• Non ci sono risultati.



5.3.3. Alignment of firm’s structures, processes, and incentives

Since the shift toward green procedures and investments might be new to a company, it is important that managers align the whole structure, process, and people with those goals.

In particular, organizations might put in place the following three actions (Delmas &

Burbano 2011):

-Improve the level of communication within the firm so as to finally avoid greenwashing procedures generated by miscommunication problems, so that the company will also be able to overcome the problems of slowly responding to environmental changes engendered by organizational inertia

-Training of employees to the CSR goals that need to be achieved by the company, in such a way that everybody in the company from C-level managers to blue collars pursue the same objectives

-Promotions and incentives to employees acting following the environmental goals and waving greenwashing practices.


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