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Bibliografia [1] Breussin F., Pigari F., Weber R.,


Academic year: 2021

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[1] Breussin F., Pigari F., Weber R., Predicting the near-burner-zone flow field and chemistry of swirl-stabilized low-NOx flames of pulverized coal using the RNG-k-e, RSM and k-e turbulence models, 26° Symposium of Combustion/The Combustion Institute, pp.211-217,1996.

[2] Coraggio G. Trials on the aerodynamically air staged burner, IFRF, Livorno, January 2008

[3] Eastwick C. N., Pickering S. J., Aroussi A., Comparisons of two commercial computational fluid dynamics codes in modelling pulverised coal combustion of 2.5 MW burner, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol 23, pp. 437-446, 1999

[4] Fletcher T. H., Kerstein A., Pugmire R. J., Solum M., Grant D. M., A chemical percolation model for devolatilization: summary, Sandia National Laboratories Livermore, California - University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

[5] Fluent 6.2 User’s guide, Fluent Inc., 2005

[6] Fudihara T. J., Goldstain L., Mori M., The three-dimensional numerical aerodynamics of a movable block burner, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 20, pp. 391-401, October-December 2003.

[7] Jawarneh A. M., Tlilan H., Al-Shyyab A., Ababneh A., Strongly swirling flows in a cylindrical separator, Minerals Engineering, 2007.

[8] Knill K. J., Maalman T. F. J., Morgan M. E., Development of a combustion characterization technique for high volatile bituminous coal, IFRF Doc.No.F 88/a/10, Ijmuiden, July 1989

[9] Peters A., Weber R., Mathematical modeling of a 2.4 MW swirling pulverized coal flame, Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 122, pp.131-182, 1997.



135 [10] Sagan J., Impact of the char combustion models on swirling flames, Clausthal

University of technology, 2006

[11] Schmid C., Duguè J., Movable block swirler calibration, IFRF Doc.No.F 59/y/8, Ijmuiden, April 1990.

[12] Weber R., Breussin F., Scaling properties of swirling pulverized coal flames: from 180 kW to 50 MW thermal input, 27° Symposium of Combustion/The Combustion Institute, pp.2957-2964,1998.

[13] Weber R., Duguè J., Sayre A., Peters A., Visser B. M., Measurements and computations of quarl zone flow field and chemistry in a swirling pulverized coal flame, IFRF Doc.No.F 36/y/20, Ijmuiden, March 1992.


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