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High resolution integrated surveys for the studying of sedimentary structures in marine environments: “Il dosso di S.Croce” - Oceanographic surveys and GIS mapping.


Academic year: 2021

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Oceanographic surveys and GIS mapping

Mathematics and Geosciences Department

University of Trieste

www.meteo.units.it - www.dmg.units.it - meteo@units.it - PHONE: +39 040 5582106

- Mathematics and Geosciences Dept. - via Weiss n.2 - 34127 Trieste - ITALY

«Dosso di Santa Croce»

Location of study: FIPSAS Protected Area

Contour generation from multi beam survey

S.Cirilli (Units), E.Gordini (OGS), L.Petronio (OGS), D.Cotterle (OGS), 2015

Morphology bottom 3D rendering

Morphology bottom 3D rendering, vertical view 1,5x (S.Cirilli, M.Fernetti, 2015)

Antropic structure map: overlay with multibeam survay E.Torlo (Architecture Firm - Trieste), S.Cirilli (Units)

Research on the

«Protected marine area for fish repopulation» (Gulf of Trieste)

Collaboration with:

FIPSAS (Italian Federation for Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities)

OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics)

Underwater Partner:

CST (Circolo Sommozzatori Trieste)

S.Cirilli (Units), E.Gordini (OGS), L.Petronio (OGS)

Wreck and finger print anchoring buoy Antropic structure for fish repopulation

Seismic profiles: Track 63 Seismic profiles: Track 62

Seismic Profiles

L.Petronio, E.Gordini, L. Baradello, (OGS) 2015

3D Video generation: virtual tour flying over the area of study (S.Cirilli, J.Piscanc, 2015)


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