; 7¡ a ¡ p a2¡ 22a + 25 3 + a # ; (28) xBDL · µ for all qL qH 2 " 0; 19¡ 3a ¡ p 9a2 ¡ 114a + 169 8 # : (29) The admissible range for the quality ratio in (29) is larger than in (28), i.e.,

19¡ 3a ¡p9a2¡ 114a + 169

8 ¸

7¡ a ¡pa2¡ 22a + 25

3 + a 8 a 2 [0; 1] : (30) The above inequality entails that, as intuition would suggest, it is easier for the high-quality than for the low-quality …rm to become a monopolist.

If (29) and (29) are met, then deviation revenues are:

RBD H = µ2[8q2 H ¡ 2qHqL(3 + a) + q2L(1¡ a)] 2 16 (qH ¡ qL) (4qH ¡ qL)2 RBD L = µ2qHqL[4qH ¡ qL(1 + 3a)]2 16 (qH ¡ qL) (4qH ¡ qL)2 (31)

Otherwise, the deviator becomes a monopolist. For the moment, we write the critical threshold of the discount factors by using (31):

±BH = (1¡ a)qL(4qH ¡ qL) 2 (2qH ¡ qL) [16q2H¡ 2qHqL(7 + a) + qL2(1¡ a)] ; (32) ±BL = (1¡ a) (4qH ¡ qL) 2 3qL[8qH ¡ qL(5 + 3a)] : (33)

Again, the above thresholds are independent of µ; and can be plotted over the space fa; qLg ; after setting qH = 1. This is done in …gures 3 and 4, where


the range of both plots is bounded above at 1/2, corresponding to the critical level of discounting associated with a joint venture.13

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ql 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 deltaH 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a Figure 3. Plot of ±B

H over fa; qLg , with a 2 [0; 1] and qL2 [0; 1] .

13As in the Cournot case, whenever ±B

i < 0 because deviation is unpro…table, the

relevant threshold becomes ±B


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ql 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 deltaL 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a Figure 4. Plot of ±B

L over fa; qLg , with a 2 [0; 1] and qL2 [0; 1] .

Consider …rst ±B L (…gure 4). We have: ±BL = 1 2 (34) if qL qH = 4 h 5¡ 2a § 3p2a2¡ 1i 17 + 7a : (35)

The above solutions coincide at a = 1=p2' 0:707; where qL ' 0:653:

Then, observe the behaviour of ±B

H (…gure 3). The border along which

±BH = 1=2 is everywhere to the north-west of the border (35). Moreover, the curve xBD

H = µ is also to the north-west of the border


14Indeed, the equation

4£5¡ 2a + 3p2a2¡ 1¤

17 + 7a =

7¡ a ¡pa2¡ 22a + 25

3 + a

has no real root for a 2 [0; 1] ; with the r.h.s. being always larger than the l.h.s. over the unit interval.


The cases where deviation gives rise to a monopoly remain to be inves-tigated. This would entail recalculating ±B

i anew, taking into account the

additional information conveyed by the complements to (28) and (29). Yet, to the aims of the present paper, the following argument will su¢ce.

First, observe that, in general: @±Ii @RID i = R Icoll i ¡ RINi (RID i ¡ RINi ) 2 > 0 : (36)

At the boundary where xBD

H = µ; critical discount factors are given by (32)

and (33). When qL qH 2 Ã 7¡ a ¡pa2¡ 22a + 25 3 + a ; 19¡ 3a ¡p9a2 ¡ 114a + 169 8 ! ; (37) the critical discount factor for …rm L is still given by (33), while that associ-ated to …rm H is: b ±BH = R M ¡ RBcoll H RM ¡ RBN H > ±BH = R BD H ¡ RBcollH RBD H ¡ RBNH > 1 2 : (38) Finally, when qL qH > 19¡ 3a ¡ p 9a2¡ 114a + 169 8 ; (39) we have b ±BL = R M ¡ RBcoll L RM ¡ RBN L > ±BL = R BD L ¡ RBcollL RBD L ¡ RBNL > 1 2 ; (40) along with (38).

The above discussion su¢ces to establish the following result:

Proposition 2 Implicit collusion in prices is more easily sustained under independent ventures than under a joint venture, for all

qL qH 2 0 @4 h 5¡ 2a ¡ 3p2a2¡ 1i 17 + 7a ; 4h5¡ 2a + 3p2a2¡ 1i 17 + 7a 1 A

Outside the above range, the opposite holds.

As the intensity of collusion decreases towards the Bertrand-Nash equi-librium pro…ts, i.e., as a grows larger, the range of product di¤erentiation wherein collusion is easier under IV than under JV increases. The intuitive explanation behind this conclusion is the same as in the Cournot case.


5 Concluding remarks

We have reassessed an issue previously raised by Martin (1995), under a new perspective, where …rms’ initial R&D e¤orts are aimed at product rather than process innovation. We have analysed the relationship between the organizational design of R&D for product innovation and the stability of implicit collusion either in quantities or in prices, keeping unaltered the rules governing the market supergame, i.e., using the Perfect Folk Theorem.

The main conclusion emerging from this setting is that a JV may or may not facilitate collusion in the market supergame, depending upon (i) the degree of di¤erentiation produced by …rms activating independent ventures; and (ii) the intensity of price or quantity collusion.

Independently of the market variable being set by …rms, we have found that, the lower is the level of collusion, the lower is the pro…tability of de-viation for any given degree of product di¤erentiation resulting from inde-pendent ventures. This drastically contributes to stabilise implicit collusion, in that a reduction of deviation pro…ts goes along with a reduction in the critical threshold of the discount factor.

Therefore, public policies towards R&D behaviour should be designed so as not to become inconsistent with the pro-competitive attitude characteris-ing the current legislation on marketcharacteris-ing practices.



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