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Results hange dramati ally when introdu ing limitations in the growth of biomass and the ef- fe ts of toxi ity into the model


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Modeling NAPL dissolution and biodegradation intera tions: e e t of

toxi ity and biomass growth limitations

C. Gallo a b

and S.M. Hassanizadeh a


Dept. ofCivil Engineering and Geos ien es, TUDelft, The Netherlands


CRS4, VI Strada Ovest, Z.I. Ma hiareddu, UTA (CA), Italy

Thisworkfo usesonsomeaspe tsoftheintera tionsbetweenNAPLdissolution,mole -

ular di usionandbiodegradationpro esses. Startingfromatest problembasedonareal

eld s enario, a one-dimensional modelis set up. A numberof simulations are run using

di erent biomass distributions, varying di usion oeÆ ients and biologi al kineti rates.

Results indi ate that under ideal onditions biomass distribution along the olumn does

not make a real di eren e in terms of total amount of dissolved oil degraded. Results

hange dramati ally when introdu ing limitations in the growth of biomass and the ef-

fe ts of toxi ity into the model. Both of these are modelled as fun tions for whi h some

threshold orboundinglevelsare spe i ed. Inparti ular, toxi ity fun tionis derived from

some phenomenogi al onsiderations, sin e, atleast tothe author's knowledge,no do u-

mentation in the literature is available in this regard. Constrained biomass growth and

ontaminanttoxi ityhavebeenfoundtoyieldresults onsistentwith elddataon ontam-

inant distribution. This would support our presumption that biomassgrowth onstraint

and toxi ityplay amajorrole inredu ing natural attenuation eÆ ien y.


Inthiswork,wehavestudiedthe ombinationofbiodegradationanddissolution. There

are a number of studies on NAPL dissolution me hanisms and properties of two-phase

ow([5,7,4,6℄). Similarly,mu h workhas been arriedoutonbiodegradationof dissolved

ontaminants and di erent mathemati al/numeri al approa hes have been presented in

the literature(see[2℄and referen es listedtherein). However, thereare onlyafewstudies

that have dealt with the oupling between the two pro esses. This situation typi ally

o urs in near-to-sour e ontamination s enarios in whi h both NAPL phase and a tive

biomassarepresent. Near-to-sour edoesnotimplyapre isemeasure intermsofdistan e

from the spill lo ation. However, it should be intended as \suÆ iently lose" to the

ontaminantspillsothatthe on urren eofpro essessu hasNAPLdissolution,transport

ofdissolvedoilinthe aqueousphase,biodegradation,biomassgrowth,andtoxi itye e ts

shouldbea ountedfor. Therelativeweightofea hpro essmayplayaroleontheoverall


This work is a ontinuation of the resear h presented in our previous paper [3℄. The


solution and biodegradation. This isdis ussed in lightof the presen e of \nonidealities"

in the system. The word \nonidealities" stands for those pro esses whi h may dimin-

ish, inhibit, or de nitetely stop the biodegradation pro ess. Two degradation-limiting

pro esses are onsidered, that is, biomassgrowth limitationsand toxi ity of the ontam-

inant for ba terial population. These fa tors may have a strong impa t on ontaminant

biodegradation,but, toourknowledge, noextensive study hasbeenpresented inorder to

quantify these e e ts. In this paper, preliminaryresults are presented on the topi s.


NAPL dissolution, dissolved-oil transport and biodegradation are pro esses that are

in luded in the model. Dissolved-oil di usive transport in the aqueous phase ismodeled

as follows:




t +D



x 2


l n


l B


: (1)

whereC S

is on entrationof dissolvedNAPL, tistime, is porosity,S





isaqueousphasevelo ityand Dismole ulardi usion oeÆ ient. Theterm


l n

is linearly proportional to the di eren e between the solubility limit of NAPL, C S

eq ,

and its a tual on entration, C S

, i.e.


l n


n k



eq C


: (2)



isthedissolutionrate oeÆ ientandS


isNAPL saturation. The termB S


the biodegradation rate and takes the form


=C X






1=2 +C



; (3)



is the maximum degradation rate, K


is the half-saturation onstant, C X


biomass on entration, and Y is a yield oeÆ ient.

Finally, the rate of mi robialgrowth/de ay reads asfollows:









1=2 +C



F k


: (4)



is the de ay rate oeÆ ient, while F in orporates nonidealities in the system. F =1

unless expli itlyspe i ed (see below).


3.1. Test ase des ription

The test problemstudied here is based on the fra tured eld site at Ringe, Denmark.

We onsider a porous medium in whi h two zones an be identi ed: fra tures/high-

permeabilityandmatrix/low-permeabilityzones. Flowof uidsisassumedtoo urwithin

the fra tures only. Thus, the bulk uid ow withinthe matrix isassumed negligibleand

the migration of the ontaminant in the soil matrix is only due to di usion. Biodegra-


ontain free NAPL and this may prohibit biomass growth due to toxi ity e e ts. More-

over, thevolumefra tionofhigh-permeabilitysoilisgenerallysmallerthanthefra tionof

low-permeability soil matrix and, thus, its ontribution to the biodegradation pro ess is

negligible. So, wefo usoursimulationsonthedi usionintoanddissolutionandbiodegra-

dation within the matrix. We simulate the matrix zone as a 1-D olumn of 10 m long.

lled witha porousmedium. The olumnis dis retizedinto50elementsof 0.002mlong.

The olumnis assumed tobe fully saturated with water ex ept forthe rst one entime-

ter (next to the fra ture) where we have a residual NAPL saturation of 0.20. (S





= 0:8 for 0 x <1 m, S


= 1 elsewhere). The total simulation time is 40 days and

a time step of 34 s (0.0004 days). Initial ontaminant on entration is assumed to be

zero. The initialbiomass on entration is 3.53 x 10 3 kg/m 3

. Starting with this initial

ondition, the olumn is assumed to be sealed. Zero-di usion boundary ondition is set

for the transport. Under these onditions, NAPL dissolution, dissolved-NAPL di usion

and biodegradation are the only pro esses taking pla e in the system. Other data used

inthe simulationare reported in table1.

Table 1

Biologi alparameters.

Parameter value parameter value


(kg/m 3

) 0.120 Y


(-) 3.56



(1/s) 2.3E-07 


(1/s) 5.E-05

C S;eq

(kg/m 3

) 5.E-03 k

do (m


/s) 6.9E-11

3.2. E e t of Di usion

The rst set of simulationswere run onsidering di usion varying within two ordersof

magnitude,thatis,D=[1:410 10

;1:410 8

℄m 2

/s. Assimulationstarts,NAPLdissolves

and invades the olumnatarate thatis afun tionof the di usion oeÆ ient: thehigher

the di usion, the higher the on entration within the olumn. Figure 1 (left) shows the

mass present in the olumn as a fun tion of time for di erent values of the di usion

oeÆ ient. The dissolved-NAPL mass present in the olumn in reases proportionally to

di usion oeÆ ient, but for the largest D the urve shows a knee. This orresponds to

the momentthat C S

=C S


and that the olumnis saturated with dissolved NAPL. The

dissolved-oil mass present in the olumn is lower when biodegradation is a tive, but the

total dissolved NAPL equals the sum of the a tual mass present in the olumn and the

mass degraded by ba teria. Thus, as shown inFigure1-right,the total mass of dissolved

NAPL (i.e. the organi substrate in ow) is mu h higher than in the previous ase. This

indi atesthat biodegradation an reallyenhan e free-phasedissolution, both interms of

rate of dissolution and in terms of amountof mass dissolved.

3.3. Biomass distribution e e ts

Initial biomass distribution an be important when dealing with fra tured soils. As

reportedin[1℄, a tivebiomassislo ated inasmallregionofsoiladja enttofra tures. In


Figure1. NAPLdissolvedinthe olumnwithoutbiodegradation(left)andwithbiodegra-

dation (right) (M


: mass present inthe aqueous phase; M


: mass degraded).

tobelo ated losetofra turesand/orzonesofhighpermeability,areabletohostba terial

growth. The rest of the soil is inert with respe t to biodegration. Two initial biomass

distributions are onsidered: BioF (full; that is, C X

(t = 0) = 0:0 for 0  x < 1 m,


(t = 0) = 0:0353 kg/m 3

otherwise); BioP (partial; that is, C X

(t = 0) = 0:0 for

0x<1 m, C X

(t=0)=0:0353kg/m 3

, for1 x<2 m, C X


Simulations similar to those des ribed in the previous se tion (for varying D) are now

arried out here with two di erent spatial biomass distributionsBioP and BioF.Results

indi ated that on entrationdistribution of dissolved oilin the BioFand BioP ases are

almost identi al. This an beexplained when examiningbiomass distributionat the end

of the simulation. C X

pro les for di erent values of the di usion oeÆ ient and various

biodegradation kineti s are almost identi al, ex ept for low 


in whi hsome di eren es

are present at early times. Plots of biomass on entration vs spa e and time are shown

in Figure2. It is apparent that for long simulationtimes, on entrations of dissolved oil

for both ases approa h pseudo steady-state onditions are rea hed.


Toooftennon-idealitiesarenegle tedinsimulationsofbiodegradationpro esses. Inreal

eld appli ations, many fa tors may play a role in the degradation pro ess and some of

themare riti alforin reasingorde reasingthedegradationrate. Forexample,negle ting

biomass growth limitationsimplies that aslong asdissolved oilis available,biomass an

grow on and on, regardless of the volume available for a ommodating biomass. This

is a strong simpli ation and may lead to ex essively optimisti predi tions. Also, high

on entration of dissolved ontaminants may be toxi to ba teria and an inhibit either

temporarilyor de nitely the biodegradation pro ess. In the following paragraphs, these


Figure2. Biomass on entrationpro lesatt =400daysand


=1:e 51/sfor aseBioP

(left)and BioF(right).

4.1. The e e t of biomass growth limitations

From the mathemati al point of view, biomass growth limitation an be introdu ed

de ningF =F


=(1 C X

=C X


)inequation(4). WhenC X

!C X


,ba terialgrowth

rate redu es to zero and only biomass de ay (k

d C


in equation 4) may o ur. In the

simulations reported here, C X


is set to 10 1

kg/m 3

. For low values of D, dissolved-

oil on entration is low in the olumn ex ept lose to the fra ture zone where NAPL

is trapped. Dissolved-oil migration is also slow and biomass an degrade the in oming

ontaminantrate inboth BioPand BioF ases. However, forlarge D, NAPL dissolution

ratein reasesalsoandba teriaareprovidedwithalargeamountofoiltodegradeperunit

time. Withbiomassgrowth limited, largepeaksof biomass on entration are suppressed

and BioP and BioF biomass initial distributions yield di erent results. As shown in

Figure 3,an a umulation of dissolved oil o urs in the olumn. In this ase, biomassis

able to degrade almost all dissolved oil for BioF distribution, while the same annot be

said in the BioP ase whose degradation apa ity islimited.

4.2. The e e t of ontaminant toxi ity

In many ases, a ontaminant that is normaly degraded at low on entration, may

be ome toxi for ba teriaat high on entration. This has an impa ton the e e tiveness

of overal degradation pro ess. Consider trapped NAPL that dissolves and di uses along

the olumn. If any a tive biomass is present, biodegradation begins. Depending on the

relativeweightsof dissolution rate and mole ulardi usion oeÆ ient, ifdi usion pro ess

isnot suÆ iently fast,dissolved oil maya umulate. Thus, if C S

approa hes the toxi ity

level,indi atedwith C S


,biodegradationratede reasesand thebiomassbe omeina tive

forC S



. Basedonthisreasoning,wepropose tomodelthetoxi ity e e tbysetting

F =F


=1 (C S

=C S

tox )


for C S



, and F


=0 for C S

>C S

tox . If C




, biodegradation resumes and biomass an ontinue to grow. For the simulations


Figure 3. Dissolved-oil on entration pro le in time and spa e with 


=2.5E-5 1/s for

ases BioP (left)and BioF(right)with biomass growth limitation.

reported here, C S


is set to 5x10 3

kg/m 3

and D = 1.4x10 9

m 2

/s. Simulation results

obtained for a wide range of values of k




, are shown in Figure 4-left. These

results indi ate that there is a riti al value of the maximum degradation onstant 


below whi h biodegradation de reases sharply. This riti al value depends on the value

of the mass dissolution rate oeÆ ient,k


, and di usion oeÆ ient, D. This result does

not give any real insight in terms of pra ti alappli ations, given the arti ialand sharp

transitionbetween the two zoneswhi hseems mainlyamathemati alout ome. It would

beprobablypossibleto ndafun tionalrelationshipbetweenk





a-priorithe riti alrangeof onditionsforbiodegradationtoo ursu essfully. However,

it is not in the purpose of this work to ome up with a mathemati al orrelation of this

dependen y. We believethat this orrelation would bestrongly test- ase dependent.

4.3. Combination of biomass-growth onstraint and toxi ity e e ts

The ombination of the two nonidealities introdu ed here, an be in luded in equa-

tion (4)by de ning F =F




. The numeri alinvestigationis ondu ted onsidering

a olumnof100 mand simulationtimeof 400days. Inthe simulations,variationsofthe

three most importantparameters of the model, that is, NAPL dissolution rate onstant



, mole ulardi usion oeÆ ient D, and the degradation kineti rate onstant 

0 have

been onsidered. Figure4-rightis anexample ofhow the totaldissolved-oilmass isin u-

en edby thedegradationrateand thedissolution rate oeÆ ient. Otherparameters su h

as mole ular di usion and yield oeÆ ient are, of ourse, also important. These e e ts


Figure4. C S

pro lesasafun tionof


(left-onlytoxi itya tive). Dissolved-oildegraded

as afun tion of 

0 and k




Severalpro esseso urring inaNAPLdissolutions enarioandtheirimpa tonnatural

biodegradation have been investigated. Preliminary results indi ated that when nonide-

alities, su h as biomass growth limitation and toxi ity, are negle ted, spatial biomass

distribution is not really riti al for the overall ontaminant degradation, and mole ular

di usion simply dominates the equilibrium between NAPL dissolution and biodegrada-

tion. Di erent results are obtained when nonidealities are in luded in the simulations.

For example, we found that initialbiomass distribution is riti alunder biomass growth

limitations. When toxi ity is in luded, biodegradation seems to be ontrolled by a rit-

i al value of the maximum biodegradation rate below whi h biodegradation slows down

signi antly. More pronoun ed e e ts are obtained when biomass growth limitationand

toxi ityare both in luded. Simulationresults showthat toxi ity plays animportantrole

indetermining the su ess or failureof biodegration.

AknowledgmentsThisresear hhasbeenpartly arriedoutintheframeworkoftheTRIAS

proje t "Multiphase ow and enhan ed biodegradation of non-aqueous phase liquids"

(Delft Cluster Proje t 5.1.6). The work of C. Gallo was partly supported by Sardinian

RegionalAuthoritiesandbytheItalianMinistryofthe University (proje tISR8-C11/B).


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