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The Spleen 5


Academic year: 2022

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To describe the development and anatomy of the spleen. To describe the effects of a splenectomy.


The spleen starts to develop in the fourth week of gestation as a mesenchymal condensation in the dorsal mesogastrium of the lesser sac. In the following weeks these early mesenchymal cells differentiate to a vascular lymphatic pedicle that eventually forms the spleen. Smaller condensations that develop near the hilum of the spleen form accessory spleens. When the embryo is about 10 cm in length the dorsal mesogastrium can be divided into a posterior part and an anterior part. The posterior part, from the posterior abdominal wall to the spleen, is eventually invaded by the pancreatic bud, which grows as far as the hilum and later fuses with the peritoneum of the posterior abdominal wall ventral to the left kidney to form the splenorenal ligament. In this dorsal structure the splenic artery and vein develop.

The anterior part of the dorsal mesogastrium develops into the gastrosplenic ligament and contains the short gastric vessels. It is now clear that the spleen is of mesenchymal origin and does not originate from the embryonic ento- dermal gut.

The splenic condensation forms a trabecular structure resulting in a mesh and ending up in the connective supportive structure of the spleen. The isolated free cells in this network differentiate into hematopoietic cells in the next months of gestation. Other cells derived from the sinusoids of the splenic artery specialize to participate in the reticuloendothelial system [1].


The normal spleen cannot be palpated as it lies at the dorsal side of the left upper quadrant of the abdomen and its surface covers an oval area of the diaphragm, the hilum being pro- jected ventrally depending on the distension of the stomach. As the tail of the pancreas is the Achilles heel of splenectomy, detailed knowl- edge of the peritoneal reflections of the spleen is essential. Starting from the gastrosplenic lig- ament it divides at the hilum. The anterior sheet covers the surface of the spleen and reflects to the anterior surface of the left kidney. The pos- terior sheet encloses the splenic vessels and reflects to the dorsal peritoneum. The inferior part rests upon the phrenicocolic ligament and is, if connected with this ligament, a pref- erential place for rupture of the capsule and bleeding.

The abundant arterial vasculature of the spleen arises from the splenic artery and comes from the celiac trunk, running, sometimes tortuously, all along the upper border of the 5

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The Spleen

Hugo W. Tilanus


pancreas and ending in a number of smaller branches that vascularize the spleen. Two branches, the superior polar artery and the left gastroepiploic artery, serve a special func- tion. The superior polar artery is one of the early branches of the splenic artery and divides into the short gastric vessels before entering the spleen. The intrasplenic arterial supply in divided into three segments, creating a superior, middle and inferior segment.

The left gastroepiploic artery, one of the most inferior branches of the splenic artery, vascu- larizes the greater curvature distal to the short gastric vessels and mostly anastomoses with the right gastroepiploic artery.

Some large veins join at the splenic hilum to form the splenic vein, which runs a straight course to the portal vein, and receiving the infe- rior mesenteric vein.

The spleen is created in units called the red pulp and the white pulp. The red pulp contains the vascular structures: the pulp sinuses and pulp cords that are lined by reticuloendothelial cells and filled with blood. The white pulp con- sists of arterioles surrounded by periarteriolar T lymphocytes. A zone of B lymphocytes that also contain the germinal centers made up of B cells and macrophages surrounds this central area of the white pulp. The most peripheral layer of the white pulp is another B-cell layer, the marginal zone.

Once inside the spleen, the blood flow from the branches of the splenic artery enters firstly the trabeculae and from there goes into the small central arteries dividing into the arterial capillaries. The periarteriolar lymphoid sheet of T cells surrounded by B cells continues along the arterial vessels until they become small arte- rioles. Red blood cells pass from the central arteries to pulp cords and further through crit- ical small openings in the sinus endothelium to the spleen sinuses and the spleen venous system. During this passage through the white pulp, aged red blood cells, nuclear material, denaturated hemoglobin and other debris are retained in the pulp cords and phagocytosed by macrophages [2].

Physiology and Function

The role of the spleen as an important func- tional organ, not only in childhood but also in

adults, should not be underestimated. For the surgeon this should lead to careful handling of the spleen in elective abdominal surgery in order to avoid injury, preventing splenectomy and to a conservative approach in case of trauma of the spleen without jeopardizing the patient’s health. It is therefore important to remember the four major physiologic functions of the spleen.

1. The spleen is an important organ in the clearance of microorganisms and unwanted antigens from the circula- tion. Moreover it generates immune responses to foreign antigens, especially by the production of IgM antibodies.

Opsonic proteins produced in the spleen promote phagocytosis and initiate com- plement activation, resulting in destruc- tion of bacteria and foreign or abnormal cells. Especially against bacteria in the bloodstream that are not recognized by the host’s immune system, the spleen is a major second line of defense. When a specific antibody in the liver is missing for bacterial removal, the spleen becomes the site for this action.

2. In addition to sequestration and removal of older normal red blood cells, the spleen is able to remove abnormal red blood cells, e.g. morphologically abnor- mal erythrocytes such as spherocytes and sickled cells. As the spleen removes immunoglobin-coated blood cells it is the place of destruction in a variety of autoimmune diseases. Intraerythro- cytic parasites as in malaria are also removed in the white pulp. In addition, the blood flow rate plays an important role in the filtering function of the spleen. In splenic vein thrombosis result- ing in stasis this leads to increased red cell removal.

3. The spleen has a “buffer-like” function in regulation of the portal flow and in pathological conditions like portal hypertension.

4. The spleen has an important auxiliary function in the production of red blood cells when normal hematopoiesis in bone marrow fails as in hematological diseases [3].

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Enlargement of the spleen is a symptom of a large variety of diseases. The enlargement is due to an increase in cellularity and vascularity and the most important groups of diseases are:

1. Infections like bacterial septicemias, viral and parasitic infections and splenic abscess.

2. Diseases related to abnormal red blood cells like spherocytosis and sickle cell anemia.

3. Infiltrative enlargement as seen in benign amyloidosis and Gaucher’s disease or in malignant leukemias and lymphomas.

4. Altered splenic blood flow. This group of diseases can be divided into an isolated outflow obstruction of the splenic vein only as in splenic vein thrombosis or enlargement of the spleen as in general- ized portal hypertension.

5. Immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythem atosus.

6. Hypersplenism. The spleen removes excessive quantities of blood cells from the circulation leading to anemia and platelet reduction. Hypersplenism occurs in the course of an underlying disease or is idiopathic.

The degree of the splenomegaly and the symptoms vary with the underlying disease.

A fast increase in diameter provokes upper abdominal discomfort and local tenderness becoming extreme pain when splenic infarction occurs in acute disease. Massive enlargement can be completely asymptomatic as in portal hypertension or hemolytic anemias or other more chronic diseases. At physical examination splenomegaly can easily be missed if the exam- ination is not started in the left lower quad- rant of the abdomen with the patient in a left- sided position. Other techniques to assess the size of the spleen are ultrasound scanning, com- puted tomography and 99Tc-colloid liver-spleen scan [4].

Indications for Splenectomy

The indications for splenectomy can be arbi- trarily divided into two large groups – hemato- logic disorders or trauma. The hematologic disorders comprise platelet disorders like idio- pathic thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hypersplenism in which low platelet count is accompanied by depression of one or more of the formed ele- ments of blood, red cells white cells and platelets. Splenectomy for staging of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has decreased over the last 10 years and is no longer the most important diagnostic test for these diseases.

Splenectomy for trauma can be divided into sur- gical trauma of the spleen, especially during upper abdominal surgery leading to accidental splenectomy, and accidents involving blunt trauma of the spleen.

Splenectomy for

Hematologic Disorders

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

ITP is caused by a circulating antiplatelet factor identified as an IgG antibody directed towards a platelet-associated antigen. There is no evi- dence for a clear autoimmune entity. Most patients are women in their late thirties but the percentage of men is increasing, as is the total incidence. Spontaneous and easy bruising and bleeding are the most common first symptoms.

Petechiae, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding and men- orrhagia are often seen and reflect the number of platelets being mostly under 20 000/mm3 in serious blood loss. ITP is diagnosed after exclusion of other underlying illnesses or med- ications like sulfonamides and quinine, which can induce thrombocytopenia. An otherwise normal blood count, a normal bone marrow aspirate and a not enlarged spleen support the diagnosis. There is an increased megakaryocyte mass in combination with a greatly shortened platelet survival. The amount of circulating antiplatelet-associated antibodies mirrors the 111

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severity of the disease. These antibodies are preferentially produced in the spleen: liver and bone marrow are less involved. One-third of the total circulating platelets are harbored within the spleen so most platelets are destroyed there.

Prednisone therapy does not prevent destruc- tion but the increased platelet count is the result of increased platelet production. Most patients improve with corticosteroid therapy but complete and sustained remission of ITP is only achieved in up to 25% of patients.

Splenectomy is performed in patients who are completely or partially refractory to corticos- teroids. Sustained remission is more probable in patients who showed an initial response to cor- ticosteroid therapy. Most patients are referred after failure of the initial corticosteroid therapy, which should be continued during surgery.

Immunization with polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine should be administered preferably 10 to 14 days before splenectomy. High dose intra- venous gammaglobulin is effective in increasing the platelet count in patients refractory to corticosteroids especially in urgent cases such as intracranial hemorrhage. Nearly 80 to 90% of patients develop a normal sustained platelet count after splenectomy [5–7].

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)

In thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura platelet microthrombi depositions occlude arte- rioles and capillaries resulting in intravascular depositions of hyaline material consisting of platelets and fibrin. The etiology is unknown but the disease may be initiated by connective tissue disorders like lupus erythematosus, bac- terial and viral stimuli, malignancies and AIDS.

The clinical picture is dominated by hemoly- sis. Anemia occurs in association with frag- mented red blood cells in the peripheral blood, an elevated reticulocytes and thrombocytope- nia. As the disease progresses over weeks or months, patients, primarily young adults and more often women, die of progressive renal failure and brain involvement with a 1-year sur- vival of less than 10% in untreated patients.

Treatment consists of plasmapheresis with infusion of fresh frozen plasma, antiplatelet agents and high dose corticosteroids in combi- nation with removal of a normal to moderately

enlarged spleen. The explanation of the response to splenectomy is not clarified but the majority of long-term survivors have under- gone this procedure [8].

Hodgkin’s Disease

Hodgkin’s disease, described by Thomas Hodgkin in 1832, usually presents with localized lymphomas that spread to lymphoid structures elsewhere in the body. Half of the patients present with lymph nodes in the neck or the supraclavicular region and half of them present with mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The disease is characterized by the unique multinuclear giant cell, the Sternberg–Reed cell.

Most patients are asymptomatic at first pre- sentation but weight loss, fever, night sweats and pruritus, the so-called B symptoms, some- times accompanied by the characteristic inter- mittent high, Pel–Ebstein fever, are signs of widespread disease and carry a bad prognosis.

Anemia, leucocytosis, and eosinophilia are common. In 1966 the Rye classification was introduced and has been unaltered since then.

There are four histologic subgroups identified in decreasing order of prognosis: the lympho- cyte predominant group, the nodular sclerotic group, the mixed cellular group and the lym- phocyte depleted group. Staging is based on the lymph node region involved. In stage 1 disease, the lymph nodes of one region, above or below the diaphragm, are involved. Stage 2 includes two affected lymph node regions on one side of the diaphragm. Stage 3 refers to lymph node involvement above and below the diaphragm and stage 4 describes disseminated disease to extranodal organs on both sides of the diaphragm. It is important to remember that treatment and prognosis in Hodgkin’s disease are dependent on stage of the disease whereas in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, treatment and prognosis are largely based on histologic subtype.

Controversy exists regarding the role of staging laparotomy and splenectomy in the diagnosis and treatment of Hodgkin’s disease as the introduction of non-invasive diagnostic tests and less toxic chemotherapy make this procedure less and less indicated. Today, staging laparotomy is indicated in selected patients only and includes splenectomy, liver biopsy, intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal

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lymph node sampling according to clinical find- ings and the outcome of preoperative diagnos- tics. A review of the different therapeutical strategies for the different stages of Hodgkin’s disease is beyond the scope of this chapter [9].

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) are mostly detected as an abdominal mass or as hepatic and/or splenic enlargement in addition to medi- astinal and peripheral lymphadenopathy and in combination with general symptoms such as night sweats, weight loss and fever. NHL spreads fast to distant nodal and extranodal sites through the bloodstream.

Chemotherapy and radiation are the first-line therapeutic options based on histologic features and the stage of the disease. Splenectomy is only indicated in patients with primary NHL in the spleen presenting with symptomatic splenic enlargement due to parenchymal tumor infil- tration or in order to correct hypersplenism, which is the result of hematological depression with anemia and thrombocytopenia. In this sit- uation splenectomy relieves the discomfort of splenomegaly and the systemic effects of hyper- splenism [10].

The Spleen in Chronic Leukaemia

The spleen is often involved in different forms of leukemia like chronic lymphocytic, chronic myeloid and hairy cell leukemia.

In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) lymph node enlargement is the most common finding and progressive splenomegaly is present in most patients. There is as yet no curative therapy but due to effective medical treatment with chemotherapeutic agents and corticos- teroids combined with irradiation most patients can be palliated for up to 10 years or more. In later stages CLL is often complicated by autoim- mune hemolytic anemia, which is an indication for the removal of an often very large spleen, up to more than 6 kg in severe cases. This leads to hematologic improvement in the large majority of patients but does not improve survival.

In chronic myeloid leukemia splenomegaly is a common finding together with lym- phadenopathy, hepatomegaly and sternal ten- derness. A myeloblastic crises results in death from infection or bleeding within weeks or

months. Splenectomy is only indicated in a small group of patients with severe thrombocy- topenia and anemia or for relief of pain due to splenomegaly or infarction.

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is an uncommon form of leukemia presenting with moder- ate splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and lym- phadenopathy. It is characterized by malignant cells with “hairy” cytoplasmic filamentous pro- jections in the peripheral blood. The majority of patients are elderly men presenting with moderate to severe pancytopenia resulting in anemia, thrombocytopenic bleeding, neutrope- nia and recurrent infections. For patients with diffuse manifestations of HCL especially in bone marrow and severe cytopenia, interferon in combination with pentostatin is remarkably effective. Splenectomy especially in an early stage of the disease leads to improvement of symptoms in half of the patients [11,12].

Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias

Hemolysis resulting in hemolytic anemia must be quite severe as the normal bone marrow can produce erythrocytes up to eight times the normal production. Congenital disorders have an intrinsic defect involving different metabolic functions and structures of the red cell. The clinical picture consists of pallor and/or jaun- dice and biliary complications due to the exces- sive amount of bilirubin to be disposed of by the biliary system. Mild to moderate symptoms often already manifest at a young age. Heredi- tary spherocytosis, sickle cell anemia and tha- lassaemia are the most common hereditary disorders that benefit from splenectomy [13,14].

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is an acquired disease caused by antibody production against the own red cells. A positive direct Coombs test is discriminating for AIHA. There are two forms, which are classified as warm or cold reactive depending on the affinity of the antibody to the red cell at 37°C and at temperatures approaching 0°C. Warm antibod- ies are usually IgG whereas cold antibodies mostly concern IgM immunoglobulins. The latter bind to red cells in the peripheral, cold circulation leading to immediate or delayed hemolysis.

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AIHA may be associated with drugs especially penicillins, with viral infections such as infec- tious mononucleosis and with leukemias and lymphoproliferative disorders. Treatment dir- ected at the hemolytic anemia consists of trans- fusion of blood, corticosteroids and splenec- tomy when conservative medical therapy fails.

The response rate to splenectomy is high, up to 80% of patients, especially when there is a high degree of sequestration in the spleen [15].

Principles of Elective Splenectomy

Before elective splenectomy is planned, patients should receive polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine, polyvalent meningococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae vaccine. Blood prod- ucts should be ordered at an early stage, as cross-matching is sometimes difficult, espe- cially in acquired haemolytic anemias and isoantibodies. Some patients may have devel- oped cold hemagglutinins so blood and blood products should be warmed before transfusion.

Open Splenectomy

The midline upper abdominal incision is pre- ferred in virtually all splenectomies. Neither in very large spleens, nor in trauma, are thoracoab- dominal incisions necessary. The lateral surface is palpated carefully in order to rule out adhe- sions. If present they can be divided sharply. In rare cases the spleen can be firmly adhered to the lateral abdominal wall and laceration of the capsule should be prevented by sharp division of its posterior attachments. During splenectomy it is important to remember the local anatomy.

The gastrosplenic ligament covers the vascular structures at the ventral side, divides at the hilum and covers the surface of the spleen. The dorsal part envelops the vessels and reflects to the dorsal peritoneum. After division of this dorsal part of the splenic ligament the spleen can be mobilized in most cases, leaving the tail of the pancreas in place. Thereafter the splenic artery and vein and the short gastric vessels can be divided. The tail of the pancreas is the Achilles heel of the procedure.

Mobilization of the tail can lead to pancreati- tis and injury to the pancreatic duct of the tail

can lead to pseudocyst formation. Special care should be taken of the stomach fundic vessels.

A ligature can very easily catch a small part of the stomach wall leading to perforation.

Especially in very large spleens some authors prefer an early and more central ligation of the splenic vessels in order to prevent massive hemorrhage during the splenectomy phase.

Draining of the left upper abdominal space is not routinely advised and should be restricted to cases with large blood loss or pancreatic damage [16].

Laparoscopic Splenectomy

Laparoscopic splenectomy has gained wide acceptance since the first reports in 1999. There is no longer an absolute contraindication and some large series highlighted the many advan- tages of the laparoscopic procedure especially in adults and children with hematological disor- ders. There are relative contraindications, e.g. a higher complication rate is seen in patients with or after portal hypertension or splenic abscess predisposing for perisplenitis. Massive spleens remain a challenge with a high failure rate in early series. Successful laparoscopic removal of spleens with a diameter over 30 cm has been reported; but rather than the absolute diameter, the relationship between the patient’s body size and the size of the spleen, the splenic index, is the limiting factor. A splenic index of 0.2 being normal, a patient with an index exceeding 0.76 is unlikely to benefit from a laparoscopic approach. In a series of over 200 splenectomies for mostly hematologic disorders the laparo- scopic procedure was successful in 97% of patients.

In the right decubitus position, open inser- tion of the first trocar is advised and pneu- moperitoneum is obtained. three to four ports are placed along an arch concentric to the spleen and 3 cm distal to the costal margin. The lateral splenic attachments are divided leaving the uppermost fibrous bands intact to facilitate exposure. The two layers of the gastrosplenic ligament are opened and the short gastric vessels are elevated and divided. Not before the spleen is completely mobilized is the hilum divided with an endoscopic linear stapler, avoiding damage to the tail of the pancreas. This last step is more difficult in large spleens as they tend to turn dorsally, which complicates

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placement of the stapler. A nylon bag is manip- ulated around the spleen after which the last superior fibers are severed. The spleen is mor- cellated or completely retrieved through the largest trocar opening [17].

The Spleen in Trauma

In cases of blunt and especially high velocity trauma information regarding direction of the force, vertical or horizontal, and the nature of the force, compression or deceleration, is of the utmost importance. Information should be obtained about prior operations or diseases of the spleen, as the enlarged spleen is especially prone to injury.

Splenic injury produces vague abdominal symptoms with occasionally left shoulder pain caused by free intra-abdominal blood which causes only a mild irritation of the peritoneum.

Skin lesions may be helpful in the diagnosis, as are lower left rib fractures and pelvic fracture.

Shock and hypotension are late symptoms that are seen after major loss of circulating volume of 30% or more. Physical findings are more often than not disappointing, especially in the polytraumatic patient with multiple fractures that provide another explanation for sometimes major blood loss and instability.

Effective resuscitation in the shock room is mandatory before evaluation is performed.

Direct laparotomy is performed in persisting unstable patients but mostly there is time for further evaluation with diagnostic peritoneal lavage to confirm intra-abdominal blood loss, ultrasound and or CT scan. Delayed symptoms in case of rupture of a subcapsular hematoma can develop days or weeks after the primary trauma. Splenic injury is classified according to a number of grading systems in order to stan- dardize the impact and to formulate therapeu- tic guidelines. The most current of these is the Organ Injury Scaling of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, which grades the injury from grade 1: subcapsular haematoma, to grade 5: a completely shattered spleen.

Non-operative management by observation alone is historically associated with a mortality approaching 90%. With current diagnostic modalities, however, there is a place for conser- vative treatment which should be weighed

against the grading of the injury, the age of the patient, the risk of mortality of the asplenic con- dition and the risk of blood transfusion [18–20].

Planned observation in children with splenic injury has gained acceptance. The juvenile spleen contains more connective tissue than the spleen in adults, which is a possible explanation for the relative resistance of the parenchyma to hematoma formation. Several series report success rates for conservative treatment in children of 90% or more. Furthermore, due to their expected long lifespan they are more patient-years prone to overwhelming post- splenectomy infection as compared to adults, which is a further argument for conservative treatment or spleen-saving surgery [21].

Splenectomy after Trauma

Splenectomy in trauma follows essentially the same guidelines as in elective splenectomy.

A midline upper abdominal incision should suffice in virtually all patients. Close collabora- tion with the anesthesiologist is mandatory before entering the abdominal cavity as the sudden drop in intra-abdominal pressure due to the evacuation of a large quantity of blood may lead to sudden hypotension. The large amount of free intra-abdominal blood should be removed carefully: injury to other organs should be prevented at this sometimes rather hectic stage. After removal of the free and clotted blood the left upper abdomen is packed before careful assessment of the splenic injury is performed and other causes of major bleed- ing are excluded. Splenic injury is graded from grade 1, injury of the splenic capsule to grade 4, complex splenic fractures. Total splenectomy should be performed in all patients who remain in shock or who have other life-threatening injuries intra- or extra-abdominally. In the absence of extrasplenic sources of bleeding the choice of treatment is mainly dictated by the grading of the bleeding. Grade 1 bleedings are better left alone in most cases, but if hemosta- sis is needed direct pressure with the addition of topical hemostatic material like thrombin fleece will suffice. Grade 2 injuries include larger hematomas and deeper lacerations and are initially also treated with compression and hemostatic agents. The procedure can be repeated once or twice, evaluating the blood 111

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loss in between. Grade 3 bleeding is not stopped with the above-mentioned measures and needs careful suture transfixion over pro- tecting Gelfoam or Surgicel pledgets. The firmer capsule and parenchyma in children permits direct suturing in most cases. In grade 3, multi- ple deep lacerations and extensive capsule loss, the bleeding may be treated by wrapping the spleen in an absorbable woven polyglycolic acid mesh. The mesh is wrapped around the spleen under controlled tension and the vascular inflow and outflow in the hilum is left uncom- promised by a keyhole in the wrap to prevent, especially venous, obstruction that could add to the bleeding. In grade 4, complex splenic frac- tures, partial resection is possible with suturing of the cutting edge over Teflon pledgets, but total splenectomy is performed in most cases.

All efforts to prevent total splenectomy in trauma of the spleen should be weighed against the possibility of persistent bleeding or rebleed- ing and the possibility of post-splenectomy infection [22,23].

Post-splenectomy Complications

Rebleeding after splenic repair or splenectomy results from inadequate hemostasis of the short gastric vessels or the splenic hilar vasculature and occurs in 1.5–2.5% of cases, repair being more prone to persistent bleeding than excision.

Early re-operation is advised in most cases.

Thrombocytosis of more than 400 000/cm3 occurs in half of the patients after splenectomy, suggesting an increased risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, but antiplatelet therapy is not recommended unless the platelet count exceeds 1 million/cm3.

Pneumonia, pleural effusion and subphrenic abscess are the most frequent complications after splenectomy. The rate of abscess forma- tion is possibly higher in patients with bowel perforation after trauma and after drainage of the left upper quadrant.

Postoperative infections are possibly less frequent after a splenic salvage procedure than after total splenectomy but splenectomy alone may not be an independent risk factor for the development of postoperative infectious complications.

The risk of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection, first suggested by Morris and Bullock in 1919, is considered the greatest in children under 5 years of age and during the first years after splenectomy but it is in fact a lifelong one.

It is estimated to be between 0.8% and 0.026%

in children and adults but the mortality rate is extremely high. A recent survey by Waghorn [24] suggests that the increased risk of life- threatening post-splenectomy sepsis persists in adults and that the mortality rate varies between 50 and 70%. The majority of patients are under 50 years of age and in good health without further underlying disease. In contrast to earlier findings, which suggest that there is a decreas- ing risk with increasing interval, this analysis showed that the increased risk is indeed lifelong.

The clinical picture is typified by the onset of nausea, vomiting and confusion leading to coma and death within hours after the onset of symptoms. Disseminated intravascular coag- ulation, hypoglycemia and electrolyte distur- bances are symptoms of progressive and often fatal septicemia. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Meningococcus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Haemophilus inflenzae are the most common microorganisms in decreasing order of frequency [24]. The recommendations for prevention include splenic autotransplantation, immunization with, at least, pneumococcal vaccine, antibiotic prophylaxis before surgery and prevention of animal and tick bites.

Splenic autotransplantation was thought to prevent overwhelming post-splenectomy infec- tion but remains controversial as, experimen- tally, the critical amount of splenic tissue needed to keep its function is at least 30%. Although splenic tissue can be autotransplanted success- fully, the number of transplanted splenocytes seems insufficient to function against microbial challenge.

The current pneumococcal vaccines, although not completely protecting, cover the serotypes responsible for 90% of bacteremias.

Protection is not lifelong and revaccination is recommended possibly best based on antibody measurements. Moreover the protection by vac- cination is not complete and prophylaxis with penicillin has been recommended, especially in children under the age of 5 years, gradually changing to antibiotic therapy at the first signs of infection in patients over 18 years of age [25,26].

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The normal spleen is, in infancy and in adult- hood, an important and immunocompetent organ that should be preserved in elective and in trauma surgery. Removal of a diseased spleen especially in hematologic disorders carries a high morbidity, although this has dramatically decreased with the introduction of laparoscopic splenectomy, which is now the treatment of choice. Overwhelming post-splenectomy sepsis is a lifelong risk that requires adequate preven- tion and treatment.


1. What is the tissue of origin of the spleen?

2. Describe the vascular supply of the spleen.

3. What is the risk of a splenectomy?


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