• Non ci sono risultati.

We believe that this work represents a first step in applying formal analysis and verifi-cation techniques to machine learning based on support vector machines. We envisage a number of challenging research topics as subject for future work. Generating adver-sarial examples to machine learning methods is important for designing more robust classifiers [11,41,45] and we think that the completeness of robustness verification of linear binary classifiers (cf. Section3) could be exploited for automatically detecting adversarial examples in linear multiclass SVM classifiers. The main challenge here is to design more precise, ideally complete, techniques for abstracting multi-classification based on binary classification. Adversarial SVM training is a further stimulating re-search challenge. Mirman et al. [23] put forward an abstraction-based technique for adversarial training of robust neural networks. A similar approach could also work for SVMs, namely applying abstract interpretation to SVM training models rather than to SVM classifiers.

Acknowledgements. We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their helpful re-marks. The doctoral fellowship of Marco Zanella is funded by Fondazione Bruno Kes-sler (FBK), Trento, Italy. This work has been partially funded by the University of Padova, under the SID2018 project “Analysis of STatic Analyses (ASTA)” and by the Italian Ministry of Research MIUR, under the PRIN2017 project no. 201784YSZ5

“AnalysiS of PRogram Analyses (ASPRA)”.


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