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Breast—Nipple Discharge


Academic year: 2021

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Breast—Nipple Discharge


Either from benign or malignant cause. Benign typically are non-spontaneous, bilateral, clear or milky, and from multiple ducts. Bloody discharge typically from an intraductal papil- loma (45%), duct ectasia (35%) or infection (~5%). However, it may be a cancer (~5%); this is a common curveball.

Way Question May be Asked?

“A 45 y/o female presents to your office with the complaint of unilateral bloody nipple discharge for the past one month.” May be given just nipple discharge and have to work through type, spontaneity, laterality, and recent med- ications that have been started. May also be given nipple discharge in young female.

How to Answer?

Full History

Risk factors for malignancy Trauma

Fluid characteristics (clear, milky, serous, bloody) Bilateral or unilateral

When discharge occurs stimulated or spontaneous (spontaneous worrisome)


Thyroid disorder New medications

Full Physical Exam

Examination of both breasts in upright and supine positions

Examination of lymph node basins

Try to determine a responsible quadrant/responsible ducts

Diagnostic Tests

Must get mammogram

U/S (subareolar area images poorly on mammogram) Hemoccult test

Cytology (rarely helpful, and negative result doesn’t exclude malignancy

Ductogram (painful, and rarely helpful)

MRI (rarely helpful for papilloma, but may detect other lesions)

Then, if you have bloody discharge, you are in one of several situations:

(1) Negative mammogram/negative PE for mass/negative responsible quadrant

Have pt follow-up in several weeks and check for responsible quadrant on breast self-exam. Then, on follow-up:

(a) Negative mammogram/PE for mass/negative responsible quadrant

→ total subareolar ductal system resection (b) Negative mammogram/PE for mass/positive

responsible quadrant

→ subareolar wedge resection ductal system for that quadrant

(c) Positive mammogram/PE for mass/positive responsible quadrant

→ excisional biopsy of mass and subareolar wedge resection

(2) Negative mammogram/PE for mass/positive responsi- ble quadrant

→ subareolar wedge resection of the ductal system draining that quadrant

(3) Positive mammogram/PE for mass/positive responsi- ble quadrant

→ excisional biopsy or core-needle biopsy of mass on mammogram and subareolar wedge resection

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4 Breast—Nipple Discharge

Surgical Treatment

Circumareolar incision (some make incision at nip- ple/areola border)

Elevate areola

Dissect ducts leading to areola

Identify abnormal duct by dilatation, stent, dye or mass (if can identify single duct otherwise subareolar wedge resection of the ductal system draining that quadrant)

Tie off distal duct or will still drain out of nipple post- op (your seroma!)

Common Curveballs

The pathology won’t be a benign intraductal papilloma but a type of breast cancer (may range from LCIS and DCIS to invasive cancer→don’t forget about checking lymph nodes and adjuvant therapy!) The nipple discharge will persist after a subareolar

wedge resection

There won’t be a responsible quadrant

There will be a mass in the same breast, different quad- rant, or in the opposite breast

Not bloody discharge but persistent atypical cells on slide cytology (now what do you do?)

Pt will be pregnant Pt will be teenager


Performing surgery for non-spontaneous, bilateral, clear/milky discharge

Failing to check the same breast for palpable masses or examine the other breast

Failing to establish risk factors for malignancy

Failing to check nodal status if pathology returns malignancy

Failing to order a mammogram/U/S Discussing ductoscopy

Performing mastectomy for bloody nipple discharge Not being able to shift into discussion of malignancy if

pathology doesn’t reveal expected papilloma, but rather an invasive carcinoma

Trusting slide cytology/hemoccult tests and not taking pt to surgery with suspicious nipple discharge Wasting time working up a prolactinoma

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