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On the approximation of the principal eigenvalue for a class of nonlinear elliptic operators


Academic year: 2022

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On the approximation of the principal eigenvalue for a class of nonlinear elliptic operators

Fabio Camilli

("Sapienza" Università di Roma) joint work with

I.Birindelli ("Sapienza") I.Capuzzo Dolcetta ("Sapienza")


Linear operator in divergence form

Consider the eigenvalue problem

( Lϕ + λϕ = 0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

whereLϕ(x ) = div (A(x )∇ϕ(x )) + b · Dϕ + cϕ for smooth functions A, b, c in Ω with ξtAξ ≥ α|ξ|2for some α > 0.

Let λ1be theprincipal eigenvalue (i.e. the smallest eigenvalue in modulus), then

λ1is real and simple

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1∈ H01(Ω)which ispositive.

λ1≤ Re(λ) for any other eigenvalue λ.

In the symmetric case (b = 0), λ1is given by theRayleigh-Ritz variational formula

λ1= inf



∇ϕtA∇ϕ + cϕ2dx kϕk2L2(Ω)


Linear operator in divergence form

Consider the eigenvalue problem

( Lϕ + λϕ = 0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

whereLϕ(x ) = div (A(x )∇ϕ(x )) + b · Dϕ + cϕ for smooth functions A, b, c in Ω with ξtAξ ≥ α|ξ|2for some α > 0.

Let λ1be theprincipal eigenvalue (i.e. the smallest eigenvalue in modulus), then

λ1is real and simple

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1∈ H01(Ω)which ispositive.

λ1≤ Re(λ) for any other eigenvalue λ.

In the symmetric case (b = 0), λ1is given by theRayleigh-Ritz variational formula

λ1= inf



∇ϕtA∇ϕ + cϕ2dx kϕk2L2(Ω)


Linear operator in divergence form

Consider the eigenvalue problem

( Lϕ + λϕ = 0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

whereLϕ(x ) = div (A(x )∇ϕ(x )) + b · Dϕ + cϕ for smooth functions A, b, c in Ω with ξtAξ ≥ α|ξ|2for some α > 0.

Let λ1be theprincipal eigenvalue (i.e. the smallest eigenvalue in modulus), then

λ1is real and simple

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1∈ H01(Ω)which ispositive.

λ1≤ Re(λ) for any other eigenvalue λ.

In the symmetric case (b = 0), λ1is given by theRayleigh-Ritz variational formula

λ1= inf



∇ϕtA∇ϕ + cϕ2dx kϕk2L2(Ω)


Linear operator in divergence form

Consider the eigenvalue problem

( Lϕ + λϕ = 0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

whereLϕ(x ) = div (A(x )∇ϕ(x )) + b · Dϕ + cϕ for smooth functions A, b, c in Ω with ξtAξ ≥ α|ξ|2for some α > 0.

Let λ1be theprincipal eigenvalue (i.e. the smallest eigenvalue in modulus), then

λ1is real and simple

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1∈ H01(Ω)which ispositive.

λ1≤ Re(λ) for any other eigenvalue λ.

In the symmetric case (b = 0), λ1is given by theRayleigh-Ritz variational formula

λ1= inf



∇ϕtA∇ϕ + cϕ2dx kϕk2L2(Ω)



An approximation of λ1can be computed via discretization of the weak formulation


(−A∇ϕ∇ψ + b∇ϕ ψ + cϕψ) dx = λ1 Z

ϕψdx ∀ψ ∈ H01(Ω)

by means of standardP1finite elementsresulting in the linear equation AhΦ = λh1BhΦ


• Ahis the stiffness matrix;

• Bhthe mass matrix.


It can be proved that λh1→ λ1as h → 0 and the convergence is of order h2.


Note that is Lu(x ) = div (A(x )∇u(x )), then λh1is given by

λh1= inf

x ∈RNh,x 6=0

−xtAhx kxk2

which is the finite dimensional analogous of theRayleigh-Ritz variational formula

λ1= inf


− R

∇ϕtA∇ϕ dx kϕk2


Some references:

• Weinberger, Variational methods for eigenvalue approximation, CBMS, 15

• Babuska-Osborn, Math. Comp.,1989

• Boffi, Acta Numerica 2010

• Huang, J. Comput. Phys., 2014


Nonlinear operator

Let F [u] := F (x , u, Du, D2u) be auniformly elliptic operator, positive homogenous of degree 1(i.e. F [tu] = tF [u] for t ≥ 0). Then the principal eigenvalue for F is defined by means of the formula

λ1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ > 0 in Ω, F [ϕ] + λϕ ≤ 0 };

(from now on all the (in)equalities have to be intended in viscosity sense).

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λ1ϕ =0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

ϕ1is the only eigenfunction that does not change sign.


For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for F [·] + λ, i.e.

If u is such that F [u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ω, u ≤ 0 on ∂Ω then u ≤ 0 in Ω.


Nonlinear operator

Let F [u] := F (x , u, Du, D2u) be auniformly elliptic operator, positive homogenous of degree 1(i.e. F [tu] = tF [u] for t ≥ 0). Then the principal eigenvalue for F is defined by means of the formula

λ1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ > 0 in Ω, F [ϕ] + λϕ ≤ 0 };

(from now on all the (in)equalities have to be intended in viscosity sense).

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λ1ϕ =0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

ϕ1is the only eigenfunction that does not change sign.


For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for F [·] + λ, i.e.

If u is such that F [u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ω, u ≤ 0 on ∂Ω then u ≤ 0 in Ω.


Nonlinear operator

Let F [u] := F (x , u, Du, D2u) be auniformly elliptic operator, positive homogenous of degree 1(i.e. F [tu] = tF [u] for t ≥ 0). Then the principal eigenvalue for F is defined by means of the formula

λ1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ > 0 in Ω, F [ϕ] + λϕ ≤ 0 };

(from now on all the (in)equalities have to be intended in viscosity sense).

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λ1ϕ =0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

ϕ1is the only eigenfunction that does not change sign.


For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for F [·] + λ, i.e.

If u is such that F [u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ω, u ≤ 0 on ∂Ω then u ≤ 0 in Ω.


Nonlinear operator

Let F [u] := F (x , u, Du, D2u) be auniformly elliptic operator, positive homogenous of degree 1(i.e. F [tu] = tF [u] for t ≥ 0). Then the principal eigenvalue for F is defined by means of the formula

λ1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ > 0 in Ω, F [ϕ] + λϕ ≤ 0 };

(from now on all the (in)equalities have to be intended in viscosity sense).

There is an eigenfunction ϕ1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λ1ϕ =0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

ϕ1is the only eigenfunction that does not change sign.


For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for F [·] + λ, i.e.

If u is such that F [u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ω, u ≤ 0 on ∂Ω then u ≤ 0 in Ω.


Observe that by definition for anyλ ≤ λ1there exists ϕ > 0 such that F [ϕ](x ) + λϕ(x ) ≤ 0 ∀x ∈ Ω


λ ≤ inf

x ∈Ω−F [ϕ](x )

ϕ(x ) = −sup

x ∈Ω

F [ϕ](x ) ϕ(x ) and therefore

λ ≤sup


− sup

x ∈Ω

F [ϕ](x ) ϕ(x )

= − inf


x ∈Ω

F [ϕ](x ) ϕ(x ) .

For λ = λ1the equality holds in the previous formula and therefore λ1= − inf


x ∈Ω

F [ϕ](x ) ϕ(x )


The previous formula is similar to an identity characterizing the effective Hamiltonian, i.e.

H(P) = inf



x ∈Tn

H(P + Dxϕ,x )

This formula was used byGomes-Oberman (Sicon 2004) to get the following approximation of ¯H

Hh(P) = inf


x ∈Th

H(P + Dxϕ,x )

where Th is a triangulation of Tnwith cells of diameter smaller than h and C(Th)is the collection of continuous piecewise linear grid

functions which interpolate given nodal values.

The computation of Hh(P) is given by afinite dimensional optimization problem.


The previous formula is similar to an identity characterizing the effective Hamiltonian, i.e.

H(P) = inf



x ∈Tn

H(P + Dxϕ,x )

This formula was used byGomes-Oberman (Sicon 2004) to get the following approximation of ¯H

Hh(P) = inf


x ∈Th

H(P + Dxϕ,x )

where Th is a triangulation of Tnwith cells of diameter smaller than h and C(Th)is the collection of continuous piecewise linear grid

functions which interpolate given nodal values.

The computation of Hh(P) is given by afinite dimensional optimization problem.


A general class of difference operators

Let hZnbe the orthogonal lattice in Rnwhere h > 0 is a discretization parameter and Chthe space of the mesh functions defined on

h= Ω ⊂ Znh. Consider a discrete operator Fhdefined by Fh[u](x ) := Fh(x , u(x ), [u]x)


h > 0 is the discretization parameter (h is meant to tend to 0), x ∈ Ωhis a grid point

u ∈ Ch

[·]x represents the stencil of the scheme, i.e. the points in Ωh\{x}

where the value of u are computed for writing the scheme at the point x (we assume that [w ]x is independent of w (y ) for

|x − y | > Mh for some fixed M ∈ N).


FollowingKuo-Trudinger (Siam J.Num.Analysis 1992) we introduce some basic assumptions for the difference operator Fh:

(i) The operator Fhis ofpositive type, i.e. for all x ∈ Ωh, z, τ ∈ R, u, η ∈ Chsatisfying 0 ≤ η(y ) ≤ τ for each y ∈ Ωh, then

Fh(x , z, [u + η]x) ≥Fh(x , z, [u]x) ≥Fh(x , z + τ, [u + η]x) (ii) The operator Fhispositive homogeneous, i.e. for all x ∈ Ωh,

z ∈ R, u ∈ Chand t ≥ 0, then

Fh(x , tz, [tu]x) =tFh(x , z, [u]x).

(iii) The family of operator {Fh,0 < h ≤ h0}, where h0is a positive constant, isconsistentwith operator F on the domain Ω ⊂ Rn, i.e. for each u ∈ C2(Ω)



F (x , u(x ), Du(x ), D2u(x )) − Fh(x , u(x ), [u]x)

→ 0 as h → 0, uniformly on compact subset of Ω.


As in the continuous case, we define a principal eigenvalue for Fh by means of the formula

λh1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ ∈ Ch, ϕ >0 in Ωh, Fh[ϕ] + λϕ ≤0 };

There is an eigenfunction ϕh1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λh1ϕ =0 in Ωh,

ϕ =0 on ΩCh,

For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for Fh+ λ, i.e.

If u is such that Fh[u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ωhand u ≤ 0 on ΩCh, then u ≤ 0 in Ωh.

λh1is given by the finite dimensional optimization problem

λh1= − inf

ϕ∈Ch, ϕ>0sup

x ∈Ωh

Fh[ϕ](x ) ϕ(x )


As in the continuous case, we define a principal eigenvalue for Fh by means of the formula

λh1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ ∈ Ch, ϕ >0 in Ωh, Fh[ϕ] + λϕ ≤0 };

There is an eigenfunction ϕh1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λh1ϕ =0 in Ωh,

ϕ =0 on ΩCh,

For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for Fh+ λ, i.e.

If u is such that Fh[u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ωhand u ≤ 0 on ΩCh, then u ≤ 0 in Ωh.

λh1is given by the finite dimensional optimization problem λh1= − inf

ϕ∈Ch, ϕ>0sup

x ∈Ωh

Fh[ϕ](x ) ϕ(x )


As in the continuous case, we define a principal eigenvalue for Fh by means of the formula

λh1:=sup{λ ∈ R : ∃ ϕ ∈ Ch, ϕ >0 in Ωh, Fh[ϕ] + λϕ ≤0 };

There is an eigenfunction ϕh1which ispositive, i.e. a solution of ( F [ϕ] + λh1ϕ =0 in Ωh,

ϕ =0 on ΩCh,

For any λ < λ1themaximum principleholds for Fh+ λ, i.e.

If u is such that Fh[u] + λu ≥ 0 in Ωhand u ≤ 0 on ΩCh, then u ≤ 0 in Ωh.

λh1is given by the finite dimensional optimization problem λh1= − inf

ϕ∈Ch, ϕ>0sup

x ∈Ωh

Fh[ϕ](x ) ϕ(x )


Convergence of λ


to λ


for h → 0

The convergence result cannot rely on standard stability results in viscosity solution theory (Barles-Souganidis’method) since the limit eigenvalue problem

( F [ϕ] + λ1ϕ =0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

does not satisfy a comparison principle (ϕ ≡ 0 and the principal eigenfunction ϕ1are two distinct solutions of the problem).

So for the approximating operators, we consider a specific class of finite difference schemesFh introduced by Kuo-Trudinger which satisfy some crucial pointwise estimates which are the discrete analogues of those valid for a general class of fully nonlinear, uniformly elliptic equations.


Convergence of λ


to λ


for h → 0

The convergence result cannot rely on standard stability results in viscosity solution theory (Barles-Souganidis’method) since the limit eigenvalue problem

( F [ϕ] + λ1ϕ =0 in Ω,

ϕ =0 on ∂Ω,

does not satisfy a comparison principle (ϕ ≡ 0 and the principal eigenfunction ϕ1are two distinct solutions of the problem).

So for the approximating operators, we consider a specific class of finite difference schemesFh introduced by Kuo-Trudinger which satisfy some crucial pointwise estimates which are the discrete analogues of those valid for a general class of fully nonlinear, uniformly elliptic equations.


We assume that the stencil [·]x of the scheme is given by x + hY where Y = {y1, . . . ,yk} ⊂ Znis a finite set containing all the vectors of the canonical basis of Rn.We consider a finite difference operator of the form

Fh[u] = F (x , u, δhu, δh2u) where F : Rn× R × RY × RY → R and

δh,yu(x ) = u(x +hy )−u(x −hy ) 2h|y |

δh,y2 u(x ) = u(x +hy )+u(x −hy )−2u(x ) h2|y |2

δhu = {δh,yu : y ∈ Y } δh2u = {δh,y2 u : y ∈ Y }.

Moreover F satisfies the following assumptions


∂sy −|hy | 2



≥ α0, ∂F

∂sy ≤ a0,



≤ b0 (1)

where α0, a0, b0are given constants


We assume that the stencil [·]x of the scheme is given by x + hY where Y = {y1, . . . ,yk} ⊂ Znis a finite set containing all the vectors of the canonical basis of Rn.We consider a finite difference operator of the form

Fh[u] = F (x , u, δhu, δh2u) where F : Rn× R × RY × RY → R and

δh,yu(x ) = u(x +hy )−u(x −hy ) 2h|y |

δh,y2 u(x ) = u(x +hy )+u(x −hy )−2u(x ) h2|y |2

δhu = {δh,yu : y ∈ Y } δh2u = {δh,y2 u : y ∈ Y }.

Moreover F satisfies the following assumptions


∂sy −|hy | 2



≥ α0, ∂F

∂sy ≤ a0,



≤ b0 (1) where α0, a0, b0are given constants


If F isuniformly elliptic, then it is always possible to find a scheme of the previous type which is ofpositive type and consistent with F. For this class of schemes we have


Let (λh1, ϕh1)be the sequence of the discrete eigenvalues and of the corresponding eigenfunctions associated to Fh.


λh1→ λ1, ϕh1→ ϕ1

uniformly in Ω as h → 0, where λ1and ϕ1are respectively the principal eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction associated to F .


If F isuniformly elliptic, then it is always possible to find a scheme of the previous type which is ofpositive type and consistent with F. For this class of schemes we have


Let (λh1, ϕh1)be the sequence of the discrete eigenvalues and of the corresponding eigenfunctions associated to Fh.


λh1→ λ1, ϕh1→ ϕ1

uniformly in Ω as h → 0, where λ1and ϕ1are respectively the principal eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction associated to F .


Main ingredients of the proof are

The semi-relaxed limits in viscosity solution sense;

A maximum principle for the limit problem (rather than the comparison principle);

The following local Hölder estimate proved by Kuo-Trudinger:

If uhis a solution of Fh[u] = f , then for any x , y ∈ Ωh

|uh(x ) − uh(y )| ≤ C|x − y |δ R



uh+ R α0

 X

x ∈Ωh

hn|f (x)|n

1 n


where R = min{dist(x , ∂Ωh), dist(x , ∂Ωh)}, BRh =B(0, R) ∩ Ωh, δ, α0and C are positive constants independent of h.


Main ingredients of the proof are

The semi-relaxed limits in viscosity solution sense;

A maximum principle for the limit problem (rather than the comparison principle);

The following local Hölder estimate proved by Kuo-Trudinger:

If uhis a solution of Fh[u] = f , then for any x , y ∈ Ωh

|uh(x ) − uh(y )| ≤ C|x − y |δ R



uh+ R α0

 X

x ∈Ωh

hn|f (x)|n

1 n


where R = min{dist(x , ∂Ωh), dist(x , ∂Ωh)}, BRh =B(0, R) ∩ Ωh, δ, α0and C are positive constants independent of h.


Main ingredients of the proof are

The semi-relaxed limits in viscosity solution sense;

A maximum principle for the limit problem (rather than the comparison principle);

The following local Hölder estimate proved by Kuo-Trudinger:

If uhis a solution of Fh[u] = f , then for any x , y ∈ Ωh

|uh(x ) − uh(y )| ≤ C|x − y |δ R



uh+ R α0

 X

x ∈Ωh

hn|f (x)|n

1 n


where R = min{dist(x , ∂Ωh), dist(x , ∂Ωh)}, BRh =B(0, R) ∩ Ωh, δ, α0and C are positive constants independent of h.


The algorithm in R

Recall the formula

λh1= − inf


x ∈Ωh

F (x, u, δhu, δ2hu) u(x )

Set Ui =u(xi). If F (x , z, q, s) is linear or more generally convex in (q, s), then the functions Gi : RNh → RNh

Gi(x , U1, . . . ,UNh) = F

xi,1,Ui+1− Ui−1

2hUi ,Ui+1+Ui−1 h2Ui − 2


 . are either linear or respectively convex in Ui, Ui+1, Ui−1and therefore G : RNh → R defined by

G(U1, . . . ,UNh) = max


Gi(xi,U1, . . . ,UNh) is either linear or convex.


Hence the computation of λh1is equivalent to theconvex minimization problem





Gi(xi,U1, . . . ,UNh)

and this problem can be solved by means of standard algorithms in convex optimization. Note that

The vector U attaining the minimum is unique (up to a multiplicative constant)

The map is sparse, in the sense that the value of Gi at Ui depends only on the values at Ui−1 and Ui+1.

The algorithm also computes an approximation of the eigenfunction.

Similar considerations hold for eigenvalue problem in Rn.


Hence the computation of λh1is equivalent to theconvex minimization problem





Gi(xi,U1, . . . ,UNh)

and this problem can be solved by means of standard algorithms in convex optimization. Note that

The vector U attaining the minimum is unique (up to a multiplicative constant)

The map is sparse, in the sense that the value of Gi at Ui depends only on the values at Ui−1 and Ui+1.

The algorithm also computes an approximation of the eigenfunction.

Similar considerations hold for eigenvalue problem in Rn.


Hence the computation of λh1is equivalent to theconvex minimization problem





Gi(xi,U1, . . . ,UNh)

and this problem can be solved by means of standard algorithms in convex optimization. Note that

The vector U attaining the minimum is unique (up to a multiplicative constant)

The map is sparse, in the sense that the value of Gi at Ui depends only on the values at Ui−1 and Ui+1.

The algorithm also computes an approximation of the eigenfunction.

Similar considerations hold for eigenvalue problem in Rn.


Hence the computation of λh1is equivalent to theconvex minimization problem





Gi(xi,U1, . . . ,UNh)

and this problem can be solved by means of standard algorithms in convex optimization. Note that

The vector U attaining the minimum is unique (up to a multiplicative constant)

The map is sparse, in the sense that the value of Gi at Ui depends only on the values at Ui−1 and Ui+1.

The algorithm also computes an approximation of the eigenfunction.

Similar considerations hold for eigenvalue problem in Rn.


Some (very simple) examples

Example: eigenvalue of the second order derivative ( ϕ00+ λϕ =0 in (0, 1),

ϕ(0) = ϕ(1) = 0 In this case

λ1= π2, ϕ1(x ) = sin πx

Given a discretization step h and the corresponding grid points xi =ih, i = 0, . . . , Nh+1, the max-min problem is

λh1= − min



Ui+1+Ui−1− 2Ui h2Ui

(with U0=UNh+1=0).


h Err (λ1) Order (λ1) Err(w1) Err2(w1) 1.00 · 10−1 8.0908 · 10−2 3.3662 · 10−11 5.7732 · 10−11 5.00 · 10−2 2.0277 · 10−2 1.9964 1.4786 · 10−10 3.8119 · 10−10 2.50 · 10−2 5.0723 · 10−3 1.9991 6.6613 · 10−16 1.8731 · 10−15 1.25 · 10−2 1.2683 · 10−3 1.9998 1.5543 · 10−15 6.2524 · 10−15 6.25 · 10−3 3.1708 · 10−4 1.9999 1.2212 · 10−15 7.1576 · 10−15

Table: Space step (first column), eigenvalue error (second column), eigenfunction error in L(fourth column), eigenfunction error in L2(last column)


Example: A linear equation with a discontinuous coefficient

 a(x )ϕ00+ λϕ =0 x ∈ (0, π)

ϕ(x ) = 0 x = 0, π (2)


a(x ) =

 1 for x ∈ [0,2kπ ) 2 for x ∈ [2kπ , π]

and k := 2+

2 2

2 >1. The principal eigenvalue λ1is given by k2. Note that the principal eigenfunction

ϕ1(x ) =

( sin(kx ) for x ∈ [0,2kπ ), b sin(kx

2+c) for x ∈ [2kπ , π].

is not C2


The scheme is

λ1,h = − min




a(ih)Ui+1+Ui−1− 2Ui


(with U0=UNh+1=0).

h Err (λ1) Err(w1) Err2(w1) 0.1571 0.1197 0.0213 0.0563 0.0785 0.0476 0.0090 0.0383 0.0393 0.0347 0.0065 0.0391 0.0196 0.0157 0.0030 0.0264 0.0098 0.0061 0.0012 0.0149

Table: Space steps (first column), Error eigenvalue (second column), Error eigenfunction in L(fourth column), Error eigenfunction in L2(last column)


Figure:Exact and approximate eigenfunctions for h = 10−1


Example: The p-Laplacian

Consider the p-Laplace operator (Birindelli-Demengel, CPAA,2006) D(|Dϕ|p−2Dϕ) + λp|ϕ|p−2ϕ =0.

Even if the operator is not uniformly elliptic, the formula λhp := − inf


x ∈Ωh

 Fh,p[ϕ](x ) ϕ(x )p−1

where Fh,p is a finite-difference approximations of Fp gives an approximation of the principal eigenvalue λp=


p−1 (b−a)p sin(πp)


. h Err (λ4) Order (λ4)

1.00 · 10−1 2.6770

5.00 · 10−2 0.6210 2.1079 2.50 · 10−2 0.1457 2.0912 1.25 · 10−2 0.0347 2.0724 6.25 · 10−3 0.0083 2.0581

Table: Space step(1st column), eigenvalue error (2nd column), convergence order (3rd column) for the 4-Laplace operator


If Ω is a ball, ϕpconverges for p → ∞ to d (x , ∂Ω). We draw approximations of ϕp for various values of p and we observe the convergence to d (x , {0, 1}) for p increasing

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Figure:Approximate eigenfunction ϕhpfor p = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and h = 10−3


Example: A bi-dimensional example

Consider the eigenvalue problem for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator

∆ϕ −x · Dϕ + λϕ = 0, x ∈ (0, 1)2

with homogeneous boundary conditions. The eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction are given by

λ1=4, ϕ1(x1,x2) = (1 − x12)(1 − x22) The Laplacian is discretized by a five-point formula.

h Err (λ1) Order (λ1) 4.00 · 10−1 0.1524

2.00 · 10−1 0.0392 1.9592 1.00 · 10−1 0.0103 1.9250 5.00 · 10−2 0.0027 1.9580


Ongoing work (with Simone Cacace)

It is known that

Among allrectanglesof same area, the one that minimizes the first Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue is thesquare.

The Faber-Krahn’s inequality affirms that in any dimension, among all domains of same volume, the euclidean ball has the smallestfirst Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue.

The idea seems to be that the λ1(Ω)is decreasing with respect to the symmetry of the domain Ω. Is Faber-Krahn inequality true for the Pucci operator?

The idea is to investigate numerically this conjecture using the previous approximation scheme and, for the computation of the eigenvalue, the nonlinear least square method developed in

S.CACACE, F. CAMILLI, Ergodic problems for Hamilton-Jacobi equations: yet another but efficient numerical method , 2016


Ongoing work (with Simone Cacace)

It is known that

Among allrectanglesof same area, the one that minimizes the first Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue is thesquare.

The Faber-Krahn’s inequality affirms that in any dimension, among all domains of same volume, the euclidean ball has the smallestfirst Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue.

The idea seems to be that the λ1(Ω)is decreasing with respect to the symmetry of the domain Ω. Is Faber-Krahn inequality true for the Pucci operator?

The idea is to investigate numerically this conjecture using the previous approximation scheme and, for the computation of the eigenvalue, the nonlinear least square method developed in

S.CACACE, F. CAMILLI, Ergodic problems for Hamilton-Jacobi equations: yet another but efficient numerical method , 2016


Ongoing work (with Simone Cacace)

It is known that

Among allrectanglesof same area, the one that minimizes the first Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue is thesquare.

The Faber-Krahn’s inequality affirms that in any dimension, among all domains of same volume, the euclidean ball has the smallestfirst Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue.

The idea seems to be that the λ1(Ω)is decreasing with respect to the symmetry of the domain Ω. Is Faber-Krahn inequality true for the Pucci operator?

The idea is to investigate numerically this conjecture using the previous approximation scheme and, for the computation of the eigenvalue, the nonlinear least square method developed in

S.CACACE, F. CAMILLI, Ergodic problems for Hamilton-Jacobi equations: yet another but efficient numerical method , 2016


Ongoing work (with Simone Cacace)

It is known that

Among allrectanglesof same area, the one that minimizes the first Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue is thesquare.

The Faber-Krahn’s inequality affirms that in any dimension, among all domains of same volume, the euclidean ball has the smallestfirst Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue.

The idea seems to be that the λ1(Ω)is decreasing with respect to the symmetry of the domain Ω. Is Faber-Krahn inequality true for the Pucci operator?

The idea is to investigate numerically this conjecture using the previous approximation scheme and, for the computation of the eigenvalue, the nonlinear least square method developed in

S.CACACE, F. CAMILLI, Ergodic problems for Hamilton-Jacobi equations: yet another but efficient numerical method , 2016


In the picture, approximation of the Laplace-Dirichlet eigenvalue λ1of the rectangle [0, a] × [0, 1/a] as a function of a. The minimum is attained for a = 1, i.e. by the square


The Laplace-Dirichlet eigenfunction in a flower domain (courtesy S.Cacace)

Thank You!


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