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The nature of the infective agent


Academic year: 2021

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Human prion diseases: novel diagnostic principles

Markus Glatzel

Institute of Neuropathology and National Reference Center for Prion Dis- eases, University Hospital Zurich, Schmelzbergstrasse 12, CH-8091 Zu- rich, Switzerland <e-mail> markus.glatzel@usz.ch

Summary. Prion diseases include a wide range of diseases affecting both humans and animals. One commom feature of this diverse group of dis- eases is the deposition of PrP^"", the abnormally folded form of the host en- coded prion protein. The proposed replicative cycle of prions is relatively simple. It encompasses misfolding of a single protein, the cellular prion protein PrP^, into a disease-associated form termed PrP^^. This is followed by PrP^"" aggregation, and possibly fragmentation of aggregates which may augment the number of replicative units. While there is no formal proof of the correctness of the above model, a wealth of evidence indicates that pathogen-encoded informational nucleic acids are dispensable for prion replication. The detection of PrP^"" in various tissue compartments includ- ing the central nervous system, the lymphoreticular system and skeletal muscle is the principle of the majority of diagnostic test aimed to verify the clinical suspicion of a prion disease. This article discusses current con- cepts surrounding the basic biology of prions and the diagnosis of prion diseases.

Key words. Prions, CJD, PrP^"", strain, diagnosis


Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are inevitably fatal neurodegenerative conditions which affect humans and a wide variety of animals [1, 2]. Although prion diseases may present with certain morphological and pathophysiological similarities to other progres- sive encephalopathies, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease [3], they are unique in that they are transmissible by inoculation or ingestion of prion-contaminated material.



Primary signs of prion diseases in humans are impaired cognitive func- tions and ataxia. Upon histological analysis of tissue, spongiform degen- eration of the brain accompanied by activated astrocytes and microglia is observed [4]. These changes are accompanied by the accumulation of a protease-resistant form of host derived prion protein (PrP^'', Sc=scrapie).

The cellular form of the prion protein (PrP^, C=cellular) is a protease- sensitive sialoglycoprotein which is anchored to the membrane via a gly- cosyl phosphatidyl inositol residue. Much evidence suggests that abnor- mally processed PrP may represent an intrinsic component of the infec- tious agent causing prion diseases [2, 5].

The most common human TSE is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which has been classified as sporadic (sCJD), familial (fCJD), iatrogenic (iCJD), and variant (vCJD) [6], Sporadic CJD is very rare, and appears to be evenly distributed worldwide: countries which carry out surveillance uniformly report an incidence of approximately 0.6-1.2 x 10"^ x year"^ [7]

although higher incidences have been reported [8]. The etiology of sCJD is unclear: no exogenous or endogenous causes have been identified yet.

Familial forms of the disease are inherited as autosomal dominant traits, and co-segregate with mutations in the PRNP gene, which encodes the prion protein [9]. Instead, iatrogenic cases are attributed to neurosurgical intervention, transplantation of tissues, or administration of hormones de- rived from deceased individuals suffering from TSEs [10]. In 1996 a novel form of a human TSE emerged in the United Kingdom and was thus termed (new) variant CJD (vCJD). Biochemical and histopathological evi- dence suggests that vCJD represents transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prions to humans [11-13].

TSEs have been observed in a wide variety of animals and include scrapie of sheep, BSE of cattle, TSE of farmed mink and chronic wasting disease of deer and elk. TSE in cats, zoo bovids, and non-human primates is most likely a result of transmission of BSE to these species [14].

Biology of PrP^and RrP^""

The gene encoding PrP (PRNP) is a single copy gene located on chromo- some 20 in humans. PRNP has three exons: only exon three is coding for PrP. Human PrP is a protein of 253 aminoacids. The first 22 aminoacids encode a signal peptide that is cleaved off during translation. Residues 51 to 91 contain a nonapeptide followed by four identical octarepeats, which


may function as copper binding sites. PRNP is polymorphic at codon 129 encoding either valine or methionine. Homozygosity for methionine has been shown to constitute a risk factor for the development of prion dis- eases [15]. PrP^ is expressed at highest levels on neurons and other cells of the central nervous system (CNS). Besides the CNS, PrP^ is expressed in the lymphoreticular system and in skeletal or heart muscle [16].

PrP^ consists of a highly structured C-terminal part, containing three al- pha-helices plus two short anti-parallel beta-strands, and an unstructured N-terminus of 120 amino acids length. Following translation, PrP^ is modified by N-linked glycosylation at residues 181 and 197 and the addi- tion of a C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor at residue 230.

The mature protein is attached to the cell surface in specialized detergent- resistant microdomains referred to as rafts [17] via its glycosylphosphati- dylinositol anchor, and may cycle between the cell surface and early or late endosomes [17,18].

The nature of the infective agent

In the 60' it became apparent that prions are fundamentally different from conventional agents, as they cannot be sterilized by damage to nucleic ac- ids [19]. The idea that the agent that causes TSEs is entirely made up of proteins was first brought up by Griffith in 1967 [20]. Subsequently, it was shown that a relatively protease resistant form of the prion protein is a major component of the infectious fraction [21]. The protein-only hy- pothesis was formulated and in a simplified form states that the infective agent is devoid of nucleic acids and principally consists of PrP^^, an ab- normally folded, protease-resistant, beta-sheet rich isoform of a normal cellular protein termed PrP^ [22]. According to this theory, infectivity propagates simply by recruitment and "autocatalytic" conformational con- version of the cellular prion protein into disease-associated PrP^"" [23]. The exact mode of propagation of PrP^"" remains a mystery to this day. At least two possible explanations exist. The first one is referred to as the "tem- plate-directed refolding hypothesis". According to this theory, monomeric PrP^"" imparts its conformation onto monomeric PrP^, the result being two molecules of PrP^"" [24]. This would imply that one protein would be able to induce a change in the tertiary structure of another protein. Although theoretically conceivable, this theory is not fully supported by experimen-


tal evidence. The second theory, the "seeded nucleation hypothesis" states that PrP^'' and PrP^ co-exist in equilibrium [25]. In a healthy organism the equilibrium would be heavily shifted towards PrP^ with only diminutive amounts of PrP^"" present. In the case of prion-disease, highly ordered ag- gregates of PrP^'' molecules would function as the infectious agent and would be able to recruit monomeric PrP^"" molecules into the "infectious"

PrP^"" aggregate. According to this theory, PrP^"" is only infectious as a highly ordered aggregate. Although this theory is as well far from proven, there is experimental evidence favoring this mechanism, particularly in the yeast model of prion replication [26, 27] .

Distribution of PrP^^ within prion-diseased organisms

The accumulation of PrP^'' in the central nervous system is feature that is common to all forms of prion diseases. Studies focusing on the temporal and spatial distribution of PrP^"" in experimentally infected rodents have demonstrated that accumulation of PrP^"" in the central nervous system is a relatively late event which occurs only shortly before animals develop clinical signs of prion disease [28, 29]. Peripheral organ systems seem to be involved at earlier timepoints and it could be shown that PrP^^ accumu- lates in lymphoid tissues such as spleen, lymph nodes or in skeletal muscle well before the animals show clinical signs of prion disease [30]. Interest- ingly, the presence of PrP^"" within lymphoid tissues seems to be depended on factors such as the route of prion exposure or the type of prion strain [31].

[\/lolecular diagnosis of liuman prion diseases

Molecular diagnosis of human prion diseases relies on the combination of genetic, biochemical and neuropathological investigations in conjunction with the clinical data.

Genetic investigations

Sequencing of PRNP enables the exclusion of genetically caused CJD [32]. In addition, this investigation provides information on codon 129


polymorphism. There is compelling evidence from studies on genetically modified mice and from clinical studies on patients suffering from human prion diseases that homozygosity for methionine on codon 129 constitutes a risk factor for the development of prion disease [33]. Notably, methion- ine homozygotes are clearly overrepresented among sCJD patients. Fur- thermore all individuals affected by vCJD are codon 129 methionine ho- mozygotes. Besides constituting a risk factor for the development of prion diseases, this polymorphism has a considerable effect on the clinical, bio- chemical and neuropathological presentation of prion-diseased individuals [33].

Biochemical investigations

The basis of biochemical characterization of PrP^'' resides in the relative resistance of PrP^^ towards proteolytic degradation. Whereas PrP^ is en- tirely digested by Proteinase K, identical treatment leads to removal of a variable number of N-terminal aminoacids in the case ofPrP^". This re- sults in the appearance of three distinct bands, corresponding to the di-, mono-, and unglycosylated form of PrP^^, upon western blotting [34]. The molecular classification of PrP^"" takes two parameters into account: The first one is the size and thus mobility of the unglycosylated band of PrP^^

on Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas the second parameter in- cludes information of the relative abundance of the signal intensity pro- duced by the di-, mono-, and unglycosylated form of PrP^'^. The resulting information is then used to establish the "type" of PrP^'' that may be classi- fied according to proposed schemes (Figure 1) [35, 36]. Depending on the exact conditions under which the protease digestion and the western blot- ting procedure is performed, between 3 and 6 different PrP^"" types can be distinguished [35, 37]. Distinct PrP^"^ types are thought to represent the molecular correlate of distinct prion strains and the fact that the PrP^'' type that can be found in patients suffering from vCJD is identical to the PrP^""

type present in BSE diseased cattle, is one of the main arguments support- ing the theory that BSE prions are responsible for the vCJD epidemic in humans [11].


Figure 1. Glycoform profiles of Swiss sCJD patients.

The triangular plot correlates the intensities of the upper (diglycosylated), middle (monoglycosylated) and lower (unglycosylated) bands of PrP^^. Swiss CJD cases of the year 2002 are depicted in grey diamonds. As controls, sCJD PrP^^ type 1 (MMl, black box), sCJD PrP^"^ type 2 (VV2, grey box) and vCJD, PrP^"^ type 4 [35] (type 2b [34]) (empty box) are depicted. Others have previously plotted the ratio of the diglycosylated/total signal intensity on the ordinate to the ration of the monoglycosylated/total signal intensity on the abscissa, although there is no bio- logical reason to assume that ratio of the diglycosylated/total signal intensity to the ratio of the monoglycosylated/total signal intensity is more meaningful than the ratio of the monoglycosylated/total signal intensity to the ratio of the unglycosy- lated/total signal intensity. In contrast, the ternary method of presentation depicts unprocessed data, thereby avoiding any implicit hierarchy between the three bands. As the ternary plot combines rigorous objectivity with a synthetic and in- tuitive illustration, it could be generally used in representation of biochemical prion strain typing data. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for automated generation of ternary glycoform graphs can be freely downloaded from our Web site



Although the amount of PrP^"" present in the central nervous system ex- ceeds the amount of PrP^'' that can be found outside the CNS by orders of magnitude, in terms of tissue accessibility non-neuronal tissue compart- ments offer obvious advantages [38].

Recent studies have demonstrated the diagnostic utility of peripheral PrP^"" detection, and depending on the type of human prion disease PrP^""

can be demonstrated in lymphoid tissue and skeletal muscle of prion- diseased individuals (Figure 2).

Figure 2.Western blot analysis of phosphotungstate-precipitated PrP^^ from mus- cle samples of patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.

Lane 1 shows molecular weight marker, Lanes 2 and 3 show muscle homoge- nate from a patient without a prion disease, spiked with brain homogenate from a control. Lanes 4 and 5 show muscle homogenate from a patient without a prion disease, spiked with brain from a patient with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Lanes 6, 7, 8 and 9 muscle homogenate from patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease. PrP^^ is present in two samples (lanes 8 and 9). Lanes 3, 5 through 9 show results after proteinase K digestion.

Histological investigations

Routine neuropathological investigations include sampling of defined re- gions within the CNS and immunohistochemical demonstration of PrP.

Special emphasis is put on the investigation of distinct deposition pattern of PrP in various regions of the CNS such as the cerebellum and the thalamus [4]. Histopathological features of prion diseases include spongi-


form change, neuronal loss, and gliosis (astro- and microglia). Spongiform change is characterised by diffuse or focally clustered, small, round or oval vacuoles in the neuropil of the deep cortical layers, cerebellar cortex or subcortical grey matter. The degree of spongiform change and the pattern of deposition of PrP is dependent on the type of prion disease and it could be shown that in sporadic CJD, these patterns are correlated to the codon 129 genotype of PRNP, Characteristic patterns of PrP^"" deposition are synaptic, patchy/perivacuolar, or in the form of plaques. Certain genetic forms of human prion disease such as fatal familial insomnia show very little deposition of PrP^"" when assayed by immunohistochemistry for PrP.


In subsequent years, we will see the implementation of several therapeutic approaches aimed to decelerate the clinical course of prion diseases. In order to select patients for these studies, and in order to monitor the effi- ciency of treatment, it will be essential to develop sensitive and specific assays able to confirm the diagnosis of a prion disease from tissue com- partments which are easily accessible. Ideally, these assays should be able to distinguish various forms of human prion diseases. Given the fact that previous years have seen the discovery of a wide range of sensitive meth- ods for the detection of pathological prion protein in non neuronal tissue compartments such as lymphoid tissue or muscle, one could hope that these aspirations will be met.


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