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Glycopeptide dendrimer libraries for lectin P.A. inhibition

Nel documento UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA (pagine 36-40)

Synthesis of inhibitors of the lectin LecB from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

2.6 Glycopeptide dendrimer libraries for lectin P.A. inhibition

One of the main pharmaceutical strategies aimed at avoiding PA infection and removing or reducing the formation of biofilms originating from these bacterial strain is to find efficient inhibitors of PA-IL and PA-IIL. For this purpose, multivalent ligands (see chapter 1) have already demonstrated to be superior Different multivalent inhibitors based on the multiple display of glycosides, in particularly mannose and galactose21, and having a scaffold based on dendrimers22, oligosaccharides23, or glycopeptides24 are known. Moreover in the literature, no synthetic multivalent ligands were reported for fucose-specific lectins. Among all the different multivalent scaffold which can be used, dendrimers have been deeply studied. The field of dendrimer25 chemistry has undergone a rapid development and has evolved from the discovery and the establishment of efficient synthetic procedures to the characterization of dendrimer properties and the design of functional dendrimers26. Also combinatorial chemistry has recently developed very rapidly with the aim at discovering synthetic compounds useful in biomedical applications where combinatorial chemistry was used. The Reymond’s group recently linked combinatorial to dendrimer chemistry and reported the synthesis of peptide dendrimer27 combinatorial libraries28 together with their use in the discovery of synthetic enzyme models and in drug delivery29. The use of neoglycopeptide dendrimer combinatorial libraries was also applied to the discovery of lectin inhibitors30.

In particular this method was exemplified by the selection of a strong ligand for fucose-specific lectins UEA-I from the plant Ulex europeaeus31 and for PA-IIL. The advantage of using of peptide dendrimer libraries is two-fold. First solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) can be used, ensuring high yields and purity of the products; moreover, identification of the most active members of the library can be easily obtained simply by sequencing its amino acids and without the use of any tag.

Solid phase peptide synthesis was therefore used to prepare a library of peptide dendrimer containing alternating α-amino acids with the branching diamino acids (Lys). At the end of the peptide synthesis, L-fucose units were conjugated to the four terminal amino groups thus obtaining tetravalent glycopeptides dendrimers of up to 37 amino acids in 11 coupling steps (scheme 1).

Scheme 1 Combinatorial Library of Neoglycopeptide Dendrimer (56 = 15 625 sequence) Picture from Org. Lett., vol. 9, No. 8, 2007

For the synthesis of the solid supported combinatorial libraries the “split-and-mix” metod32was used , which allows the simultaneous preparation of a large number of compounds in very few steps33. This synthesis is carried out on a solid phase support consisting of millions of microscopic beads, and results in the so-called one-bead-one-compound (OBOC) libraries in which each of the beads carries only one of the possible compounds.

A large library (15 625-member) with a second-generation dendrimer was prepared on tentagel beads (0.5 g, 0.30 mmol/g diameter bead of 90 µm). Each dendrimer was funcionalized at the N-terminus with L-fucose. The combinatorial library was carried out with amino acids placed in six variable positions to allow positive, negative, hydrophobic, small and polar or aromatic residues during all the sequence (Scheme 2). Each dendrimer was checked by amino acid analysis of randomly selected beads, providing the expected statistical distribution of amino acids at the variable positions.

The library was assayed for binding to biotinylated UEA-I lectin and stained with an alkaline-phosphatase-conjugated antibiotin antibody and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate/ nitro blue tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT) as a chromogenic substrate as described for a related on-bead assay for wheatgerm hemaglutinin34. While the N-acetylated control library gave less than 1% of stained beads in the assay, over 90% of the beads in the fucosylated library were darkly stained. Addition of 3 M fucose during the lectin binding step reduced staining to less than 2% of the beads. Darkly stained beads were manually picked, and their sequence was determined by amino acid analysis. A strong consensus for positively charged lysines at the terminal positions X6 and at position X2 was

observed and therefore the eight dendrimers of Table 2 were independently synthesised by SPPS, fucosylated and cleaved from the resin.

Scheme 2 Combinatorial Library of Neoglycopeptide Dendrimer(56 = 15 625 sequence) Picture from Org. Lett., vol. 9, No. 8, 2007

Dendrimer X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1

FD1 Lys His Val His Gly Ala

FD2 Lys Pro Leu Phe Lys Ile

FD3 Lys His Leu Glu Lys Ile

FD4 Lys Arg Asp Ser Arg Ala

FD5 Lys Thr Ile Ser Arg Leu

FD6 Lys Thr Leu His Lys Ala

FD7 Lys Ala Ile His Lys Thr

FD8 Lys Thr Val Ser Arg Ile

Table 2 Sequences from the Dendrimer Combinatorial Library

Every dendrimer from the library were tested in lectin binding by enzyme-linked lectin assay (ELLA) as described in literature35. This test measures the competition between the ligand and a biotinylated polymeric fucose reagent in the binding with the lectin. This test has identified the FD2 dendrimer as the most potent (Tab. 3) ligand with an IC50 = 11 µM and a relative potency of 115 in reference to L-fucose. The other three dendrimers (FD1, FD3, and FD4) showed relative potencies in the range 20-40, which is similar on a per residue basis to the α-C-allyl fucoside (5).

To study the role played by the dendrimeric structure in these multivalent ligands, the terminal arm 2G0 and the outer branch 2G1 (Fig 4) were also synthesized and tested. A gradual increase in relative potency per fucose unit was observed in the series 2G0 (r.p./n. = 4) → 2G1 (r.p./n. = 11) → FD2 (r.p /n. = 29).

NH2 Fuc Fuc

Fuc Fuc


(2G0) Fuc


(2G1) (FD2)






FD2 = (Fuc-Lys-Pro-Leu)4-(Lys-Phe-Lys-Ile)2-Lys-His-Ile-NH2 2G1 = (Fuc-Lys-Pro-Leu)2-Lys-Phe-Lys-Ile-NH2

2G0 = Fuc-Lys-Pro-Leu-NH2

Fig. 4 Structures of glycopeptide dendrimers FD2 and lower-generation analogues 2G1 and 2G0

No. IC50 (µM) r. p.a nb r. p./nc

1 1265±5 1 1 1

5 261±13 5 1 5

FD1 67±4 19 4 5

FD2 11±0.35 115 4 29

FD3 72±9 18 4 4

FD4 31.5±9 40 4 10

2G0 290±40 4 1 4

2G1 56±6 23 2 11

Tab. 3 IC50 in ELLA test against UEA-I lectin

a r.p. = relative potency to fucose IC50 (fucose)/IC50 (ligand). b n = number of fucosyl units per dendrimer. c Relative potency per fucose residue.

The high potency observed for the FD2 dendrimer seems therefore be due to the multivalent effect, while there is almost no increase in the r.p./n. values for the other tetravalent dendrimers FD1, FD3, and FD4. The strong affinity of FD2 toward UEA-I is therefore deeply dependent on its structure and amino acid sequence. Besides the multivalent presentation of fucosyl units, FD2 probably gives rise also to attractive secondary interactions of its peptide backbone with the lectins.

In fact there could possibly be electrostatic interactions between the 6-fold positively charged

dendrimer and the negatively charges found close to the fucose binding site in UEA-I which can improve the binding. Also inhibition lectin PA-IIL test with FD2 gave a high result of IC50 of 0.14±0.035µM that corresponds to a 80 fold relative potency. As for UEA-I, also in PA-IIL negatively charged residues are found close to the fucose binding site36.

Nel documento UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA (pagine 36-40)

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