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Programma di lingua e civiltà inglese


Academic year: 2021

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Programma di lingua e civiltà inglese A.S. 2020/2021

Classe III A S.U.

Insegnante: Alessandra Cossu


Dal libro di testo AMAZING MINDS COMPACT, Pearson

. From the Celts to the War of the Roses (Celtic Britain, The Roman Invasion, End of the Roman occupation and beginning of Anglo-Saxon England, Vikings raids, The Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror, King John signs the Magna Carta, The War of the Roses) pagg.18-21

. The Feudal System, The Magna Carta, From the Celts to the Normans, materiale in classroom

. Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales: A Timeless Masterpiece, Chaucer’s Legacy (p.33), A Portrait of English Society, The Pilgrimage, Social Subversion (pagg. 34-35), Story telling in the Middle Ages (p. 44)

. The Wife of Bath's Tale, materiale in classroom

. The English Renaissance: From the Tudors to the Stuart Dynasty (pagg. 58-60) e materiale in classroom

. The Spanish Armada Speech pagg.70-71

. The Elizabethan theatres, Actors- playwrights and audience, The mise en scene pagg.66-67 e materiale in classroom

. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: Plot, Main Themes (love- fate), Main Characters, A pair of star- crossed lovers, The balcony scene (pagg 86-92) e materiale in classroom

Educazione Civica

The Magna Carta – Classroom

Human Rights: the right to education (pagg. 250-251) e materiale n classroom

Tutti gli argomenti sono stati oggetto di approfondimento, sintesi ed esercitazione per gli studenti non solo in classe, ma anche in classroom, piattaforma G-Suite, in cui sono stati caricati materiali ed esercitazioni tutti verificati e valutati.



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