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Analysis of Deep Learning Architectures for Human Action Recognition


Academic year: 2023

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Master of Science in Computer Engineering

Master of Science Thesis

Analysis of Deep Learning

Architectures for Human Action Recognition


Prof. Fabrizio Lamberti Dr.ssa Lia Morra


Angelo Filannino

Academic Year 2018-2019


Franco e Concetta, e a

mio fratello Luca.


I would like to acknowledge my supervisor, Dott.ssa Lia Morra, for her help and for her patience and perseverance. She helped me a lot during the developing of this work and, since I was hardly ever available during the day, I have appreciated her availability in answering and communicating even during the evening. I learned a lot with this thesis work and it was also thanks to her advice.

I would like to say a big thank you to my family. You have always been there, ready to support me even beyond your possibilities. I will be forever grateful for this.

Then, I would like to thank my friends Michelangelo, Massimo, Kevin and Alessandro to have been great teammates in the university projects and during exams preparation. It has been easier as a group.

Thank you to Nunzia, thank you to have been always by my side. You decided to stay even if you knew that, between work and university, the time for us would have decreased. Thank you to have been there during my moments of happiness and my mental breakdowns.

And, in the end, a huge thank you to Turin. A wonderful city that has changed my life.


Given the advances done in Image Classification and the great success this field is obtaining, Video Classification is the natural follow-up, although this task has more difficulties. This thesis describes the results of the implementations of some of the most successful techniques and approaches and then, the results of their fusion in order to achieve better performance and accuracy. Firstly, the Single Stream Architecture has been proposed with an LSTM implementation. Then, to consider also the temporal behavior, the Two Streams Architecture has been reproposed with two LSTM subnetworks. Moreover, in order to consider long-range temporal information as well, the Temporal Segment Network main concepts have been implemented. The implementations exploit the potentiality of Python, programming language, and Keras, a Deep Learning Framework that provides high- level neural networks APIs. The experiments exploit the Optical Flow Estimation techniques, namely Farneback estimation and LiteFlowNet warped estimation. They have been performed on UCF101 Human Action Recognition dataset. The results obtained are almost consistent with the state of the art techniques.


List of Figures iv

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose . . . 2

1.2 Human Action Recognition . . . 2

1.3 Structure of the Document . . . 4

2 Algorithms, technologies and approaches 5 2.1 Backpropagation and Loss function . . . 5

2.2 Learning Rate . . . 6

2.3 Deep Learning . . . 8

2.4 Convolutional Neural Networks . . . 9

2.4.1 Convolutional Layer . . . 10

2.4.2 Pooling Layer . . . 12

2.4.3 Fully Connected Layer . . . 13

2.4.4 Activation Layer . . . 13

2.5 Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network . . . 17

2.5.1 LeNet . . . 17

2.5.2 AlexNet . . . 17

2.5.3 ResNet . . . 18

2.5.4 Inception v3 . . . 19

2.6 Recurrent Neural Network . . . 22


2.6.2 Long-Short Term Memory . . . 23

2.7 Keras . . . 25

3 State of the Arts 27 3.1 Dataset analysis . . . 27

3.1.1 Available datasets for Human Action Recognition . . . 27

3.1.2 Available datasets for generic actions . . . 29

3.2 Video classification architectures and approaches . . . 31

3.2.1 Single Stream Network architecture . . . 31

3.2.2 Two Streams Network architecture . . . 32

3.2.3 Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks . . . 32

3.2.4 Temporal Segment Network . . . 33

3.2.5 3D Convolutional Networks . . . 34

3.2.6 Two-Stream Inflated 3D Convolutional Networks . . . 34

3.2.7 Temporal 3D Convolutional Networks . . . 35

4 Experiments Design and Implementation 37 4.1 Introduction . . . 37

4.2 UCF101 - Action Recognition Dataset . . . 38

4.3 Frames generation . . . 40

4.4 Hardware setup and callback functions . . . 41

4.5 Single Stream LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 42

4.5.1 Design . . . 42

4.5.2 Preprocessing . . . 42

4.5.3 Training . . . 43

4.6 Two Streams LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 45

4.6.1 Design . . . 45

4.6.2 Preprocessing . . . 45


4.7 Temporal Segment LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 48

4.7.1 Design . . . 48

4.7.2 Preprocessing . . . 49

4.7.3 Training . . . 50

5 Experimental Results 53 5.1 Experimental Results . . . 53

5.1.1 Single Stream LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 53

5.1.2 Two Streams LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 54

5.1.3 Temporal Segment LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 55

5.2 Results Evaluations . . . 59

5.2.1 Experiments Discussion . . . 59

5.2.2 Classes Accuracy Evaluation . . . 60

6 Real-time Application 65 6.1 Introduction . . . 65

6.2 Analysis and Design . . . 65

6.3 Software Implementation . . . 66

7 Conclusions 69 7.1 Future works . . . 69

A Neural Networks Model 71 A.1 Single Stream LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 71

A.2 Two Streams LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 71

A.3 Temporal Segment LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 72

Bibliography 74


2.1 Forwardpass and Backwardpass in back-propagation . . . 6

2.2 Back-propagation and Gradient . . . 6

2.3 Learning Rate . . . 7

2.4 Convolutional Neural Network . . . 9

2.5 Convolutional Layer . . . 11

2.6 Max Pooling Layer . . . 13

2.7 Fully Connected Layer . . . 14

2.8 Sigmoid Activation Function . . . 15

2.9 Tanh Activation Function . . . 15

2.10 ReLU and Leaky ReLU Activation Functions . . . 16

2.11 LeNet-5 Architecture . . . 17

2.12 Residual block used in ResNet Architecture . . . 18

2.13 Factorization into Smaller Convolutions . . . 20

2.14 Factorization into Asymmetric Convolutions . . . 21

2.15 Inception-v3 Architecture . . . 21

2.16 Recurrent Neural Network vs Feed-Forward Neural Network . . . 22

2.17 A single LSTM unit . . . 23

2.18 An LSTM network . . . 24

2.19 Memory action in LSTM . . . 25

3.1 Two-stream architecture . . . 31

3.2 Convolutional operation done on a sequence of frames . . . 34


3.4 Model Architecture of TS-LSTM [43] . . . 36

4.1 UCF101 dataset . . . 39

4.2 Optical Flow frame for a Playing Tennis action . . . 41

4.3 Preprocessing pipeline of Single Stream LSTM RNN . . . 43

4.4 Single Stream LSTM Recurrent Neural Network model diagram. . . . 44

4.5 Preprocessing pipeline of Two Streams LSTM RNN . . . 46

4.6 Two Streams LSTM Recurrent Neural Network . . . 47

4.7 Inception v3 re-training . . . 48

4.8 Preprocessing pipeline of Temporal Segment Network LSTM RNN . . 50

4.9 Training diagram for Temporal Segment Network LSTM RNN . . . . 51

5.1 Accuracy and Top 5 Accuracy over epochs of Single Stream LSTM . 54 5.2 Loss over epochs of Single Stream LSTM . . . 55

5.3 Accuracy and Top 5 Accuracy over epochs of Two Stream LSTM . . 56

5.4 Loss over epochs of Two Stream LSTM . . . 57

5.5 Accuracy over epochs of Tsn LSTM . . . 57

5.6 Tsn LSTM Accuracy of RNN subnet for RGB and Optical Flow frames over epochs . . . 58

5.7 Samples from video clips of classes with the highest accuracy value with Temporal Segment LSTM after training. . . 63

5.8 Samples from video clips of classes with the lowest accuracy value with Temporal Segment LSTM after training. . . 64

6.1 Real-time Application Segmentation Scheme . . . 66

6.2 Real-time Application Software Architecture . . . 67



Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence is one of the main focus of the scientific com- munities and, day after day, its applications are becoming deeply involved in our daily life. The term “Artificial Intelligence” is exceptionally wide in scope. According to Andrew Moore [3], Dean of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and Chief Scientist of Google Cloud AI, ”Artificial intelligence is the sci- ence and engineering of making computers behave in ways that, until recently, we thought required human intelligence.”

One branch of artificial intelligence is Machine Learning. Professor and Former Chair of the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University, Tom M. Mitchell: “Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience” [1]. The basic concept is to examine and compare huge quantity of data, collected in datasets, to make decision, classify events or objects and find common patterns. ML is already involved in common system such as recommendations engine, web search, face recognition or speech-to-text software.

It is possible to divide Machine Learning in two macro areas: Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning. Classification is part of the first group of algorithms and methodologies and it is defined as the process of predicting the class (output) for a specific series of features (input). The general approach is described in the following steps:

Data Collection In this phase, a large dataset of ’input’ is collected and labelled.

It is possible to use an existent dataset and this is what has be done during this experiments. Usually the dataset is divided in training, validation and testing set.


Training In this phase, the training and validation subset inputs are ’seen’ by the model which, according to algorithms, starts learning how to classify them.

The model’s goal is to minimize an objective function that measures the error value between the correct classification and the predicted value. During this minimization, hundreds of million of parameters, generally called ’weights’, are updated to obtain a trained model that will perform the prediction.

Testing and Application Finally, the trained model can receive the test subset of the dataset and some metrics, like accuracy, can be evaluated. If the metrics satisfy some thresholds, the model has achieved the capacity to generalize previously unseen input and it is able to produce mostly correct answer to inputs that it has never seen before. It is ready to be used for a real application.

This approach is the standard de-facto for the most research or industrial usage of Machine Learning for classification. Human Action Recognition is a video classification process; starting from a video that contains one person, or more, doing a specific action, the algorithm should recognize the human action (or multiple) among a set of possible actions (class labels). This thesis is about a ML model that allows to recognize an human action among a subset of actions.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the project described in this thesis is to propose approaches that include the usage of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the video action recognition task. RNNs are a powerful type of neural networks which include a feedback loop, where, basically, the output of step N is affected by the output of step N − 1. During my experiments, I have performed three different experiments emulating the state-of-art architectures but with a Recurrent Neural Network. In the end, with the approaches used, a real-time application has been created with the model with highest accuracy. This allows to possible future scenarios.

1.2 Human Action Recognition

Human Action Classification is a Machine Learning task that consists in pre- diction of different actions starting from a video clip, a sequence of bi-dimensional


frames. The approach could seem similar to Image Classification and its Deep Learn- ing approach but the algorithms are quite different and the success, as well, obtained by this approach is lower. The main obstacles to be tackled for successful action recognition are the followings:

• Long-range temporal structure modeling

The model should be able to recognize action inside a spatiotemporal context and the video could have some movements related to the scene changes but not related to the action, e.g. camera movement, same actions but change of viewpoint. Additionally, the action can last few seconds and an important correlation can involve the first frames with the last ones; long-range temporal features are very important for a correct prediction.

• Computational cost

The most known CNNs have about 25 million parameters. There are not stan- dards Deep Learning model for video classification but usually research papers describe model which have from 35 to 100 million parameters [24]. It implies long training time, research difficult and overfitting problems.

• Dataset and benchmarks

The absence of standards and benchmarks makes comparing different Deep Learning models harder. In the last years, UCF101 and Sports1M have been the most popular datasets and the scientific researches are usually done on one of these two datasets; but not without problems. Looking at the number of generated frames, UCF101 seems to be coherent with the magnitude of ImageNet but it lacks diversity and so the generalization can be difficult. About Sports1M, the dataset suffers of the same problems and it has a number of frames higher then average. In May 2017, a new dataset has been released [25]

and it seems to solve the problems previously detailed but only few scientific paper use it to evaluate a model.

• Classification architecture design

Currently, there is not an architecture design, among the ones proposed, that completely outperform the other ones. There is only one certainty: considering the temporal features, with optical flow, RGB differences or any other methods, will increase the accuracy of the model. Starting from this assumption, there are many valid model architectures that can reach a good accuracy value.


1.3 Structure of the Document

In this paragraph, it is described what is the structure of this thesis work.

• The Chapter 1 is this one and it is an introduction to the work.

• In the Chapter 2 I describe the general techniques, approaches and algorithms.

I start from the basic Convolutional Network concepts to arrive to Recurrent Neural Network ones, since they are used in general context of the thesis.

• In the Chapter 3 I present a Dataset Analysis that I have performed in order to better understand the available dataset. Then, I describe the state-of-art ar- chitectures that in the last years have reached great result and have introduced some pioneering concept to achieve the goal.

• In the Chapter 4 I described the implementation of my three experiments in details. Here, it is possible to find the details of the models, the diagrams and the hyper-parameters related to the experiments performed.

• In the Chapter 5 I present the results of the three experiments, analyzing the possible reasons of the accuracy values compared to the state-of-art ones.

• In the Chapter 6 I describe a possible implementation of a real-time application using the model which obtain the highest accuracy in my experiments.

• Finally, in the Chapter 7 I present the conclusions and some possible extensions and future works of the presented thesis.


Algorithms, technologies and approaches

In this chapter, I will describe the common and consolidate techniques and ap- proaches that are the core of several Machine Learning algorithms. The arguments go from the basic Convolutional Network concepts to arrive to Recurrent Neural Network ones, since they are used in general context of the thesis.

2.1 Backpropagation and Loss function

In every Machine Learning supervised learning model, there is a core function called Loss Function. In order to understand better the loss function, I first need to describe the score function. The Score Function is a function associated to each ML model that given a set of input data (pixels, words, numbers, etc...) it is able to evaluate a score. This score is an indication of how good the model is able to transform an input to a correct output. The score function is generated contemporary to the model creation: each layer of the model introduced a change in this function and the final model will have a specific form that considers all the layers that composed the model. The score function is parameterized by a set of weights W which are the trainable parameters of a ML model. The loss function is in charge to evaluate the agreement between the predicted scores and the actual scores. This means that, mathematically, we must minimize this function to achieve better performance with our model.

The loss function is parameterized by W and in order to minimize the result


Figure 2.1. Forwardpass and Backwardpass in back-propagation. The for- mer indicates how a result is evaluated. The latter indicates how the weights are updated according to the loss function value and its gradient. Figures from CS231n Stanford course [4].

Figure 2.2. In this figure it is represented the mechanism of weights update according to the gradient evaluation. Figure from CS231n Stanford course [4].

of the function we have to update the parameters. The best way to update them is following the direction indicates by the gradient. The gradient can be seen as an evaluator of the slope of the function; the weights should be updated following the direction with the maximum slope in order to reach the global minimum of the function. More specifically, the gradient is a generalization of slope for functions that do not take a single number as input but a vector of numbers [5]. Namely, the gradient is a vector of derivatives (e.g. the slopes) for each dimension in the input space.

2.2 Learning Rate

There is an important hyper-parameter, the so-called Learning Rate. The gra- dient is used to estimate in which direction the function has the steepest rate of increase but it does not tell the quantity to move through. The learning rate (or


step size) is a multiplication factor that allow us to go ”slow” or ”fast” in the gra- dient direction with our steps. If the learning rate value is small, we will make a lot of small and well directioned steps so the time to reach a minimum value will be higher. If the learning rate value is big, we will make few steps, reducing the time of training, but there is the risk to reach and pass the minimum value, introducing this oscillatory inefficiency. The changes of learning rate value are represented in figure 2.3. A common approach of nowadays optimizers is to use a learning rate with Momentum and Decay.


The Momentum Update is an approach used to increase the learning rate value and the convergence speed in deep networks. The main concept consist in increasing the learning rate when the previous update has obtained good result. Namely, if there is an update to the weights with a specific learning rate and this update allow to obtain a good result with the loss function, the learning rate is increased. And this happens until the condition is true. In this way, if we are correctly orientated through the minimum value of the loss function, it will be easy to reach it.

Figure 2.3. In this figure, it is represented a 2D plot of a loss function J(Θ). In the center there is the correct case, where the learning rate (represented by the factor that modifies the size of the steps) is correctly updated and reach the minimum of the function. On the left the learning rate value is too small and this implies an increase of number of epochs before reaching the minimum value. On the right the learning rate value is too high and this implies that the minimum value will not be reach (divergence). Diagram from [11].



The Learning Rate Decay is an approach used to decrease the learning rate.

This is necessary because, when the error function value is near to the minimum value, it could have a big learning rate value and this means that the function value will unpredictably go around the minimum value but without actually settle on it. On the other hand, a too fast decay can increase the convergence time and waste computation. According to CS231n course [4], the learning rate decay could be implemented with three techniques:

• Step Decay

the learning rate is reduced by a specific factor every N epochs.

• Exponential Decay

the learning rate has the mathematical form of α = α0e−kt where α0 and k are hyper-parameters while t is the number of the current epoch.

• 1/t Decay

the learning rate has the mathematical form of α = (1+ktα0 where α0 and k are hyper-parameters while t is the number of the current epoch.

2.3 Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a class of techniques of Machine Learning that is involved in modelling algorithms inspired by the structure of the human brain. Basically, it is an extremism of Neural Network where the model generated is a sequence of a huge number of layers. The result is a model with a number of weights in the order of hundreds of million that is able to recognize several human-imperceptible pattern inside the dataset. This lead to really good result in the output predictions and they are as better as bigger and well diversified the input dataset is. LeCun et ali [2] define ’Representation learning’ as a set of methods that allows a machine to be fed with raw data and to automatically discover the representations needed for detection or classification. Deep learning methods are representation learning methods with multiple levels of representation obtained by composing a sequence of layers. Again [2] highlights that the key aspect of Deep Learning is that the layers of features are not designed by human engineers but they are learned from data using


a general-purpose learning procedure. These methods have dramatically improved the state-of-the-art in image classification, speech recognition and object detection.

2.4 Convolutional Neural Networks

In the last years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have obtained a great success in the image classification task. According to Stanford CS231n course [4], CNNs are similar to the ordinary neural network but there is the explicit assump- tion that the inputs are images; this allows to encode certain properties into the architecture. The main concept of Neural Network assumes that there is a single input vector that is transformed crossing a series of hidden weights/layers in order to produce a single output vector. If the input is an image, the input has a shape like width × height × depth. The usual approach with a Fully Connected (FC) layer would create a really big number of weights and this number is as bigger as bigger the image size is; this approach does not scale. CNN exploits the particular input shape of the image: the weights are arranged in three dimensions in the layers.

Moreover, since each pixel (with shape 1×1×3 where 3 is the RGB component, also called 3-channel) has usually something in common with the adjacent ones, a CNN takes advantage of this property and it is able to summarize local area or common pattern reducing the number of weights. Among the possible type of layers, the following ones are the most common [6]: Convolutional Layer, Pooling Layer, Fully Connected Layer and Activation Layer.

Figure 2.4. Common Architecture for Convolutional Neural Network


2.4.1 Convolutional Layer


According to [6], the Convolutional layer is the core building block of the Convolutional Networks and it is also the one with the heaviest computational operations. The parameters of a Convolutional layer are a set of learnable filters and each filter has a shape (height × width × depth). Usually, the height and width dimensions are custom and small while the depth dimension extends through the full depth of the input volume. Each Convolutional Filter slides across the width and the height of the input volume and, while sliding, dot products operations are performed. The dot product is done between the entries of the filter and a subset of the input according to the position of the filter while sliding. The sliding convolutional filter will produce a 2-dimensional activation map that will evaluate the response of that filter in every position of the input volume.

The network will learn some patterns and will represent them in filters that activate when they see the same pattern. For example it is possible to learn edge, shape or block of same color. This will generate a set of filters, each one described by a distinct 2-dimensional activation maps but this leads to have a huge number of parameters for a Convolutional Network; this is the case of first Deep Convolutional Network [28].

Parameter Sharing

In order to reduce the number of parameters, the Parameter Sharing technique is usually used. This technique makes a reasonable assumption: if one filter is able to recognize a pattern, a scheme or a feature at some spatial position, then it should also be useful to recognize it at a different position; this means that the filter parameters does not change across the different slices in depth.

Let’s describe this in more details. When a filter is sliding along an input volume, it tries to learn a pattern for each level of depth. Once it has slided in height and width over a slice at the same depth, it has acquire an activation map able to recognize patterns. If we change the level of depth, using as input a matrix of same height and width, the same activation map could be used to recognize the same patterns.

This assumption allows us to share the parameters of the filters among all the levels of depth of the input volume. Each filter tries to learn something different from the


Figure 2.5. Convolutional Layer



As said, the Convolutional layer receives an input volume with shape height × width × depth. There are three hyperparameters which control the size of the output: the depth, the stride and the zero-padding.

• The depth of the output volume depends on the number of filters we would like to use. The set of filters that are looking at the same subspace of input is called depth column.

• It is necessary to set the value of the stride with which we slide the filter. For example, with Stride = 1, the filter is moved one input value at a time.

• The zero-padding hyperparameter corresponds to the number of padding value inserted in the input volume. This is really useful to control the spatial size of the output volume.

Let’s suppose there is an input volume with shape W and let’s suppose there is a Convolutional layer with a filter with size F , a stride value of S and a zero-padding


of value P . The single dimension of the output volume is equal to:

(W − F + 2P

S + 1 (2.1)

There are some constraints on the hyperparameters and related to the values of stride and zero-padding. The equation 2.1 must produce an integer result.

Supposing that an input volume for this layer has size W1×H1×D1, supposing that there are K filters, the spatial extent is F , the stride S and the amount of zero padding is P , then the layer produces as output a volume of size W2× H2× D2:

W2 = W1− F + 2P

S + 1 (2.2)

H2 = H1− F + 2P

S + 1 (2.3)

D2 = K (2.4)

Moreover, using the Parameters Sharing, the parameters introduced are F · F · D1

for each filter.

In the end, it is important to describe a particular configuration of the Convo- lution Later: the 1 × 1, introduced for the first time by [38]. This kind of layer is able to reduce the dimensional of the network, in fact even if the filter has a shape of 1 × 1, the dot products are done through the full depth of the input volume.

2.4.2 Pooling Layer

The Pooling layer purpose is to reduce the spatial size of the input repre- sentation in that point of the network in order to reduce the amount of parameters, the computation of the network and the risk of overfitting.

This layer is commonly inserted between two consecutive Convolutional layers. The general input of this layer has a volume of size W1 × H1 × D1 and for a Pooling layer two hyperparameters must be set: the spatial extent F and the stride S. The layer produces as output a volume of f size W2× H2× D2:

W2 = W1 − F

S + 1 (2.5)

H2 = H1 − F

S + 1 (2.6)


D2 = D1 (2.7) This layer operates on every slice along the depth (D) dimension, not modifying this dimension but modifying the other two dimensions (W and H) according to the hyperparameters selected. The dimensions reduction is due to the operation performed to each specific group of input value, usually a MAX operation.. The size of the group depends on hyperparameters. For example if the filter size is 2×2 with a stride of 2, it means that the input values are halved along the two dimensions and so the 75% of parameters are discarded. The MAX operation consists in taking the maximum value over the values in the region selected (the pool).

2.4.3 Fully Connected Layer

The Fully Connected layer is a common layer where the neurons in layer have full connections to all the activations in the previous layer. It is a general and traditional pattern introduced for the first time with the Multi-Layer Perceptron network. The activations can be computed with a complete matrix multiplications.

It is represented in figure 2.7.

2.4.4 Activation Layer

The Activation layer is a neural layer able to produce an ouput, starting from an input, according to a specific Activation Function. The activation function is a fixed mathematical operation and, therefore, it does not introduce

Figure 2.6. Max Pooling layer operations. On the left, there is an example of an input volume and the change of its dimension after a Pooling layer. The depth dimension is preserved. On the right, an example of Max Pooling operation with a 2×2 filter and stride = 2. The maximum value is taken from a pool of 4 values.

Image from Stanford CS231n course [6].


Figure 2.7. Fully Connected Layer

other parameters but it is able to highlight a label among the set of possible ones. The most used activation functions are the following:


The sigmoid mathematical form is:

σ(x) = 1

1 + ex (2.8)

The main ability of this function is to take a real value number as input and return a result between 0 and 1. Namely, large negative numbers are likely to tend to 0 while large positive numbers tend to 1. Historically, the sigmoid has been widely use but, nowadays, it is in disuse due to two important disadvantages [6]:

• The sigmoid saturates and ”kills” the gradient. This means that when the output is in the tail of 0 or 1, the gradient of the function is almost zero and, therefore, during the backpropagation phase, this low value will affect the result of the whole objective function that will not correctly update the parameters.

• The sigmoid outputs are not zero-centered. This has an implication during the gradient descent phase because, according to the sign of the input x the gra- dient on the parameters update will be all positive or all negative, introducing an undesirable zig-zag update of the weights.


Figure 2.8. Sigmoid Activation Function. Plot from [42].


The Tanh activation function has the same capabilities and disadvantages of Sigmoid function except for one thing. The output is from -1 and 1 and so it is zero-centered, avoiding the problem described for the Sigmoid activation function.

The mathematical representation is:

tanh(x) = 2σ(2x) − 1 (2.9)

In practice Tanh is always preferred to Sigmoid.

Figure 2.9. TanH Activation Function. Plot from [42].


Rectified Linear Unit - ReLU

The ReLU (REctified Linear Unit) is one of the most popular activation function;

the mathematical representation is quite straightforward:

f (x) = max(0, x) (2.10)

It is simply a threshold at zero. The reason of the large usage are related to:

• It allows an acceleration in the convergence during the gradient descent com- pared to Sigmoid or Tanh

• The mathematical operation are easy. There are not expensive operations like exponential or fraction but there is only a simply threshold on the value 0

There are, of course, drawbacks as well. Namely, ReLU can suffer of an event called dying ReLU. This event happens when the parameter is updated in a way that the activation function will never activate it and if it happens, the gradient flowing in the layer of the Convolutional network will be zero from that point on. A tentative to reduce the drawback of the dying ReLU is the usage of Leaky ReLU. The mathematical representation is:

f (x) =

αx for x < 0 x for x ≥ 0

where α is small value used to have a small and changing value instead of 0.

Figure 2.10. ReLU and Leaky ReLU Activation Functions. Plot from [42].



The Softmax activation function is a function able to transform a sequence of numbers in input to another sequence of numbers which sum up to one. Basically, this function transform the input in a sequence of probabilities related to the possible labels; the inputs are transformed in output in a such way to be with value between 0 and 1 and the total sum of the outputs is equal to 1. Given N possible labels, the mathematical representation of this function is:

S(yi) = eyi PN

j=0eyj (2.11)

2.5 Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network

2.5.1 LeNet

LeNet-5 is a pioneering CNN architecture introduced in 1998 by Yann LeCun et al [39]. The purpose of this architecture was to recognise hand-written number on bank documents recreated as 32×32 greyscale images. The architecture is pretty straightforward and, nowadays, it is mainly used for teaching purposes. It consists of two sets of convolutional and average pooling layers followed by a convolutional and two fully-connected layers and, in the end, a softmax classifier.

Figure 2.11. LeNet-5 Architecture. Diagram from original paper [39].

2.5.2 AlexNet

AlexNet is a Convolutional Neural Network that, back in 2012, won the Imagenet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), the annual challenge for object detection and image classification. The architecture was really efficient for that year, in fact it obtained 16% top-5 error and the second best result obtained 26.2%.


The AlexNet architecture is made up of 8 layers, of which 5 are Convolutional layers and 3 are fully connected. The output layer is an Activation layer with SoftMax activation function and moreover there are Activation layers with ReLU activation after all the other trainable layers. Moreover there are some non trainable layers as well: 3 Pooing layers, 2 Normalization layer and 1 Dropout layer. The last ones are used to reduce overfitting.

2.5.3 ResNet

ResNet (Residual Network) is a family of architectures which exploits the usage of some residual blocks in the model. Going in depth with neural network ensures an increase of the accuracy of the network but doing this we must face some problems and we should take care of them introducing some techniques:

• Overfitting risk

• Vanishing gradient

The weights are updated, with the back-propagation mechanism, starting from the final layers. If the network is too depth, this problem arises and, basically, a very low value of gradient arrives to the earlier layers of the network and, although it should update them, its value is low and the update is not tangible.

• Degradation of Training Error Value

This problem is related to Vanishing gradient and it happens when the training error value decreases too much when passing through the layers.

Figure 2.12. Residual block used in ResNet Architecture


The ResNet Architectures aims to reduce the previous problems by means of the introduction of residual block. The residual block (figure 2.12 creates a direct path between the input and the output of a specific set of layers (let’s call it A).

This means that those layers weights (A weights) are updated with a training error value but the following layers weights are update with the sum of this training error value and the training error coming from layers A. So, summarizing, the core idea of ResNet is the introduction of the so-called Identity Shortcut Connection which skips one or more layer and bring the value of training error to earlier layers without changing it. Following this approach, in [40] the authors refined the concept of residual block and proposed a pre-activation variant of residual block. With this new residual block approach, the gradients can flow through different shortcut paths to any other earlier layers.

2.5.4 Inception v3

In this paragraph, I will describe more in details the architecture of Inception-v3 neural network since it is the network that I used in my experiment described in chapter 4. The Inception-v3 architecture is an evolution of the previous version of the architecture obtained by rethinking the architecture itself, increasing the efficiency and decreasing the number of parameters.

The first version of Inception architecture was introduced as GoogLeNet in 2015.

Later the architecture was refined with the introduction of batch normalization and Inception-v2 was released. Moreover, the architecture was re-factored in order to add Factorization Convolution, to modify the Auxiliary Classifier and to introduce an Efficient Grid Size Reduction and Inception-v3 version was re- leased.

The Factorization Convolution consists in reducing the number of parame- ters without decreasing the network efficiency. The factorization techniques used in Inception-v3 are the following.

• Factorization into smaller convolutions

This technique aims to increase the number of Convolutional layers, stacking them, but reducing the size of the kernel of each layer. For example, 1 layer with 7×7 kernel filter dimension has 49 parameters while 3 layers with 3×3 have 27 parameters. The number of parameters is reduced by 45%. An example


is shown in figure 2.13. With the usage of this technique is possible to modify a single Inception module (basic structure of Inception-vX architectures) and to reduce the number of the network parameters.

• Factorization into asymmetric convolutions

This technique aims to reduce the number of parameters by means of adding some asymmetrical Convolutional layers. The main concept is that it is pos- sible to replace a N×N filter with 2 consecutive layer of size 1×N and N×1 knowing N2 is usually greater than 2N. For example, 1 layer with 7×7 ker- nel filter dimension has 49 parameters while 2 layers with 1×7 and 7×1 have 14 parameters. The number of parameters is reduced by 72%. An example in shown in figure 2.14. With the usage of this technique is possible to modify a single Inception module and to reduce the number of the network parameters.

Figure 2.13. Graphic representation of Factorization into Smaller Convolutions where two consecutive 3×3 Convolutional layers replace one 5×5. Diagram from [10].

The Auxiliar Classifier, already present since Inception-v1, had some modi- fication with Inception-v3. The v1 version has 2 Auxiliary Classifiers while the v3 version has only 1 Auxiliary Classifier on top of the last 17×17 layers. The purpose of the Auxiliary Classifier is also different: firstly it was used to allow having a deeper network, with the v3 it is used to regularize the network.

Usually, in order to reduce the number of weights, a Max Pooling layer is added.

Sometimes, this layer is not really efficient is inserted before a Convolutional layer or it is too expensive if it is inserted after a Convolutional layer. The Efficient Grid


Figure 2.14. Graphic representation of Factorization into Asymmetric Convolutions where a 3×1 layer followed by a 1×3 replaces a 5×5.

Diagram from [10].

Size Reduction is a technique that aims to reduce these problems and it consists in create an hybrid situation where in a layer there are both part of Convolutional layer and part of Max pooling layer, concatenated.

In figure 2.15, it is represented the entire Inception-v3 Architecture.

Figure 2.15. In this diagram it is represented the Inception-v3 Architecture. The Inception Module A refers to an Inception Module with Factorization into Smaller Convolutions. The Module B refers to an Inception Module with Factorization into Asymmetric Convolutions. The Module C refers to an Inception Module with a combination of Smaller and Asymmetric Convolutions. Diagram from [10].


2.6 Recurrent Neural Network

The most common pattern of Neural Network is feed-forward. This means that each layer receives the ouput of the very previous layer as input. In some situations, usually related to a sequence of actions/features/events, it is important to consider the previous inputs to generate a correct prediction. Recurrent Neural Networks are feed-back Neural Network; they act like they retain memory of what happens in the previous moments (previous input) and use this information to generate the prediction. This means that, at the same time, RNN has 2 inputs: the current input and the input in the previous step.

Figure 2.16. Recurrent Neural Network vs Feed-Forward Neural Network

As N.Donges says in [41], this is important because the sequence of data contains crucial information about what is coming next, which is why a RNN can do things other algorithms can’t.

A Feed-Forward Neural Network assigns a weight matrix to its inputs and then produces the output. Namely, the RNN’s apply weights to the current and also to the previous input and the weights are updated by means of both gradient descent and Backpropagation Through Time 2.6.1.

2.6.1 Backpropagation Through Time

Backpropagation Through Time, or BPTT, is a typology of Backpropaga- tion training algorithm usually applied to Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and


so to sequences of input data. The main concept in BPTT is that a sequence of data is unrolled and for each single input is applied the classic Backpropagation algo- rithm. Then, the objective function is evaluated and so the errors across each single input are calculated and accumulated. In the end, the sequence of data is recreated and the process start over again. By means of BPTT, the error is back-propagated from the last to the first input of the sequence, while unrolling all the input. This allows calculating the error for each input, which allows updating the weights.

2.6.2 Long-Short Term Memory

Figure 2.17. A single LSTM unit. It is possible to see that the output produced (new memory state and new output value) depends on different inputs (old memory state, old output value and new input value). Diagram from [8].

Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks are a type of RNN. Namely, a RNN composed by one or more LSTM units is called LSTM network. LSTM networks have been designed to solve the problems that afflict RNN and obtain great success in remembering information for long periods of time.


The fundamental unit of LSTM networks is the LSTM cell. It is possible to observe in figure 2.17 that the unit has 3 inputs and and 2 outputs.


• Xt: input value of the current step

• Ct-1: memory value generated during the previous step

• ht-1: output value of the previous step


• Ct: memory value generated in the current step

• ht: output value of the current step

Obviously, the unit should not be used alone. The LSTM achieves better results if a chain of LSTM is created. In the chain 2.18 is more evident how the output and the memory cell of a step is used in the following steps.

Figure 2.18. Sequence of LSTM unit, generating a LSTM network. Diagram from [8].

There are 2 important operations which are deeply involved in changing the value of the output of the LSTM unit.

• The first operation is an element-wise multiplication: this operation is in charge to set how much the memory value of the previous step affects the output memory value of the LSTM unit. It is highlighted in the figure 2.19.

• The second operation is an element-wise summation or concatenation: this operation is in charge to set how much the memory value generated during the previous step affects the output value of the unit. It is represented as the 4 light-blue rectangles with a + in the lower part of figure 2.17.


Figure 2.19. This diagram represents the way how the old memory value affects the new memory value. Diagram from [8].

2.7 Keras

Keras is an high-level Deep Learning framework. It runs on top of some of the main Machine Learning frameworks, namely Tensorflow and Theano, and it is writ- ten in Python. As [12] says, Keras has some important properties and principles:

• Modularity: during the creation of a Neural Network, each component (e.g.

layer, activation function, optimizer, etc·) can be defined on its own and a model is build defining each component. This allows to highly customize the model, the approach and the experiments done.

• Extensibility: each component is a single functional unit, this allows the engineers and the researchers to use the framework for almost any scope and target.

• User friendly: the framework is build to be used by human beings, providing APIs which follow best practices and reduce the number of interactions with the below Machine Learning framework.

In Keras, it is possible to generate model in two different way: Sequential pattern and Functional API. Usage of Sequential pattern is pretty straightforward. The model is created by adding layers sequentially. It is enough to declare the input shape in the first layer and the parameters for each layer. On the other hand, Functional


API are used to created more elaborated model that can have inception module or multiple inputs/outputs.


State of the Arts

This chapter introduces the state of the art achieved by some recent approaches to video classification problem and described in academic research papers. The chap- ter starts with a dataset analysis performed to better choose which dataset could be used in the experiment described in the next chapter. The analysis is followed by a sequence of video classification techniques which described the evolution that video classification is having through time.

3.1 Dataset analysis

Before starting my experiments, I performed an analysis on the public available dataset that I could use for video classification, namely Human Action Recognition task. The analysis involved several datasets and two criterion have been used to choose the dataset to use for the experiment:

• Research usage: if a dataset is used in several academic research papers, it is easier to make a comparison with my experiments to evaluate them.

• The size of the dataset: since I performed some offline preprocessing and I used a limited storage AWS instance, the dataset should not be too large so that performing an experiment lasts a reasonable time.

3.1.1 Available datasets for Human Action Recognition

This section presents a sequence of details about the main Human Action Recog- nition datasets. For each dataset the details are:


• Number of video clips

• Number of actions (number of unique labels)

• Video clips quality

• Year


YouTube-8M Dataset is a 2016 large-scale labeled video dataset [46]. It does not consist of video but YouTube video IDs correlated with a specific label. Specifically, there are 6,1 million video IDs for a total amount of 350k hours of video. The video clips are divided in 3862 different classes. Class label are not manually-generated but they are machine-generated from an Inception-V3 CNN trained on ImageNet.


Kinetics (namely Kinetics-600 [53] is a relatively new dataset of human action (2017). It is composed by 500k high-quality video clips from YouTube, single labeled.

It is divided in 600 human action classes and for each class there are at least 600 video clips.

YouTube Sports-1M

YouTube Sports-1M is a large video dataset released in 2014 by Google with the Single Stream Network original paper [37]. The dataset is composed by 1 million YouTube video clips, labelled in 487 different action classes.


UCF101 is an action recognition dataset [15] released in 2012 and composed by 13.320 video clips from YouTube manually labeled in 101 different human action.

This dataset tries to give diversity in terms of variations of camera motion, object appearance, pose, viewpoint and background. This dataset is an extension of UCF50 dataset which has 50 action classes.



HMDB (Human Motion Database) is a 2011 dataset [47] composed by 6849 video clips from YouTube divided in 51 action categories, each containing at least 101 video clips.

ActivityNet 200

ActivityNet-200 [48] is a 2016 video action dataset used for benchmark. It aims to cover a wide range of huuman activities involving daily living. It is composed by 648 hours of untrimmed video divided in 200 labelled classes.


HOLLYWOOD2 is one of the first publicly available dataset for video action classification. It is available since 2009 [49] and it is composed by 3,5k video clips divided in 12 classes.

KTH University - Recognition of human actions dataset

KTH Recognition of human actions dataset [54] is a relatively old action recog- nition dataset composed by around 2,4k video clips manually divided in 6 human action class. The actions are performed in 4 different scenarios.


Charades and Charades-Ego [50] are two dataset recent (2017) video action recognition datasets. The first one is composed by 9,8k video clips of daily indoors activities, containing 66k temporal annotations for 157 action classes while the sec- ond one is composed by 7,8k video clips of daily indoor activities, containing 68k temporal annotation for 157 action classes.

3.1.2 Available datasets for generic actions


The 20BN-Jester dataset [51] is a human hand gestures dataset composed by 148k video clips recorded in front of a laptop camera. It is manually labeled with


Dataset video clips labels year

KTH University Dataset 2,4k 6 2005

HOLLYWOOD2 3,5k 12 2009

HMDB51 6,8k 51 2011

UCF101 13,3k 101 2012

YouTube Sports-1M 1 million 487 2014

ActivityNet 200 20k 200 2016

Kinetics 500k 30 2017

Charades 9,8k 157 2017

Charades-Ego 6,8 157 2017

YouTube-8M 6,1 million 3862 2018

20BN-Jester 220k 27k 2017

20BN-Something-Something 220k 27k 2017

Moments 1 million 339 2018

Table 3.1. Statistics about datasets analyzed

27 labels, this means that about 5k video clips are available for each hand gesture while there is the class (Doing other things) that collects about 12k video clips itself.


The BN-Something-Something v2 dataset [52] is a large dataset of video clips which involves humans performing some actions with everyday objects. It is com- posed by about 220k video clips divided in 174 labels, manually annotated. There are about 3,7k video clips for each label.

Moments in Time

Moments in Time is a large video dataset [55] related to a research project by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. The project (2018) is dedicated to building a very large-scale dataset to help AI systems recognize and understand actions and events in videos. It is composed by 1 million 3 seconds video clips divided in 339 action classes.


3.2 Video classification architectures and approaches

3.2.1 Single Stream Network architecture

The Single Stream Network architecture is a work made by Karpathy et al.

in June 2014 [37]. According to this work, everything starts from the great success achieved by Convolutional Neural Network in image classification, segmentation and detection. They have tried to apply the same concepts to video clip. As said in 3.1.1, they introduced their own dataset due to the lack of a benchmark dataset used by scientific community. About the techniques introduced, the term single is related to the fact that only the spatial information are evaluated and considered for the final prediction; in this early phase of deep learning usage for human action recognition, the spatiotemporal information are not considered. They explored and experimented how to represent the temporal behavior by stacking a sequence of consecutive frames using 2D pre-trained convolutional neural networks.

Namely, they evaluated multiple ways to merge this sequence of frames.

Despite these good ideas in experimenting, the authors realized that the results were worse compared with the state-of-the-art which in that moment was related to the hand-crafted feature algorithms. They assume that the reasons of the failure are:

the lack of spatiotemporal features extracted from the sequence of frame and the fact that is difficult to learn too much detailed features on a low-diversity dataset.

On the other hand, they introduced a first good approach to transfer learning; they trained their model on YouTube Sports-1M and then transferred learning evaluating the UCF101 dataset.

Figure 3.1. Two-stream architecture for video classification [29]


3.2.2 Two Streams Network architecture

The main concept of the Two Streams Network architecture is related to the pioneering work done by Simonyan and Zisserman in 2014 [29]. They understood which were the problems related with Single Stream Network and created an archi- tecture that aims to make them less effective. In the name, two is related to the fact that two subnetworks are created to manage separately the spatial features and temporal features by means of two separated convolutional neural net- works. The spatial subnetwork is fed with single frame in input while a sequence of 10 successive stacked optical flow frames is the input of the temporal subnet- work. The two streams are singly trained and the prediction results are combined by using Support Vector Machine, exploiting an average across sampled frames. This approach increase the performance of the single stream architecture due to the fact that temporal features are evaluated explicitly. The architecture laid the foundations for several future approaches. On the other hand, there are still some disadvantages:

• There is the need to pre-compute optical flow vectors and store them locally

• The final prediction is obtained from averaging the predictions coming from sampled frames so the long range temporal information is not evaluated in the feature.

3.2.3 Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks

In a previous work by Ng et al. [32] authors had explored the idea of using LSTM networks to see if they were able to capture temporal information from clips. The main concept of this technique is to use Recurrent Neural Network instead of Convolution Neural Network to better extract temporal features. Later, Donahue et al. [33] proposed a paper that, starting from Ng et al. works, introduced some new ideas and techniques by means of the usage of LSTM blocks (decoder) after convolution blocks(encoder) and using end-to-end training of entire architecture.

They also noticed that the final prediction is higher if they consider more the optical flow prediction compared to RGB one. So that, they introduced a weighted scoring prediction technique that should ensure an higher accuracy. The architecture is trained with 16 frames (both optical flow and RGB) sampled from a video clips.

The final prediction for each clip is evaluated as the average of predictions across each time step.


3.2.4 Temporal Segment Network

Temporal Segment Network [31] architecture is a good enhancement of the Two Stream Network and it currently generates the state-of-the-art results. According to the paper, there are two main problems during predictions generation and they are mostly a direct effect of the disadvantages explained in 3.2.2.

• Long-range temporal information has an important role in understanding the dynamics of a video clip. Common CNN approach is focused on short-range temporal information, usually a frame, and this leads to a reduced ability to understand the global contexts and so the actions.

• The size of the dataset plays an important role in the experiments. Usually, if the dataset is big and it contains heterogeneous elements, it allows CNNs, or any Deep Learning Networks, to achieve an higher accuracy and better performance. The datasets available for Human Action Recognition are limited in both size and diversity and, consequently, the network has an high risk of over-fitting.

The paper introduces two major improvements:

• Video clips are divided in segments and then are sampled to better model long range temporal features.

• In order to create the final prediction, temporal and spatial streams are firstly evaluated separately by averaging each video clip and the final spatial and temporal features are used for a weighted average that generate the final prediction over all classes.

Moreover, some important techniques and best practices are described in the same paper. They consolidate some general preprocessing operations that aim to increase the general performance of a video classification process with a dataset that can suffer overfitting problems. Namely, batch normalization, dropout and pre-training.

Additionally, the authors have evaluated two different approaches to consider the optical frames: the warped optical flow and the RGB difference.


3.2.5 3D Convolutional Networks

This architecture has been introduced by Tran et al. [34] in 2015. Inspired by the deep learning breakthroughs in the image domains, they supposed that the same techniques could be applied to a video clip as well. Usually convolution is done on a 2D frame but the core concept of the 3D convolutional networks is that the convolution technique is applied on the whole video. This implies that, for video classification, convolutional operations are done across all the frames of a video, with a kernel size that includes also a new dimension, as it is shown in figure 3.2. The original idea involved the training of these networks on Sports1M and then the usage of the model as a features extractor for other datasets.

Figure 3.2. Convolutional operation done on a sequence of frames

3.2.6 Two-Stream Inflated 3D Convolutional Networks

J.Carreira and A.Zisserman proposed [35] a sequence for the 3D convolutional network approach. The main difference introduced with the Two-Stream Inflated 3D Convolutional Networks (I3D) is related to the fact that instead of a single 3D network, there are two different 3D networks, one for each stream of the Two Streams architecture.

Thanks to this approach, an important fact has been realized. The usage of a pre-trained 2D model can increase the performance of the system if applied to the se- quences of video clip frames. The spatial stream input now consists of frames stacked in time dimension instead of single frames as in basic Two Streams architectures.


3.2.7 Temporal 3D Convolutional Networks

Diba et al. proposed [36] this new approach that continues to extend the work done on 3D Convolutional Network. The idea is the usage of a multi-depth temporal pooling layer, called Temporal Transition Layer, starting from a single stream 3D DenseNet based architecture. This new layer is positioned after dense blocks and it is used to capture different temporal depths. The multi-depth pooling is achieved performing pooling operations with variable temporal kernel sizes.

Moreover, in the same paper the authors also introduce a new technique of su- pervising transfer learning, represented in figure 3.3. This technique involves passing the learning from a pre-trained 2D convolutional neural networks to a Temporal 3D convolutional networks. RGB frames are generated from each video clip and then they are presented two by two as input of the two networks. Then the whole model (both networks joined) is trained to predict True/False if the pair of frames come from the same video clip or not. When the T3D makes a wrong prediction, the er- ror is back-propagated and updated the weights of the T3D, effectively transferring knowledge from one network to the other.

Figure 3.3. Knowledge transfer architecture from a pre-trained 2D Con- vNet to 3D ConvNet


Figure 3.4. Model Architecture of TS-LSTM [43]


Experiments Design and Implementation

4.1 Introduction

I performed a series of experiments where each one adds some enhancements to reach better results, taking ideas and approaches from the remarkable scientific pa- pers. Among the available datasets, I chose to use UCF101. I have implemented the experiments in Python 3.6 as programming language and Keras v2 Tensorflow backended as Deep Learning Framework. All the codes, the scripts and the results are available in a public repository in my GitHub profile [14].

In paragraph 2.6 I described the approaches and the capabilities of the Re- current Neural Networks. They are obtaining a great success in supervisioned learning model with the presence of time series and, so, they could be suitable and equally efficient in a video classification where a video can be seen as a sequence of image and an image can be seen as a sequence of values generated by a trained Convolutional Neural Networks. Starting from three scientific papers, I referred to and try to improve 3 of them and namely the architecture described by them: Single Stream Convolutional Network [37] described in paragraph 3.2.1, Two Stream Convolutional Network [29] described in paragraph 3.2.2 and, in the end, Tem- poral Segment Network [31] described in paragraph 3.2.4. For each of them a propose a solution using Recurrent Neural Network by means of LSTM layer. Hyper- parameters and other information are summarized in the table 4.1. Chih-Yao Ma et al. exploits a similar approach in [43] so the results of my experiments are compared


to Ma’s ones as well. The experiments performed and their genesis are:

Single Stream LSTM Recurrent Neural Network

In this experiment, described in paragraph 4.5, I create a Recurrent Network starting from the architecture of Single Stream Convolutional Network [37]. The differences introduced are related to input of the network, the layers and the number of parameters. The input of the Single Stream Network is represented by a sequence of image while the input of the Single Stream RNN is represented by a sequence of predictions generated from the RGB frames of the video clips, by means of a pre-trained CNN (Inception-v3).

Two Streams LSTM Recurrent Neural Network

This experiment, described in paragraph 4.6, is a natural follow-up to the previ- ous one. In the Two Stream Convolutional Network [29], starting from a video clip, a sequence of RGB and a sequence of Optical Flow frames are generated and are used as input of the model. The differences introduced are related to the input of the network, the layers and the the number of parameters. The input of the Two Streams RNN is represented by a sequence of predictions generated from the RGB frames of the video clips and a sequence of predictions generated from the Optical Flow frames, by means of a pre-trained CNN (Inception-v3).

Temporal Segment Network LSTM Recurrent Neural Network

This experiment, described in paragraph 4.7, extends the previous one with the usage of one of the remarkable technique introducing by Temporal Segment Network [31]. Namely, each video clip of the dataset is divided in segments and each segment is used as input of the model. The output is generated with a consensus function, evaluating the prediction of the segments belonging to the same video clip.

4.2 UCF101 - Action Recognition Dataset

I conducted experiments on a large dataset called UCF101 [15], this dataset is very popular in scientific research papers and so it can be easy to make a comparison


between models and architectures. It contains 101 action classes distributed among 13320 video clips; it is divided into 25 different groups, each composed by 4 to 7 video clips. Generally, video clips are quite different from each other in terms of background, sight corner, point of view but the ones inside the the same group share some visual properties. Moreover, it is possible to divide the classes in 5 macro- classes: Human-Object Interaction, Body-Motion Only, Human-Human Interaction, Playing Musical Instruments and Sports.

Figure 4.1. UCF101 dataset

I followed a cross-validation approach as evaluation scheme with the three official training and testing splits. In this evaluation approach, each official split is used as a training subset and validation subset; at the end, there will be 3 validation values for each measured metric. The final metric value is the average of the 3 values for each metric.


In my implementation, I found really helpful to model each video as an object of class VideoObject in order to have all necessary information (group and clip number, name, file path) in one single object. In the preprocessing module, there is a script called dataset_split.py that is in charge to divide the entire dataset into two lists of VideoObject objects, one for training and the other for validation, according to the three official splits.

4.3 Frames generation

Since all the experiments require frames as input, I chose to generate all the RGB frames offline. In order to achieve this task, I used FFmpeg [16] open source, free software project that provide some tools for handling video and photo files. I have generated a number of frames at 25 fps by means of FFmpeg and store them, using lexicographic order for the filename so that the temporal sequence could be re-created. Basically, the UCF101 dataset becomes a series of RGB frames file for each video clips.

As it is described in details in the following pages, the second and the third experiments require also Optical Flow frames. Optical flow [19] [21] is a pattern of apparent motion of image objects between two consecutive frames caused by the movement of object or camera. Given two frames, it is possible to generate an optical flow image that represents the displacement of each point from the position in the first frame to the position in the second one. Two assumptions are done: pixel intensities of an object do not change in two consecutive frames and neighbouring pixels have similar motion. These frames are used to extract the temporal behavior of a video clip.

According to my implementation, in order to generate RGB frames, it is possible to exploit the frames_generator.py Python script in the preprocessing module for all the experiments and the Python script flow_frames_generator.py in the same module for the experiments that require Optical Flow frames.

I generated the Optical Flow frames with two different techniques. The first technique I used is available in the OpenCV2 [20] library for Python. The library provide different typologies of optical flow dense estimation but according to [17]

Farneback Optical Flow Estimation [18] is the one which better estimates the temporal properties of this dataset video clips, among the ones available in the


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This chapter provides an overview of the existing literature on human action recognition field and it is organized as follows: in Section 2.1 we propose a brief discussion on the