• Non ci sono risultati.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <machine.h>

#include "platform.h"

#include "r_switches.h"

#include "./encoders/encoder_1.h" /* encoder header file */

#include "./encoders/encoder_2.h"

#include "./imu/SetupAHRS.h"

#include "./imu/AHRS.h"

#include "./imu/imu.h"

#include "CMT.h" /* Control time unit */

#include "PWM.h" /* Output control */

#include "./imu/i2c.h"

#include "./sensCurr/sens_current.h"

#include "PID.h" /* PID struct and method */

#include "utility.h"

#include "filters.h"

#include "./wifi/bike_uart.h"

#include "./wifi/bike_command.h"

#include "S12ADC.h"

unsigned char Enable_lcd_enc = 1;

/* This variable are used to store data used trough many function */

float result_adc;

float ref_curr=0;

short PID_ON=0;

posReg position;

extern struct encoder_data enc;

extern struct encoder_2_data enc_2;

/*AHRS per IMU*/

AHRS_out ahrs;

extern unsigned int TX_Flag_CSTART;

extern unsigned int TX_Flag_BSTART;

extern unsigned int TX_Flag_FORCED;


* Function name: main

* Description : Main program function

* Arguments : none

* Return value : none


void main(void) {

/* Local variable */

float voltaggio;

float appoggio=0, appoggio1=0, appoggio2=0;

float speed, current, spd_mot, spd_ruota, speed_ref, balance;

float c0_filt;

float cntrlVoltage[2]= {0,0}; //offset[2];

short res=0;

struct sens_cur SdC0;


//speed_ref = 0.56; // m/s = 2 km/h (conv 1:3.6) //speed_ref = 1.11; // m/s = 4 km/h

//speed_ref=1.67; // m/s = 6 km/h //speed_ref= 2.22; // ms = 8 km/h float tens=0;

float offset;

float newVsen=0; //current value read unsigned int old=0;

unsigned int new=0;

unsigned int i=0;

unsigned short int state=0;

uint8_t pc_buffer[100];

/* PIDs struct, decleared one at time and stored in array */

pidSt pos0, pos1, spd0, spd1, cur0, cur1, bal0, bal1;

pidSt * pid_pos[2] = {&pos0, &pos1};

pidSt * pid_speed[2] = {&spd0, &spd1};

pidSt * pid_current[2] = {&cur0, &cur1};

pidSt * pid_balance[2] = {&bal0, &bal1};

uint8_t lcd_buffer[20];

/* Initialize LCD */


/* Clear LCD */


/* Display message on LCD */

lcd_display(LCD_LINE1, " RENESAS ");

lcd_display(LCD_LINE2, " YRDKRX63N ");

/* The three pushbuttons on the YRDK board are tied to interrupt lines, set them up here */


/* Initialize and start the Compare Match Timer */


/* initializing PWM 1 2 => MTU4*/

PWM_Init(1); //trazione PWM_Init(2); //sterzo

/* Initialize of control struct and direction pin */



/*initialize Encoder 1 2 and their needed peripherials */



/* Initialization of PID struct, 3 for each motor. */








/*initialization of Wi-Fi*/


/*init i2c */


/* init IMU */


/*Initialize AD 12bit Converter */


/* init sens current */

sens_curr_init(&SdC0, 0);

unsigned int t;

for (int i=0; i<400; i++) { t=general_timer_mS;

while (general_timer_mS < t+10);

if(Manage_ADC() == 1){

/* Fetch the results from the ADC12 */

newVsen = S12ADC_read( );

/* Using a software filter*/

offset = MovingAvgFilter(newVsen,2);

} Tc_5mS = false;

// Fetch the encoder state for motor 1 if(Manage_ADC() == 1)


/*Fetch the results from the ADC12 */

newVsen = S12ADC_read( );

/* Using a software filter */

//tens = MovingAvgFilter(Low_pass_filter(newVsen),2);

//tens = Low_pass_filter(newVsen);


tens = MovingAvgFilter(newVsen,2);

/*from voltage to ampere

sensitivity : max_current = k : voltage*/

result_adc = (tens-offset)*8.19;

} }

if (Tc_10mS) { Tc_10mS = false;


appoggio1=enc_2.position_in_pigreek_radians_units * 3.1415 ; if (res == 1) {

lcd_display(LCD_LINE7, "error SdC");


//calculate pid result channel 2 if(PID_ON==1){

//controllo con pid di coppia, velocit`a e posizione //speed = calcPID ( 0.174533, appoggio1 , pid_pos[1]);

//current = calcPID ( 3.0, enc_2.speed_in_rad_per_sec , // pid_speed[1]);

//cntrlVoltage[1] = calcPID ( 0.8, result_adc, pid_current[1]);

//cntrlVoltage[1] = 12;

//controllo con PID di posizione, poich`e non `e possibile controllare lo sterzo attraverso il PID di coppia.

cntrlVoltage[1] = calcPID ( balance , appoggio1 , pid_pos[1]);

appoggio2 = cntrlVoltage[1];



cntrlVoltage[1] = rescale(cntrlVoltage[1], 2);


if (Tc_20mS) { Tc_20mS = false;


if(state == 1) {

res = read_curr(&SdC0);

c0_filt = MovingAvgFilter(SdC0.curr/1000, 0);

state = 0;

} else {

sens_curr_init(&SdC0, 0);

state = 1;


appoggio = (enc.position_in_pigreek_radians_units * 3.1415);

//calculate pid result channel 1

//speed = calcPID ( position.gradual[0], appoggio, pid_pos[0]);

spd_mot = enc.speed_in_rad_per_sec;

// ruota dentata minore : maggiore = 36 mm : 54 mm = //=54/36 = 1,5

spd_ruota = spd_mot * 1.5;

//diametro ruota 355.6 mm

voltaggio = - calcPID ( speed_ref, spd_ruota*0.3556/2 , pid_speed[0]);

if (voltaggio > 0) { voltaggio = 0; } cntrlVoltage[0] = voltaggio;

//rescale signal to pwm and update

cntrlVoltage[0] = rescale(cntrlVoltage[0], 1);


Tc_50mS = false;





balance = calcPID( 0.0, ahrs.ahrs_data.RollRad, pid_balance[0]);


if (Tc_100mS) {

Tc_100mS = false;

sprintf((char*)lcd_buffer, "time = %d", i);

lcd_display(LCD_LINE8, lcd_buffer);

// sprintf((char*)lcd_buffer, "%f", speed);

// lcd_display(LCD_LINE4, lcd_buffer);

// sprintf((char*)lcd_buffer, "%f", enc_2.speed_in_rad_per_sec);

// lcd_display(LCD_LINE5, lcd_buffer);

// sprintf((char*)lcd_buffer, "%.3f", result_adc);

// lcd_display(LCD_LINE6, lcd_buffer);

// sprintf((char*)lcd_buffer, "%f",cntrlVoltage[1] );

// lcd_display(LCD_LINE7, lcd_buffer);

// sprintf((char *)lcd_buffer, " p= %.1f" , // enc_2.position_in_degree);

// lcd_display(LCD_LINE6, lcd_buffer);




if(TX_Flag_CSTART == 1) { //sprintf((char *)pc_buffer,

//sprintf((char *)pc_buffer, "%u\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" , get_ms(),ahrs.ahrs_data.RollDeg,

// ahrs.ahrs_data.PitchDeg, ahrs.ahrs_data.YawDeg);

//sprintf((char *)pc_buffer, "%u\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" ,

get_ms(), result_adc, appoggio2, enc_2.speed_in_rad_per_sec );

//sprintf((char *)pc_buffer, "%u\t%.3f\t\n" , get_ms(),

enc_2.position_in_degree );\\

sprintf((char *)pc_buffer, "%u\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" , get_ms(), enc_2.position_in_degree, ahrs.ahrs_data.RollDeg );

send_data((char*)pc_buffer, str_length((char*)pc_buffer));



speed_ref = 2.22; // m/s = 8 km/h (conv 1:3.6) } else {speed_ref=0.00;}


} /* end while */

} /* End of function main() */


* Function name: sw1_callback

* Description : Callback function that is executed when SW1 is pressed.

* Called by sw1_isr in r_switches.c

* Arguments : none

* Return value : none


void sw1_callback(void) {


} /* End of function sw1_callback() */


* Function name: sw2_callback

* Description : Callback function that is executed when SW2 is pressed.

* Called by sw2_isr in r_switches.c

* Arguments : none

* Return value : none


void sw2_callback(void) {


} /* End of function sw2_callback() */


* Function name: sw3_callback

* Description : Callback function that

is executed when SW3 is pressed.

* Called by sw3_isr in r_switches.c

* Arguments : none

* Return value : none


void sw3_callback(void) {

nop(); /* Add your code here. Note: this is executing inside an ISR. */

} /* End of function sw3_callback() */

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