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Academic year: 2021



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S ˻ σ ε



St u d i e S o n t h e An c i e n t ne A r eA S t A n d t h e Me d i t e r r A n e A n


The SANEM editorial series, ‘Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean’, is the oficial channel for the scientiic monographic studies of CAMNES, Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, created with the support of the publishing house Arbor Sapientiae of Rome.

The logo of the series, a chimera with wings, was chosen as a symbolic embodiment of the close connections and merging traits of Eastern and Western cultures. Indeed, the iconography of the chimera was born within the Classical ambit, but its roots are to be found in the Near East as the examples found in Ebla (18th century BCE) and in Carchemish (11-9th century BCE) demonstrate.

Works of signiicant scientiic value are published in the SANEM series regarding the broad ields of archaeology, anthropology, history, philology and art history of the ancient past of the Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultural areas. Particular attention is devoted to modern methods of investigation for the reconstruction and the interpretation of these cultures in a time span that stretches from prehistory to the Classical period.

According to the principles of CAMNES, the SANEM series is ideal not only for established scholars but also for the publication of the works of young researchers at the beginning of their academic careers and their research projects.

Given the international context in which CAMNES operates, the works of the series are predominantly published in English, and subjected to double-blind peer review by the SANEM Scientiic Committee, created speciically for the editorial series. In special cases CAMNES may also rely on a peer review outside the Scientiic Committee.

All volumes in the series are published following an irregular chronological sequence and are issued in paper and in digital editions.


La serie editoriale SANEM, Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean, nasce come sede uficiale delle pubblicazioni scientiiche monograiche del CAMNES, Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, per iniziativa del centro studi e grazie al supporto della casa editrice Arbor Sapientiae di Roma.

Il logo della serie, una chimera alata, è stato scelto come incarnazione simbolica delle strette connessioni e delle reciproche inluenze tra le culture d’Oriente e quelle d’Occidente. Infatti, l’iconograia della chimera nasce in ambito Classico, ma le sue radici sono da ricercare nel Vicino Oriente come dimostrano gli esempi ritrovati a Ebla (XVIII secolo a.C.) e a Karkemish (XI-IX secolo a.C.).

Nei SANEM sono pubblicate opere di signiicativo valore scientiico inerenti l’archeologia, l’antropologia, la storia, la ilologia e la storia dell’arte, con particolare attenzione ai moderni metodi di indagine volti alla ricostruzione e all’interpretazione dell’antico passato delle grandi aree culturali del Vicino Oriente e del Mediterraneo, in un arco cronologico che si estende dalla preistoria, passando per la protostoria, ino al periodo classico.

Secondo i principi ispiratori del CAMNES, i SANEM sono la sede editoriale ideale non solo per studiosi affermati, ma anche per la pubblicazione del lavoro dei giovani ricercatori all’inizio delle loro carriere accademiche e dei loro progetti di ricerca.

Dato il contesto internazionale nel quale opera CAMNES, salvo eccezioni, le opere della serie sono pubblicate in inglese, e sottoposte a double-blind peer review (autore e revisore saranno anomini) dal Comitato Scientiico del SANEM, creato appositamente per la serie editoriale. In casi particolari CAMNES può avvalersi anche di un referaggio esterno al Comitato Scientiico.

Tutti i volumi della serie, che sono pubblicati senza una cadenza cronologica regolare, hanno un’edizione cartacea e un’edizione digitale.

Guido Guarducci, Stefano Valentini (Direzione CAMNES)









Stefano Valentini - Guido Guarducci (editors)

Ar b o r S A p i e n t i Ae

e d i t o r e



St u d i e So n t h e An c i e n t ne A r eA S t A n d t h e Me d i t e r r A n e A n

Peer-reviewed internAtionAl SerieS

International Scientiic Committee: Giorgio Buccellati, Giovanni Alberto Cecconi, Massimo Cultraro, Ian Hodder, Salima Ikram, Nicola Laneri, Mario Liverani, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Vincenzo Palleschi, Annamaria Ronchitelli, Adam Thomas Smith

Editorial Board: Maria Elisa Garcia Barraco, Guido Guarducci, Valentina Santini, Stefano Valentini

Bibliographical Reference: vAlentini, S., GuArducci, G. (Eds), Between Syria and the Highlands. Studies in Honor of Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean (SANEM 3), Arbor Sapientiae Editore, Roma 2019.


© 2019 - Arbor Sapientiae Editore S.r.l.

Via Bernardo Barbiellini Amidei, 80 00168 Roma (Italia) - tel. 06 887567202

www.arborsapientiae.com info@arborsapientiae.com redazione@arborsapientiae.com

ISBN: 978-88-31341-01-1


σТppur, 1λθθέ


T˻˼δ⸢ τ⸣ ωτσT⸢σTS

˻ωKστWδ⸢Dύ⸢ε⸢σTS X


ύIτRύIτ ˼Uωω⸢δδ˻TI Τ ε˻RIδYσ K⸢δδYά˼Uωω⸢δδ˻TI XIII

˻UTώτR ˼IτύR˻PώI⸢S XXV

ε ˻ , ˻ δ

RuаeТСa, a VТllaРe Пrom σortСern SвrТa DurТnР ˼вгantТne PerТoНμ StuНв oП PreserЯatТon

oП DomestТМ ˻rМСТteМture 1

σ ˻ , ε D

InteРratТnР ωonserЯatТon, ˻rМСaeoloРв, anН ωommunТtв at Tell εoгan (UrkesС)

S ˻

TСe WanНerТnР δТПe oП tСe ώТttТte Seal DresНen ZV 1ἅθλ at tСe ⸢nН oП tСe 1λ ωenturвμ

σeа ˻rМСТЯal δТРСt β1

ε ˻

Tales Пrom tСe Desert σomaНsμ ⸣rom Teбtual SourМes tТll ύertruНe ˼ellצs δetters 33

˻ ˻

ṣamaРan anН tСe εules oП ⸢blaέ SвrТan ύoНs Тn SumerТan DТsРuТse 38

P ˼ ń , D ˼ ń

˻ Tale oП Tаo Temples oП tСe σТneЯТte η PerТoН ηθ

δ ˼

ύТЯe a εan a ⸣ТsС or TeaМС ώТm ώoа to ⸣ТsС˹ SТtuateН δearnТnР anН tСe ⸢merРenМe oП

ωommunТtТes oП PraМtТМe Тn ˼ronгe ˻Рe ⸢astern εeНТterranean anН tСe σear ⸢ast θ1

ε ˼

ώoа KТrtaצs δoЯe Пor ˼lueά⸢вeН ώurrТвa ωlarТies ⸢bla τpСtalmТМ Terms anН tСe γ

ωolumn oП tСe ‘˼arton ωвlТnНerצ θλ


ώouses oП σТppurμ ˻n ˻rМСТteМtural StuНв usТnР ⸢nω˻˼ ἆη

˻ ω

Sвmbol oП WТsНom, DeМorateН аТtС ⸢arrТnРsμ TСe ⸢ar Тn tСe ⸢bla Teбts λβ

D ω

Quelques ˻speМts εéМonnus Нu Statut et Нu Rble Нes QuartТersάbâbtum Нans les VТlles

Paléoά˼abвlonТennes 1ίί

ω ω Y

Tell εoгanצs τuter ωТtв Тn tСe TСТrН εТllennТum ˼ω⸢ 11γ


ε Dצ˻ , ˻ V

˻lТke but DТППerentέ DrТnkТnР Vessels Тn tСe ⸢astern εeНТterranean arounН βηίίά

βίίί ˼ω 1ββ

V D צ˻ , ⸢ R

˼easts anН WТneέ ZoomorpСТМ Vessels anН tСe σortСern ωorrТНor oП tСe σear ⸢ast 1γλ R Dτn tСe ˼asalt ˼ase Пrom Susa (Sbη)μ ˻ ReТnterpretatТon 1ηη

Sέ ⸢

TСe SМepter oП SТtaРroТ anН ⸢arlв ˼ronгe ˻Рe Sвmbols oП Poаer 1θ1


TСe Repentant ύoН Тn tСe ⸣looН Storвέ ˻ ωomparТson ˼etаeen When Gods Were Men anН

Genesis 6-9 1θἆ


TСe Roman ˼rТНРe oЯer tСe ωСabТnasμ εeanТnР Тn InПrastruМture 1ἅη


δaНТes anН ωupsμ ˻ ReМonsТНeratТon oП some ˻kkaНТan ˻rteПaМts Пrom σortСern SвrТa 1ἆθ

Seen TСrouРС a ύlass Darklвμ ReeбamТnТnР ωonneМtТons ˼etаeen εesopotamТa anН tСe

ωauМasus 1λἆ


˻bout tСe ⸢blaТte σames oП tСe “ωultТМ Journeв” β1β

T ύ

δa PatrТa ProtoТnНeuropea e le εТРraгТonТ InНeuropee β1ἅ

R ώ

δearnТnР Пrom Canis 203έ ImpressТons oП an ˻bsent ˻rtТПaМt β1λ

ώ , Y T

TraМes oП TСТrН εТllennТum PastoralТsm Тn tСe Jebel ˻bН alά˻гТг ReРТon ββἅ

ε δ

˼etаeen ⸢nНurТnР Sвmbols anН ⸢lТte IНentТtвμ σeа ύlвptТМ ⸢ЯТНenМe Пrom σuгТ 238

Y ε

TСrouРС tСe ⸢вes oП tСe ˻nМТentsέ TСe PerМeptТon oП ˼eautв Тn γ εТllennТum SвrТa βηη

ε ε

TСouРСts on ˻nМТent Teбtual SourМes Тn TСeТr ωurrent DТРТtal ⸢mboНТments βθβ

ε ύ ε άR , τ R

δes εurs Нe KТlТгu βθλ

P ε

˻ σote on δТons at Temple ⸢ntranМes Тn τlН anН εТННle SвrТan Temples βἅλ

S ε

Up anН Doаn Тn ⸢arlв SвrТan PalaМesμ SpaМes oП Poаer PerПormanМe anН ⸢МonomТМ

WealtС βἆη


ε ύ ε

Some ωonsТНeratТons on Walter ˻nНraeצs “UrПormen Нes Kultbaues”, Тn Mensch und Baukunst. Eine Correspondenz β (1ληγ)μ 1άη, or ratСer…τn a ώТННen Grundthema oП

˻rМСaeoloРТМal ResearМС βλθ

R εέ ε , S σέ ˻

ωolleМtТon oП Seals Пrom tСe Settlement oП Tell ώaгna 1 (SвrТa) γ1ί

D σ

εТnТatures oП Warsμ ⸣ТРСts, SkТrmТsСes anН ωonlТМts Тn ˻nМТent σear ⸢astern Seals γ1ἅ

δ P

Il ruРРТto Нel δeoneέ QualМСe τsserЯaгТone sulle ImmaРТnТ ⸣erТne nel εonНo SТrТano

Нel III εТllennТo aέ ωέ 323


˻ ύame oП ύoННesses (anН TСrones˹)έ Some ReleМtТon about a ωвlТnНer Seal ImpressТon

Пrom tСe Roвal PalaМe ύ oП ⸢bla (Мaέ βγίί ˼ω) γγη


WТlН Water ˼ufalo (Bubalus arnee [Kerr, 1ἅλβ]) Тn tСe ˻nМТent σear ⸢ast γ41

ε P , S S

ύoТnР ReН Тn TСe Iron ˻Рe IIμ TСe ⸢merРenМe oП ReНάSlТp Potterв Тn σortСern δeЯant

аТtС SpeМТiМ ReПerenМe to Tell ˻is, ωСatal ώcвhk anН ZТnМТrlТ ώcвhk γηβ

ε R

σel SeРno НТ ⸢blaέ εemorТa TopoloРТМa per la Città del Trono al ωentro Нelle Quattro

PartТ Нel εonНo γθη

ε S

TСe Terqa ωloЯes anН tСe ˻rМСaeoloРв oП ˻roma γἅγ

ε άω T , R D

˼etаeen PСТloloРв anН ˻rМСaeoloРвέ Some ωomments on UrartТan δanНsМape εanaРement γἅἆ


PlaМentas, SТeЯes anН tСe ˻nМestors 388




TСТs ⸣estsМСrТПt аoulН not СaЯe been possТble аТtСout tСe partТМТpatТon anН МollaboratТon oП tСe autСors anН tСeТr ine МontrТbutТonsέ TСank вou all Пor вour support anН ТnЯolЯementέ

We are Рreatlв Тn Нebt to ⸣eНerТМo ˼uММellatТ, аСo ТmmeНТatelв anН entСusТastТМallв аelМomeН our projeМt, anН subsequentlв assТsteН us НurТnР eЯerв staРe oП tСe proНuМtТon oП tСТs bookέ It аas a Рreat pleasure to аork аТtС СТmέ TСank вou, ⸣eНerТМo, Пor вour support anН suРРestТonsέ You are bв all means tСe tСТrН Мurator oП tСТs Яolumeέ

We also аoulН lТke to tСank ˻rbor SapТentТae, tСe publТsСТnР Сouse, anН Тn partТМular, εarТa ⸢lТsa ύarМТa ˼arraМo, tСe ⸢НТtor Тn ωСТeП, аСo aММepteН to Мreate tСТs projeМt аТtС Рreat entСusТasmέ

⸣Тnallв, our РratТtuНe Рoes out to our Мlose Мollaborator, ValentТna SantТnТ, Пor proЯТНТnР us aНЯТМe anН assТstanМe НurТnР all tСe НeЯelopment steps oП tСe projeМt, Тn partТМular Пor tСe eНТtТnР anН tСe reЯТsТon oП tСe manusМrТptsέ

TСank вou all!

Stefano Valentini & Guido Guarducci



⸣τR⸢WτRD S V ά ύ ύ

SТnМe tСe irst tТme I met tСem at Tell εoгan Тn SвrТa, I tСТnk Тt аas tСe Summer 1λλγ, εarТlвn anН ύТorРТo СaЯe been a Мonstant presenМe Пor me, not onlв Тn tСe ielН oП arМСaeoloРв, but also, anН perСaps aboЯe all, Пrom a Сuman poТnt oП ЯТeаέ WСen I аorkeН at Tell ˼arrТ unНer tСe НТreМtТon oП Paolo ⸢mТlТo PeМorella, untТl βίίη, аe alаaвs met Тn JeгТraС, eЯerв summer, НurТnР tСe eбМaЯatТon МampaТРnsέ It аas preМТselв tСat вear, on tСe traРТМ НeatС oП mв ProПessor, tСat mв relatТonsСТp аТtС εarТlвn anН ύТorРТo beМame eleМtТЯeέ In tСose НramatТМ Нaвs, I аas able to appreМТate tСeТr afeМtТon, tСeТr Рreat ПrТenНsСТp, tСeТr Сuman НeptСέ In tСe ПolloаТnР вears, НespТte tСe pСвsТМal НТstanМe anН tСe ЯТМТssТtuНes oП lТПe, аСТМС unПortunatelв brouРСt us elseаСere Пrom SвrТa, I alаaвs Пelt tСem Мlose to meέ WСeneЯer I askeН tСem Пor aНЯТМe, an opТnТon, tСeв СaЯe alаaвs sСoаn me tСeТr sТnМere Мloseness, аТtС tСose manners tСat are so Мourteous anН afableέ τП εarТlвn anН ύТorРТo, I СaЯe alаaвs appreМТateН tСeТr empatСв anН tСeТr ТntelleМtual Сonestв, supporteН bв an Тnnate abТlТtв to МommunТМate, sСare anН ТnЯolЯe tСe sМТentТiМ МommunТtв аТtС tСe ultТmate Рoal oП РТЯТnР lТПe to an arМСeoloРв Пull oП СumanТtвμ maНe up oП people anН oП ПaМes, not onlв oП potterв anН oП Нustέ TСanks to tСem, I РaТneН tСe aаareness tСat tСe arМСaeoloРТst, аСereЯer Сe Тs аorkТnР, must also Пulill СТs task as Мultural meНТatorμ betаeen tСe Мultures oП tСe past anН tСose oП tСe present, anН betаeen our Western Мulture anН tСat oП tСe МountrТes tСat аe Сostέ

δonР lТПe to botС!


It Тs Пor me a Рreat Сonor to СaЯe МurateН toРetСer аТtС SteПano tСТs Яolume НeНТМateН to ύТorРТo anН εarТlвnέ I СaН tСe pleasure to meet tСem НurТnР tСe traРТМ eЯent tСat took plaМe at Tell ˼arrТ Тn βίίηέ σot onlв tСeв аere tСe ПТrst to ЯТsТt us aПter tСe loss oП our Müdir, Pamы, tСeв stooН neбt to us, МonsolТnР anН МСeerТnР us upέ δast but not least, аe reМeТЯe a СuРe Мrate oП ТМeάМolН beer Пrom Tell εoгanέ It maв not appear as so, but tСat аas a Яerв speМТal РТПt МomТnР aПter a montС oП СarН аork anН tСe loss oП our proПessor, besТНes tСe rarТtв oП suМС a МommoНТtв! Trust me аСen I saв tСat all oП us аСo аere tСere, stТll remember tСat Мrate, almost as a sвmbol oП solТНarТtв Пor our РrТeП, anН tСe аorНs oП МomПort eбpresseН bв ύТorРТo anН εarТlвnέ TСat same вear аe аent to ЯТsТt tСeТr sТte anН I аas amaгeН bв tСe аelМomТnР atmospСere oП tСe εТssТon ώouse anН Рreatlв ПasМТnateН bв tСe sТte oП UrkesС tСat ύТorРТo, ⸣eНerТМo anН εarТlвn tСorouРСlв ТllustrateН usέ TСank вou Яerв muМС Пor вour kТnН anН ПunНamental support НurТnР tСose Нaвsέ ⸣Тnallв, I аoulН also lТke to Нeeplв tСank ύТorРТo Пor aММeptТnР sТnМe tСe Яerв ПТrst Нaв, baМk Тn βί1ί, to beМome a member oП SМТentТПТМ ωommТttee oП tСe neаborn ωenter Пor ˻nМТent εeНТterranean anН σear ⸢astern StuНТes, ω˻εσ⸢S, as аell as СТs anН εarТlвnצs Мonstant support Тn tСe ПolloаТnР eЯents tСat аe orРanТгeНέ TСank вou ύТorРТo, tСank вou εarТlвn, Пor вour remarkable aМaНemТМ anН sМТentТПТМ eППort anН Пor вour preМТous ПrТenНsСТpέ

ωon afetto e stТma,




giorgio buccellati & marilyn kelly-buccellati

ύТorРТo ˼uММellatТ anН εerТlвn Kellвά˼uММellatТ СaЯe аorkeН Пor manв вears Тn tСe σear ⸢ast, espeМТallв Тn SвrТa, Iraq anН Turkeвέ TСeв are at present МoάНТreМtors oП tСe arМСaeoloРТМal eбpeНТtТon to Tell εoгanή UrkesС Тn σortСά⸢astern SвrТaέ TСeв аork Мloselв toРetСer botС Тn tСe ielН anН on tСe publТМatТon reports Пrom tСeТr eбМaЯatТons, oП аСТМС iЯe Яolumes, plus auНТoάЯТsual presentatТons, СaЯe appeareН so Пarέ TСeв leaН an ТnternatТonal staf МomprТsТnР МolleaРues anН stuНents Пrom tСe US, ⸢urope, tСe σear ⸢ast anН ˻sТa anН СaЯe РТЯen joТnt leМtures on tСe eбМaЯatТons, anН аorksСops on metСoНs useН, at major arМСaeoloРТМal Мenters arounН tСe аorlН as аell as СolНТnР posТtТons as ЯТsТtТnР proПessors Тn ЯarТous ⸢uropean unТЯersТtТesέ

ύ ˼

ύТorРТo ˼uММellatТ stuНТeН at tСe ωatСolТМ UnТЯersТtв (εТlan, Italв), ⸣orНam UnТЯersТtв anН reМeТЯeН СТs PСέDέ Пrom tСe τrТental InstТtute at tСe UnТЯersТtв oП ωСТМaРoέ ώe Тs ResearМС ProПessor Тn tСe ωotsen InstТtute oП

˻rМСaeoloРв at Uωδ˻, anН ProПessor ⸢merТtus Тn tСe Department oП σear ⸢astern δanРuaРes anН ωultures anН Тn tСe Department oП ώТstorв at Uωδ˻έ ώe ПounНeН tСe InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв at Uωδ˻, oП аСТМС Сe serЯeН as irst НТreМtor Пrom 1λἅγ untТl 1λἆγ anН аСere Сe Тs noа DТreМtor oП tСe εesopotamТan δabέ ώe Тs Мurrentlв tСe ωoά DТreМtor oП tСe UrkesСήεoгan ˻rМСaeoloРТМal ProjeМt as аell as DТreМtor oП IIε˻S ú TСe InternatТonal InstТtute Пor εesopotamТan ˻rea StuНТes anН DТreМtor oП ˻V˻S˻ ú ˻ssoМТaгТone per la ValorТггaгТone Нellצ˻rМСeoloРТa e Нella StorТa ˻ntТМaέ

ώТs researМС Тnterests ТnМluНe tСe anМТent lanРuaРes, tСe lТterature, tСe relТРТon, tСe arМСaeoloРв anН tСe СТstorв oП εesopotamТa, as аell as tСe tСeorв oП arМСaeoloРвέ ώТs publТМatТons ТnМluНe sТte reports, teбt eНТtТons, lТnРuТstТМ anН lТterarв stuНТes as аell as on arМСaeoloРТМal tСeorв, СТstorТМal monoРrapСs anН essaвs on pСТlosopСв anН spТrТtualТtвέ ώe Сas publТsСeН a struМtural Рrammar oП anМТent ˼abвlonТan, tаo Яolumes on εesopotamТan МТЯТlТгatТon (on relТРТon anН polТtТМsν tаo more are ПortСМomТnР on lТterature as аell as on art anН arМСТteМture), a Яolume on arМСaeoloРТМal tСeorв НealТnР аТtС tСe struМtural, НТРТtal anН pСТlosopСТМal aspeМts oП tСe arМСaeoloРТМal reМorНέ ώe Сas autСoreН tаo major sМСolarlв аebsТtes on tСe arМСaeoloРв oП UrkesС anН on arМСaeoloРТМal tСeorвέ ˻s a ύuРРenСeТm ⸣elloа, Сe Сas traЯeleН to SвrТa to stuНв moНern etСnoРrapСв anН РeoРrapСв Пor a better unНerstanНТnР oП tСe СТstorв oП tСe anМТent ˻morТtesέ In СТs ielН аork, Сe Сas НeЯelopeН neа approaМСes to tСe preserЯatТon anН presentatТon oП arМСaeoloРТМal sТtes anН to МommunТtв arМСaeoloРвέ ώe Сas spearСeaНeН tСe UrkesС ⸢бtenНeН ProjeМt, responНТnР to tСe МrТsТs oП tСe аar Тn SвrТa bв maТntaТnТnР a Яerв aМtТЯe presenМe at tСe sТteέ

ε K ά˼

ProПessor εarТlвn Kellвά˼uММellatТ Сas been eбМaЯatТnР anН МonНuМtТnР researМС on tСe arМСaeoloРв anН art СТstorв oП tСe anМТent σear ⸢ast Пor oЯer ηί вearsέ ώer PСέDέ Пrom tСe τrТental InstТtute at tСe UnТЯersТtв oП ωСТМaРo аas on tСe tСТrН mТllennТum ˼έωέ Тn tСe ωauМasusέ SСe tauРСt arМСaeoloРв anН art СТstorв Тn ωalТПornТa State UnТЯersТtв, δos ˻nРeles anН Тs noа VТsТtТnР ProПessor at tСe ωotsen InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв, Uωδ˻έ

SСe Тs DТreМtor oП tСe UrkesСήεoгan ˻rМСaeoloРТМal ProjeМt, a sТte spannТnР tСe ПourtС to tСe seМonН mТllennТa ˼ω аСТМС Сas proЯТНeН МruМТal to our unНerstanНТnР oП tСe СТstorв, art anН arМСТteМture oП nortСern εesopotamТaέ

ώer researМС Тnterests ТnМluНe SвroάεesopotamТan seal ТМonoРrapСв, МeramТМs, anМТent ТНentТiМatТon markers, preάСТstorв Тn tСe soutСern ωauМasusέ SСe Сas publТsСeН manв sТte reports baseН on аork Тn Terqa anН espeМТallв εoгanήUrkesС, anН Тs Мurrentlв inТsСТnР a НТРТtal Яolume on tСe eбМaЯateН МeramТМs Пrom UrkesС, to be publТsСeН аТtСТn tСe UrkesС ύlobal ReМorН аebsТteέ τne oП Сer Тmportant publТМatТons аas on tСe ПunМtТon oП tСe neМromantТМ pТt eбМaЯateН Тn UrkesС, unТque Тn Тts monumentalТtв anН sТРnТiМanМeν Сer researМС on tСe seal ТmpressТons oП tСe ˻P PalaМe Сas brouРСt to lТРСt tСe artТstТМ Яalue oП tСese objeМts as аell as tСe Мompleб roвal Мourt to аСТМС tСeв РТЯe аТtnessέ

WТtС tСe МessatТon oП eбМaЯatТons Тn SвrТa Нue to tСe аar sСe Сas returneН to tСe RepublТМ oП ύeorРТa to аork аТtС tСe ItalТan team Пrom tСe ωaצ ⸣osМarТ UnТЯersТtв, VenТМeέ TСТs ielНаork aМtТЯТtв leaН Сer to Мurate an eбСТbТt entТtleН “ύeorРТa Paese Нצoro e НТ ПeНeέ IНentТtὡ e alterТtὡ nella storТa НТ un popolo” on tСe arМСaeoloРТМal anН artТstТМ СerТtaРe oП tСe RepublТМ oП ύeorРТaέ




ύ ˼

˼uММellatТ, ύέ, β Re ll, βί, Bibbia e Oriente 1, 1ληλa, ἆ1έ

———, Da Saul a DaЯТНμ δe τrТРТnТ Нella monarМСТa ТsraelТtТМa alla luМe Нella storТoРraia Мontemporanea, Bibbia e Ori- ente 1, 1ληλb, λλά1βἆέ

———, δa ReНenгТone Мome צМonquТsta, Bibbia e Oriente 1, 1ληλМ, θ4έ

———, Popolo Нel paese, Bibbia e Oriente 1, 1ληλН, ἅἅέ

———, ˻Т rapportТ tra Sέ SМrТttura e НoРma, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίa, 1ἆἆέ

———, ύlТ IsraelТtТ НТ PalestТna al tempo НellצesТlТo, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίb, 1λλάβίλέ

———, Il protestantesТmo amerТМano e la ˼ТbbТa, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίМ, 1ἆλά1λίέ

———, δצ⸢manuele, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίН, ἅθάἅἅέ

———, δצeЯoluгТone НottrТnale Нel DeuteroάIsaТa, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίe, ἅἅέ

———, ProЯerbТ e ύТobbe, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίПέ

———, Un aЯЯТamento aТ rotolТ, Bibbia e Oriente β, 1λθίР, 1λίέ

———, DТrТtto ТsraelТtТМo, Bibbia e Oriente γ, 1λθ1a, θλάἅ1έ

———, Il РТorno НТ JaСЯe, Bibbia e Oriente γ, 1λθ1b, θλάἅίέ

———, ReЯТeа oП Il Semitico di Nord-Ovest, bв ύέ ύarbТnТ, Rivista degli Studi Orientali γἅ, 1λθ1М, 1γηά1γθέ

———, In δamέ β,η, Bibbia e Oriente γ, 1λθ1Н, γἅέ

———, RelТРТone eРТгТana, Bibbia e Oriente γ, 1λθ1e, 1ί1έ

———, UnצТmportante storТa НצIsraele, Bibbia e Oriente γ, 1λθ1П, ββἆέ

———, β Samέ β, ηάἅ, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβa, βγγέ

———, ωampo Нel РualМСeraТo, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβb, βί4έ

———, ReЯТeа oП De herem in het Oude Testament. Nijmegen: Centrale Drukkerij, 1959, bв ωέώέWέ ˼rekelmans, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβМ, θλάἅίέ

———, ώerem, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβН, θλάἅίέ

———, I НТsМenНentТ НТ DaЯТН Нopo lצesТlТo, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβe, ἅίάἅγέ

———, δa ḪМarrТeraḫ НТ DaЯТН e quella НТ IНrТmТ, re НТ ˻lalaМ, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβП, ληάλλέ

———, δessТМoРraia ebraТМa, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβР, ἅγάἅ4έ

———, RТМompensa НТ serЯТгТ polТtТМТ resТ al re, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβС, λλέ

———, StorТa polТtТМa Нel reРnТ ТsraelТtТМТ, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβТ, ἅίέ

———, ReЯТeа oП Toldot bet DavТd mep urban mamleket YeСudaС ṿep ad lep aСar urban СapbayТt СapsСenТ. YerusСa- layТm: MaРneso tλ5λ, bв Jέ δТЯer, Bibbia e Oriente 4, 1λθβj, ἅίάἅβέ

———, 1 Re 1ἆ, βί, Bibbia e Oriente η, 1λθγa, 1ίά1γέ

———, 1 Samέ 1γ, 1, Bibbia e Oriente η, 1λθγb, βλέ

———, Due note aТ testТ aММaНТМТ НТ UРarТt, Oriens Antiquus β, 1λθγМ, ββγάβἆέ

———, I testТ eМonomТМТ Нella III НТnastТa НТ Ur, Bibbia e Oriente η, 1λθγН, 11ἅά11ἆέ

———, δa storТa Нella SТrТa antТМa Сa molta, Bibbia e Oriente η, 1λθγe, 11ἆά11λέ

———, ReЯТeа oП SumerТan EconomТc Texts from tСe TСТrd Ur Dynasty. MТnneapolТso UnТversТty of MТnnesota Presso 1961, bв Tέ˼έ Jones anН JέWέ SnвНer, Bibbia e Oriente η, 1λθγП, 11ἅά11ἆέ

———, TestТ babТlonesТ antТМСТ, Bibbia e Oriente η, 1λθγР, 11θά11ἅέ

———, TСe ⸢ntСronement oП tСe KТnР anН tСe ωapТtal ωТtв Тn Teбts Пrom ˻nМТent εesopotamТa anН SвrТa, Тn Studies Op- penheim, UnТЯersТtв oП ωСТМaРo, ωСТМaРo, 1λθ4, η4άθ1έ

———, ReЯТeа oП AmorТte Personal Names Тn tСe MarТ Texts: A Structural and LexТcal Study. BaltТmore: JoСns ώopkТns Presso tλ65, bв ώέ ˼έ ώufmonέ Journal of tСe AmerТcan OrТental SocТety ἆθ(β), 1λθθa, βγίάβγγέ

———, ˼ТbbТa e τrТente, Тn DТakonТa tou LoРou. Numero specТale della rТvТsta“ BТbbТa e OrТente „ dedТcato al Prof. P.

ύТovannТ RТnaldТ Тn occasТone del suo LX compleanno, ˼ТbbТa e τrТente, ύenoЯa, 1λθθb, 1η1ά1ηθέ

——— TСe AmorТtes of tСe Ur III PerТod, PubblТМaгТonТ Del SemТnarТo Нe SemТtТstТМaέ RТМerМСe 1, IstТtuto τrТentale НТ σapolТ, σapolТ, 1λθθМέ

———, ˼ТbbТa e τrТente, In StudТ sull’OrТente e la BТbbТa ofertТ al P. ύТovannТ RТnaldТ nel 6s° compleanno da allТevТo colleghi, amici, StuНТo e ЯТta, ύenoЯa, 1λθἅa, βθἅάβἅβέ

———, CТtТes and NatТons of AncТent SyrТa, StuНТ SemТtТМТ βθ, IstТtuto НТ StuНТ Нel VТМТno τrТente, Roma, 1λθἅbέ

———, ˻n InterpretatТon oП tСe ˻kkaНТan StatТЯe as a σomТnal SentenМe, Journal of Near Eastern StudТes βἅ, 1λθἆ, 1ά1βέ

———, ReЯТeа oП A BТblТoРrapСy of tСe CuneТform Tablets of tСe KuyunjТk CollectТon Тn tСe BrТtТsС Museum. London:

Trustees of the British Museum, 1964, bв ⸢έ δeТМСtв, Journal of Near Eastern StudТes βἆ, 1λθλa, 14γά144έ

———, ReЯТeа oП Das KönТРtum Тn Israel: UrsprünРeo SpannunРeno EntwТcklunР. BerlТn: A. Topelmanno tλ6ι, bв ˻έ SoРРТn, Oriens Antiquus ἆ, 1λθλb, 1ἅηά1ἅἅέ

———, ReЯТeа oП MТtoloРТa SumerТcopAccadТca. TorТno: Soc. Ed. InternazТonaleo tλ6ι, bв ύέRέ ωastellТnoέ Journal of tСe AmerТcan OrТental SocТety ἆλ (1)μ 1λθλМέ 1θηúθθέ



———, ReЯТeа oП PСonцtТque Comparцe Des DТalectes MoyenpBabylonТens Du Nord et de l’oues. (= BТblТotСчque Du Musцono Vol. 53l. InstТtute OrТentalТste: LouvaТno tλ66, bв ύέ JuМqouТs, Oriens Antiquus 1ί(1), 1λἅ1, ἅλάἆγέ

———, ReЯТeа oП AltbabylonТscСe BrТefe Тn UmscСrТft Und оbersetzunРo 4. BrТefe Aus Dem ArcСТve Des Šamašp āzТr Тn ParТs Und Oxford. LeТden: BrТll tλ6κ, bв ⸣έ Rέ Kraus, Oriens Antiquus 11(β), 1λἅβa, 14ἅά1ηβέ

———, ύТlРamesС Тn МСТaЯe sapТenгТaleμ δצumТltaצ НellצantТάeroe, Oriens Antiquus 11, 1λἅβb, 1άγθέ

———, Il DТaloРo Нel PessТmТsmoμ δa SМТenгТa НeРlТ oppostТ Мome ТНeale sapТenгТale, Oriens Antiquus 11, 1λἅβМ, ἆ1ά1ίίέ

———, δa TeoНТМeaμ ωonНanna НellצabulТa polТtТМa, Oriens Antiquus 11, 1λἅβН, 1θ1ά1ἅἆέ

———, δe ˼eatТtuНТnТ Sullo SПonНo Della TraНТгТone SapТenгТale εesopotamТМa, Bibbia e Oriente 14, 1λἅβe, β41άβθ4έ

———, ReЯТeа oП NaТrТ e Ir(ulAṭrТ. ContrТbuto Alla StorТa Della όormazТone Del ReРno DТ Urartuo Roma: EdТzТonТ Dell`Ateneoo tλ6ι, bв εέ SalЯТnТ, AmerТcan OrТental SocТety λβ(β), 1λἅβП, βλἅάβλἆέ

———, τn TСe Use oП tСe ˻kkaНТan IninТtТЯe aПter ṣa or ωonstruМt State, Journal of SemТtТc StudТes 1ἅ(1), 1λἅβР, 1άβλέ

———, ReЯТeа oП StudТ suТ pronomТ determТnatТvТ semТtТcТ. NapolТ: IstТtuto OrТentaleo tλ6κ, bв ⸣έ ˻έ PennaММСТettТ, Jour- nal of tСe AmerТcan OrТental SocТety λβ(β), 1λἅβС, βλθάβλἅέ

———, ˻Нapa, ύenesТs anН tСe σotТon oП ⸣aТtС, UРarТtpόorscСunРen η, 1λἅγa, θ1άθθέ

———, eН, ApproacСes to tСe Study of tСe AncТent Near East: A Volume of StudТes Ofered to IРnace Jay ύelb on tСe Oc- casТon of ώТs 65tС BТrtСday October t4o tλιu, ˼ТblТМal InstТtute Pressέ Rome, 1λἅγbέ

———, εetСoНoloРТМal ωonМerns anН tСe ProРress oП ˻nМТent σear ⸢astern StuНТes, Тn ύέ ˼uММellatТ, eНέ, Approaches to tСe Study of tСe AncТent Near East: A Volume of StudТes Ofered to IРnace Jay ύelb on tСe OccasТon of ώТs 65tС BТrtС- day October t4o tλιu, ˼ТblТМal InstТtute Press, Rome, 1λἅγМ, λάβίέ

———, ReЯТeа oП TСe CambrТdРe AncТent ώТstoryo Vol. Io Part I: ProleРomena and PreСТstory, bв ⸢έ Sέ ⸢НаarНs anН ωέ Jέ ύaНН, InternatТonal Journal of MТddle East StudТes 4(β), 1λἅγН, β4ηάβ4ἆέ

———, ReЯТeа oП I urrТtТ. όТrenze: SansonТo tλ64, bв ⸣έ ImparatТ, Oriens βγήβ4, 1λἅ4a, 4λβέ

———, KoruМutepe ⸢бМaЯatТons, ArcСeoloРy at UCLA, 1λἅ4b, β4άβηέ

———, TСe InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв, ArcСeoloРy at UCLA 1(γ), 1λἅ4М, 1ά4έ

———, TСe InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРвά⸣oreаorН, Тn Annual Report to tСe CСancellor and όellows of tСe InstТtute, TСe Inά stТtute oП ˻rМСeoloРв, Uωδ˻, δos ˻nРeles, 1λἅ4Н, 1ú4έ 1έ

———, ⸣oreаorН, Тn TСe InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy UCLA: Second Annual Report, InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв Uωδ˻, δos

˻nРeles, 1λἅηa, 1úηέ

———, ResearМС ωollaboratТon ύroup, Тn TСe InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy UCLA: Second Annual Report, TСe InstТtute oП

˻rМСeoloРв, Uωδ˻, δos ˻nРeles, 1λἅηb, ββάβγέ

———, τn tСe ˻kkaНТan ‘˻ttrТbutТЯeצ ύenetТЯe, AfroasТatТc LТnРuТstТcs γ(β), 1λἅθa, 1λάβἅέ

———, TСe ωase ˻РaТnst tСe ˻lleРeН ˻kkaНТan Plural εorpСeme ά nu, AfroasТatТc LТnРuТstТcs γ(β), 1λἅθb, βἆάγίέ

———, ToаarНs a ⸣ormal TвpoloРв oП ˻kkaНТan SТmТles, Тn Kramer AnnТversary Volume: CuneТform StudТes Тn ώonor of Samuel NoaС Kramer, ˼utгon Τ ˼erМker, KeЯelaer, 1λἅθМ, ηλάἅίέ

———,`˻pТrū anН εunnabtūtu ú TСe Stateless oП tСe ⸣Тrst ωosmopolТtan ˻Рe, Journal of Near Eastern StudТes γθ(β), 1λἅἅa, 14ηά14ἅέ

———, ReЯТeа oП DТvТnatТon et RatТonalТtц. ParТs : лd. Du SeuТlo tλλs, bв Jέ Pέ Vernant, δέ VanНermeersМС, Jέ ύernet, Jέ

˼ottero, Rέ ωraСaв, δέ ˼rТsson, Jέ ωarlТer, Dέ ύroНгвnskТ, anН ˻έ Retel δaurentТn, Oriens Antiquus 1θ, 1λἅἅb, βγλάβ41έ

———, ReЯТeа oП όТeld MetСods Тn ArcСaeoloРy. Palo Alto: Mayield Pub. Co.o Cop. tλι5, bв Tέ Rέ ώester, Rέ⸣έ ώeТгer, anН Jέ ˻έ ύraСam, BТblТoРrapСТcal Lealets Тn ArcСaeoloРy ἅ, 1λἅἅМέ

———, Terqa PrelТmТnarв Report, σoέ βμ ˻ ωuneТПorm Tablet Пrom tСe ⸢arlв SeМonН εТllennТum ˼έωέ, SyropMesopota- mian Studies 1(4), 1λἅἅН, 1άἆέ

———, TСe τlН ˼abвlonТan δТnРuТstТМ ˻nalвsТs ProjeМtμ ύoals, ProМeНures anН ⸣Тrst Results, Тn Computational and MatСematТcal LТnРuТstТcs: ProceedТnРs of tСe InternatТonal Conference on ComputatТonal LТnРuТstТcs: PТsao uιrVIIIptr IX tλι3., δέ Sέ τlsМСkТ, ⸣Тrenгe, 1λἅἅe, γἆηά4ί4έ

———, TСe ḪUrban ReЯolutТonḫ Тn a SoМТoάPolТtТМal PerspeМtТЯe, Mesopotamia 1β, 1λἅἅП, 1λάγλέ

———, ωomparatТЯe ύrapСemТМ ˻nalвsТs oП τlН ˼abвlonТan anН Western ˻kkaНТan, UРarТtpόorscСunРen 11, 1λἅλa, ἆλά1ίίέ

———, Terqa PrelТmТnary Reporto ts: TСe όourtС Season p IntroductТon and tСe StratТРrapСТc Record, ˼ТblТotСeМa εesoά potamТМa 1ί, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, 1λἅλbέ

———, PrТnМТples oП StвlТstТМ ˻nalвsТs, Тn Yέ Dέ ˻rbeТtmann, ˻έ Rέ ˼omСarН, eНsέ, Bono ώomТnТ Donum: Essays Тn Mem- ory of J. A. Kerns, ˻msterНam StuНТes Тn tСe TСeorв anН ώТstorв oП δТnРuТstТМ SМТenМe 4, JoСn ˼enjamТns, ˻msterНam, 1λἆ1a, ἆίἅάἆγθέ

———, StratТРrapСТМ SeМtТons, Тn ˼έ Dέ DТllon, eНέ, The Student’s Guide to Archaeological Illustrating, InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeά oloРв Uωδ˻, δos ˻nРeles, 1λἆ1b, η1άθ4έ

———, TСe τrТРТn oП WrТtТnР anН tСe ˼eРТnnТnР oП ώТstorв, Тn ύέ ˼uММellatТ, ωέ SperonТ, eНsέ, TСe SСape of tСe Past:

StudТes Тn ώonour of όranklТn D. MurpСy, InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв Uωδ˻, δos ˻nРeles, 1λἆ1М, γά1γέ

———, WТsНom anН σotμ TСe ωase oП εesopotamТa, Journal of tСe AmerТcan OrТental SocТety 1ί1(1), 1λἆ1Н, γηά4ἅέ

———, StuНТes Тn ⸢bla ύrapСemТМs, 1, Studi Eblaiti η, 1λἆβ, γλάἅ4έ

———, ˻lloМutТon Du Representant Des PartТМТpants, Тn SymposТum InternatТonal: ώТstoТre de DeТr EzpZur et Ses AntТq- uТtцs, PublТМatТon Нu εТnТtчre Нe la ωulture, DamasМus, 1λἆγa, β1άβγέ

———, TСe DesМent oП Inanna as a RТtual Journeв to KutСa˹, SyropMesopotamТan StudТes 4(γ), 1λἆγb, 1άἅέ

———, IntroНuМtТon, Тn τέ Rouault, eНέ, Terqa όТnal Reports Vol. t: L’ArcСТve de Puzurum, ˼ТblТotСeМa εesopotamТМa 1θ, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, 1λἆ4a, ἅά1ἆέ



———, IntroНuМtТon, Тn ωέ SaporettТ TСe MТddle AssyrТan Laws, ωвbernetТМa εesopotamТМa ύrapСemТМ ωateРorТгatТon β, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, 1λἆ4b, 1άβίέ

———, ReЯТeа oП TСe CambrТdРe AncТent ώТstory Vol. 3 Part t. TСe PreСТstory of tСe Balkans; an tСe MТddle East and tСe AeРean Worldo TentС to EТРtС CenturТes B.C. ud Ed. CambrТdРe: CUPo tλκu, bв Jέ ˼oarНmann, TСe AmerТcan ώТstorТ- cal RevТew ἆλ(4), 1λἆ4М, 1ίη4ά1ίηηέ

———, ωomputer ProjeМts, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA 1, 1λἆθa, γέ

———, ReЯТeа oП TСe όorms of VТolence: NarratТve Тn AssyrТan Art an Modern Culture. New York: ScСocken Bookso tλκ5, bв δέ ˼ersanТ anН Uέ DutoТt, Los AnРeles TТmes, εarМС γ, 1λἆθ, seМέ ⸣έ, 1λἆθb, 4έ

———, τn tСe DТstrТbutТon oП ⸢pТРrapСТМ ⸣ТnНs at Terqa, Annales ArcСцoloРТques Arabes SyrТennes γθήγἅ, 1λἆἅ, 1ίβά1ίθέ

———, ˻nМТent SвrТaμ IntroНuМtТon, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research βἅί, 1λἆἆa, 1άβέ

———, ˻rМСТteМtural, StratТРrapСТМ anН TвpoloРТМal ReМorНТnР Тn ˻rМСaeoloРв, Тn SNrύ: Report on Data ProcessТnР Projects Тn Art, 41ἆúβίέ PТsaήδos ˻nРelesμ SМuola σormale SuperТore ήύettв ˻rt ώТstorв InПormatТon ProРramέ 1λἆἆbέ

———, ReЯТeа oП TСe AncТent Arabs: Nomads on tСe Borders of tСe όertТle Crescento λtСp5tС CenturТes B.C. Jerusalem:

MaРnes Presso ώebrew UnТversТtyo tλκ4, bв Iέ ⸢pСצal, TСe AmerТcan ώТstorТcal RevТew, 1λἆἆМ, θἅγάθἅ4έ

———, TСe KТnРНom anН PerТoН oП KСana, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research βἅί, 1λἆἆН, 4γάθ1έ

———, TСe ‘Stateצ oП tСe StatТЯe, Тn Yέ Dέ ˻rbeТtmann, eНέ, όucus. A SemТtТcrAfrasТan ύatСerТnР Тn Remembrance of Al- bert Ehrman, ωurrent Issues Тn δТnРuТstТМ TСeorв ηἆ, JoСn ˼enjamТns, ˻msterНam, 1λἆἆe, 1ηγά1ἆλέ

———, ReЯТeа oП AncТent Damascus: A ώТstorТcal Study of tСe SyrТan CТtypState from EarlТest TТmes untТl Its όall to tСe AssyrТans Тn ι3u B.C.E. WТnona Lake: EТsenbraunso tλκι, bв Wέ Tέ PТtarН, TСe AmerТcan ώТstorТcal RevТew λη(1), 1λλίa, 141έ

———, ωвbernetТМa εesopotamТМa, Тn ⸢έ εέ ωook, eНέ, SopСer MaСТr: NortСwest SemТtТc StudТes Presented to StanТslav Segert, ε˻˻R˻V ηήθ, 1λλίb, βγάγβέ

———, ⸢бperТments Тn Salt ProНuМtТon at Tell Qraвa, SyrТan ArcСaeoloРy BulletТn β, 1λλίМ, λά1ίέ

———, ⸣rom KСana to δaqeμ TСe ⸢nН oП SвroάεesopotamТa, Тn нέ TunМa, eНέ, De La BabylonТe р La SyrТe En Passant Par MarТ: MцlanРes Oferts р J.pR. Kupper р l’occasТon de Son ιse AnnТversaТre, UnТЯersТté Нe δТчРe, δТчРe, 1λλίН, ββλάβηγέ

———, τn Poetrв ά TСeТrs anН τurs, Тn Tέ ˻busМС, Jέ ώueСnРarН, anН Pέ SteТnkeller, eНsέ, LТnРerТnР over Words: StudТes Тn AncТent Near Eastern LТterature Тn ώonor of WТllТam L. Moran, ώarЯarН SemТtТМ StuНТes γἅ, SМСolars Press, ˻tlanta, 1λλίe, 1ίηά1γ4έ

———, ‘RТЯer ˼ank,צ ‘ώТРС ωountrвצ anН ‘Pasture δanНצμ TСe ύroаtС oП σomaНТsm on tСe εТННle ⸢upСrates anН tСe KСabur, Тn Sέ ⸢ТМСler, εέ Wтler, anН Dέ Warburton, eНsέ, Tell AlpώamТdТyaС u, VanНenСoek Τ RupreМСt, ύcttТnРen, 1λλίП, ἆἅά11ἅέ

———, Salt at tСe Daаn oП ώТstorвμ TСe ωase oП tСe ˼eЯelleН RТm ˼oаls, Тn Pέ εattСТae, εέ Яan δoon, anН ώέ WeТss, eНsέ, ResurrectТnР tСe Past. A JoТnt TrТbute to Adnan BounnТ, UТtРaЯen Яan ώet σeНerlanНs ώТstorТsМСά˻rМСaeoloРТsМС InstТtuut Te Istanbul θἅ, σeНerlanНs ώТstorТsМСά˻rМСeoloРТsМС InstТtuut te Istanbul, Istanbul, 1λλίР, 1ἅά4ίέ

———, TСe ⸢bla ⸢leМtronТМ ωorpusμ ύrapСemТМ ˻nalвsТs, Annales ArcСцoloРТques Arabes SyrТennes 4ί, 1λλίС, ἆάβθέ

———, TСe Rural δanНsМape oП tСe ˻nМТent Zorμ TСe Terqa ⸢ЯТНenМe, Тn ˼έ ύeвer, eНέ, TecСnТques et PratТques ώydropAР- rТcoles TradТtТonelles En DomaТne IrrТРuц. ApprocСe PlurТdТscТplТnaТre Des Modes de Culture Avant La MotorТsatТon En SyrТe, ˼ТblТotСчque ˻rМСéoloРТque et ώТstorТque 1γθ, δТbraТrТe τrТentalТste Paul ύeutСner, ParТs, 1λλίТ, 1ηηά1θλέ

———, ˻ σote on tСe εuskшnum as a ‘ώomesteaНerצ, Тn Rέ Jέ Ratner, eНέ, Let Your ColleaРues PraТse You: StudТes Тn Memory of Stanley ύevТrtz, Western ˻МaНemТМ Press, RollТnР ώТlls ⸢states, ε˻˻R˻V ἅ, 1λλ1a, λ1ά1ίίέ

———, ˻kkaНТan, Тn InternatТonal EncyclopedТa of LТnРuТstТcs 1, τбПorН UnТЯersТtв Press, σeа YorkήτбПorН, 1λλ1b, γλά4βέ

———, Tell ZТвaНaμ TСe ⸣Тrst TСree Seasons oП ⸢бМaЯatТon (1λἆἆά1λλί)μ IntroНuМtТon, Тn εέ ⸣ortТn, eНέ, Lost CТvТlТza- tТons of tСe Desert: Recent ArcСaeoloРТcal ResearcС Тn TСТrd MТllennТum SyrТa, ˼ulletТn oП tСe ωanaНТan SoМТetв Пor εesopotamТan StuНТes β1, ωanaНТan SoМТetв Пor εesopotamТan StuНТes, Toronto, 1λλ1М, γ1άθ1έ

———, TСe ⸢bla ⸢leМtronТМ ωorpusμ τnomastТМ ˻nalвsТs, Тn ωέ ώέ ύorНon, ύέ ˻έ RenНsburР, eНsέ, EblaТtТca: Essays on tСe Ebla ArcСТves and EblaТte LanРuaРe γ, PublТМatТons oП tСe ωenter Пor ⸢bla ResearМС at σeа York UnТЯersТtв, ⸢Тsenά brauns, WТnona δake, 1λλβ, 1ίἅά1βἆέ

———, ύlТ ˻morreТ e lצ ‘aННomestТМamentoצ Нella steppa, Тn τέ Rouault, εέ ύέ εasettТάRouault, eНsέ, L’Eufrate e Тl tempo: le civiltà del medio Eufrate e della Gezira siriana, ⸢leМta, εТlano, 1λλγa θἅάθλέ

———, TСrouРС a Tablet Darklвέ ˻ ReМonstruМtТon oП τlН ˻kkaНТan εonuments DesМrТbeН Тn τlН ˼abвlonТan ωopТes, Тn εέ ⸢έ ωoСen, Dέ ωέ Snell, anН Dέ ˼έ WeТsberР, eНsέ, TСe Tablet and tСe Scroll. Near Eastern StudТes Тn ώonor of WТllТam W. ώallo, ωDδ Press, ˼etСesНa, 1λλγb, ηἆάἅ1έ

———, TСe KuНurrus as εonuments, Тn CТnquantepDeux RelexТons Sur Le ProcСepOrТent AncТen: Ofertes En ώommaРe р Lцon De Meyer, εesopotamТan ώТstorв anН ⸢nЯТronment, τММasТonal PublТМatТons β, Peeters, δeuЯen, 1λλ4, βἆγάβλ1έ

———, ⸢blaТte anН ˻morТte σames, Тn ⸢έ ⸢ТМСler, ώέ δoeler, ώέ SteРer, anН δέ ZРusta, eНsέ, Namenforschung: Ein InternatТonales ώandbucС Zur OnomastТk = Name StudТes: An InternatТonal ώandbook of OnomastТcs = Les Noms Propres : Manuel InternatТonal d’onomastТque 1, ώanНbhМСer Zur SpraМСά UnН KommunТkatТonsаТssensМСaПt ή ώanНά books oП δТnРuТstТМs anН ωommunТМatТon SМТenМe (ώSK), 11,1, De ύruвter, ˼erlТnήσeа York, 1λληa, ἆηθάἆθίέ

———, ⸢tСТМs anН PТetв Тn tСe ˻nМТent σear ⸢ast, Тn Jέ Sasson, eНέ, Civilizations of the Ancient Near East γ, SМrТbner, σeа York, 1λληb, 1θἆηά1θλθέ



———, τn ωСrТstТМ PolвtСeТsm anН ωСrТstТan εonotСeТsm, CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew ββ, 1λληМ, 11γά1γἆέ

———, A Structural ύrammar of BabylonТan, ώarassoаТtг, WТesbaНen, 1λλθaέ

———, ˻morТte, Тn Jέ Turner, eНέ, TСe DТctТonary of Art 1, ύroЯe, εaМmТllanήσeа York, 1λλθb, ἅληέ

———, ReЯТeа oП Les TrТbus AmurrТtes de MarТ. όreТburР (ScСweТzl; ύöttТnРen: UnТversТtтtsverlaР: VandenСoeck Und RuprecСto tλλt (= OrbТs BТblТcus et OrТentalТso tsκl, bв εέ ˻nbarέ ArcСТv όür OrТentforscСunР 4βή4γ, 1λλθМ, βγγάβγ4έ

———, εesopotamТan εaРТМ as a εвtСoloРв anН RТtual oП ⸣ateμ StruМtural ωorrelatТons аТtС ˼ТblТМal RelТРТon, Тn Sέ Jέ DennТnРά˼olle, ⸢έ ύeroа, eНsέ, TСe PersТstence of RelТРТons: Essays Тn ώonor of Kees W. Bolle, 1ἆηά1λθ, τtСer RealТά tТes λ, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, 1λλθНέ

———, RelТРТous Voаs anН tСe StruМture oП δoЯe, CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew βγ, 1λλθe, ηθβάηἅἆέ

———, TСe Role oП SoМТoάPolТtТМal ⸣aМtors Тn tСe ⸢merРenМe oП ‘PublТМצ anН ‘PrТЯateצ DomaТns Тn ⸢arlв εesopotamТa, Тn εέ ώuНson, ˼έ ˻έ δeЯТne, eНsέ, PrТvatТzatТon Тn tСe AncТent Near East and ClassТcal World: A ColloquТum ώeld at New York UnТversТtyo November tιptκo tλλ4, PeaboНв εuseum ˼ulletТn η, PeaboНв εuseum oП ˻rМСaeoloРв anН ⸢tСnolά oРв, ώarЯarН UnТЯersТtв, ωambrТНРe, 1λλθП, 1βλά1η1έ

———, ˻kkaНТan, Тn Rέ ώetгron, eНέ, SemТtТc LanРuaРes, θλάλλ, RoutleНРe, δonНon, 1λλἅaέ

———, ˻kkaНТan anН ˻morТte PСonoloРв, Тn ˻έ Kaвe, eНέ, PСonoloРТes of AsТa and AfrТca (IncludТnР tСe Caucasusl 1,

⸢Тsenbrauns, WТnona δake, 1λλἅb, 1άγἅέ

———, SвrТa Тn tСe ˼ronгe ˻Рe, Тn TСe Oxford EncyclopedТa of ArcСaeoloРy Тn tСe Near East, ημ1βθúγ1έ σeа Yorkήτбά ПorНμ τбПorН UnТЯersТtв Pressέ 1λλἅМέ

———, ReЯТeа oП ArcСaeoloРy’s PublТcatТon Problems. WasСТnРtono DC: BТblТcal ArcСaeoloРy SocТetyo tλλ6, bв Jέ ˻ЯТά ram anН ώέ SСanks, Near Eastern ArcСaeoloРy θ1(β), 1λλἆa, 11ἆά1βίέ

———, ˻sМensТon, ParousТa, anН tСe SaМreН ώeartμ StruМtural ωorrelatТons, CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew βη, 1λλἆb, θλά1ίγέ

———, PreПaМe, Тn Jέεέ PaРan, A MorpСoloРТcal and LexТcal Study of Personal Names Тn tСe Ebla Texts, ˻R⸢S γ, εТsά sТone arМСeoloРТМa ТtalТana Тn SТrТa, Roma, 1λλἆМ, 1άγέ

———, UrkesС as Tell εoгanμ Proiles oП tСe ˻nМТent ωТtв, Тn ύέ ˼uММellatТ anН εέ Kellвά˼uММellatТ, eНsέ, Urkesh and the ώurrТans StudТes Тn ώonor of Lloyd Cotsen, ˼ТblТotСeМa εesopotamТМa βθ, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, 1λλἆН, 11άγ4έ

———, TСe Roвal StoreСouse oП UrkesС, Тn εέ ⸣ortТn, ⸣έ Tremblaв, eНsέ, SyrТao Land of CТvТlТzatТons, εusée Нe la ωТЯТlТά satТon, QuébeМ, 1λλλa, 1ἅίέ

———, UrkesС anН tСe QuestТon oП ⸢arlв ώurrТan UrbanТsm, Тn εέ ώuНson, ˼έ ˻έ δeЯТne, eНsέ, UrbanТzatТon and Land OwnersСТp Тn tСe AncТent Near East, PeaboНв εuseum ˼ulletТn ἅ, PeaboНв εuseum oП ˻rМСaeoloРв anН ⸢tСnoloРв, ώarЯarН UnТЯersТtв, ωambrТНРe, 1λλλb, ββλάβηίέ

———, τn Poetrв anН ⸣rТenНsСТpμ δТnear anН TensТonal ⸢lements Тn tСe τlН ˼abвlonТan ⸢pТsoНe oП ύТlРamesС anН ⸢nά kТНu, Тn Pέ σeРrТ SМaПa, Pέ ύentТlТ, eНsέ, Donum Natalicium. Studi in Onore Di Claudio Saporetti in Occasione Del Suo 6s° Compleanno, θγάἅθ, ˼orРТa, Roma, βίίίaέ

———, UrkesСμ arМСeoloРТa, МonserЯaгТone e restauro, Kermes: la rТvТsta del restauro 4ί, βίίίb, 41ά4ἆέ

———, ReЯТeа oП A SketcС of NeopAssyrТan ύrammar. State ArcСТves of AssyrТa StudТeso Vol. t3. ώelsТnkТ: TСe Neop AssyrТan Text Corpus Projecto usss, bв Jέ ώтmeenά˻nttТla, Journal of tСe AmerТcan OrТental SocТety 1ββ(4), βίίβa, ἆἅ4άἆἅηέ

———, ˼eвonН ωlaв anН ˼eвonН Paper, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA, βίίβb, 4άηέ

———, ReЯТeа oП “Wenn Du MeТn Bruder BТsto ...ʾ InteraktТon Und TextРestaltunР Тn AltbabylonТscСen AlltaРsbrТefen.

CuneТform MonoРrapСso t6 ύrönТnРen: Styxo tλλλ, bв Wέ SallaberРer, ZeТtscСrТft όür AssyrТoloРТe Und VorderasТ- atТscСe ArcСтoloРТe ββ, βίίβМ, γίγάγίηέ

———, ˻ δU ⸢ SМСool Tablet Пrom tСe SerЯТМe Quarter oП tСe Roвal PalaМe ˻P at UrkesС, Journal of CuneТform StudТes ηη, βίίγa, 4ηά4ἆέ

———, ReЯТeа oП Conquête de La Steppe et ApproprТatТon Des Terres Sur Les MarРes ArТdes Du CroТssant όertТle. (=

Travaux de La MaТson de l’OrТent MцdТterranцeno Vol. 36l, bв ˼έ ύeвer, ArcСТv όür OrТentforscСunР ηί, βίίγb, 4ηηά4ηἅέ

———, Il МТmento Нellצestro e Нella raРТoneμ la НТmensТone sМrТbale Нella МosТННetta צTeoНТМea ˼abТlonese, Тn Semitic and AssyrТoloРТcal studТes: presented to PelТo όronzarolТ by pupТls and colleaРues, ώarrassoаТtг, WТesbaНen, βίίγМ, λἅά1ί4έ

———, SaМramentalТtв anН ωulture, CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew γί, βίίγН, 1ά4ἆέ

———, Tell εoгan (˻nМТent UrkesС), Тn Jέ ˻ruг, eНέ, Art of tСe όТrst CТtТes. TСe TСТrd MТllennТum B.C. from tСe MedТter- ranean to the Indus, ββ4άββἅ, Yale UnТЯersТtв Press, σeа ώaЯenήδonНon, βίίγeέ

———, ReЯТeа oП AkkadТscС Тn Der Ur IIIpZeТt. (ImРula 5l. Münster: RСemao ussu, bв εέ ώТlРertέ ZeТtscСrТft όür As- syrТoloРТe Und VorderasТatТscСe ArcСтoloРТe λ4, βίί4a, 1ίθά1ίἆέ

———, Il seМonНo mТllennТo nella memorТa epТМa НТ ύТuНa e Israele, RТvТsta della όacoltр dТ TeoloРТa dТ LuРano λ(γ), βίί4b, ηβ1άη4γέ

———, ReЯТeа oП La CТvТltá DeТ ώurrТtТ. La Parola Del Passato. RТvТsta DТ StudТ AntТcСТo Vol. 55 NapolТ: ύaetano Mac- chiaroli, 2000, bв ˻non, Die Welt Des Orients γ4, βίί4М, βίλάβ14έ

———, Present at ωreatТon, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA, βίί4Н, 1ά4έ

———, TСe εonumental Urban ωompleб at UrkesСέ Report on tСe 1θtС Season oП ⸢бМaЯatТons, JulвάSeptember βίίγ, StudТes on tСe CТvТlТzatТon and Culture of NuzТ and tСe ώurrТans 1η, βίίηa, γάβἆέ

———, TСe PerМeptТon oП ⸣unМtТon anН tСe PreСТstorв oП tСe State Тn SвroάεesopotamТa, Тn ˼έ Dέ DТllon, εέ ˻έ ˼oбt, eНsέ, ArcСaeoloРy wТtСout LТmТts: Papers Тn ώonor of Clement W. MeТРСan, δabвrТntСos, δanМaster, βίίηb, 4ἆ1ά4λβέ



———, ˻ ˼roаser ⸢НТtТon oП tСe Roвal PalaМe oП UrkesСμ PrТnМТples anН PresupposТtТons, Тn Pέ ˼utterlТn, εέ δebeau, JέάYέ εontМСambert, Jέ δέ εontero ⸣enollós, anН ˼έ εuller, eНsέ, Les Espaces SyropMцsopotamТens. DТmensТons de l’experТence ώumaТne Au ProcСepOrТent AncТen. Volume d’СommaРe Ofert р JeanpClaude MarРueron, Subartu 1ἅ,

˼repols, TurnСout, βίίθa, 4λάηηέ

———, ˻n ˻rМСaeoloРТst on εars, Тn Sέ ύТtТn, Jέ ⸢έ WrТРСt, anН Jέ Pέ Dessel, eНsέ, ConfrontТnР tСe Past. ArcСaeoloРТcal and ώТstorТcal Essays on AncТent Israel Тn ώonor of WТllТam ύ. Dever, ⸢Тsenbrauns, WТnona δake, βίίθb, 1ἅάβ1έ

———, ωonserЯatТon qua ˻rМСaeoloРв at Tell εoгanήUrkesС, Тn σέ ˻Рneа, Jέ ˼rТНРlanН, eНsέ, Of tСe Pasto for tСe όuture:

InteРratТnР ArcСaeoloРy and ConservatТono ProceedТnРs of tСe ConservatТon TСeme at tСe 5tС World ArcСaeoloРТcal ConРresso WasСТnРton D.C. uupu6 June uss3, TСe ύettв ωonserЯatТon InstТtute, δos ˻nРeles, βίίθМ, ἅγάἆ1έ

———, ReЯТeа oП La Basse Vallцe de l’EupСrate SyrТen Du NцolТtСТque р l’avчnement de l’Islam: ύцoРrapСТeo ArcСцolo- РТe et ώТstoТreo u Vols.o BeyroutС : InstТtut όranхaТs Du ProcСepOrТento uss3, bв ˼έ ύeвer anН JέάYέ εonМСambert, AmerТcan Journal of ArcСaeoloРy 11ί(γ), βίίθН, η11άη1γέ

———, τn (e)άTТМ anН ά⸢mТМ, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA, βίίθe, 1βά1γέ

———, PresentatТon anН InterpretatТon oП ˻rМСaeoloРТМal SТtesμ TСe ωase oП Tell εoгan, ˻nМТent UrkesС, Тn σέ ˻Рneа, Jέ ˼rТНРlanН, eНsέ, Of tСe Pasto for tСe όuture: InteРratТnР ArcСaeoloРy and ConservatТono ProceedТnРs of tСe Conser- vatТon TСeme at tСe 5tС World ArcСaeoloРТcal ConРresso WasСТnРton D.C. uupu6 June uss3, TСe ύettв ωonserЯatТon InstТtute, δos ˻nРeles, βίίθП, 1ηβά1ηθέ

———, TСe PropСetТМ DТmensТon oП JosepС, CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew γγ, βίίθР, 44άλλέ

———, ⸣oreаorН, Тn Rέ ώauser, ReadТnР όТРurТnes. AnТmal RepresenatТons Тn Terra Cotta from Royal BuТldТnР AK.

UrkesСrMozan StudТes 5, ˼ТblТotСeМa εesopotamТМa βἆ, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, βίίἅa, 1ἅάβγέ

———, σonάδТnear ˻rМСaeoloРв, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA, βίίἅb, γἅάγλέ

———, YaСаeС, tСe TrТnТtвμ TСe τlН Testament ωateМСumenate, CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew, βίίἅМ, γἆά ἅη, βλβάγβἅέ

———, TСe τrТРТn oП tСe TrТbe anН oП ‘InНustrТalצ ˻РropastoralТsm Тn SвroάεesopotamtamtamТa, Тn Wέ WenНrТМС, ώέ

˼arnarН TСe ArcСaeoloРy of MobТlТty, ωotsen ˻НЯanМeН SemТnars 4έ ωotsen InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв UnТЯersТtв oП ωalТПornТa, δos ˻nРeles, βίίἆ, 141ά1ηλέ

———, ˻n ˻rМСТteМtural ‘δoРoРramצ at UrkesС˹, Тn Pέ σeРrТ SМaПa, Sέ VТaРРТo, eНsέ, Dallo Stirone Al Tigri, Dal Tevere All’Eufrate: Studi in Onore Di Claudio Saporetti, ˻raМne, Roma, βίίλa, βγάβλέ

———, Value anН ⸢quТЯalenМeμ TСe Role oП εonetСeТsm Тn ⸢arlв ⸢МonomТМ Sвstems, Communio: International Catholic RevТew γθ, βίίλb, 4βἅά44θέ

———, TСe QuestТon oП DТРТtal TСouРСt, Тn Tέ εέ σТkolaeЯa, eНέ, StudТes Тn LТnРuТstТcs and SemТotТcs. A όestscСrТft for VyacСeslav V. Ivanov, δanРuaРes SlaЯТМ ωultures, εosМoа, βί1ίa, 4θάηηέ

———, TСe SemТotТМs oП ⸢tСnТМТtвμ TСe ωase oП ώurrТan UrkesС, Тn Jέ ωέ ⸣Тnke, eНέ, όestscСrТft όür ύernot WТlСelm An- lтßlТcС SeТnes 65. ύeburtstaРes Am uκ. Januar usts, ISδ⸢T, DresНen, βί1ίb, ἅλάλίέ

———, TСe UrkesС Temple TerraМeμ ⸣unМtТon anН PerМeptТon, Тn Jέ ˼eМker, Rέ ώempelmann, anН ⸢έ ReСm, eНsέ, Kultur- landscСaft SyrТen: Zentrum Und PerТpСerТe: όestscСrТft όür JanpWaalke Meyer, ˻lter τrТent UnН ˻ltes Testament γἅ1, UРarТt VerlaР, εhnster, βί1ίМ, ἆἅά1β1έ

———, DТРТtal ⸢НТtТon anН ύrapСemТМ ˻nalвsТs oП tСe ⸢bla Teбts, Тn δέ εТlano, eНέ, CybernetТca MesopotamТcao ωD 4,

˻R⸢D ⸢НТгТone DТРТtale 1, UnНena PublТМatТons, εalТbu, βί11aέ

———, ύТorРТo ˼uММellatТ ReМeТЯes σeаlв ⸢stablТsСeН ˻аarН, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСae- oloРy at UCLA, βί11b, 11έ

———, PublТМ ImpaМt, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA, βί11М, 1ίίέ

———, ˻ten Тn ˻murru˹, Тn ύέ ˼έ δanПranМСТ, Dέ εoranНТ ˼onaММossТ, ωέ PappТ, anН Sέ PonМСТa, eНsέ, LeРРod: StudТes Presented to όrederТck MarТo όales on tСe OccasТon of ώТs 65tС BТrtСday, δeТpгТРer ˻ltorТentalТstТsМСe StuНТen β, ώarrassoаТtг VerlaР, WТesbaНen, βί1βa, ληάλἆέ

———, ωoerenгa e storТaέ δa εesopotamТa nellצottТМa storТoРraiМa НТ ḪτrНТne e StorТaḫμ IstТtuгТonТ polТtТМСe, trasmТsά sТone Нel pensТero e perМeгТone Нellצassoluto, Тn σέ SМottТ εutС, eНέ, PrТma della ilosoia. DТnamТcСe dell’esperТenza nei regni dell’Oriente antico e in Israele, VТta e PensТero, εТlano, βί1βb, 11γά1ββέ

———, δa TrТnТtὡ Тn unצottТМa mesopotamТМa, RТvТsta dТ ilosoia neopscolastТca 1ί4, βί1βМ, βλά4ἆέ

———, TСe ⸣looНаaters oП UrkesС anН tСe StruМtural ωoСerenМe oП tСe UrkesС Temple ωompleб, Тn Pέ Quenet, εέ alά εaqНТsī, “L’Сeure ImmobТleʾ Entre CТel et Terre : MelanРes En l’Сonneur d’AntoТne SouleТmano Subartu γ1, ˼repols, TurnСout, βί1βН, β1άγγέ

———, ToаarНs ˻ δТnРuТstТМ εoНel ⸣or ˻rМСaeoloРв, Revue d’assyrТoloРТe et d’arcСцoloРТe OrТentale 1ίθ(1), βί1βe, γἅά4γέ

———, TrТnТtв SpermatТkéμ TСe VeТleН PerМeptТon oП a PaРan WorlН (Part 1), CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew γλ, βί1βП, ηλ4άθ4ίέ

———, Alle origini della politica: la formazione e la crescita dello Stato in Siro-Mesopotamia, Paese Нelle quattro rТЯe 1, JaМa ˼ook, εТlano, βί1γaέ

———, TСe ώТstorв oП tСe ωotsen InstТtute oП ˻rМСaeoloРв as a ResearМС ParaНТРm, BackdТrt Annual RevТew of tСe Cotsen InstТtute of ArcСaeoloРy at UCLA, βί1γb, 14άβίέ

———, TrТnТtв SpermatТkéμ TСe VeТleН PerМeptТon oП a PaРan WorlН (Part β), CommunТo: InternatТonal CatСolТc RevТew 4ί, βί1γМ, λλά1γ1έ

———, WСen Were tСe ώurrТans ώurrТan˹ TСe PersТstenМe oП ⸢tСnТМТtв Тn UrkesС, Тn Jέ ˻ruг, Sέ ˼έ ύraf, anН Jέ RakТМ,


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