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Angelo Milazzo pdf


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D e r m a to lo g ia p e d ia tr ic a : le le s io n i e le m e n ta r i

D o tt. A n g e lo M ila z z o P e d ia tr a d i F a m ig lia

R e s p o n s a b ile d e lla R e te d i D e r m a to lo g ia P e d ia tr ic a d e lla R e g io n e S ic ilia

S o c ie tà E u r o p e a d i D e r m a to lo g ia P e d ia tr ic a D o c e n te d i P e d ia tr ia d i F a m ig lia

a ll’U n iv e r s ità d i C a ta n ia


Primary lesions

• T h e re a re n o u n iv e rs a lly a g re e d u p o n d e fin itio n s o f te rm s o r, in p a r tic u la r , d im e n s io n s o f p r im a r y le s io n s .

• M acule - c ir c u m s c r ib e d a r e a o f s k in , u p to 1 .0 c m , w ith a

c h a n g e fr o m n o r m a l s k in c o lo r , w h ic h is n e ith e r r a is e d a b o v e n o r d e p r e s s e d b e lo w th e s u r r o u n d in g s k in . M a n y u s e th e te r m fo r le s io n s m u c h g r e a te r th a n 1 .0 c m . T e r m d o e s n o t in c lu d e purpura.

• Patch - a fla t, c ir c u m s c r ib e d , d is c o lo r a tio n o f s k in o r m u c o u s m e m b r a n e g r e a te r th a n 1 .0 c m in d ia m e te r .

• Papule - d is c r e te s o lid a r e a o f s k in th a t is e le v a te d b y

p a lp a tio n a b o v e th e s u r r o u n d in g s k in and le s s th a n 1 c m in d ia m e te r . V a r ia tio n s in c lu d e a c c u m in a te , k e r a to tic , fla t-

to p p e d , fo llic u la r , u m b ilic a te d , p e d u n c u la te d , n e c r o titic a n d o th e r s .

• Plaque - s im ila r to a p a p u le b u t g r e a te r th a t 1 .0 c m in

d ia m e te r . O fte n fo r m e d b y th e c o n flu e n c e o r c o a le s c e n c e o f p a p u le s . S e c o n d a r y fe a tu r e s m a y in c lu d e , a m o n g o th e r s , a tr o p h y , lic h e n ific a tio n o r h y p e r k e r a to s is .



• Vesicle - a c ir c u m s c r ib e d flu id -fille d le s io n le s s th a n 1 .0 c m in d ia m e te r th a t is u s u a lly e le v a te d a b o v e th e s u r r o u n d in g s k in . M a y b e d e s c r ib e d a s s o lita r y ,

g r o u p e d , u m b ilic a te d , d y s h id r o tic , s p o n g io tic , m u lti- lo c u la r o r u n i-lo c u la r .

• Bulla - a c ir c u m s c r ib e d flu id -fille d le s io n g r e a te r th a n 1 .0 c m in d ia m e te r th a t is u s u a lly e le v a te d a b o v e th e s u r r o u n d in g s k in . M a y a tta in d ia m e te r s o f s e v e r a l c m s a n d a r e d e s c r ib e d a s te n s e , o r fla c id .

• Pustule - d e s c r e te e le v a te d v e s ic le o r b u lla o f s k in , u s u a lly s m a ll, c o n ta in in g p u r u le n t e x u d a te c o m p o s e d o f in fla m m a to r y le u k o c y te s (p u s ), w ith o r w ith o u t

c e llu la r d e b r is . M a y b e s u p e r fic ia l, d e e p -s e a te d ,

fo llic u la r , g r o u p e d , e tc . a n d m a y a r is e s e c o n d a r ily fr o m

a v e s ic le .


N o d u le s – T u m o r s

• Nodule - d e s c r e te , s o lid , p a lp a b le , r o u n d o r o v a l (e lip s o id a l) le s io n o f th e s k in m e a s u r in g u p to 1 .0 c m in d ia m e te r (o r lo n g a x is ).

A p p lie s to p r o c e s s e s in v o lv in g a n y o r a ll le v e ls o f th e s k in , a n d is a g e n e r a l te r m fo r a n y m a s s , b e n ig n o r m a lig n a n t.

• Tumor - a te r m u s e d b y s o m e fo r a "n o d u le "

g r e a te r th a n 1 .0 c m in d ia m e te r . A p p lie s to

p r o c e s s e s in v o lv in g a n y o r a ll le v e ls o f th e

s k in , a n d is a g e n e r a l te r m fo r a n y m a s s ,

b e n ig n o r m a lig n a n t.


U r tic a r ia

• Wheal - a n e v a n e s c e n t, r o u n d o r ir r e g u la r , o fte n fla t-to p p e d e le v a tio n o f s k in w ith a

p a le r e d c o lo r , a r is in g fr o m e d e m a in th e s u p e r fic ia l d e r m is . M a y v a r y fr o m 2 -3 m m to 1 0 o r m o r e c m in d ia m e te r , w ith r o u n d o r a r c u a te c o n fig u r a tio n s . S h o u ld b e

d is tin g u is h e d fr o m angioedema, a m a s s iv e e d e m a in v o lv in g th e e n tir e d e r m is a n d

s u b c u ta n e o u s tis s u e s .


Secondary lesions

• Scar - a h a r d p la q u e o f d e n s e fib r o tic tis s u e c o v e r e d b y a th in e p id e r m is . A m a r k o f in ju r y fr o m a n y s o r t o f p r o c e s s (p h y s ic a l o r p a th o lo g ic ).

• Atrophy - A tr o p h y u s u a lly r e fe r s to th in n in g o f th e e p id e r m is le a v in g a n e a s ily w r in k le d a n d /o r s h in y s u r fa c e . A tr o p h y m a y a ls o a p p ly to d e r m a l a n d /o r s u b c u ta n e o u s tis s u e , w ith o r

w ith o u t c h a n g e s in th e e p id e r m is .

• Ulcer - lo s s o f s k in tis s u e o r s u b s ta n c e fr o m th e s u r fa c e d o w n w a r d , le a v in g a n u n c o v e r e d o r d e n u d e d w o u n d th a t is s lo w to h e a l.

• Erosion - a s u p e r fic ia l d e n u d a tio n o f th e s k in , u s u a lly im p ly in g th e lo s s o f th e e p id e r m is .

• Fissure - a v e r tic a l s p littin g o r s e p a r a tio n o f th e s k in .

• Crust - d r ie d s u r fa c e flu id , o fte n s e r o u s (in s p is s a te d s e r u m ) in n a tu r e , w ith o r w ith o u t tis s u e d e b r is . F o r p u r p o s e s o f th is

d o c u m e n t th is in c lu d e s th e te r m "s c a b ".


S e c o n d a r y le s io n s

• Excoriation - a s c r a tc h m a r k , o fte n w ith d e n u d a tio n o f th e s k in to fo r m a s m a ll u lc e r . E x p o s u r e o f th e c o r iu m b y m e c h a n ic a l r e m o v a l o f th e e p id e r m is .

• Scale - a th in fla k e o f e p ith e liu m (m o s tly c o m p o s e d o f

c o r n e o c ty e s ) w h ic h is s e p a r a te d fr o m th e u n d e r ly in g in ta c t s k in p r o p e r .

• Lichenification - a th ic k e n in g o f th e s k in s u r fa c e and a n in c r e a s e o f s k in m a r k in g s , u s u a lly s e e n w ith c h r o n ic

c o a le s c e n c e o f p a p u la r le s io n s , e s p e c ia lly a to p ic e c z e m a .

• Vegetating - a lu s h ly g r o w in g , p r o life r a tin g , p r o c e s s , u s u a lly w ith e le v a te d o r e x o p h y tic fe a tu r e s .

• Linear / Figurate - te c h n ic a lly not s e c o n d a r y fe a tu r e s , b u t in c lu d e d h e r e s o le ly o u t o f c o n v e n ie n c e . T h e s e a r e

configurations th a t s k in le s io n s m a y a s s u m e , w h ic h a id in th e ir d ia g n o s tic id e n tific a tio n . F ig u r a te in c lu d e s g e o m e tr ic a l s h a p e s (e .g . a n n u la r , a r c ifo r m , c y c lic , e tc .).


M acular Lesions

• Brown

• Grey Slate Blue

• Black

• White

• Pink - Red

• Yellow

• Scale


Brown M acular Lesions

· Ephilides

· Neurofibromatosis

· Albright's disease

· Peutz Jeghers syndrome Peutz Jeghers syndrome

· Xeroderm pigmentosum · Xeroderm pigmentosum

· Acropigmentation

· Seborrheic keratosis

· Neurocutaneous melanosis

· Nieman-Pick disease

· M elasma (Chloasma)

· Kwashiokor

· Photochemical reactions· Photochemical reactions

· Berlock dermatitis

· Ultraviolet light (sun tan)

· Thermal radiation - Erythema ab igne

· Becker's nevus

· Hemochromatosis


Brown M acular Lesions

· Trauma

· Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

· M alignant melanoma

· Lentigo melanoma

· M astocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa)

· Encephalitis (chronic)

· Cronkhite - Canada syndrome

· Tatoo

· Reticular acropigmentation of Kitamura

· Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis

· Fanconi's syndrome

· Riehl's melanosis

· Periorbital melanosis

· Franceschetti - Jadassohn syndrome

· Gaucher's disease

· Dyskeratosis congenita

· Addison's disease


Grey Slate Blue M acular Lesions

Oculodermal melanocytosis (Nevus of Ota)

Dermal melanocytosis (M ongolian spot)

Blue melanocytic nevus

Incontinentia pigmenti

Franceschetti - Jadassohn syndrome


Chronic nutritional insufficiency

Fixed drug eruption


Erythema dyschromicum perstans

M alignant melanoma


M aculae cerulae


M etastatic melanoma


Black M acular Lesions

M elanocytic nevus

M alignant melanoma

Ecchymosis (blue-black)

White and Hypomelanotic M acular Lesions



Piebaldism Piebaldism

Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome

Tuberous sclerosis

Waardenburg's syndrome



Addison's disease


Pernicious anemia

Halo nevus (Leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum - Hyde and Sutton)

Nevus depigmentosus

Leprosy - tuberculoid

Pityriasis alba

Chediak-Higashi syndrome

Post-inflammatory depigmentation

Phenylketonuria (pigment dilution)

Alezzandrini's sundrome

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis

Syphilitic leukoderma (L2)

Scleroderma / morphea

Black and white M acular



Pink – red - yellow M acular Lesions

• Exanthems

• Drug eruptions

• Telangiectasia

• Nevus flammeus (Port wine stain - salmon patch)

• Jaundice

• Xanthomata (plantar - plantar)

• Xanthelasma (sometimes paplable)

• Carotenemia

• Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

• Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum

• Amyloidosis (primary)

• Fordyce condition

• Solar elastosis


M acules with Scale

• Tinea versicolor

• Seborrheic keratosis

• Pityriasis alba


Papular Lesions

• With Scale

• Koebner Phenomenon

• Facial Papule(s)


Papulo-squamous differential

• Pityriasis rosea

• Psoriasis

• Lichen planus

• Pityriasis rubra pilaris

• Parapsoriasis

• Secondary syphilis

• Tinea versicolor

• Tinea corporis

• Seborrheic dermatitis

• Drug reaction - lichenoid (e.g. atabrine, gold,



Koebner Phenomenon

• Lichen planus

• Eczema (active)

• Psoriasis

• Auto-inoculation: Verruca, M olluscum

contagiosum, etc.)


Flesh Colored Papules

Adenoma sebaceum of Pringle

Basal cell carcinoma

Intraepidermal nevus



Verruca vulgaris / plana

M olluscum contagiosum


Acne cyst

Hidrocystoma – Apocrine – Eccrine

Epithelioid inclusion cyst ("Sebaceous" cyst)

Epithelioma adenoides cystica / Trichoepithelioma


Nevus lipomatous superficialis

Nodular elastoidosis (with cysts and comedones) / (Favre - Racouchot syndrome)

Lichen amyloidosis

Lipoid proteinosis


M ilia

Colloid milium

M etastatic lesions


Nodular Lesions

• Nodules on Legs

• Nodules around Joints


Nodules on the Legs

Erythema nodosum

Subacute nodular migratory panniculitis

Weber-Christian disease (relapsing febrile nodular panniculitis)

Superficial migratory thrombophlebitis

Acute pancreatitis with nodular subcutaneous fat necrosis

Polyarteritis nodosa

Insect bites


Erythema induratum (Bazin)

Erythema nodosum leprosum

Trichophyton rubrum granuloma (M ajocchi)

Zirconium and Silicon granuloma

Deep fingal infection

Actinomycosis, blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, coccidioidmycosis

M eningococcal or pneumococcical septicemia

Kaposi's sarcoma - other neoplasm

Rheumatoid nodules

Sweet's syndrome - usually tender plaque(s)

Behcet's disease

Parasites (leishmaniasis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis, shistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, myiasis)

Rothman-M akai syndrome


Nodules around Joints

• Arthritis

– Rheumatoid arthritis

– Gouty tophi (Tophaceous gout)

• Infectious disease

– Papulonecrotic tuberculid - elbows, fingers

• M etabolic disease

– Xanthoma tuberosum – Calcinosis cutis

• Neoplasms

– M yxoid cyst

• M iscellaneous

– Erythema elevatum diutinum

– Reticulohistiocytoma


Tumor Lesions - Differential by Color

• Brown

• Black - Grey

• Blue

• Pink - Red - Purple

• Skin Colored - Yellow - Fawn – Orange

• Painful Dermal Tumors



• M alignant melanoma

• Spitz nevus

• M elanocytic nevus

• Pyogenic granuloma (brown to red)

• Seborrheic keratosis

• Comedone

• Basal cell carcinoma

• Acanthoma (brown to pink)

• Histiocytoma

• Skin tags (Acrochordons)

• Clear cell acanthoma

• Trichofolliculoma

AActinic keratosis ctinic keratosis

Squamous cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma

• Paget's disease

• Nevus of Ota (brown to blue)

• Neuroma (brown, pink or purple)

• Leiomyoma (dusky brown-pink-red)

• Hidradenoma papilliferum (reddish-brown when ulcerated)

• Sarcoidosis



• M elanocytic nevus

• Blue Nevus

• M alignant melanoma

• Seborrheic keratosis

• Basal cell carcinoma

• Paget's disease (pink-grey-yellow)

• Hematoma

• Thrombosed plantar wart

• Apocrine hidrocystoma (blue-grey-black)

• Bowen's disease

• Granuloma telangiectaticum (blue-black)

• Eccrine hidrocystoma



• Blue nevus

• M alignant melanoma

• Neurofibroma

• Histiocytoma

• Thrombosed plantar wart

• Apocrine hydrocystoma (blue-grey-black)

• Nevus of Ota (blue-brown)

• Granuloma telangiectaticum (blue-black)

• Kaposi's sarcoma (dark blue or purple)

• Lymphangiosarcoma of Stewart and Treves (dusky blue to red)

• Eccrine hidrocystoma


Pink - Red - Purple

• Spitz nevus

• Pyogenic granuloma

• M alignant melanoma

• Hemangioma (purple)

• Keratoacanthoma (flesh colored to red)

• Histiocytoma

• Eccrine poroma (acrospiroma) (pink to livid red)

• Hidradenoma papilliferum (ma be reddish brown)

• Dermal cylindroma (pink to red)


Skin Colored - Yellow - Fawn - Orange

Basal cell carcinoma - Examples at the Image Database. Basal cell carcinoma - Examples at the Image Database.

Seborrheic keratosis Seborrheic keratosis

Sweat gland nevus (orange - red - brown) Sweat gland nevus (orange - red - brown)

Trichoepithelioma (pink - yellow) Trichoepithelioma (pink - yellow)

Sebaceous adenoma (yellow) Sebaceous adenoma (yellow

Sebaceous carcinoma (yellow - orange)

M ilium (white - yellow)

Steatocystoma multiplex (yellow)

Syringoma (yellow - mauve - translucent)

Actinic keratosis (yellow)

Neurolemmoma (pink - grey - yellow)

Eccrine spiradenoma (flesh colored)

Syringoma papilliferum (flesh colored)

Painful Dermal Tumors



Eccrine spiradenoma

Glomus tumor





Vesicular / Bullous Lesions

• Vesicular / Bullous Lesions

• Epidermal

• Subepidermal

• Hands

• Grouped

• Umbilicated


Epidermal Vesicular / Bullous Lesions

• Pemphigus vulgaris

• Pemphigus erythematosus (Senear-Usher Syndrome)

• Pemphigus foliaceus

• Pemphigus vegetans

• Benign familial pemphigus (Hailey and Hailey Disease)



Epidermal Vesicular / Bullous Lesions

Incontinentia pigmenti

Toxic epidermal necrolysis

Impetigo / Bullous impetigo

Bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma

Epidermolysis bullosa simplex

Cockayne's disease (Recurrent bullous eruption of hands and feet)


M iliaria crystallina

M iliaria rubra

Acrodermatitis enteropathica Acrodermatitis enteropathica

Eczematous blisters: Eczematous blisters:

Allergic and contact dermatitis (e.g. garlic)Allergic and contact dermatitis (e.g. garlic)

Fungal: I nflammatory infections and id reactions Fungal: I nflammatory infections and id reactions Dyshidrosis (Pompholyx) Dyshidrosis (Pompholyx)

Ultraviolet light Ultraviolet light Others Others

Bacterial vesicles / papulovesicles – Impetigo / Bullous impetigo

– M eningococcemia-stretococcemia, often hemorrhagic

Viral vesicles:

– Hand, foot and mouth disease (Coxsackie A16) – Varicella - Zoster

– Others

Parasitic vesicles:

– Scabies - Examples 


H a n d le s io n s

Vesicular / Bullous Lesions of the Hands Hand, foot and mouth disease (Coxsackie Vesicular / Bullous Lesions of the Hands Hand, foot and mouth disease (Coxsackie AA16) -16) -

Acute eczematous dermatitis Acute eczematous dermatitis


Dyshidrotic eczema

Scabies - Examples

Bullous erythema multiforme - Example.

Epidermolysis bullosa syndromes - Examples: See Image Database

Congenital syphilis

Porphyria cutanea tarda


Physical factors

Viral: Herpes simplex, varicella - zoster, others. - Examples: See Image Database

Toxic epidermal necrolysis

Bullous lichen sclerosis et atrophicus

Fixed drug

Blister beetles


Subepidermal Vesicular / Bullous Lesions

Erythema multiforme

Bullous Pemphigoid

Cicatricial pemphigoid (Benign mucosal pemphigoid)

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Dermolytic epidermolysis bullosa:

– Dominant – Recessive

– Acquired - Examples

Junctional epidermolysis bullosa

M endes da Costa Syndrome (M acular dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa)

Porphyria cutanea tarda

Bullous lupus erythematosus

Bullous lichen planus

Fixed drug eruption (i.e. barbiturates)



Friction or shearing forces

Trauma (i.e. secondary to a bone fracture)

Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus

Urticaria pigmentosa

Vesicular polymorphous light eruption

Herpes gestationis

Ionizing radiation


Grouped Vesicles and Pustules

• Herpes simplex

• Herpes zoster

• Impetigo herpetiformis

• Dermatitis herpetiformis

• Herpes genitalis

• Herpes gestationis

• Subcorneal pustulosis


Pustular Lesions




Impetigo herpetiformis

Acne vulgaris


Steroid induced acne (e.g. dexamethasone)

Pustular drug eruption

Rosacea (Acne rosacea) - M ore examples

Erythema toxicum neonatorum

Transient neonatal pustular melanosis

Incontinentia pigmenti (1st stage) (usually vesiculobullous)

Perioral dermatitis

Pustular psoriasis

– Generalized pustular psoriasis of Zumbusch – Acrodermatitis continua


Palmoplantar pustulosis

Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (of Sneddon-Wilkinson)

Eosinophilic folliculitis (Ofugi's disease)

Hidradenitis suppurativa

Folliculitis decalvans


Umbilicated Vesicles

• Varicella

• Herpes simplex

• Herpes zoster


Wheal or Urtica Lesions

• Urticaria, NOS

• Cholinergic urticaria

• Physical urticaria, including dermagraphism

• Contact urticaria

• Systemic lupus erythematosus

• Hypocomplementemic vasculitis

• Insect bite

• Drug eruption

• Anaphylaxis

• Erythema multiforme (early)


Cyst Lesions

Epidermoid cyst - ( Follicular infundibular cyst)

• Pilar cyst (Tricholemmal cyst)

• Dermoid cyst

• M ucinous cyst

• Hydrocystoma (blue hue) – Eccrine

– Apocrine (more blue)

• M ilia

• Thyroglossa

• Bronchogenic cysts

• Branchial cleft cyst  



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