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(1)ABSTRACT The objective of this project is to design new spaces of accommodation for tourists that have come to experience the wild and unspoiled nature of the Santorini Island


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "(1)ABSTRACT The objective of this project is to design new spaces of accommodation for tourists that have come to experience the wild and unspoiled nature of the Santorini Island"


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The objective of this project is to design new spaces of accommodation

for tourists that have come to experience the wild and unspoiled nature of

the Santorini Island.

The main design parameters derive from a cultural point of view inspired by the Santorini nature and research of existing cultural architecture that provide guidelines in the design process.

There will be a consideration for the local weather and hence a consideration for the requirements and demands for suitable use of material and construction.

A great source of inspiration in this project are the traditional cycladic architecture: white painted villages that

stand on the top of the high red-coloured cliffs.

They have high cultural value and have contributed in making Santorini one of the top destinations in the world.

From a closer investigation of these architectures the desire is to learn tools and methods with focus on tectonic and sustainability in order to create a space of accommodation that integrates with the atmosphere of the

unspoiled islands and is incorporated with qualities that can enhance the experience of the architectural history, the wild nature and the culture of the Santorini people.


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