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Academic year: 2021



Testo completo




The Faculty of Medicine

Alan Hussein Mussa





Of Full-time Studies of Integrated (Medicine) Sciences

The supervisor: Doc., Dr. Evalda Danytė

Department: Endocrinology Clinic (Endokrinologijos klinika)



I.1. Limitations of islet transplantation 11

I.2. Current state and statistics 12

I.3. Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Beta-Like Cells 13

I.4. Limitations of hPSC-Derived Beta-Like Cells 14

2. Materials and methodology: 15

2.1. Data extraction and quality assessment 15

2.2. Data analysis and statistical methods 16

3. Results and their discussion 17

3.1. Benefits 20

3.2. Risks 21





Author: Alan Hussein Mussa

Research title


Evolution of Diabetes Mellitus Β-Cell Replacement Therapy, Possibilities and Outcomes

The aim of the final work: To evaluate the progress of these possibilities and their current

state when it comes down to procedure related benefits and complications.

Objectives of this research: 1. To analyze and determine possibilities of a lifelong and

permanent treatment for diabetes with minimal complication. 2. Comparison between the different transplantation possibilities and how far we have come.

The world leading cause of illness and death is now Diabetes mellitus. As stated by departments for Disease Control and deterrence, about 23.6 million people in the United States, of all, 5-10% was identified with type 1 diabetes mellitus autoimmune disease. While often found in early age, type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, resulting in huge morbidity and lower life expectancy. The surgical intervention for diabetes mellitus, with pancreas in focus, has progressed from the 1960s into a viable alternative to insulin administration.

Goals: Pancreatic islet transplantation has an outstanding glycemic regulation capacity without

significant hypoglycemia that is aligned with need for continuing systemic immunosuppression in selected patient with complex type 1 diabetes. Patient results are increasingly used as an indicator of transplant succession in conjunction with biomedical results. Patient result outcomes in pancreatic islet transplantation has not been specifically compared with the nearest alternative therapeutic choice, for example in pancreas transplantation alone or pancreas after kidney transplantation.

Procedure: Examination including population, intervention, comparison and outcome were analyzed for a total of 12 experiments using nine patient-reported outcomes and two non-patient-reported outcomes, including assessment of pancreas after kidney, pancreas alone transplantation, islet after kidney transplant and transplantation of islet alone: n = 7-205. The findings have established benefits, including lower hypoglycemic events and some facets of the diabetes-specific quality of life that remain evident at 36 months after transplantation. Bad results included are such as brief procedure pain, immunosuppressive challenges, loss of pancreatic exocrine function and infections. 314 references were initially examined and through application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39 references were chosen as relevant to my work.



Findings: Small sampling sizes for the mixed findings. Patient result outcome measures may

have a lack of specificity in detecting effects on quality of life. Moreover, there are no trials evaluating patient satisfaction, which may illustrate additional data about transplantation benefits and impediments. Med. 27, 812-822 Diabetes (2010).




Cukrinio diabeto β ląstelių pakaitinės terapijos raida, galimybės ir rezultatai –

sisteminė literatūros apžvalga

Alan Hussein Mussa

Magistro darbas

Baigiamojo darbo tikslas: Įvertinti šių galimybių nuolatinę pažangą ir esamą būklę, kai

kalbama apie su procedūra susijusią naudą ir komplikacijas.

Tyrimo tikslas: 1. Išanalizuoti ir nustatyti diabeto gydymo visam gyvenimui ir nuolatinio

gydymo galimybes su minimaliomis komplikacijomis. 2. Įvairių transplantacijos galimybių palyginimas ir tai, kaip toli mes pažengėme.

Šiuo metu pasaulyje pagrindinė ligų ir mirties priežastis yra cukrinis diabetas. Kaip teigia Ligų kontrolės ir prevencijos departamentai, Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose gyvena apie 23,6 mln. žmonių, iš jų 5-10 proc. serga 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu, kuri yra viena iš autoimuninių liga. Nors cukrinis diabetas dažnai nustatomas dar ankstyvame amžiuje, 1 tipo diabetas gali pasireikšti bet kokiame amžiuje, o tai sukelia didžiulį sergamumą ir trumpina gyvenimo trukmę. Chirurginė intervencija sergant cukriniu diabetu, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant kasai, nuo 1960 m. tapo realia ir dažna insulino vartojimo pakeitimo alternatyva.

Tikslai: Kasos salelių transplantacija pasižymi išskirtiniu glikemijos reguliavimo gebėjimu be

reikšmingos hipoglikemijos, kuri suderinta su nuolatinės sisteminės imunosupresijos poreikiu atrinktiems pacientams, sergantiems sudėtingu 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu. Pacientų gydymo rezultatai vis dažniau naudojami kaip transplantacijos sėkmės rodiklis (kartu su biomedicininiais rezultatais). Pacientų rezultatų po kasos salelių transplantacijos nebuvo konkrečiai lyginami su artimiausiu alternatyviu terapiniu pasirinkimu, pavyzdžiui, vien kasos transplantacija arba kasos transplantacija po inksto transplantacijos.

Procedūra: Tyrimas apėmė populiaciją, intervenciją, palyginimą ir rezultatus (angl. PICO

metodą), iš 12 analizuojamų eksperimentų, naudojant devynis pacientų praneštus rezultatus ir du ne pacientų praneštus rezultatus, įskaitant kasos po inksto transplantacijos, vien kasos transplantacijos, salelių po inksto transplantacijos ir vien salelių transplantacijos vertinimą: n = 7-205. Nustatyta nauda, įskaitant mažesnį hipoglikemijos atvejų skaičių ir kai kuriuos diabetui būdingos gyvenimo kokybės aspektus, kurie išlieka akivaizdūs praėjus 36 mėnesiams po transplantacijos. Įtraukti neigiami


6 rezultatai, tokie kaip trumpalaikės procedūros skausmas, imunosupresiniai iššūkiai, kasos egzokrininės funkcijos praradimas ir infekcijos. Iš pradžių buvo išnagrinėta 314 literatūros šaltinių, o pritaikius įtraukimo ir atmetimo kriterijus 39 šaltiniai buvo atrinkti kaip susiję su mano darbu.

Išvados: šias išvadas lėmė nedidelė imties apimtis. Pacientų rezultatų vertinimo priemonės gali

būti nepakankamai specifinės nustatant poveikį gyvenimo kokybei. Be to, nėra tyrimų, kuriuose būtų vertinamas pacientų pasitenkinimas gydimu, galintis iliustruoti papildomus duomenis apie transplantacijos naudą ir kliūtis. Med. 27, 812-822 Diabetas (2010)




Not all abbreviations are not explained as they were in the original work.

▪ CITR - collaborative islet transplant registry; ▪ DLQQ - diabetes life quality questionnaire. ▪ DSMQ - Diabetes Self-Management Questionary; ▪ ECC - embryonic stem cells;

▪ ELISPOT - enzyme-linked immune absorbent spot; ▪ FDA - food and drug administration;

▪ FPG – Fasting plasma glucose ▪ HgbA1c - glycosylated hemoglobin; ▪ IA - islet alone;

▪ IAK - islet after kidney transplant; ▪ IFNγ - interferon gamma;

▪ iPSC - induced multi-potent stem cells; ▪ IT – pancreatic islet transplantation; ▪ MD - mean difference;

▪ PAK - pancreas after kidney;

▪ PICO - population, intervention, combinations, results;

▪ PRISMA - preferred monitoring products for structured assessment and meta-analysis; ▪ PRO - patient-reported outcome;

▪ PT - pancreas transplant;

▪ PTA - pancreas transplantation alone; ▪ QoL - quality of life;

▪ SPK - pancreas–kidney transplant;




Using traditional exogenous insulin substitution regimens, a considerable rate of patients with proven C-peptide negative Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) have significant trouble in ensuring optimized overall glycemic regulation control without causing hypoglycemia. Presently, effective b-cell replacement by entire pancreas or isolated islet b-cell transplantation (IT) is the only treatment that improves near norm glycaemia reliably, with total avoidance of serious hypoglycemia. It has the ability to independently secrete insulin and decreases the possibility of micro- / macro-vascular problems over long time periods. Nevertheless, all treatments demand the recipients to follow a stringent immunosuppressive regime, take part in routine hospital visits, undergo daily blood tests, and keep informed about signs of organ failure or disease indications [1]. Although most of the patients will preserve prolonged stability of insulin to the entire pancreas transplant (PT), complex treatment has a strong relationship with morbidity & mortality [2]. Recently, the most important prospect for T1DM [4], which is better and less invasive than PT, has been islet transplantation (IT). Glycemic control since IT has exceeded the controls obtained by best traditional or intensive insulin treatment after the release in 2000 of the 'Edmonton protocol'[5] and by extreme hypoglycemic episode [6]. Apart from one or two injections by islet under the Edmonton Regimen, about 80% of IT receivers are sensitive to insulin, but only 10% are insulin independent over the course of the long-term. It is also necessary to determine the long-term safety and effectiveness of IT. It is now classified by the US Food and Drug Administration as 'Investigative New Drugs' (FDA). While simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplant (SPK) is the most common method of pancreatic transplantation for these patients, dialysis liberation dominates the patient’s condition of this sort of transplant. Trials on islet transplantation alone (IA) and islet after kidney (IAK) have never been systematic or monitored efficiently, and now offer minimum invasive substitute pancreas transplant alone (PTA) options and pancreas in clinical practice after the pancreas after kidney (PAK). Progress is increasingly assessed by psychological or patient-reported result (PRO) behavior, not only in spite of biomedical performance, but as well as the effect of transplantation on the individual. The data of these surveys 'have already seen improvements in lifestyle'[8, p.179]. More clarification is therefore essential since some patient result outcomes (PRO) used as result instruments generate information about specific phases of the condition of patients, while others assess general health functioning status, happiness, psychological wellbeing or impacts on quality of life (QoL) whether with treatments or services. Further assessment of QoL in IT [2,9] has been recommended by both the US Department for Health and Quality Research (AHRQ) and the UK National Institute of Clinical Health and Excellence (NICE). I classify the PROs were used to test islets


9 alone (IA), IAK, PTA and PAK; (ii) report on short-term and medium-term results of IA, IAK, PTA and PAK from the viewpoint of patients; (iii) Evaluate the suitability, from a patient viewpoint, of the PRO interventions for the maximum (both favorable and unfavorable) effect of the transplant. Due to its advantage Islet cell transplantation has been endorsed as having a largely beneficial impact by several groups with regards.

The aim of the final work: To evaluate the progress of these possibilities and their current

state when it comes down to procedure related benefits and complications.

Objectives of this research: 1. To analyze and determine possibilities of a lifelong and

permanent treatment for diabetes with minimal complication. 2. Comparison between the different transplantation possibilities and how far we have come.





Islet cell implant has been confirmed by various organizations as having an enormously positive impact to improve metabolizing effect and to reduce the huge physiological effect of T1DM. It is also supported by several groups. Although there can be modifications in counter role and symptoms with glucagon and epinephrine, believed to be significantly lower than normal. But this disadvantage may be alleviated by re-habilitating and normalizing growth hormone levels. In addition, autonomous and neuro-glucogenic regulations return to people with long-term diabetics. Long period of time advantage of islet functional feature has near-normal glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1c) grades and sometimes having fair regulation of glucose with impartial insulin. Collaborative Islet Transplant Registry (CITR) says that, within one year of last injection, IA recipients with typical HbA1c concentrations grew from 2% to 51% to 60%. In a sample of seven IAK transplant patients, HgbA1c was almost twice reduced, reaching 30% for one year of insulin isolation, while 86% for one year of insulin grafting. There have been no reports of serious hypoglycemic events. Warnock et al [30]. also enrolled 10 people in the best medical treatment program for diabetes-induced renal diseases and then passed them through for islet implantation. These patients have increased metabolic function by reducing HbA1c from 6.9% on average, to 6.2% 6 months after transplant surgery of the islet. In 30 out of 52 islet transplant patients, significant nutrient and dietary improvements were found including significant decreases in weight, mass index, waist size and excess adipose tissue. According to Poggioli et al. [31] In aggressive insulin therapy patients indeed, rather than in islet cell transplantation in which stabilization has been proven, significant improvement in diabetic retinopathy seems to be more definitely. In all final analysis for kidney and islet transplants, cardio-vascular function has been increased and enhanced in patients with end-stage renal diseases, as compared with kidneys only, with atherothrombotic profile changes and endothelial morphology, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) improvement. The same IAK community also improved the exhaust and maximum end-diastolic volumes and stabilized to a peak filling volume rate. In the kidney-only category, these indicators have decreased. In combination with islet cell implantation, the stability and functioning of renal parenchyma were also increased. The poor longer-term polyneuropathic results were also less prone by the decrease in advanced glycemia and their specific receptor expression in people treated with IAK treatment. Lee et al. [2] have showed that the benefits even can stabilize patients and that their diabetic neuropathy has improved. Risks: In the short term, compared to organ-wide pancreatic implantation, the chance of islet implantation is markedly lower. Long-term complications however, related to pancreas implantation, are more probably linked to chronic immunosuppression needs and are


11 emphasized by the famous calcineurin interdict -inducing nephrotoxicity, which is much more significant because the diabetic nephropathy is possible. The Edmonton Group has reported possible severe complications in just 6 of 68 procedures in 34 patients under 68 procedures. Two portal venous thrombosis cases and four patients with intra-abdominal hemorrhage patients were also included in post-transplant complications. Bleeding has been found in 67 Villiger et al. [37] cases between 1999 and 2005 in 18 out of 132 percutaneous trans-hepatic islet implants. However, if the hepatic intraparenchymal tract is effectively taken care of by tract ablation, they concluded that the difficulty is preventable and thus assuming that the complication can be avoided. There were 15 patients with 31 procedures recorded by Maleux et al. The suggestion that percutaneous trans-hepatic stent therapy in the islet cell is a healthy and repeatable treatment was supported by only three patients who later complained of intermittent abdominal pain. 62 percutaneous trans-hepatic stent injections were carried out at the University of Geneva Hospital in Switzerland from 1992 until 2003. Nine (14.5%) post-procedure complications were found, two of those were intra-abdominal hemorrhage and portal vein thrombosis. Cure et al. recorded two pleural effusions and one episode of cholecystitis in their analysis of seven IAK users, which were resolved later. As already noted, sensitization after a missed islet implant is another possible threat. They also registered foreign procedure-related complications in 7 out of 77 (9%) with four needing blood transfusions and the others needing laparotomy, including acute intraperitoneal bleeding. There have been no confirmed cases of portal venous thrombosis, while two of 36 patients had occlusion of a small branch of the portal but were properly taken care of and treated.[37]


Limitations of islet transplantation

The clinical trials in transplantation of islets demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of preserving insulin action development through a comparatively few difficulty methods, even though long-term results do need to be improved. There are readily two other big issues. Powerful immune suppressants are first and foremost essential. Infections, malignancy, impairment of renal function and inhibitions of the islet system have many side effects. Moreover, the latest transplantation of the allogenic islet involves pancreatic donors. In the world of organ transplantation, it is always hard to find organ donors, especially depending on which organ, and pancreatic donors are rare. The amount of donations of organ (in the middle of 1 M & 34,8 million people annually) is somewhat smaller than that of T1D (200 M people in Europe). And since pancreas use is limited relative to most other organs, even when less risky invasive techniques are established, only a small portion of the patients can be


12 seen. The islets from animal species such as swine are a possible alternate source. Xenotransplantation using pig islets continues, with respect to immune safety and the swine endogenous retroviruses, to face significant ethical and science challenges.


Current state and statistics

Of the 46 Cooperative Islet Transplant Register (CITR) islet centers in North America from 1999 to 2008, 32 carried out at least one islet allograft donation with 27 centers contributing to the registry specific information. The CITR study covers 81 percent of receivers and the procedures performed in North America of human islet graft material from that time span. It consists of 412 islet transplant patients who receive 828 injections from 905 contributors of the 412 patients, 347 (84%) were infused with islet alone, while 65 (16%) underwent kidney transplants before islet cell transplantation (IAK). The recipient's average age and the donor's age were 44 with a 28-year average lifespan with diabetes. The mean time between cross clamping and pancreatic regeneration was 44 minutes, although it was 7.3 hours for the cold ischemia time (CIT). In the first year, only 11–15% of cases were insulin-dependent.

65 percent of IA cases were reinfused at the completion of the first year after an islet infusion. 8-12% of IA recipients maintain measurable C-peptide as they rely on insulin. Insulin stability in IA recipients decreases to 27% at year 3 despite reinfusion as a cause. The rate of islet loss rises gradually from 12% at the beginning until the last injection at year four which the loss rises to 42 percent. During the three-year cycle, 19–31 per cent of patients who maintain graft are still subjects to exogenous injection. Compared to IA recipients, the rates of IAK post-first infusion stay around 20percentage – The infusion levels of post last stay significantly lower over the four-year span than those of the IA users. These patterns of increased graft depletion and decreased insulin autonomy over time prevail irrespective of the overall number of infusions, even though these rates are somewhat different.

Studying the number of injections and taking into account, a 2nd or 3rd infusion plays much important role in the percentage of insulin-alone users from the early infusion to 500 days after injection. The more infusions a patient receives, the more quickly an insulin-independent recipient becomes. Thus, because of the number of infusions, the percentage of patients without insulin falls at a similar rate to a mark of 1100 days (three years mark). This is 900 days. This applies, after 1 year, 70% of insulin-related patients hold this status and 45% at 3 years. Furthermore, in the period of three years after their latest infusion grafting continues to decrease as 35 percent of the recipients lose the grafting feature.


13 The outcomes of cell implantation in islets may be compared to those of pancreatic implantation at this stage. However, owing to far superior pancreatic transplant outcomes, a true assessment of the graft work at the time cannot be made. One-year post-transplant survival for pancreatic implant alone is around 78–85 and 60–80 percent survival chance at 3 years, after pancreatic transplantation. For all 3 groups: Simultaneous Pancreatic Kidney (SPK), After Kidney Pancreas (PAK), Pancreas Transplant Alone (PTA) and Pancreatic Pancreas, survival of pancreatic transplant in 1 year is 95%. The survival rates for three years are more than 90%. Eddy and al. conducted a survey of 12 trials comparing the results of PAK, IAK and IA transplants, with patient-reported results (PRO) and finding advantages for fear of hypoglycemia, diabetes-specific quality of life, and the general condition of health. In contrast, short-term discomfort, immunosuppressive side effects and the lack of exocrine function have observed tribulation. Therefore, more needs to be learned in comparison of various forms of pancreatic transplants with islet transplants in terms of medical quality-of-life outcomes.

However, Toso et al. controlled immune responsiveness against islet cell transplant in mouse using enzyme-linked immune absorbent spot (ELISPOT) trial to recognize the ex vivo secretion of interferon gamma (IFNγ) from splenocytes induced by islet donor extracts, although there is no standard method to accurately track islet cell repulsion. As demonstrated by the reactions of islet protein splenocytes, they could show a progressively increasing degree of immune reactions in allogeneic systems and achieved a sensitivity of 70% with 94%. In future these data will have an impact and help to inform the determination of the patient in the right care, along with the incremental adjustments in islet effectiveness.


Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Beta-Like Cells

The quest for alternate scalable beta cell resources is thus continuous. Much curiosity is attracted by human pluripotent stem cells like embryonic stem cells (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). Several protocols have been reported to differentiate pluripotent stem cells from beta-like cells capable of treating diabetes in immunodeficient mice across various stages. Viacyte, Inc. A company that has led the way through protocols to separate embryonic stem cells to a pre-transplantation pancreatic progenitor level. Further maturation happens following pre-transplantation and the cell transplant’s endocrine function products occur many weeks after implantation into mice. Amusingly, the very first in vivo experiments began in 2014, which included the encapsulation in


14 immunoprotected macro-encapsulation membrane of these partly distinct cells before implantation under the skin in T1D patients. The results of these studies will include important clinical development knowledge.

Since 2007, the use of pluripotent stem cells has become available in patients' own tissues and the requirement for human embryos has been evaded. This has attracted greater interest in the study of beta cells generated from iPSC, resulting in published work with enhanced iPSC differentiation protocols. Skin fibroblast was seen to have been used in such therapies in patients with T1D. Hence, beta-like cells originating from iPSC are yet to be studied further in vivo, particularly in human.


Limitations of hPSC-Derived Beta-Like Cells

HPSC-derived beta-like cells have several drawbacks. First, while hPSC-derived beta-like cells have the ability to cure immunodeficient mice for diabetes, these cells may not have the same promising secretive potential as basic human beta cells. Initially, these cells have the capability for diabetes. Thus, the usage for describing the cells originating from hPSCs, which produce insulin, is the expression "beta-like cells." Moreover, the development of tumors is a big concern. Several forms of tumors, mainly teratoma were found to be spawned by cell implants derived from hPSCs. Furthermore, although beta-like human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are likely to be allogeneic rejections, as these cells are "non-self", while human induced pluripotent stem cells (HiPSC) could be vulnerable to self-reject if autoimmunity from β cell is still involved.

These restrictions have led to the intervention of immunosuppression systems that carry cells within the system and shield them from the implantation immune system. Important challenges concerning nutrient and oxygen mass transfer, insulin secretory dynamics and biomaterial processes of the external body remain. A “free” roaming device allowing vessels to enter the cells in the device is one alternative. Though vascularization improves the amount of oxygen available and the complex insulin secretory function performance, immunosuppression is needed, and hPSC-derived cells can have one less possible disadvantage. In patients with T1DM with labile glycemic function, this technique is now being studied using an “open” device.

Several other techniques have been built for immunoprotected encapsulation. The immunoprotected macro-capsulation kit from BETA-O2 Technologies Ltd. Includes an oxygen chamber, where oxygenated fluid is delivered daily via a subcutaneous port that enables implanted cells


15 to be oxygenated. In a case study on principle evidence, human pancreatic islets in the preperitoneal project were seen to be viable for roughly 10 months without using immunosuppressive agents and retained a secretory insulin ability. Human islets recovered, but there was no insulin secretory function, and a significant body reaction occurred in the subcutaneous site of four patients with T1DM in a subsequent analysis using a BETA-O2 unit. In all, these results show that several exploratory clinical trials are yet to be performed in the field of beta-like cell derived from hPSC and immunoprotected encapsulation techniques.


. Materials and methodology


This study was carried in compliance with the criteria of the Preferred Monitoring Products for Structured assessment and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Criteria for search policy and collection

Detailed study in PubMed, Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, and ClinicalTrial.gov databases has been conducted without language or time limitations until November 2018. We also mentioned the following terms in the study design: "diabetes mellitus," "hyperglycemia," "function specific cells" and "progenitor cells." Human and clinical testing standards were designed, and the search field was covered by a subject or summary. Work has been included with the following elements: (1) people; (2) T1DM & T2DM patients found, (3) stem cell therapy, and (4) diabetes laboratory available laboratory parameters, such as HbA1c, C-peptide, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and insulin. Exemption standards included animal experiments, reviews, research articles or research not fully formulated. In order to ensure the reliability of the experiments we have not used present study deals.

2.1. Data extraction and quality assessment

In order to ensure data precision, two researchers performed independently data collection using a structured method. Conflict has been settled through debate. The information obtained involved information about research (writer, year, state of publication and join timeframe), cell details (regime, level, number, and transmission pathways) and diabetes diagnostic specifications (HbA1c, C-peptide, FPG and insulin demands) (patient demographic statistics, median and middle patients, and disease history). The analytical subgroup of the cell source on the effectiveness and protection of diabetes care was focused on many forms of stem cell therapy.


16 The meta-analysis assessed the effectiveness of stem cell therapy based on lab variable improvements in diabetes following surgery. During stem cell therapy and whether after procedure, the primary results were showing improvements in the C-Peptide and HbA1c levels. Adjustments in FPG levels and conditions for insulin were classified as indirect outcomes following stem cell therapy.

In the case of randomized and non-randomized trials two reviewers analyzed, separately, the consistency of the included experiments using the Downs and Black Quality Evaluation Process. Proof of consistency has been assessed using the Downs and Black Quality Evaluation tool on a basis of reporting requirements, discriminant validity, internal validity (bias and confusion) and ability. The highest cumulative score for the consistency evaluation method Downs and Black is 32, with higher findings indicating higher-quality inquiry. If the two writers disagreed, a compromise may be obtained through negotiation or with the help of a third author.

2.2. Data analysis and statistical methods

In order to assess the efficiency of stem cell-based treatment, the mean difference (MD) and associated 95% confidence interval (CI) were measured. The Review Manager version 5.3 was used to carry out all statistical analyses. MD data is measured using meta-analytical forestry plots in a single arm before and after therapy. In the Cochrane Q test (P < 0.1 was considered to mean importance) and I2, the heterogeneity of the samples was assessed using the I2 (I2 > 50 percent was taken to indicate high heterogeneity). In case of statistically important variability, we used a fixed-effect model of 95 percent CIs. When data indicated substantial variation, a random impact regression model was used. A case study with exclusion of a sample was carried out simultaneously to detect heterogeneity. The publication bias was not measured as the sampling frame was comparatively limited in each subcategory of research.




Results and their discussion

We reviewed 12 sequences of cases or clinical trials. A variety of result tests were used to analyze the PROs (Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ)) (Table 1). A short form (SF)-36 (five studies) [10—14] and Diabetes Life Quality Questionnaire (DLQQ) (four findings), accordingly, were the most common generic and diabetes-specific PRO measures used. The full questionnaire is displayed in Table 1.

Table 1


18 The sample measurements of the analysis differed significantly (n=7-205) [10-21].


19 Whereas the most experiments have been done in the United States (n=8[10, 12, 14–19]; Canada n=1[21]; Mexico n=1[20]; France n+11; Germany n=1[13]). The majority of studies were in the United States. Nine IA [10, 11, 113, 14, 16–18, 20, 21], two IAK [11, 15], two PAK [12, 19] and one PTA were included tests (numbers total more than 12 because some studies reported more than one transplant type). Nine were longitudinal observational trials [10, 11, 15–21], two were post-transplant cross-sectional research [13, 14] and for one inadequate data was required for the methodology [12]. PROs were evaluated around 1 year after a transplant in every single trial; five trials each recorded result at or less than 6 months [10,11,16,20,21] or above 2 years [15–17,19 and21]. PROs were tested in every trial, but not always detailed [12, 17, 18]. In the PRO measure, one analysis did not show the exact time frame [18], while the other one did not only mean the ‘long term’ results.[12].

Table 3

Distribution of scores, item difficulties, scale-correlations, internal consistency in case of deletion, and correlations with HbA1c of the DSMQ items





Islet cell transfer was accompanied by a major influence on the delicate metabolic activity fluctuations and the immense physiological effect of T1DM in many courses. While changes can be noted in the counter regulation processes and pathways for symptomatic detection of glucagon and epinephrine, values remain significantly lower than usual [24-26]. This limitation can however be alleviated by restoring and standardizing the growth hormone levels. In addition, also for people with long-standing diabetes, autonomic & neuroglycopenic regulation of function returned [27]. Including near standard level HgbA1c and an adequate glucose regulation with unusual freedom of insulin use [28] are long-term benefits of islet graft feature. According to CITR, in the first year following last infusion the proportions of IA receivers with a typical level of HbA1c rose from 2 percent to 51-60%


21 An almost two-point decrease in HgbA1c was reported with 30 percent reaching 1 year of freedom from insulin injections and 86 percent with a 1-year graft feature in a survey of 7 IAK transplant patients. There have been no recorded significant hypoglycemic incidents [29]. Warnock et al. has registered ten diabetes-induced people with renal failure in the best medical care network and have eventually crossed them for an islet transplant. Both patients demonstrated better metabolic function, reducing HbA1c to 6.2% 6 months after islet implantation from the mean of 6.9% after best care [30]. Out of 52 islet transplantation patients of Poggioli et al. there were significantly reduced body weights, body mass index, waist circumference and obesity by essential eating and dietary improvements [31].



In the short term, relative to whole organ pancreatic transplantation, the chance of islet transplantation is markedly lower. However, comparable to pancreas transplants, longer-term issues are possibly linked to the chronic need for immunosuppression and are underlined by the notable nephrotoxicity caused by calcineurin inhibitors, which is increasingly relevant as diabetes mellitus can pre-event. [32-35].

The Edmonton Group has reported possible significant risks in only 6 of the 68 operations of 34 patients that have undergone 68 surgeries [36]. Bleeding in 18 of 132 transcutaneous islet transplants was also found in 67 patients by Villiger et al. from 1999 to 2005. Between 1992 and 2003, 62 percutaneous transhepatic injections were carried out in the University of Geneva Hospital in Switzerland. Nine (14.5%, two were portal venous thromboses and seven intra-abdominal hemorrhages [37]) abnormalities were observed. Cure et al. recorded two pleural effusions linked to the procedure and one episode of cholecystitis in their sample for 7 IAK receivers [38].

As already indicated, knowledge is another possible threat after a failed islet transplant. The Edmonton Group showed this by sensitizing 16% of recipients after transplant, with de novo antibodies in 36% of sensitized and 33% of non-sensitive recipients [39]. They documented post procedural complications in their international study including severe intraperitoneal bleeding in 7 out of 77 (9 percent) with 4 blood transfusions done and others laparotomy required.




1. Islet cell transplants have taken significant steps in genuinely being an effective therapy to rigorous surgical and minimal invasive treatments for diabetes. However, as this paper stresses, while barriers are found and improvements achieved, progress persists until a more successful and competitive solution to current ones are seen. Once many areas have been found to combat the survival of islets in the peritransplant phase, there is the motivation to be positive about new therapies and protocols, thereby contributing to the incremental enhancement of the effectiveness of islets in the short to long run. Lastly, we should hope that islet transplantation by the various means can reach a more successful and lifelong treatment to improve the quality of life and significantly reduce the diabetes related complications.

2. In regard to islet transplantation and pancreas transplantation, it seems like pancreas transplantation have more challenges than islet transplantation. We have still a long way to achieve a level of freedom from immunosuppressive therapy, infections, malignancy, and other post procedural complications. Moreover, we are in high need of organ donors and not enough in comparison to recipients out there when it comes to pancreas transplantation. This issue has made us turn towards a more suppliable, less invasive solution and in no need of the aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. The work on human stem cells and differentiating them into pancreatic beta like cells is the idea to reach this desirable level for the long-term therapy in diabetes.




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