• Non ci sono risultati.



reach in 8-10 years (current calendar life of Li-ion batteries [2]) by simply travelling 41 𝑘𝑚⁄𝑑𝑎𝑦. Actually, the choice of using these thresholds has been made in order to align this paper to the corresponding portion of literature and, at the same time, to compensate all the possible omissions potentially caused by the utilization of simplified solutions in the modelling of the vehicle in Simulink. Moreover, it is also very likely that the average daily distance normally considered by the car manufacturers, for security reasons, is larger than the one employed here.

Consequently, from these latter observations, it follows that, depending on the requirements at stake, the same PSO procedure here proposed could also be performed using different values of life constraints and daily use. Furthermore, it could be assumed too a different regularity with which plug-in recharge is effectuated.

Hence, in these cases, it could potentially occur that, in contrast to what obtained in this work, the PSO does not output dissimilar energy managements at the different ambient temperatures, but that one fits all cases. However, this outcome must not be interpreted as a proof of the irrelevance of the temperature when variating between 15°C and 35°C, but rather as a clue about a possible under-sizing of the electric motor/motors supplied by the battery. In fact, since the fulfillment of the life constraints with an external temperature of 35°C would imply, for the above-mentioned reasons, that the battery durability at 25°C is unnecessarily large, it can be inferred that a more powerful electric motor (enabling the achievement of higher C-rate values) may be installed without implying durability issues. This possibility is certainly interesting because could reduce the intervention of the ICE while travelling short/medium trips, as it occurred while the simulation of the WLTP with the Electric mode selected (subchapter 5.2.). Analogously, in case the life requirements are not satisfied for any temperature, for 20°C neither, it can be concluded that the electric motor is probably over-sized for that particular battery. Therefore, on the whole, it is possible to assert that regardless of the parameters, which must be properly chosen anyway, the proposed PSO can result a valid tool while designing a HEV. However, in order not to neglect peculiar operating aspects of the vehicle, it is fundamental to simulate, as highlighted in this work, several driving missions and different load conditions. In doing so, though, the outcomes of the PSO can be particularly conditioned by the most critical mission. This fact is certainly precautionary, but implies that the fuel consumptions obtained with the RB controller are decisively


greater than those achievable by means of an offline EMS. However, this latter issue can be considerably resized, as sketched in subchapter 7.3. High-Level Strategy, if the RB EMS outputted by the PSO could also access, constantly, to an evaluation of the battery aging evolution. Obviously, the hints present in this paper are not sufficient and further studies should be conducted on this prospect. Furthermore, in order to integrate other questions here summarily debated, it would be undoubtedly interesting to improve, on the whole, the vehicle model simulated, to employ other typologies of Li-ion cells in order to make a comparison of aging rates (evaluated by means of the respective cycle life models) and to thoroughly inspect the battery operation at low temperatures so that it is possible to make a complete treatise of this thermal range as well.




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