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Genes and the Achilles Tendon 27


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of 292 Hungarian patients with primary Achilles tendon ruptures or re-ruptures and 540 patients with various other tendon ruptures with a control group consisting of 1.2 million subjects represen- tative of the Hungarian population. The frequency of blood group O was signifi cantly higher (53.1%) in the patients with Achilles tendon ruptures than for the general Hungarian population (31.1%).

The O blood group was also higher in all the other investigated tendon ruptures, which included rupture of the long head of biceps (48.2%), exten- sor pollicis longus (53.9%), and the quadriceps (49.0%). Interestingly, 68.7% of the patients with multiple tendon ruptures (48) or re-ruptures (35) were of blood group O. No association was found in this study between the rhesus group and any of the tendon rupture groups.

Blood group O was still signifi cantly higher in the combined tendon rupture group (54%) when 443 additional subjects were recruited and ana- lyzed.


Kujala et al.


studied a group consisting of 917 Finnish patients diagnosed with a variety of musculoskeletal soft-tissue injuries. This group included 86 patients diagnosed with Achilles tendon ruptures and 63 with chronic Achilles ten- dinopathy. The frequency of the blood group O among the patients diagnosed with Achilles tendon ruptures (31.2%) was not signifi cantly higher than in the control group (31.4%). The blood group O frequency was, however, higher in the patients diagnosed with Achilles tendinopathy (42.9%). The A/O ratios for the groups with rupture (1.0) or tendinopathy (0.7) of the Achilles tendon were lower than for the control population (1.42). The ABO blood group was not associated Gene therapy delivers genetic material to cells to

alter synthesis and function, and can be achieved via viral vectors or liposomes.


Several animal studies have investigated the feasibility of gene transfer to tendons. Liposome constructs have been used to deliver β-galactosidase to rat patellar tendons.


In vivo and ex vivo adenoviral transduc- tion of the lac Z gene into rabbit patellar tenocytes has been reported (Fig. 27.1). Gene expression lasted for 6 weeks, possibly long enough for clini- cal applications.


Apart from direct injection of vectors, gene transfer has been achieved via intra- arterial injection of liposomes.


Animal studies have demonstrated that gene therapy can be used to alter the healing environ- ment of tendons. Adenoviral transfection of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) into partially lacerated chicken fl exor tendons resulted in an expected increase in adhesion formation.


Although this study reports an adverse outcome, it proves the feasibility of gene therapy as a management modality.

Genetic Susceptibility to Achilles Tendon Injury

Genetic factors may be associated with an individ- ual’s susceptibility to Achilles tendon injury.


This was originally proposed in studies reporting an association between the ABO blood group and Achilles tendon ruptures or chronic Achilles tendinopathy.


In a retrospective study, Jozsa et al.


compared the frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood groups

Genes and the Achilles Tendon

Adam Ajis and Nicola Maffulli


with any of the other soft-tissue injuries. These soft-tissue injuries included rotator cuff impinge- ment (n = 142), patellar dislocation (n = 92), ante- rior cruciate ligament rupture (n = 205), spondylolisthesis (n = 177), and intervertebral disc herniation (n = 152).

Årøen et al.


have suggested that there may be a genetic predisposition toward tendon ruptures as they observed that 9 of the 10 subjects who suf- fered a contralateral Achilles tendon rupture were of blood group B. The investigators, however, did not put forward suggestions why blood group B instead of blood group O was associated with Achilles tendon rupture in their study.

Contrary to these fi ndings, other studies inves- tigating Finish, German, and Scottish populations have not found an association between the ABO blood groups and Achilles tendon ruptures.


Since the ABO gene encodes for transferases, some investigators have suggested that the differ-

ent enzymes produced by the ABO gene deter- mined not only the structure of the glycoprotein antigens on the red blood cells but also the struc- ture of some of the glycoproteins found in the ground substance of tendons.


Others have, how- ever, suggested that the association of the ABO gene with tendon injuries is not directly linked to the ABO blood group antigens. These investiga- tors have proposed that other genes, closely linked to the ABO gene on the tip of the long arm of chro- mosome 9q32-q34, which encode for components of the extracellular matrix, are more likely to be associated with Achilles tendon pathology.


There are examples of other pathologies, such as the nail-patella syndrome, where the ABO blood group was initially shown to be associated with the condition. It was subsequently discov- ered that the LMX1B gene, closely linked to the ABO gene, encoded for a protein responsible for the pathology.


Vector binds to cells membrane

Modified DNA injected in vectoor

Vector is packaged in vescicle

Vescicle breaks down releasing vector

Cell makes protein using new gene Adenovirus gene

therpay Viral


Viral DNA

Vector (Adenovirus)

Vector injects new gene into nucleus New


New gene

FIGURE 27.1. Schematics of adenovirus gene therapy.


Since the ABO blood group has been shown to be associated with Achilles tendon pathology in some studies, possible candidate genes were iden- tifi ed, located on the tip of the long arm of chro- mosome 9, (9q32-q34), closely linked to the ABO gene that might be associated with Achilles tendon pathology. Two of these genes, namely tenascin-C gene and COL5A1, encode for structural compo- nents of tendons.


The COL5A1 gene encodes for the pro alpha 1(V) collagen chain, found in most of the isoforms of type V collagen. The major isoform of type V collagen is a heterotrimer consisting of two pro alpha 1(V) chains and one pro alpha 2(V) chain.

Trace amounts of type V collagen are found in tendons, where it forms heterotypic fi bers with type I collagen.


Most investigators have specu- lated, based on the function of type V collagen in the cornea, that it plays an important role in regu- lating fi brillogenesis and modulating fi bril growth in tendons.


Dressler et al.


reported an age-dependent increase in the content of type V collagen, with a decrease in fi bril diameter and biomechanical properties in the rabbit patellar tendon. In addi- tion, Goncalves-Neto et al.


demonstrated an increase in collagen types III and V, together with a reduction in the content of type I collagen, in biopsy samples of tendons from patients with pos- terior tibial tendon dysfunction syndrome. A BstUI restriction fragment length polymorphism within its 3 ′-untranslated region of the COL5A1 gene has been shown to be associated with Achilles tendon pathology and more specifi cally chronic Achilles tendinopathy (p = 0.0009).


In addition, individuals with the A2 allele of this gene were less likely to present with symptoms of tendinopathy (odds ratio of 2.6; 95% CI 1.5–4.5, p = 0.0005).


Although the COL5A1 gene is an ideal candi- date gene for Achilles tendon pathology and more specifi cally chronic Achilles tendinopathy, the fi ndings discussed above do not prove that type V collagen is involved in the etiology. It is possible that another gene closely linked to the COL5A1 and ABO genes on the tip of the long arm of chro- mosome 9 encodes for a protein directly involved in the pathogenesis of Achilles tendon injuries.

One such gene, the tenascin-C or hexabrachion gene, is expressed in tendons.


Since tenascin-C is able to bind to various components of the extra-

cellular matrix and to cell receptors, it may play an important role in regulating cell–matrix inter- actions.


In normal adult tendons, tenascin-C is localized predominantly in regions responsible for transmitting high levels of mechanical force such as myotendinous and osteotendinous junc- tions.


Tenascin-C is also localized around the cells and the collagen fi bers.


In addition, Järvinen et al.


have shown that expression of the tenas- cin-C gene is regulated in a dose-dependent manner by mechanical loading in tendons. Iso- forms of tenascin-C with distinct functions are produced by alternative splicing of the primary transcript.


Riley et al.


have shown that healthy tendons express a small 200 KDa tenascin-C isoform, while degenerate tendons express a func- tionally distinct, larger 300 KDa isoform. In support of this fi nding, Ireland et al.


but not Alfredson et al.


have reported an increase in tenascin-C expression in biopsy samples of chronic Achilles tendinopathies using cDNA arrays.

The GT dinucleotide repeat polymorphism within intron 17 of the tenascin-C gene is also associated with Achilles tendon injury.


Alleles containing 12 and 14 GT repeats were overrepre- sented in individuals with the injury, while the alleles containing 13 and 17 repeats were under- represented. Individuals who were homozygous or heterozygous for the underrepresented alleles (13 and 17 repeats), but did not contain an over- represented allele (12 and 14 repeats), had a lower risk of developing Achilles tendon injury (odds ratio of 6.2, 95% CI 3.5–11.0).

A single gene, or a group of genes, on the tip of the long arm of chromosome 9 are highly unlikely to be exclusively associated with the development of the symptoms of Achilles tendon injury. It is more probable that this condition is polygenic, and other genes that encode for important struc- tural components of tendons are also associated with Achilles tendon injury. Since the COL5A1 and tenascin-C genes have been shown to be asso- ciated with Achilles tendon injury, any gene that encodes for proteins involved in the same biologi- cal processes as type V collagen and tenascin-C within tendons would also be ideal genetic markers for tendon injury.

As mentioned above, type V collagen is involved

in the formation of type I collagen–containing

fi bers. Several other proteins are also involved in


fi brillogenesis, including collagen types XI, XII, and XIV, the proteoglycans decorin, lumican, and fi bromodulin, as well as the matricellular protein, thrombospondin 2.


In addition to tenascin-C, other proteins such as type XII collagen and type XIV collagen are also expressed in both tendons and ligaments and regulated by mechanical stretch.


It has also been postulated that colla- gen types XII and XIV play an important role in the regulation of fi bril assembly due to their ability to interact with proteoglycans such as decorin, lumican, and fi bromodulin.


In addition, at immunoelectron microscopy, both these collagen types were associated with the surface of collagen fi brils, suggesting that they might be able to form interfi brillar connections and mediate fi bril interaction with other extracel- lular and cell surface molecules.


The gene (COL12A1) that encodes for the alpha chain found in type XII collagen has been mapped to chromo- some 6q12-q14. In addition, the COL9A1, COL10A1, and COL19A1 genes have also been mapped to chromosome 6, while the COL14A1 gene has been mapped to chromosome 8q23. Both collagen types XII and XIV are homotrimers and belong, together with collagen types IX, XVI, XIX, and XX, to the subfamily of fi bril-associated colla- gens with interrupted triple helices (FACIT).


Although only two specifi c genetic elements, namely the COL5A1 and tenascin-C genes, have been shown to be associated with Achilles tendon injury to date, neither these nor any other genes have been shown to be associated with any other overuse tendon or acute ligament injuries. There- fore, any genes located on the tip of the long arm of chromosome 9 (COL5A1, tenascin-C gene, COL15A1, COL27A1, and LAMC3) and on chro- mosome 6 (COL9A1, COL10A1, COL12A1, and COL19A1) that encode for a protein found in tendons could be ideal candidate genetic markers for tendon and ligament pathologies. In addition, genes that encode for proteins involved in the structure of tendons and ligaments (type I and III collagens, elastin, and fi bronectin), fi brillogenesis (type V and XI collagens, decorin, lumican, fi bro- modulin, and thrombospondin 2), and are regu- lated by mechanical loading (tenascin-C and type XII and XIV collagens), could also be ideal candi- date genetic markers for tendon and ligament pathologies.

Experimental Applications of Gene Therapy

During healing, levels of collagen type V increase, and persistently elevated levels have been found up to 52 weeks after injury in the rabbit medial collateral ligament. Elevated levels of collagen type V may favor the formation of smaller type I collagen fi brils, which in turn results in reduced mechanical strength.


Human patellar teno- cytes transfected with specifi c antisense oligonu- cleotides synthesized reduced amounts of collagen type V.


Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) for platelet-derived growth factor B was trans- fected into rat patellar tendons using liposomes.


The medial half of the patellar tendon was tran- sected. Platelet-derived growth factor B resulted in an early increase in angiogenesis, and collagen deposition and matrix synthesis was greater at 4 weeks. However, there were no differences between the treated and control groups by 8 weeks.

Bone morphogenetic protein 12 (BMP-12) is the human analog of murine GDF-7.


BMP-12 increases gene expression of procollagen types I and III in human patellar tenocytes and is found at sites of tendon remodeling.


BMP-12 increased collagen type I synthesis by 30% in chicken fl exor tenocytes, and, when tenocytes transfected with the BMP-12 gene were applied to a chicken fl exor tendon laceration model, a twofold increase in tensile strength and load to failure was seen after 4 weeks.



There is a high incidence of tendon and ligament injuries during exercise activities, but the exact etiology of this condition is not fully understood.

Some studies have suggested that there is, at least

in part, a genetic component involved in suscep-

tibility to Achilles and other tendon injuries. Poly-

morphisms within the COL5A1 and tenascin-C

genes are associated with Achilles tendon injuries

in a physically active population, but further

research is needed to determine which other genes

are involved.


Gene therapy can be used to manipulate the healing environment for up to 8–10 weeks. This may be long enough to be clinically signifi cant.

Many genes may prove benefi cial to tendon healing, and further research is required to estab- lish the most advantageous genes to transfer.

Many of the studies reviewed above have been conducted in tendon transection models, but gene therapy may also improve healing in tendinopathy.


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