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A new machine learning approach to support asset management in water distribution networks.


7 Summary of results

drops. One last important insight about which physical factor affects durability is the nominal diameter, with the failure rate continuously decreasing as the diameter rises (Figure 18).

Even though some data issues, i.e., truncation and censorship have not been addressed in this thesis, logistic and RandomForest predictive models have been able to return important insights in terms of operativity. Indeed, even though sometimes sensitivity and sensibility had not enthusiastic values from a data analysis standpoint, a holistic view and the meaning behind those numbers radically change the interpretation of results. E.g., combining random forest and k-fold cross-validation, by only placing 88 interventions, in a network of more than 13,000 items, in 6 years, around 12% of the total failures over the same period can be avoided. The logistic regression model is stronger in detecting properly failures, with sensitivity up to 0.76, enabling the prevention of more than 90% of the failure. However, this would be very consuming and far from a real operative scenario due to the enormous consumption of resources due to high false-positive prediction. The choice of the proper predictive model is a matter of compromise between the risk of falling into false alarms during the research of leaks and the necessity to provide the best service possible and reduce consumption. This object lies in the scope of the first economic assessment method developed in this thesis, where, based on the function of the cost of a company, the most suitable relationship between sensitivity and sensibility can be determined to optimize the total cost of maintenance.

The second methodology gets close to the real process of maintenance planning of a company such as Aigües Manresa, which first agrees upon the budget to invest in maintenance in a certain period and then put into action interventions. We have seen as relying on a predictive model, such as random forest, leads to higher efficiency than random selection of pipes or replacing by “seniority”, confirming one more time what a powerful tool ML can be also in maintaining a good service level also in water distribution. Water distribution companies, such as Aigües Manresa, can undertake preventive maintenance strategies, using tools and approaches explained in this study to give positive contributions to their performances. Without never forgetting the “green” impact ML can have on the environment, since preventing failure not only avoid capital waste but also waste of water, that as said in the introduction of this report, more and more becomes a scarce resource.

To conclude, the approach with which this thesis has been carried out can be followed for further studies. Reducing complex time-to-next-event problems to a scenario with simply binary 0-1 output, by remodulating the mother-dataset, is a banal but efficient trick able to easily drive to meaningful conclusions, especially when ML knowledge is limited. This simplification, without banalization, of the problem is an important outcome this job was able to reach and that may represent an accessible starting point for future interests. However, future inclusions of more advanced ML techniques such as random survival forest, allowing

A new machine learning approach to support asset management in water distribution networks.

81 to overcome left-truncation and censorship, would enable a better reconstruction of pipes history, to build more powerful predictive models. Also, data imputation techniques may give further support to stronger results, always with the aim of building a more meaningful dataset on which training and testing predictive models. Eventually, the first point of interest to deepen and improve this work stands on the ability to provide to ML algorithms a better dataset, for consistency, solidity and size, on which training and testing. The more predictions are accurate and with both high sensitivity and sensibility, the more a company can increase economic, but also social and environmental, performances.

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