How Fuzzy is my Fuzzy Description Logic?
Stefan Borgwardt ? , Felix Distel, and Rafael Peñaloza Theoretical Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany {stefborg,felix,penaloza}
Abstract. Fuzzy Description Logics (DLs) with t-norm semantics have been studied as a means for representing and reasoning with vague knowl- edge. Recent work has shown that even fairly inexpressive fuzzy DLs be- come undecidable for a wide variety of t-norms. We complement those results by providing a class of t-norms and an expressive fuzzy DL for which ontology consistency is linearly reducible to crisp reasoning, and thus has its same complexity. Surprisingly, in these same logics crisp models are insufficient for deciding fuzzy subsumption.
1 Introduction
Description logics (DLs) [1] are a family of logic-based knowledge representation formalisms, which can be used to represent the knowledge of an application domain in a formal way. In particular, they have been successfully used for the representation of medical knowledge in large-scale ontologies like Snomed CT 1 and Galen. 2 However, in their standard form DLs are not suited for dealing with imprecise or vague knowledge. For example, in the medical domain a high body temperature is often a symptom for a disease. When trying to represent this knowledge, it is not possible to give a precise characterization of the concept HighTemperature: one cannot define a point where a temperature becomes high.
However, 37 ◦ C should belong “less” to this concept than, say 39 ◦ C.
Fuzzy variants of description logics have been proposed as a formalism for modeling this kind of imprecise knowledge, by providing a degree of membership of individuals to concepts—typically a number from the interval [0, 1]. One could thus express that 36 ◦ C and 39 ◦ C belong to HighTemperature with degrees 0.7 and 0.9, respectively. A more thorough description of the use of fuzzy semantics in medical applications can be found in [20].
A great variety of fuzzy DLs can be found in the literature (for two rele- vant surveys see [18,12]). In fact, fuzzy DLs have several degrees of freedom for defining their expressiveness. In addition to the choice of concept constructors (e.g. conjunction u or existential restriction ∃), and the type of axioms allowed (like acyclic concept definitions or general concept inclusions), which define the
Partially supported by the DFG under grant BA 1122/17-1 and in the Collaborative Research Center 912 “Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing”.
underlying logical language, one must also decide how to interpret the different constructors, through a choice of functions over the domain of fuzzy values [0, 1].
As in mathematical fuzzy logic [13], these functions are typically determined by a continuous t-norm that interprets conjunction.
Research in fuzzy DLs has focused on three specific t-norms, namely the Gödel, Łukasiewicz, and product t-norms. However, there are uncountably many continuous t-norms, each with different properties. For example, under the prod- uct t-norm semantics, existential restrictions (∃) and value restrictions (∀) are not interdefinable, while under the Łukasiewicz t-norm they are. Even after fixing the t-norm, one can still choose whether to interpret negation by the involutive negation operator, or using the residual negation, which need not be involutive.
An additional level of liberty comes from selecting the class of models over which reasoning is considered: either all models, or so-called witnessed models only [14].
The majority of the reasoning algorithms available have been developed for the Gödel semantics, either by a reduction to crisp reasoning [6], or by a simple adaptation of the known algorithms for crisp DLs [23,24,25,27]. However, meth- ods capable of dealing with other t-norms have also been explored [7,8,9,26,22].
Usually, these algorithms reason w.r.t. witnessed models. 3
Very recently, it was shown that the tableaux-based algorithms for logics with semantics based on t-norms other than the Gödel t-norm and allowing general concept inclusions were incorrect [2,5]. This raised doubts about the decidability of the reasoning problems in these logics, and eventually led to a plethora of undecidability results for fuzzy DLs [2,3,4,11]. These undecidability results were then extended to a wide variety of fuzzy DLs in [10]. In fact, it has been shown that for a large class of t-norms ontology consistency easily becomes undecidable. More precisely, for every t-norm that “starts” with the Łukasiewicz t-norm, consistency of crisp ontologies is undecidable for any fuzzy DL that can express conjunction, existential restrictions and the residual negation.
In this paper we counterbalance these undecidability results by considering continuous t-norms not starting with the Łukasiewicz t-norm—in particular, the Gödel and product t-norms are of this kind. We show that consistency of fuzzy ontologies is again decidable, even for the very expressive DL SHOI, which al- lows for nominals and transitive and inverse roles, if negation is interpreted using residual negation. Moreover, for any of these t-norms, an ontology is consistent w.r.t. fuzzy semantics iff it is consistent w.r.t. to crisp semantics. Thus, ontology consistency in fuzzy SHOI is ExpTime-complete for every t-norm not starting with the Łukasiewicz t-norm; for all other t-norms, or if the involutive negation is used, this problem is undecidable [10].
To some extent, the fact that fuzzy ontology consistency can be reduced to crisp reasoning is not very surprising, since fuzzy logics are not, nor should they be considered to be, a formalism for dealing with inconsistencies. Yet, it shines a negative light on the capacity of fuzzy DLs for dealing with imprecise knowledge:
the decidable fuzzy DLs considered in this paper are not fuzzy, but mere syntactic extensions of classical DLs. However, there are other DL reasoning problems for