• Non ci sono risultati.

Le difficoltà dovute alla non corrispondenza grafema-fonema hanno suscitato uno scarso interesse nei confronti dello studio della lingua inglese Tuttavia, avendo una


E: Le difficoltà dovute alla non corrispondenza grafema-fonema hanno suscitato uno scarso interesse nei confronti dello studio della lingua inglese Tuttavia, avendo una

forma di dislessia lieve, ha trovato un metodo (appunti schematici) che le hanno permesso di raggiungere gli obiettivi previsti dai corsi.

11) Quali attività trovi più difficili? E perché?

-dialoghi da ascoltare o leggere: A(per l’ascolto), B, D -brani da leggere e capire: A(per la comprensione), B, C, D -esercizi sul lessico: B, D

-grammatica: A, B, C(difficoltà a ricordare le regole), D(in italiano, però, riesce a ripetere le regole)

-esercizi di pronuncia: B, D(non riesce ad associare alle parole la giusta pronuncia), E(prova imbarazzo a parlare in inglese; all’estero, tuttavia, riesce ad avere una buona pronuncia)


-esercizi di produzione (scrivere, parlare): A, B, D, E(produzione scritta) -il glossario con le liste di parole da memorizzare: B, D



In this thesis, I focused my attention on the problems connected with English language learning by dyslexic students, concentrating on the university system and, in particular, on the present situation and on future perspectives at Pisa University. I further described the difficulties caused by the study of a foreign language, in particular English, through the answers given by five students of the University of Pisa to a questionnaire that I gave them to complete.

As the answers to my questionnaire prove, English language learning is an extremely challenging task for a dyslexic student. They find it hard to apply the grammar rules, to write and comprehend written texts and to speak in English and exhibit problems in the memorization of lexicon and in the correct pronunciation of foreign words.

This is principally due to a difficulty in the achievement of a good phonological awareness in the foreign language, especially in opaque languages such as English, where the grapheme-phoneme correspondence is particularly weak.

According to the Italian law, dyslexic students have at their disposal compensatory and dispensatory measures as a didactic support.

At University of Pisa, dyslexic students have the assistance of a dedicated office, the Sportello Dislessia, which gives them support during the academic years: it provides students with specific didactic materials and allows them to use dispensatory measures, such as extra-time, during examinations and it mediates with professors.

The Sportello Dislessia, in collaboration with the University language Centre, is engaged in the preparation of an English course specifically ideated for dyslexic students.

I believe that this is an extremely important project: dyslexic students have specific difficulties in English learning related to their low phonological awareness and their problems in the memory systems.

For this reason, there is the necessity of qualified tutors, specialized in the English language teaching, and concentrated on the particular difficulties encountered by dyslexic students. The tutors should develop a specific didactic program that


attempts to improve the phonological awareness, insisting on the phoneme- grapheme correspondences and on the correct pronunciation, in order to make the students able to discriminate the different sounds of English and, consequently, to better understand the oral productions. Particular attention should also be given to the memorization of vocabulary and to the application of grammar rules.

Furthermore, it is important that the tutors are aware of the specific methods and of the recent software for the study of foreign languages realized specifically for dyslexic students.



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