• Non ci sono risultati.




In this paragraph the analysis is different for the company who adopt AM and for the other that not adopt. Among the company that does not use 3d printers in their production processes only the 18,75% was interested in investing resources into 3D technology. These

Figure 80- Timing for direct investment casting

Figure 81- Timing for SLM

71 19%


Yes No



Yes No

figures might be justified by the fact that the majority of which not planning to switch their current production processes were made of micro firms whose brand image rests on handcraft and luxury principles. Among the enterprises using 3d printers 75 % were planning to go on investing resources. This shows how once AM techniques are implemented in the company’s processes the benefits are immediately recognized and the innovation brought by this technology has a positive impact on the company.

Figure 82 - Future perspectives for the company does not adopt AM technologies

Figure 83 - Future perspectives for the company adopt AM technologies



AM technologies are now quite mature technologies and you can see that they are also used to produce parts for sensitive sectors such as medical or aerospace. The idea that 3D printing can only be used for prototyping is now outdated and many industries are also taking advantage of the use of this technology to produce the finished product directly. The aim of this thesis was to analyze how much AM technologies have penetrated in the goldsmith sector and more specifically in the Italian goldsmith sector, analyzed through the three main districts of Valenza, Vicenza and Arezzo. The Italian goldsmith industry, analyzed in depth in chapter 2, is known all over the world for its history and for the quality of the finished product. The three main districts of the peninsula, despite the difficulties due to the pandemic covid, have managed to maintain a high level of exports not only in Europe but also in America and Asia.

The studies of Progold, analyzed in chapter 4, shows how the advantages of the introduction of the SLM technique within the goldsmith context are evident in spite of disadvantages due to costs and production in series. The SLM compared to the two most widely used techniques in the goldsmith industry, Direct Investment Casting but above all the historical technique of lost wax casting (presented in detail in chapter 3) shows advantages in the production of small batches of jewelry. In a world increasingly marked by the exclusivity of the product, Selective Laser Melting can give a competitive advantage not of little account when used within the production processes. Another important use of 3d printing is to produce models for the direct microfusion process in less time and especially with greater precision. For this reason, Chapter 5 presents the adoption of these techniques in a cutting-edge market in this sector such as the Italian one. The analysis was carried out through questionnaires submitted to companies in the districts of Valenza, Arezzo and Vicenza. Although not so many responses were collected, the data collected give an idea of the current situation of Italian goldsmiths in the field of 3d printing for goldsmith production. The adoption rate is just over 50% within the sample and this shows that the abandonment of traditional techniques, for a market that makes tradition a cornerstone, is not simple. The prevalence of micro and small companies, in addition to affecting adoption, also affects investments, which in a few cases are more than 100 thousand euros. The most widely used technique is that of lost wax casting, flanked in many cases by direct microfusion. A very important data that has emerged is that relating to the use of the SLM technique since only 8.33% of adopters use Selective Laser Melting. Firms, indeed, are still

73 sceptical about the maturity of such technology. Especially micro and small ones are afraid of switching to a new technology that would change their production process radically requiring big capital investments as well. Although companies that have not adopted additive techniques have indicated in large numbers that they do not intend to invest in 3d printing in the coming years, a large percentage of adopters have indicated that they want to invest in technology in the future. This shows how once AM techniques are implemented in the company’s processes the benefits are immediately recognized and the innovation brought by this technology has a positive impact on the company.









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Companies Driving Digital Manufacturing


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