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VOL. 40 NO. 1 ISSN 1018-3337 MAY 2012



SCOTT, H.A., DEAN, W.R.J. & WATSON, L.H. 2010. Diet and habitat use by the African Black Oystercatcher

Haematopus moquini in De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa . . . 1–10 HENTATI-SUNDBERG, J., ÖSTERBLOM, H., KADIN, M., JANSSON, Å. & OLSSON, O. The Karlsö murre lab

methodology can stimulate innovative seabird research . . . 11–16 GILMOUR, M.E., SCHREIBER, E.A. & DEARBORN, D.C. Satellite telemetry of Great Frigatebirds Fregata minor rearing

chicks on Tern Island, North Central Pacific Ocean . . . 17–23 VELARDE, E. & ROJO, P. 2012. Presumed Hybrid Elegant × Cabot’s Terns Thalasseus elegans × T. acuflavida in Isla Rasa,

Gulf of California, Mexico . . . 25–29 BARRÉ, N., BALING, M., BAILLON, N., LE BOUTEILLER, A., BACHY, P., CHARTENDRAULT, V. & SPAGGIARI, J.

Survey of Fairy Tern Sterna nereis exsul in New Caledonia . . . 31–38 HIPFNER, J.M., BLIGHT, L.K., LOWE, R.W., WILHELM, S.I., ROBERTSON, G.J., BARRETT, R.T., ANKER-NILSSEN, T.

& GOOD, T.P. 2012. Unintended consequences: how the recovery of sea eagle Haliaeetus spp. populations in the northern

hemisphere is affecting seabirds . . . 39–52 KENNEDY, E.S. & PACHLATKO, T. Footwear to allow researchers to cross densely burrowed terrain without damage to

seabird habitat . . . 53–56 CARNIEL, V.L. & KRUL, R. Use of artisanal fishery discards by seabirds on the Paraná Coast of Brazil . . . 57–62


STEELE, W.K. & COOPER, J. Some food items of the South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki at inland sites in the

Ahlmannryggen, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica . . . 63–66 OPPEL, S., BURNS, F., ELLICK, G., GEORGE, K., BEARD, A., HENRY, L., CLINGHAM, E., HILLMAN, J.C.,

HOLLINS, J.D. & THORSEN, M.J. Recent observations suggest Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii might breed on St Helena . 67–68 RYAN, P.G. & KERR, J. Is fur seal predation driving the decrease in Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes moseleyi at Gough Island? . . . . 69–71 COOK, T.R., JEWELL, O.J.D., CHIVELL, W. & BESTER, M.N. An albino Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis . . . 72–73 HENNICKE, J.C. Return of an historical threat to the endangered Abbott’s Booby Papasula abbotti? . . . 74–75


ANGELIER, F. Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates, Volume 4 – Birds (D.O. Norris & K.H. Lopez) . . . 76

BOURNE, W.R.P. The Kittiwake (J.C. Coulson) . . . 77

SANTORA, J.A. Descriptive Physical Oceanography (L.D. Talley, G.L. Pickard, W.J. Emery, & J.H. Swift) . . . 78

DAVIS, W.E., JR. Stray Feathers: Reflections on the Structure, Behaviour and Evolution of Birds (P. Olsen & L. Joseph) . . . 79

AINLEY, D. Petrels, Albatrosses & Storm-Petrels of North America: A Photographic Guide (S.N.G. Howell) . . . 80


Marine Ornithology is published both in hard copy and in electronic form at the Marine Ornithology website. For those browsing the electronic version of the journal, papers are available in Portable Document Format (.pdf) so that they can be captured as exact facsimiles of the printed version for reading or printing. There is no charge for viewing or downloading papers posted at www.marineornithology.org.


Marine Ornithology is published by the Pacific Seabird Group, on behalf of the African, Australasian, Dutch, Japanese and UK Seabird Groups. The journal provides an international outlet for publications relating to marine birds, extending its reach and accessibility by appearing free on the World Wide Web in a form that can be downloaded and printed in the same style as the hardcopy document. The print version is available for both individual and institutional subscribers.

Remittances for institutional and individual subscriptions to the print version of Marine Ornithology should be sent to:

Tony Gaston, Editor-in-Chief 174 Dufferin Road, Unit 11 Ottawa, ON, Canada K1M 2A6 (marine.ornithology@ec.gc.ca)

See www.marineornithology.org for current subscription rates Individual subscription rates for residents of World Bank classified

“low income” and “middle income” countries, are set at half the rate for those in wealthier countries. (for country classifications, see ttp://web.worldbank.org/wbsite/external/datastatistics).

Marine Ornithology publishes papers relating to the biology and conservation of birds associated with the marine environment–

behaviour, biogeography, ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology and systematics. Papers are especially invited on topics relating to the special adaptations of marine birds, the relationship between seabirds and oceanography and seabird-fisheries interactions.

Papers will be accepted on their merits as either pure science (advancement of knowledge), or conservation (advancement of seabird conservation), including issues relating to public policy and legislation. Normal academic publishing policy is followed with respect to authorship, originality, and sole publication. Everything that appears in the printed journal also appears on the website.

Papers using video, sound clips, or other non-print media can be submitted for publication on the web only.

Submissions may be any of the following:

Review articles: major papers reviewing an area of marine bird science or conservation that achieve a new synthesis of existing information;

Papers: reports of research results or conservation action exceeding 2000 words in length;

Short communications: reports shorter than 2000 words (excluding references);

Status reports: comprehensive reviews of seabird population status for species and geographical regions;

Forum articles: short papers commenting on material carried by the journal, reporting new hypotheses relating to marine bird science or conservation, or reporting biological or physical processes relevant to marine birds but hitherto little known or ignored by marine ornithologists.

General queries and all submissions to Marine Ornithology, except books for review, should be directed to:

Tony Gaston, Editor-in-Chief 174 Dufferin Road, Unit 11 Ottawa, ON, Canada K1M 2A6 (marine.ornithology@ec.gc.ca)

Books and proceedings for review should be sent to:

Patricia Baird, Review Editor

Simon Fraser University, Centre for Wildlife Ecology Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6.


© Marine Ornithology 2012


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